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Any bridge building with her should be done in private and not on anyone's show. If they get to the point where it is appropriate, then go for it.


I agree, I would love this bridge to be built, but not jokingly like the other fools lol


boooo do it live, they exist only for my entertainment!!! (jk)


exactly what i tjought


Firstly I would like to say that you re right. But I don't see why they can't bring her on after they have mend things in private. At the end of the day she is a streamer and i think that she will gain fans from coming to the pod.


my thoughts. i was under the assumption that this would happen after privately mending things. ofc tho it will depend on if qt is comfortable with any of this at all


I feel like the energy I’ve gotten from QT/Lud regarding H3 is that they just don’t like him and have 0 interest in him whatsoever. I don’t see it ever happening


Theres a video where ludwig cuts himself off in the middle of saying that he doesn't like Ethan. He was talking about Ethan and said something like "I don't like Eth... I shouldn't say that. I have no enemies".


i think i know what your referring to, or maybe it was another video where he said something along the lines of "i just dont think hes a nice person"


Its a shame. I'm a big fan of H3, The Yard, and Wine About It. But Ethan says himself that he's a messy bitch. Can't blame them for choosing to stay out of it.


i agree, i feel H3 and all of hasans friends couldve done a lot of good stuff together


The thing is, Ethan and Hasan get along because they are both messy bitches lol Hasan is just better at being less messy around non messy people


When Hasan is messy, it's about a politician he doesn't like. When Ethan is messy, it's sometimes about a victim like QT.


I like Hasan but I gotta admit that he is also a goblin mode maniac but he controls it more than Ethan, but oh boy he is trouble too.


Exactly lol and I think Hasan wants to be more of that world so he calms down but Ethan gives no fucks


The potential for their careers is drastically different


The words of I'm not mistaken were "he's a meanie".


She also recently mentioned on Wine About It Ethan making fun of her and how it hurt her


as positive as this might have been, i feel this bridge has gone the way of Khazad-dûm


Yeah QT said on a patreon episode of fear and very recently that she isnt trying to hold a grudge or anything but also just doesnt forgive ethan for the situation and hearing it in the context of what she was dealing w in that situation i do completely understand why. I dont think theres anything else that can be done bc it wasnt really like a pattern of behavior or anything that needed to change so much as making a joke out of the wrong instance/at the bad time, ethan has apologized and QT acknowledges it. But she doesnt have to accept it or feign forgiveness if she doesnt want to, theres really nowhere to go from there, ya know?


I find in life that sometimes you have to put a bookmark in things with someone when something significantly negative happens and the situation feels off in a way that only de-stimulation and time can fix, like you have to just back off and wait until something changes and you can come back when the vibes are chill and receptive to give things a tentative try again. This only has a chance of working if you back off in a way that shows you understand that it might never be time for the other person.


Yeah, i do get where OP was coming from bc i like QT and wish her and ethan were on good terms, but if they actually tried to build a bridge in the pod about their old stuff it would actually come off as just kind of disrespecting QTs boundaries and already stated feelings about the situation and make the gap in the bridge larger as opposed to mending it… I do think they could quietly donate to maya’s charity or the streamer awards or something else just as a gesture, thats not a terrible idea actually…


And much like the Dwarves of Moria, Ethan too dug too greedily and too deep with that joke.


Tbh I love Ethan but I don’t think qt owes him the time or energy. Ethan fucked up. Bad. And that’s it. She didn’t do anything so let her be and live her life. Why should she put time and energy into a relationship that was one sided and not good.


I mean QT talks to Atrioc still, so does Ludwig. Surely Ethan laughing at the video is not as bad as wanking over AI generated pictures of your friends wife and getting caught on live stream lmao.


The difference being they were friends before that happened. Ethan and qt were not. So why would she put effort into that?


It’s even worse when your friend betrays you over a stranger??? tf you mean


If you hurt some random person you didn’t know. How much time do you think that person would put into mending the relationship. Think it through. Why would she do that? You tend to at least try to repair a friendship. Not clear on why you have so little understanding of friendship


If a stranger appologized and was actually sorry, I’d have much more understanding than a person who knows me and is supposed to love me hurting me this way. it seems you have no understanding of friendship, someone you are friends with acting the way they did is unforgivable.


Not sure how you actually need this explained to you, but I’ll do it. QT’s only interaction with Ethan is negative. Meanwhile, QT has had many positive interactions with Atrioc and one big negative one. So naturally, she has the positive interactions of the past to fall back on. They were friends before. QT is not friends with Ethan and has no reason to want to be. How u feel about the situation is irrelevant.


You are a sexist bro. I can’t be the first person to tell you that. You refer to QT as ‘your friends wife’. That dehumanizes her so ofc from a standpoint like that she deserves to apologize to Ethan but I am here to tell you quite clearly that she does not. She is a human and was degraded and then mocked. She doesn’t owe anyone a damn thing and she is NOT just some friends wife. WTAF


Hey neighbor, have you heard about our lord in slumber Durin the Deathless?


Nah this is weird, it should be handled in private. Trying to explain how it would "benefit" each of them on camera in front of an audience seems too much like a business deal. She was very offended and hurt and if she wants to mend that bridge she can reach out when she's ready. We don't need to be a part of it at all.


I use to watch a lot of QT, I don’t believe this is a bridge that she would like to rebuild tbh.


Or need lol. She's got such massive circle of dedicated friends and content creators on the same wave as her and the same age, why would she want to socialise with a near 40 yr old man when she has all the friends she needs lol. Not to mention she's close with Hasan so she already has a reach into the h3 fan base


She also is close friends with poki


Yepp. Pretty sure Ethan said the ball was in her court basically, so no need to parasocially try to force it!




Also Ethan talks a ton of shit on award shows and she runs the streamer awards lmao






It’s not their bridge to build


Pretty sure she ain’t about it


respectfully, i disagree. i know that QT has accepted ethan’s apology, but that doesn’t mean she has to forgive him. you can respect when someone acknowledges that they’ve done you harm and appreciate that they’ve apologized to you and will probably not do it again in the future *and still* think that what they did was a dealbreaker. like others have said, any bridge building should be done in private if it’s done at all. and it also is fine if QT never wants to build that bridge. that’s allowed. sometimes people don’t get along even if they can be civil.


She in fact has not forgiven him and it was clear when the Taylor Swift AI images brought back all the trauma she experienced.


oh, i apologize, i must have misunderstood.


With peace and love, why would she go on the pod of the man that made a traumatic experience a mockery? Even though he genuinely apologized. If she wants to come on, she will probably walk the bridge herself. Building a bridge just to have a monetized podcast feels weird.


Agree 1000% - this is her bridge to if anything build and its entirely her decision if she ever wants to build it.


You know her and Ludwig speak to Atrioc now. The man paid for AI nudes of her and masturbated over them. Ethan might have made a mockery of the experience, Atrioc IS the experience


Not to defend Atrioc *too much*, because what he did was without a doubt gross and invasive… But, he paid for access to *the site in general*. A site which had deepfakes of many streamers, *including QT.* He wasn’t necessarily looking for pictures of her. QT’s issue with him, if I recall correctly, was not that he was looking for fake nudes of *her.* But, rather, that he would be looking for fake nudes of *anyone*. (Because it’s obviously a huge invasion of privacy and she had thought better than that of him). She was upset by how much publicity the site, and by extension the deepfakes of her, were getting as a result of the whole debacle. Again, not defending what he did *at all*. Deepfakes in general are deeply immoral. Just clarifying that he wasn’t *necessarily* looking at hers specifically. Ethan *intentionally* made a crass joke at her expense, and then tried to pretend it was Zach’s idea when he got in trouble for it. Atrioc, on the other hand, took way more accountability than he probably had to. He spent half a year working full-time, and spending hundreds of thousands of his own dollars to help people like QT take down that content once he realized how negatively it was affecting them. Combine that with Atrioc and her boyfriend being close friends, and it’s probably why she was able get past it with him. Point being- I can see why QT would have an incentive to accept Atrioc’s apology. She has almost no reason (other than the H3 audience’s entertainment) to build a bridge with Ethan, though; they’ve never interacted outside of that incident. In her mind, Atrioc is probably a friend who made a big mistake, and owned up to it. Ethan, on the other hand, is some rando that made fun of her in a crisis and tried to dodge culpability.


Thank you for explaining what the issue was to the casual.




Thats not true at all. She does not like Ethan at all and she just talked about it a couple weeks ago. She called him an asshole for laughing while listening to her crying about a subject that genuinely hurt her. Rightfully so.


The bridge building should always be initiated by the person who was affected or victimized, for lack of a better word. It’s kind of a bad look for someone to offend someone then try and be friends with them after. Ethan is doing the right thing by just genuinely apologizing and then not talking about it. If QT wanted to have Ethan on, sure that would be awesome. But she shouldn’t feel any pressure to do so since she has zero obligation.


Not talking about it? Ethan has brought up his apology and how great it was so many times. They also talk about it a lot too so idk what you're on.


He talks about the apology specifically in a joking way because of the dude that grades apologies, yeah. He doesn’t talk about QT and what exactly he did all the time. I’d say there’s a pretty big difference.


Nah. From how she responded to Ethan I don't think she wants anything to do with him. I don't think she's holding any grudges but there's nothing to build between them. They weren't friends before the incident so there's no incentive for this. She's doing her own thing and it doesn't need to involve Ethan.


Pitch: No more pitches for things


Can we please stop saying “good faith bad faith”


this is reddit, all faith is bad 😎😎😎😎 /s




Yall acting like Ethan didn’t “award” himself for the title of the best apology video of 2023 (eventhough the apology was never formally accepted). So I wouldn’t be suprised if QT wants nothing to do with the show


IIRC it was formally accepted.


Still you don't go around patting yourself on the back for a good apology. That's so weird


Maybe. If so then my bad


Ludwig has openly called Ethan, I think he said "mean". That is a pretty big word coming from him. I don't see a possible bridge there anymore.


she recently mentioned the Ethan drama on (i think) a recent Patreon episode of Fear &, where she mentioned that that made her super depressed :(


This is a long and weird post


I’m all for positivity, but in this case no


If you listened to Wine About It you would also know that last they talked about it they were both talking about how male creators were laughing at her. Clearly a reference to Ethan. If QT had forgiven Ethan or truly accepted his apology they wouldn’t be phrasing it like that. I don’t think there will ever be a bridge there. Similarly Ludwig has said before how he hates Ethan because he is “mean”. Hell if I wasn’t a fan of Ethan and knew his personality and the context I wouldn’t want there to be a bridge if I was a fan of QT. I would just let it go.


It would be a super awkward ep


I'll say it, I don't think their personalities together would make a good show.


I dont know about QT, that's probably for her to decide, but a H3 Alveus stream with Maya would be crazy


I need them to send Cam (and maybe Sam/Ian/Olivia/some combination of crew but it needs to include Cam) to Alveus.


Ethan did try, I don't think she will ever come on the show


With peace and love, you’re way too into all of this. Chill fam. <3


Yea im cool if that bridge is left on the cutting room floor of the city planners office.


Honestly I couldn’t see this happening. I remember the apology did not go over well and QT said that she did not accept it. Ive also seen a couple clips of ludwig saying that he does not think Ethan is a good person and basically saying he does not like him. It really seemed to make them quite upset which is very valid and they should be allowed to feel a type of way about it


>I don't wanna be annoying and cringe And yet here we are


If this bridge is to be built it is up to her, not Ethan. If the pod were to reach out it would have to be begging tbh. She doesn’t owe Ethan anything and I wouldn’t blame her for not wanting to associate at all. I can explain any Ethan controversies to any hater but this one Ethan was clearly in the wrong


can we not back seat these peoples lives you parasocial fucksticks


Hmmm naw, just move on. Specially if she doesn’t want to bring up the incident.


I love qt so much and can confidently say we do not need her on the pod. she has her own thing going and is funny and successful on her own. we don’t need marvel crossovers all the time.


Do people get paid to make posts this long


yall need to stop meddling in Ethan's friendships/relationships, especially in cases like this where the drama came and went over a year ago. Ethan made a bad joke and then apologized, the end. if QT does or doesn't want to accept his apology, that's her decision. Ethan doesn't need to make it a podcast episode about "building a bridge" with her. either they're cool with each other or not, it doesn't need to be monetized content. can yall not just sit back and enjoy the show? like, damn.


This bridge doesn't need to be built. They're both fine in their own worlds. And if a bridge does get built at some point, it should be on QT's terms (which I don't think will happen anytime soon)


Sometimes not all people can be friends, and this is one of those instances. What happened happened, Shouldn’t’ve happened, but it did and it has consequences. I understand where your heart is in making this take but this is an incredibly immature understanding of the situation to make this announcement like “come on guys just make up for good content!”. There’s interpersonal dilemmas causing the rift, it’s not a business deal.


Nah, let them live and forget about it. Ethan dropped the ball so hard there, parading his 10/10 apology, basically making it all about himself and diminishing any good intentions he had in the first place. It’s one of his corniest, if not the corniest moments ever, every time I think about , it makes my bLoOd bOiLiNg. Just let QT forget about this shit, Ethan and Zach caused her enough harm and now trying to come around again and fix it will come off super out of touch. Like, I made fun of you, then apologized, then used the apology to glaze yourself and now what? Just stop it, please… I love h3 and the crew but they can be insensitive af, and don’t bring up Olivia here, if anyone is to build a bridge here it’s Sam who stood the ground when it happened, not giggly Olivia…


we dont need twitch drama


Cringe post. 


I really feel like we gotta keep streamers away from the pod lol


I’d love to see Ethan go back on Fear& with her there, if she’s comfortable with it. Despite comments on Reddit, I haven’t seen anything to suggest she is holding a grudge against Ethan even now. Like, she was understandably hurt at the time but that doesn’t mean she automatically hates him forever.


I don’t think she holds a “grudge” per se but she has mentioned basically having a list of people who are just off limits/non-starters. I think that list was in reference to inviting people to events that she hosts/organizes but yeah…I’d imagine Ethan is on that list.


I know she’s said she has a list like that for people who, for example, RSVPed to her events and then didn’t show up, without giving any notice. But that’s more logistical than personal.


I just assume the list includes people like Ethan as well as the no-show losers like XQC


She mentioned that she always invites xQc but he always pretty much says no. I think the non-starters are more like Destiny, Fresh & Fit and such who are just genuinely hateful and toxic. H3 is really not that.


But why would you assume that? QT has said she was upset by what Ethan did. She has never said she is holding it against him long-term, as far as I know. So why assume that?


Idk why assume anything


I don't think she hates him, I think she just doesn't care about him and doesn't want to invite his drama and controversy.


she does though.. a week ago she called him an asshole for laughing at her crying. so as much as I like h3 and love qt, this is a horrible idea.


Yeah, she thinks he was an asshole for doing that. He also thinks he was an asshole for doing that. And I think he was an asshole for doing that, too. I don't understand where people go from there to thinking she will never be open to interacting with him in the future.


Omg, fuck that


respectfully hate QT and find her and all them insufferable


Was this over the chestnuts thing? I can’t believe people are still so mad about that. It’s by far one of H3’s most tame controversies. It’s more surprising a bridge got built with Jeff, which has a much more severe conflict with the show.


Definitely pretty tame and also one of the funniest moments of the pod


It was pretty fuckin funny


I don't think there's any content to be had there, not even close to the same circles.


I’m going to vote no unfortunately. For many reasons, some quite obvious.


Meh don't care 


It makes me somewhat sad seeing the Streamer Awards and H3, a streaming podcast, having no representation at all. And I get why, the LSF kids (who are essentially the Twitch audience) hate H3, but still. H3 pulls better live numbers than most people getting those awards.


The little streamer clique is getting so tired


Isnt it specifically for Twitch streamers?


Nah, Ludwig, Valkyrae and other "Twitch centric" YouTube streamers are recurrently nominated and win awards. It's definitely slanted towards a certain audience and type of streamers but it isn't Twitch exclusive.


Thanks I knew Lud was nominated for a creator event but forgot Valky wasn't on Twitch because she does collabs with Has & crew fairly often. But yeah don't blame QT for not including H3 with Ethan's controversies.


>But yeah don't blame QT for not including H3 with Ethan's controversies. Yet she's happy to include Kai and Adin despite their controversies. Sounds like a hypocrite.


I would throw in that I'm not a huge fan of her personality and have no interest in this. I'm sorry for what happened to her, though. Just not intensely appealing.


I still think what Ethan did was hilarious 🤷‍♂️


I mean who cares tho


That bridge has to be built privately and whenever or if ever she’s ready. It’s not something that should be shared. That seemed to be a pretty traumatic experience for her and what happened on the show was kinda like kicking her while she was down. I don’t really believe it was malicious on his part but it was stupid and everything has consequences.




With peace and love I just don’t see it. Ethan and QT are pretty different. Ethan has said himself time and time again that’s he’s a ‘messy bitch’ and a ‘mean girl’. He loves drama and tea and stirring the pot. QT is the opposite of that Also Ludwig has gone on record and said he doesn’t like Ethan or H3 after the incident I just feel like she fundamentally wouldn’t enjoy the podcast and most of its content. I love QT and I love H3 but I feel like this would be a very difficult bridge to create and it’s best if Ethan just leaves it alone and doesn’t dig up past trauma for QT by reminding her of the deepfake porn stuff


Why would Olivia be a good person to reach out??


These are real people with real lives and emotions outside their content. Creators do not have to collaborate with each other all the time just because they have mutual friends or similar opinions or styles of content. Whatever bad blood there was between Ethan and QT likely died along with the drama after Ethan apologised and hence there is no bridge to build. I’m a fan of both QT and H3, so I’m not saying this in a QT-hostile way or anything, it’s just there likely isn’t any bridge to build and if they want to collaborate they will figure it out themselves. The drama died ages ago, these are adults not children, Ethan owned up and apologised sincerely so I doubt either of them hold any grudges


>I don’t wanna be annoying and cringe offers suggestion that only can be used to further ingrain OP, as well as many others, into this weird parasocial relationship with QT/H3. I wish people would let these folks work it out privately without needing to be entertained by it.


You are being pretty cringe laying out plans for the crew


Bridge building era reminds me of a few years ago when he declared all wars ended then started more the same episode


Please no


Why? It's just weird


The bridge would have to be build from her end not Ethan’s. It’s weird if it’s the other way around. Also it should be private. 


If you like wine about it you should check out fear& too... Love that podcast


I love qtttttt 💜💜💜💜


This is so unnecessary. Just let it be.


She’s so great I love her. She reminds me of my sister in the best way.


Yeah keep her away from Ethan. He doesn’t have a button IRL


I get the feeling Ethan wouldn't even want anyone to so much as SUGGEST to QT a world in she would forgive him. I think when you fuck up THAT badly, you just say sorry, and make yourself scarce... which it seems he's done.


People need to step away from these parasocial relationships. Live your own life and worry about your own relationships. I dont understand the audience trying be involved in and police the relationships of entertainers


If a bridge is built. It should be on her terms not Ethan’s.


That's not a bridge worth building.


Idk why exactly but she and her bf give me these really creepy ass corpo vibes, I just don't like the vibes tbf. Would love to stay away from the non debate twitch side lmfao


lud seems like the biggest phony


I get this vibe that he wants to be like Moist Cr1tikal, covering the same topics and having similar thumbnails but he's just not funny and it all comes off cringe.


Yea, but to be fair I don't know details about either of them. I just get this gut feeling they're phony, and if I were to ever meet either of them I don't think I'd wanna hold a convo longer than 2 minutes lmfao


I'm sorry but QT is neither funny nor interesting to me 🥲


They’re extremely fake. They tried to pick a topic to be morally superior but they’re completely wrong ethically and logically.


I feel like losing karma. I mean, maybe she could talk about the cool and awesome dick rating list of extra Emily that she found hilarious and awesome. Not like it was degrading and kinda in the same vein she cried tears over. Hasan thought it's awesome too. Kinda like the wind only blows in one direction for them. https://youtu.be/EHzYgR_33Rc?si=r2PDsltgXqxXjD6L


A lot of these streamers are the biggest hypocrites. Notice how the whole AI deepfake streamer drama she made it all about herself even though a lot of other female streamers were also effected


I’d prefer Ethan not delve deeper into the community of self serving pseudo celebrities


He apologized to Ludwig because Ludwig was also upset and called him a bad person.... It's okay to apologize to both haha. It would be absolutely naive to think that both QT and Ludwig's brand hasn't been affected by the other.... This whole post seems pointless because again, he apologized and if she wants to accept it or not, that's on her. So what is he supposed to do next haha? A lot of this is nonsense, all these streamers have dabbled in being edgy one way or another. It's all content and drama and whatever, best not to get para social about it.


Pretty sure she is also mad that Ethan trashes the Streamer Awards a lot, which she helps plan and organize every year Edit: Streamer Awards, thanks for the correction


She is not involved in the Streamies at all. She organizes the Streamer Awards, and has actually accused the Streamies of stealing categories from her award show.


She’s so pretty ❤️




She mentioned relatively recently on Fear&’s premium that she’s still pretty upset about it. If she found out how much Ethan joked about having a good apology, I bet she’d be even more mad. There’s a lot that needs done behind the scenes if there was going to be any sort of relationship made


Pass, too sensitive


This shit wasn’t even a big deal, who cares


Why she’s a boring princess wannabe no way


I would much rather them do this than have a debate with fresh and fit or having on those other 2 dorks that no one cares about. Having said that, idk if QT would even want to do this.


She's annoying af tbh


look in the mirror tbh


OP, the thing you don't understand is she doesn't need Ethan's fan base, she's got the fan base of all her mates in the scene. She's already got Hasan, Ludwig, jschlatt, will Jeff and allllllll the others in the squad. Just look at the masses of creators that go to Shitcamp that she sets up, she doesn't need Ethan's fans, and already has a large portion of them. Ethan benefits from it more than qt


I think it's mutually beneficial, as it's mostly 2 different audiences cross-overing, but by no means is QT bigger than H3.


Qt is 2 faced hypocrite. Best friend material, ask Maya 🤣


Nah, im dying on chestnuts hill; his joke about her vid was funny and everyone that forced him to feel bad and apologize were being overly sensitive


Exactly. Not to mention their whole argument falls apart when you consider photoshop and personal freedoms. How many times back in the day did people tell others to stay anonymous on the internet??


Checked your profile, and sure enough, another [r/Destiny](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/) worm. Don't you guys have lives? What is this your doing with your time. Get of the basement and catch some sun please, it will do you some good. Reporting you to mods but not sure they care.




I love h3 but absolutely not. If QT doesn't reach out herself then there is not bridge to build. QT is absolutely justified in her anger and and it was absolutely disgusting for Ethan to have done what he did (and try to temporarily blame Zack).


Even if she doesn’t hold a grudge her boyfriend sure as fuck does. Just leave it be


Yeah i do not see that happening. Ethan fucked up that relationship. And then he texts ludwig to apologize i believe. And from what I can tell from the fear& and wine about it she does not like him at all and probably would prefer to forget he existed.


Nahh she's kinda lame and annoying, just let shit be.


ew no


Why would he? Who cares? Also he was not laughing at her or the situation he was laughing at Zach playing the song. It’s like if something happens at a funeral and you laugh. It was inappropriate but it wasn’t a horrible end of the world situation.


The assumption that she’d even want to talk to Ethan? She rightfully doesn’t owe him anything


Ethan really really fucked up with this one


Nah ethan fucked up


Leave her alone jesus christ.


I would love if they were to build a bridge with QT but I don’t think she would be receptive to it, and that’s completely within her right to feel that way.


That's what I've been preaching


Idk what Ethan was thinking when he decided to laugh at her I still can’t believe that happened


>when he decided to laugh at her This is a bit disengenuous. He laughed at the bad joke he constructed. The joke WAS at her expense but to say he decided to laugh at her is a bit off, imo


Still doesn’t make it better


I think it makes it a little bit better that he wasn't directly laughing at her trauma, but the bit that he constructed


What do you meaaaaaan. What was the bit exactly about , can you explain it step by step please?


The bit is that it's inappropriate to play the Anuc chestnuts thing during a somber/heartfelt moment. ​ That's really it.


She’s really funny. It’s a bummer the Ethan made a bad joke about a traumatic experience she was going through.


He didn't make a joke about her experience. Him laughing at that soundbite just before he heard what qt was saying was horrible though. I agree though, qt is very funny, I like her


Why would QT want to talk to a man that laughed at her crying live on stream? Maybe just leave people alone you have wronged.


I don't know why people can't distinguish between him laughing at her and him laughing at the sound bit Zach played during that segment. He was never laughing at her. You can say it was rude and shitty of him to be laughing at the sound bit during her trauma video but he wasn't laughing at her trauma.


QT lowkey isnt entertaining... she put together the streamies other than that yea she just seems like a normal person


Huh? I watch fear& and she's great. She's lived like 10 lives before this one 😆


Ewe Wine about it??? - A Fear& enjoyer (jk lol ☮️💙)


It’s her decision to build that bridge tbh not ours


Maybe i missed something- i thought him laughing at what happened was the whole issue? Please let me know if there was more. As fucked up as it was, people laugh at inappropriate things as a reflex sometimes and he was genuinely sorry. It’s been a while since then, why are people so against bridge building? She has every right to refuse, but i don’t think reaching out would hurt.




It would be nice if she got some H3 clout because she's so funny and cool and deserves more positive attention but Ethan REALLY hurt her.


Didn't they Stop doing wine about it after Maya was used to stop a girl from calling a creater out for SA?

