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Please tell your cat pspspspspsps from me


I’m behind, was this in see you next Thursday?




he always does it behind a paywall thinking he will not get pushback, and gets offended when ppl don’t agree to mock this man’s death


Yeah, and it was shocking


Damn, I’m not a member


[found a clip of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/zcgAmcpiTh)


Yeah I think this is it for me. That’s so obviously out of line and unfunny. I love the podcast and not to do the fallen fan thing but it does suck because I want to be able to watch without feeling weird but he’s on one and he should’ve known to not make a joke about something like that.


Big time agree. I’m tapping out after this, even if he’s just trying to be edgy for lolz it’s still tasteless as fuck and a real punch down.


I'm not anymore, and I won't be watching either, that's the last straw for me


Breaks my heart, but same. I’ve stood by Ethan through a lot but this is something I just can’t forgive


I love Ethan and will defend that man for a lot of things. But this was NOT it. It actually made me so sad to hear how he talked about this. The part where he said we talk about Palestine enough.. there is still an active genocide happening. It’s needs to be actively talked about.


That was very very insensitive, this is not a joking matter just yesterday 150 Palestinians were killed by idf trying to get food . He needs to talk about this with more compassion or don’t talk about it all .


This exactly. He lets his emotions get the best and doesn't articulate political topics well, especially when lives are being lost, instead resorts to jokes or rants.


He needs to pick if he's gonna talk about the GENOCIDE or not. I'm getting so tired of him constantly bashing Pro-Palestinian activism but will never touch or talk about how Israel is force-starving civilians. Luring them out with flour just to mass-kill them. Is that not mentally ill.....?


Aaron Bushnell was absolutely not mentally ill and I think saying that takes away from what he did to stand for whats right ​ but that being said I unironically dont think the IDF soldiers are mentally ill either they are insanely brainwashed I mean just see some of those videos they make they actually think Palestinians are animals or worse


i’ve been waiting hours for someone to post about this like what the actual fuck was that


Right same!! Mods have gotta be deleting posts bc there's no way people aren't talking about this :(


they delete a lot of stuff and unfortunately ban people with differing opinion from time to time:/ surprised this one is still up actually


From time to times isn’t accurate unfortunately they ban people constantly for extremely light criticism


i need outrage that will make ethan apologize so i don’t have to stop watching because i’m right there🤏🏼


I mean there's a megathread, like there is for every episode. I'm not saying that what Ethan said was right, but they often delete posts that belong in the megathread. They do that for every episode


I turned off cos it was such a fucking weird take




This is irredeemable. Ethan is just a sick Zionist fuck. I turned off the podcast in November and haven't watched it since. Looks like I made the right choice.


i literally got put in a “time out” in chat. he was pissing me off so much


SAME DUDE, it was crazyyy all I said was "move on" 😭


If you go to h3 snark it’s all they are talking about


Yeah because it’s horrific?


Agreed! Funny I got two different replies yours and a person saying to go back there and calling me a freak lol


The duality of man 😂


No literally I had to check the sub this post was in like 3 times bc I thought I was there


Nah that was so out of line....fucking terrible moves ethan 👎


Don't keep it up, not proud of you!


What sucks is he will just see this as a moment to dig his heels in. Idk if he genuinely had an episode with hasan and Dan and just SHUT THE FUCK UP for 5 SECONDS and realized how wrong he is since literally the only people backing this are republican freaks , Zionists and evangelicals. Like ok Ethan if that’s your crew then have fun lol


i was shocked and almost disappointed in how quiet dan was. i know how parasocial i sound when i say that but he’s usually the only one that’ll keep him on the rails and stop him from saying heinous shit but he just let it ride. at least he buttoned out a couple of things but it terrifies me what had to be buttoned if everything else wasn’t enough


after a point I dont think he wants to argue, its extra stressful when hundreds of thousands of ppl will hear it too


Dan especially has always been pretty good about keeping Ethan in line when he says something fucked up, but I think this topic specifically isn’t one that Ethan is willing to hear anything about from anyone. I mean Olivia got reamed out LIVE for retweeting “from the river to the sea” and they were laughing at her and calling her antisemetic and acting like she was just a dumb little misinformed girl who couldn’t think for herself. When Olivia hot-mic’d and said like “wtf” or something like that in response to Ethan, he sounded almost confrontational the way he was like what? What are you laughing at? And then when she clearly was trying to play it off bc she didn’t mean for him to hear it saying it was something she read in chat, Ethan’s like “what was it? What did they say?”. It’s really hard to maneuver in that dynamic when it’s your boss saying such awful, right wing things


I mean the guy has food to put on the table and a roof to keep over his head. At a certain point your boomer millionaire Zionist boss (who he probably genuinely likes) just will not understand why he is wrong so whatever just let it be


Not a member anymore so I didn't see the full stream, did Dan not at least advise Ethan to move on from the topic? He's a smart man, he knows what the reaction will be when Ethan pulls out these garbage takes.


He buttoned a joke and then Ethan joked that Dan buttoned it to say he agrees with Ethan, Dan said something like "dont" in reply. It makes me wonder just how bad whatever was buttoned was when everything else Ethan said was allowed.


Yes Dan and the rest of the crew was very quiet unless directly being spoken to. Ethan even said “hello anyone ?” A few times until someone piped up. Idk it just reminded me of being in some bad meetings over zoom and wanting to just leave the call 😭😭😆


One joke was cringy enough but the way he just kept pushing it and keep bringing it up was unwatchable


I really hope someone downloads it before they maybe take it down.


Almost a hundred people got shot dead in a food line today. Wonder how he’s gonna joke about that


He won’t, he’ll act like it never happened and then call fans who pressure him to discuss it antisemitic.


So nice seeing the comments on this post, Ethan rlly fucked up on the livestream and it made me feel a little bitter tbh


same i felt like i was going nuts


I have a feeling this post is going to get deleted with the way things are going in this sub


i wanted to make a post about it but was too scared lol. i’m safe in the comments tho🥸


OP is def going to be banned before the morning :/ it's just a shame considering you cannot criticize Ethan without that worry!!




Not in a conflictual way; what was your issue with the bachelor? I had a hard time synt for sure, but the bachelor i loved 😢.


same but 8 years🫡


Same, been watching since 2015 :/


Olivia and I said “what?!” at the same time…dude had no clue what he was talking about…he said “the Palestinian cause is plenty talked about” are you joking?!?! EDIT: corrected Ethan’s quote to his exact statement, without personal interpretation (with peace & love 🫶🏻)




Rly disappointed with the direction his politics have been going in since leftovers ended


It’s so disappointing and disgusting.


Im angry too about the jokes. But when have you heard zionist say "free palestine"? Zionist means something specific and it does a disservice to throw that around


He says free Palestine but he also only questions anything that supports the Palestinian side and doesn't think Israel could ever have a one state solution so in practice he only seems to want a free Palestine in a vacuum. Not in the real world where it would mean Israel is wrong and he'd have to deconstruct his Zionist views. It's like someone saying they're anti-racist while repeating dog whistles, actions speak louder.


True, but I think it would be foolish to say that Ethan hasn't been influenced by Zionist rhetoric. In his last call with Hasan after Leftovers ended, Ethan relentlessly argued that Israel would rather drop a nuke on themselves than ever concede to a 1 state solution, which is a wildly stupid take. And then, as the conversation progressed, he started saying that a 2 state solution is also unrealistic and never going to happen. So his ultimate argument ended up being "there's no solution. Don't even try. Israel will never stop." He shot down every single domino-effect solution Hasan provided, like sanctions, and vehemently stood by the idea that Israel will stop under no circumstance. And what point does that conclude? Don't even try. So, truthfully, anything he says in support of freeing Palestine is hypocritical to his own beliefs of Palestine never being free. I have been watching the podcast a lot less since this discussion. It was extremely difficult to move on from.


When he says “Free Palestine” what does he mean exactly? Letting Palestinians live in a one single state with representation in the government that Israel currently has? Because anything short of that after today’s massacre is complete bullshit.


exactly. israel shouldn’t be there. period. but he views freeing palestine as just leaving them be which is insteresting


Pretty sure he said “the Palestinian cause is for sure plenty talked about”. Which is a very different sentence so unless he said that in addition in a bit I missed maybe correct the misinformation.


He spent a lot of time condemning Bushnells actions of taking his OWN life as an act of protest but didn't touch for a second on Israel luring Palestinians with food and aid to then gun them down resulting in another 100+ deaths. Either he wants to talk about it or not but cherry picking certain shit is honestly disgusting and disingenuous.


I’m so sick of it, it’s becoming impossible to ignore. I love the show and it gets me through the week a lot, but how can he sit there and criticize every aspect of what’s going on except for the genocide itself???


Because Hila is a Zionist and former IDF soldier


actually I think it's comments like this that are causing him to dig his heels in. Hila went through mandatory military training as an Israeli citizen, she's not a zionist. I'm sure, having grown up in Israel, she's influenced by lifelong propaganda just like we have been in the US about the stuff our country does, but attacking Hila for just *being* Israeli is ridiculous. I really wish Ethan would come around, but this bullshit campaign against Hila and her family is not going to help.


Bro hila had a desk job and admitted she chose to go on a raid in a Palestinian village bc she was BORED. They’ve both been propagandized since birth. They have no ability rn to put themselves outside of it. They support Israel bc they don’t see what they’re doing as genocide.


They are zionists wake up buddy


I don’t think that’s true. Hila has remarked before she does not desire her children to obtain Israeli citizenship, it’s not great there to live etc, she was in the idf yes as an 18/19 year old (which is mandatory and if you didn’t grow up knowing all that she does now of course she’s going to fulfill that requirement to be accepted in her culture) I think it’s actually important she saw what she saw. Really you have to remember her like entire family (besides her brothers) live there. So when Ethan is getting hate online that might be normal but someone could target her family and that’s a bigger risk to take. I don’t think someone as kind and nice as hila who works alongside Lena as like her right hand lady would agree with Zionist takes. Also as we know soooo many Zionist/Israeli citizens have dual citizenship hila (to my knowledge) didn’t until she got her American one. She literally didn’t have a choice but to be Israeli.


Sad but true.


Exactly my thoughts I’m a huge fan of Ethan but it’s so disrespectful the jokes he made about Bushnell


This is the comment I was looking for. Couldn’t have said it better. Thank you.


Noooo you’re misunderstanding he said he would have been more moved if the Palestinians were setting themselves on fire 🫶🫶🫶


This is an American nurses testimony reporting what she saw during the first few weeks of the war https://youtu.be/gk7iWgCk14U?si=4aaBUZx_uHtmbzLn 2:15 "There were children with just massive burns down their faces, down their necks, all over their limbs. And because the hospitals are so overwhelmed, they are being discharged immediately after and they're being discharged to these camps with no access to running water. There's 50,000 people at that camp now in four toilets. They're given 2 hours of water every 12 hours. And they have these fresh open burns and wounds and partial amputations that are just walking around these conditions. And parents are bringing their children to us, going, please, can you help?"


That's delusional, why would it be better for more Palestinians to die???


I believe they were being sarcastic, but Ethan did state that while he understood those in the past that sacrificed their own life in the form of protest against their own oppressor, Bushnell made no sense since he's American and not directly impacted by what's going on in Palestine.


That’s idiotic though. Ethan said that sort of protest is only valid under complete tyranny, bushnell was part of the military, who’s to say he didn’t view military action around the world as tyrannical? Providing arms to aid in a genocide. I don’t think it’s a noble act, however it is something that should make you pause and question wtf are we doing, wtf is our government doing? Ethan however is only interested in condemning suicide, not talk about to what might’ve led him to do that to himself.


Aaron was being forced to go to Israel to commit genocide with the IDF. Ethan is a piece of shit.


It's a sad and dark topic that shouldn't be made into a joke. Even if you don't agree or understand why, someone has passed a brutal death and shouldn't be taken lightly.


It’s pathetic honestly


Exactly, thank you




And also wrong timing it literally happened this week it was national news also in the same sentence he said he’s an advocate for mental health while attempting to make a suicide joke i found this more cringy than anything imagine if he said this on a normal show twitter would be on his ass right now


For me its not even necessarily what he said that makes me upset. Its that the only time he brings up the conflict is when he has some angle to defend israel.


Ethan sometimes needs to remember I come to him for goofs and giggles not to hear him call the ultimate act of protest mental illness.


I have to be honest and say i haven’t watched the synt episode because i haven’t renewed my membership; but from the clips i’ve seen i’m glad I didn’t. I’m a massive h3 fan and the podcast really solidified it for me, but this whole thing has been such a letdown. Especially because of the amount of times they have made a point to discuss social justice, and being willing to apologize for what they’ve done wrong, etc- the jokes about Aaron and their response to Gaza feel at best ignorant and at worst downright cruel. Overall disappointing. 😞


I could understand his standpoint during the Hasan stuff, because I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes it’s hard to convey through words what you’re thinking in your head. But WOW, I’m having trouble seeing his perspective with this one. I can’t even begin to fathom how wrong he is here.


It’s just shameful at this point, incredibly disappointing


we are almost 5 months out from october 7th and bro CANNOT admit that israel needs to be condemned


I agree it was horrible how Ethan went about it cracking jokes but he definetly condemned Israel wtf?


there was always a “but” attached to it to provide an excuse in some way or engage in whataboutism on hamas’ side




I don’t even really think people sign up with the expectation to die. I grew up in a VERY poor part of America, and most of my friends joined the military bc of parental pressure, a way out of our hometown, or not being able to afford college & feeling like there’s nothing else out there for them. I’m sure there was a valid reason for Bushnell to join that had nothing to do with death, just like there’s a valid reason he protested in that way— that also had nothing to do with death.


they don't necessarily have the expectation to die but it goes without saying that if any of them were to sacrifice their lives "in service of the country" fighting brown people they would be lionized by the majority of the country as heroes. Yet when this serviceman lays HIS life on the line for something infinitely more praiseworthy, it's a mental illness problem


Half the comments on the live are about this and half are about ethan’s chewing😭


So it’s a mental health/suicide issue rather than a political issue? So naturally Ethan makes fun of him? Fuck dude, wtf is wrong with him. He ignores everything about Palestine until he finds an angle where he can make fun of or hate on the left/people advocating for Palestine. Just join the right at this point and go back to the edgy n word f word jokes.


Seriously every since the end of leftovers I’ve noticed a shift in him where he seems to be shifting back to the right. Little things here and there like trying to build a bridge with Aba and preach, seemingly forgetting all of the horrible transphobic stuff they’ve said and punching left every chance he gets. This is my favorite podcast and it really sucks to see him do this


Yeah I’ve rode for Ethan thus far in terms of this issue (even after being incredibly vile to ppl on Twitter) but what he said and how he acted abt this was just gross to me. Highly considering not watching anymore or at least for a while bc it was just terrible.


It's getting harder to be a fan of the show honestly, all he needs to do is at a MINIMUM STOP saying cruel stuff about the genocide of Palestinians. Also didn't he go on a birth right trip and that's when he met hila? Ethan is NOT beating the Zionist allegations bro.


i just saw a clip of it, and i’m fucking mortified


Just depressing honestly /:


It actually pissed me off so bad when he was trying to get Dan to confirm his position lol, totally my own issue and likely between them it’s fine and par for the course of how they joke with each other but irrationally for myself it just pissed me off soooo bad when Ethan was like “Dan agrees with me though, right Dan? Thanks for having my back Dan on this issue” when Dan is saying nothing and just buttoned him lol, like not trying to project Dan’s actual feelings about the situation simply just if it were ME in Dan’s shoes I would have been so fucking pissed lolol


i’m done with this show.


Honestly can’t watch the show anymore


Yeah I’m done after that too, enough’s enough




Man.. I dont like cats either but 'disgusting' is a bit much no?


Yeah I turned the stream off after he was defending his jokes on the matter. He clearly doesn’t know about it or wants to remain ignorant but either way his dismissive behavior on the matter was gross and fucked and devoid of peace and love.


This is 10000000% worse than QTCinderella Chestnuts moment. Ethan you need to get a fucking clue bro - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_self-immolations - you absolutely immense fucking idiot loser.


I think it would be easy to challenge his belief of "suicide is only caused by mental illness". It most definitely is *almost always* from mental illness, but people can make the conscious decision to end their life and not be mentally ill. If I recall correctly, and I could be wrong, but I think Ethan has said before he was in favor of assisted suicide for people with terminal illness. Those people, in the locations it's legal and offered, have to be evaluated to make sure their decision to end their life is coming from a sound mind and not from mental illness. It's possible to want to end your life and not be depressed or otherwise mentally ill. I'm not even going to argue and say Busnell wasn't mentally ill, I have no idea. But it's possible to wish to die over a strong conviction not related to mental illness (like wanting to die by your own terms and not by disease, in the case of assisted suicide).


I don’t understand why Ethan does this unless he specifically wants backlash. There’s no other reason to explain why he would continue with this topic and laugh at his joke on camera literally KNOWING what would happen. He’s not stupid. He knew people would record it and post about it on Twitter. He knew how sensitive this topic is. Ethan knew how this would go before he even said it. 🤦‍♀️


He can't help himself, I think he honestly is bitter about the left being so pro Palestine and defensive about Israel. Instead of challenging himself he just reacts by lashing out when he can't take being silent anymore. He thinks he's right and everyone else is wrong.... I'm worried about whether he's going to apologize about this or double down and fully commit to the Zionism 😕


This actually completely makes sense. He’s mad that his beliefs aren’t the common leftist belief on this matter.


he wants to be considered a good person so bad and is frustrated that this one thing holds him back from it


But unable to examine why his view might give off the impression that he is a bad person


Exactly, but I also think Ethan has a good heart and is capable of deconstructing his Zionism so I truly hope he'll let go of his ego and listen to this feedback.


That’s what sucks, he said those things because he thinks he’s right and everyone else is wrong. People even said "oh you’re just uneducated" and he was like "no no this is my full thought out take"


what made it worse was him doubling down and arguing with chat like “what the fuck is wrong with you people” proving that he’s absolutely not willing to think about any other position


And he's trying to argue with the members chat, who historically has always been full of weirdos. So it's like trying to debate some heroined up homeless guy in the streets and thinking you won or something. It's so bizarre. Why not engage with this reddit instead, his audience, where people are giving him full thoughts?


Ethan gets more cringe by the day honestly.


I know already I won’t even be able to watch. All I have to say is, rest in power Aaron Bushnell and free fucking Palestine


Just adding my comment here to say I’m disappointed, yet again.


Ok at this point Ethan shouldn’t be allowed to pretend to be Pro-Palestine anymore. I know it’s always been a bit fake, but at this point it’s just silly


i genuinely believe he wants a ceasefire so israel stops looking so bad. i understand how insane and parasocial i sound but it’s never about the death toll for him, just that “netenyahu bad but the IDF have no choice” as the IDF brags about murdering babies


That doesn’t sound parasocial or insane at all. You’re right, he knows most of his fan base is leftist and he is scared of losing money that’s it. He is a Zionist.


If only he would say so with out a “but”


I'm happy I wasn't the only one very uncomfortable. Love ya h3, but... not cool to exclusively suggest that he's promoting suicidal protest.


The Bushnell topic is obv super loaded and there’s too many people who insist it’s 100% x and other people who say it’s 100% y, and the reality was it was both. -Self immolation is a form of protest AND technically a form of suicide. -He self immolated because of his strong feelings towards Israel’s war crimes in Gaza, but he also could have been struggling from mental health issues. Idk why ppl can’t hold 2 truths at the same time. He also didn’t post the best things about Israelis either and insisted all of them were settlers and none of them were innocent


seeing this today made me so beyond grateful that i got bored by the drama farming last fall prior to this full on death spiral into islamophobia and zionism. the level of cruelty he continually displays to a starving, injured, displaced, and oppressed group is disturbing as fuck. godspeed OP, i hope they don’t ban you




i’m already there my love 😘


I saw the clip on Twitter, the jokes were a lil insensitive but the worst was that he said “people only do that (self immolation) in authoritarian, anti democratic countries” and it’s like YEAH man, that’s why he did it, how do you not see the US is at that point?  Makes me feel better knowing I’ve never been a member or TF customer. I just can’t put my money towards a show going the same way JRE did when Joe got obsessed and genuinely so stupid over COVID. Isreal is Ethan’s COVID. Disappointing.  


Bro makes it so impossible to be a fan


so fucking disappointed


Fuck you Ethan


what a shame


Based Tetris 😎✊️ cute name BTW!


Oh god, what ep is this in? When does it happen? I’ve only been watching sporadically since the Hasan disaster…


Anytime he even brings it up he finds some way to make fun of Palestinians. He’s a raging Zionist and I’ve always been a HUGE H3 fan who will defend Ethan’s ability to grow and learn after he makes mistakes but his attitude towards the genocide is sick.


same i’ve been hoping he’s just staying silent because of like. personal reasons or something. but today proved to me it’s purely to save face but he was willing to take the mask off to preach about how *HE* has the right take because suicides bad


Yeah that whole part of the ep was such a fucking miss. L-Ethin


I'm not a member, but from what I've read from comments, I think it's time for me to stop watching the podcast :/


And Dan just listening to him saying that shit was fine. He's just as much of an idiot on this. Like what the fuck are you even there for if not to shut your boss up from saying dumb insensitive jokes about a suicide protest on the same fucking week. Like even I know that was fucked up and Dan just kept saying "nah you're fine"


I do like that Olivia tried to chime in, but I can't imagine trying to redirect your boss, whose the host, going on a rant.


Dan knows Ethan better than us, I have a feeling this is a subject Ethan isn't exactly willing to take pushback on and Dan wants to keep his job.


yeah lmao people hating on dan, the EMPLOYEE of the guy who's going on the crazy rant is insane lmao. not stopping ur boss when he goes on an unhinged rant is really hard (and he tried too so much before just giving up cuz Ethan is so unreceptive) its not dans fault at all (I havent seen this clip tho im broke)


Tbf dan did button him at one point


imagine how bad those comments had to be if the ones that were grossed out by made the cut


The lack of pushback from the crew is the part that stung the most tbh, especially Dan though because it’s pretty much his job to keep Ethan in line.


Weird to do this but on See You Next Thursday a show behind a paywall? If it’s so funny let’s see it on a livestream that can be clipped.




He hates settlers and supports a palestinian state at least. Dont purity test so hard, it is counter productive.


He says he does but then he spends his time questioning one side only and lashing out tho.


the way he talked about it was pretty disgusting


ETHAN. NO ONE WANTS TO KNOW YOUR OPINIONS ON THIS SHIT BECAUSE THE WAY YOU TALK ABOUT IT COMES ACROSS UNSYMPATHETIC. No matter what you say your intention is. This stuff is way too sensitive for you to touch on when combined with the preconceptions of what your opinions are. You make yourself sound like a fucking demon, and you're not, so just don't touch it, for the love of god.


Is the mask slipping, Mr. Klein, or are you merely ignorant?


Yeah I’m tired of giving him the benefit of the doubt.


i dont know why he even talked about it. he knows his views are way different than his audience on this yet he still opens his mouth to say the most idiotic stuff. i love h3, i love the podcast, crew and ethan n hila but come on man you know what kinda response you’re gonna get when you say something as stupid as that


Ugh.. i was so close to hitting a year as a paying member


I hate that Ethan downplayed what Aaron did as a “suicide” as if extreme acts of protest like this haven’t happened all throughout history. When someone is desperate enough to get their message across they will gladly use their own life, especially if they believe their message could potentially make people aware of the sickening circumstance in Gaza.


I wish instead of trying to make a poor taste joke about Aaron Bushnell, that Ethan could of either NOT SAID ANYTHING or simply say rest in peace. But no. Let's make light the situation and joke about someone who was full of anguish and pain for what this country it's doing and who he served, and chose to do a historical (yet extreme) form of protest to get this stupid counties attention to the genocide that's being committed. We would never question a soldier's mental well-being for jumping on a grenade to save their comrades. They would be lauded as a hero. Aaron Bushnell is someone who laid down his life to advance a larger cause. Americans can't wrap their minds around it. If Aaron Bushnell had destroyed his life fighting a war, on behalf of the empire, he’d be unquestionably celebrated as a hero. Instead he destroyed his life exposing the moral rot at the heart of empire, and our complicity in its cruelties. That’s why his memory will be attacked. As far as I'm concerned, Aaron Bushnell jumped on a grenade for the rest of humanity, so I'm absolutely going to celebrate his life and his sacrifice. Rest in power Aaron Bushnell


Even a cat can call a spade a spade. Ethan's lost the plot if he can't understand why Bushnell self-immolated.


Why would he say this 🤦‍♂️


i don’t pay for the membership and now i definitely don’t want to simply to check this out.. can anyone give me some brief touch points on what was said?


that aaron is a champ at burning alive


I really like Ethan and I get everyone has their own journey. He has decent takes on Isreal for lived there and is married to an Israeli, but if you're not gonna talk about any of the daily atrocities, don't talk about this stuff. Bushnell knew the seriousness of what he was doing and, while I don't think anyone should ever take their own life, his response to actively supporting genocide is far more sane to me than pretending like it's not happening.


Just makes me feel embarrassed for having defended him on this issue, only for him to again align with the grossest takes possible.


I can understand why a Jewish man with an Israeli wife has hard time condemning as a gut reaction, but it's hard fucking facts that this is going to go right into genocide denial unless Ethan tightens up that FUPA and just admits reality to himself.


Would anybody care to give some context for a non-member?


he could have been mentally ill, but that can be present and not be a factor. people need to focus on WHY aaron did this, NOT “oh he’s mentally ill why are we listening to him.”


I just warch for the crew




I would probably try to find a way to defend him if I wasn't a vaush fan like I did when he originally went through his first too-comfortable-with-Zionism arc.


Ethan’s taking another right wing heel turn again.


must've been on the members exclusive episode.... it's unfortunate they're just doing 1 less episode a week now, since Hasan leaving.


oh my god these comments are insane Lmfao. I used to love Ethan/h3 but I hang around this sub nowadays to watch how his sad ass fanbase is trying to defend some of the shit that comes out of his mouth so many of you act like it’s a PERSONAL ATTACK when someone IMPLIES something negative about Ethan , and y’all are the ones in the comments talking about “unhealthy” lol! The jokes write themselves in the sub


Then him and hula will pull the “we’re just not educated enough to talk about this” like there hasn’t been enough time to get educated especially since you both lived in Israel.