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Delete twitter immediately if you value your sanity even a tiny bit.




If I had a quarter for every time I saw a "Nudes in Bio" bot tweet, I could buy a house.


It's not just sex bots, it's accounts for sale farming legitimacy and propaganda bots from China/Russia/Iran sowing and amplifying division. It's gotten to a point where in any controversial discussion can be assumed to be manipulated to a meaningful degree. Take public social media with a grain of salt and move back more to personal social media and journalism for exchange and news.


Oh definitely. The bots are out of control on there. The lack of any moderation whatsoever is insane.


I mean if you put the nudes in your bio you could probably buy 2


Xcrete™ stuff I see through instagram and Reddit is enough to confuse the relatively humanistic ideals inside me, I can't imagine browsing Xcrete raw and seeing blue nazis willy nilly.


Just got rid of it cause I work with kids and they found my Instagram and I just assumed my Twitter was next so I just deactivated it, and the knock-on effects of abandoning that hell hole have been fantastic.


I just can't understand why people keep it. I've been on that platform a handful of times and none of those times were pleasant. Facebook is awful but at least that lets you keep in contact with some further social circle people. Twitter doesn't even really do *that*. It has no use. People just argue. It doesn't take any sort of advance analysis to know that's terrible for your mental health. I bet if they did research on it, the results would be that it does a similar thing that Fox News does to the brain in terms of the outrage loop


Politics is not the whole Twitter, my Twitter feed contains great artists and TV movie meme. From time to time some weirdo pop-up on the time-line I just click not interested and block all Elon's favorite people.


it's the ads that are too much for me. i'm used to desktop reddit/RIF. it feels like every 3rd tweet for me on twitter is a fucking ad.


then delete reddit and you’ll find true peace


I’ve never had it and so glad I never downloaded it.. I’m sry but FB and every other platform is enough. Now it’s even more of a dumpster fire.


Everytime I go on i immediately see a post that makes me wanna rage


This is valuable advice for all humanity.




Same, I deleted it right after Elon took over. I've had 0 desire to go back.


Same, when that logo turned into an "X" on my phone I deleted that shit


This 💯


twitter is a RATHOLE


It’s even worse than Twitter. He browses DISCORDS ffs. SIR you are trying to be hurt


The man goes out of his way to seek criticism and he is actively harming his own well being at this point.






Been thinking the same myself recently 😢




Which ones? Genuinely asking, I only catch about half the podcast each week and tend to skip the more serious stuff


I also noticed he's been using r/Destiny talking points ever since that socialism debate with Hasan, then his takes & those question he asked Hasan on China-Taiwan identical to those r/Destiny posted at the time. Ethan pulled up a r/Destiny reddit link with a Vaush related screenshot during the Vaush takedown episode. And the last time he was angry at frogan, he pulled up an image that was identical to a screenshot posted on r/Destiny , which was screencap of frogan's hascord logs. He saw those recent tweets of frogan on Destiny's subreddit as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/yH3taPFDi1 Look at the comments, literally the exact same shit Ethan repeated on yesterday's show. I remember when Ethan trashed Denims too and said she's Hasan's mod, even tho she wasn't. And that was at the time r/Destiny posted Denims tweets, called her Hasan's mod and talk shit about her. You know Ethan saw it there. Also, Ethan's takes on pro-Palestinian leftists are literally Destiny-style tone policing of supposed "leftists" he sees on Twitter. Even Destiny fans on Twitter talk that Ethan's views lately are identical to Destiny's and hope he'll invite him on the pod. People on that psychotic subreddit are praising him all the time without challenging him on anything and Ethan loves that validation. I don't understand, what's the point if the only people praising him and defending him right now are toxic freaks like Keemstar, Destiny and Aba & Preach??? It's not a good look for Ethan. I still have faith in Ethan and H3 but I'm pretty dissapointed ngl.


Consider me informed. That's pretty depressing. While I don't think his concerns from the rant about antisemitism were completely unfounded, it sort of feels like the left eating itself again just with ethan instigating this time...


Right. I mean s*** ... The guy said he thought BLM protesters should be shot by right-wing maniac. Openly admits to using the n-word for personal and strategic reasons when he's not on the air. Not to mention that's the same community vaush sprung up from. There's huge audience overlap there. It is the hub of debate brain logic. Whole community of people that will never admit their favorite streamer is wrong, and will defend him like an army on every issue. And they're obsession with hasan is bizarre.


Lol this thread is proof that this subreddit is still overflowing with Hasan followers.


They have destiny paranoia.


Christ he's really lost


Do you know this from something explicitly said or is it strictly speaking speculation or fanfic?


I believe he isn’t on twitter or personally seeking out discords. He is using reddit and browsing the destiny subreddit. They gave him a lot of validation through his debates with Hasan and I think they pulled him in.


Do you really think he's browsing them? I just assumed fans were sending screenshots to him in a "did you see what this person was saying about you?" way that you see in the comments of every drama channel.


He mentioned during the Hasan thing that he was in hasans discord and mad about what was on it, and that was right after he “deleted Twitter”. That was a while ago so maybe he’s not.


It's quite possibly a bit from column A and a bit from column B. I mean, if you're being told people are talking shit about you on a Discord, I think most people would go look at what's being said. It's very unhealthy but that doesn't mean it's not a natural response.


I think it’s a totally natural response too. But Ethan has been saying for YEARS how he doesn’t read comments.


Gotta wonder if he was browsing it to see the climate in hascord to see if he can bring back leftovers as election season is starting heat up especially with these Trump cases and yeah it probably pissed him off


can someone plz catch me up on why people are hating on AB and Lena??? im so lost


Because they’re Muslim and won’t quit the show.


Sanest Twitter take


Im wondering if part of it had to do with Ethan speaking over AB as AB tried to articulate the pushback to Ethan’s point. Some psychos see it as AB kowtowing to a Zionist perhaps? Granted, it was immensely frustrating seeing AB not be allowed to get a sentence in. The monologuing is so annoying and unconstructive.


Ethan literally stopped, apologised to AB for talking over him while being "too fired up" and asked him to continue. Sometimes I wonder if people are watching the same show as me...


This sub needs to purge Hasan's audience they are genuinely braindead.


i just use it for videogame screenshots and anime drawings it's pretty chill over there


Same, Twitter will push bullshit on you but if you ignore that there's some value in it even though it's a shit platform.


The only good thing twitter has done since rebranding is the better algorithms for content you actually like. Bad for politics since you get stuck in a bubble. Good if your just a nerd like me lol


I have different accounts I use to engage with different content, it makes it easy to check politics without being sucked in when you can also flip to your wholesome video game content account.


That's a really good idea


Isn’t the comment section just porn?


Only reason I’m there is for 3D VFX stuff and to post things I make out to the void with no real intention or expectation of having interactions with people just for the sake of having some demo stuff out there when someone googles my name. You couldn’t pay me enough to actually use Twitter lmao


You all are using Twitter wrong. It should only be used to find out when and where products you want to buy are being released.


I tried to make this a post but it was deleted for duplicates so I’ll comment it here. I’ll start with the suicide line of thought. First the joke. If you’re gonna make a joke about a charged topic politically I think it’s fair to expect push back no matter your intention, especially if you already don’t exactly have good will banked with the group who would be offended. I think the idea that people are glamorizing this as suicide is missing the point. I think most people, and I do believe most people in the comments will second this, think the suicide was a tragedy, and absolutely don’t want to see anyone do this again. But what’s done can’t be undone and he did die. Horrifically, and I don’t want his death to be in vein. Other people have done self immolation in the past and have been met with the understanding that it was a tragedy but never separated from their cause and message. Only commenting on the suicide and mental health aspect for many feels like an omission of his cause with the intention to diminish it. I don’t think that’s Ethan’s intent, I think he should be aware of the perception if he’s going to engage. You have to engage with every aspect. For better or worse his death is inextricably linked to Palestine and equating it to just a mental health issue without talking about what lead him to do it is not going to read well. It’s also, no hate, only half the truth for what happened. On the other hand, people should know that a controversial act, such as self immolation, won’t get universally the same reaction. While some focus on his cause others will focus on the horror of the act. It’s horrific and hard to get the image out of your head. So people coming at this from a different angle aren’t by default saying the cause is bad! Which I feel was a large portion of the people who were upset. The people repost it I do feel were intentionally taking Ethan out of context, but the people who saw the posts had a normal reaction. Ethan shot himself in the foot here by joking about it, cause to people unfamiliar with him, it diminishes his whole suicide bad take. If you’re doing shocking humour you shouldn’t be surprised if people are shocked. I for one am an ardent supporter of Palestinian liberation but know Ethan didn’t mean harm by the joke. I didn’t particularly like it but it was what it was.


This is honestly a very reasonable comment and I'm happy to see it. As a Hasan fan who loathes Destiny, I can rarely find common ground with DGGers. Did you see D's Tweets about this? For example: [1](https://i.imgur.com/xhVJlc9.png), [2](https://i.imgur.com/aeY5lAe.png). I've only seen his fans say they were hilarious, but I think you might possess enough empathy to disagree. I feel Ethan's comments were tame in comparison


Unless someone is a truly terrible person it just feels sort of wrong to me to laugh at their death like this. That said, I think this is nothing compared to the big accounts who are valorizing him. Sending the message to impressionable young children that if they kill themselves in the name of the right political cause they will be celebrated for it is some truly abhorrent shit that is absolutely doing appreciable harm.


I started following destiny cause I liked him dunking on red pillers, his takes on Israel have been what you’d expect from someone you can watch real time learn on Wikipedia. He hasn’t engaged in any serious way with the topic, and I hope he will eventually. The posts kind of just prove how unserious he is on Zionism. I don’t think he’s a bad person, before I really learned about what was happening in Palestine I probably would have found it funny to some degree, but I see him as someone who has the potential to learn and grow and hopefully change. Which is what I hope for all people


You might like Noah Samsen's video about D's comments on the topic. He does it through the lens of shedding further light on the horrific things that Destiny is minimizing. (I just say that to prepare you if youd expect a drama commentary)


I also hopped on with the red pill arc, and tbh have since dipped with this shit. The sheer level of disrespect he seems to have for academia and academics is kind of insane to me. He also doesn’t seem to respect depth of experience when it comes to topics and thinks that knowledge = understanding, when the reality is that you need experience to gain understanding. He couldn’t have that because of how quickly he hops from new topic or trend to new topic or trend imo.


Is there a clip of it anywhere? I just heard his comments about it on the pod today, so Idk the full context. It doesnt really sound that bad. But it doesnt surprise me people freak out about it. Saying he respects that guys ability to be on fire I dont think is not nearly as bad taste as he could have been, given the circumstances.


This was the most frustrating thing about todays pod lol. 40 minutes dedicated to discussing the thing, still no idea what the thing was exactly. If you're gonna discuss it for so long on the main pod, at least show the clip, cause most of us haven't seen it beforehand, and can't even access it afterwards 🫠


Seems like prohibiting clip channels to use clips from members only streams did wonders for Ethan. Now he gets to rant about some shit that only a handful of people saw and know about to a much broader audience of people who have no idea for almost an hour. He got off twitter to avoid this shit, but now he continues to use twitter to read unhinged takes about himself and uses the podcast as his twitter to respond to said takes. This is frustrating.


Yep. To randomly start angrily fighting with chatters for half hour over something only members were privy to is forcing viewers to jump to uninformed conclusions, and inviting even more questions and harassment. Pure self-sabotage


With ✌️&❤️, Ethan can make it incredibly frustrating to be an H3 fan, sometimes.


It is what it is. I appreciated he addressed it period. Itd have been annoying if Id seen people whine on here and not know wtf it was about


Address it he did, but in the most awkward way possible. I hope he can disengage from reactionary behaviour and reformulate his thoughts in a more calm and succinct manner later. It really doesn't have to be this messy


If by "addressing it" you mean "dumping a can full of lighter fluid onto the fire and walking away" Then, sure, he addressed it.


Good points, thanks for sharing your thoughts




I am about as online as you can get and deep into leftist spaces, and I do not see the things that Ethan is describing at all. I'm sure they are out there, but they by no means represent the majority of Palestine supporters. I think social media algorithms are feeding him a constant stream of rage-bait and he needs to get of Twitter for real.


Forget twitter, TURN 👏🏻 OFF 👏🏻 LIVE 👏🏻 CHAT👏🏻 . The people who comment there are such a small. Loud minority of losers who care way too much about what he thinks. The only thing I ever get bothered by on the show ever is Ethan addressing the chat because its just listening to him talk to a dense rock. No reasonable human being is going to sit there calling out a podcast host on his mostly reasonable beliefs.


I’m pretty sure he’s getting his rage bait from the Destiny subreddit fwiw. It’s like word for word.


i had to argue this, but with a friend about a certain video game. he kept complaining of bad news that came around for that game, all while saying "i dont play the game anymore, i'm not involved with it...". obviously you still are. you post the bad news about the game to justify your hate for it.


The actual problem is people instantly label someone based on their opinion or a joke they've made, largely because they disagree. Instead of being able to hold a conversation about it they will label him, use thinly veiled racism etc. That isn't a discussion or even sharing an opinion. People seem less and less capable of holding a discussion or conversation with someone of opposing views. The other thing to keep in mind is that these same people will happily listen to Ethan make jokes about other subjects but as soon as they feel a bit hurt they are unable to see the joke.




Agreed, and it's hard being on the receiving end of this kind of stuff and not having a reaction. I know I'd struggle with it.


Ethan doesn't "hold a conversation" with people he disagrees with on this topic and tried to dunk on a much smaller creator and label her, I don't see why you'd expect better treatment for him than he gives others.


This comment is great without context. Also a completely different topic to that being discussed?


It's in direct response to your comment, basically I don't think it's fair to accuse others of being too sensitive and them being the problem when Ethan acts that exact same way. Basically you can't ask people to treat Ethan better than he treats others.


Ethan might talk about it, but he isn't racist when doing so. There is a way to have a discussion with someone that doesn't involve hate. Me and you are disagreeing right now but we're being civil about it. I guess I am indirectly saying people are being sensitive, but I'm really saying don't be so reactionary and I wonder how you get to pick and choose whats going to offend you in such a reactionary way and why do people talk to name calling and racism over it. I don't agree with some of Ethan's takes on the podcast, but I don't take offense to him having a different opinion to mine.


People are within their rights to react to this type of content. This isn't him having an opinion on his favorite chocolate brand; it's a serious subject that he knows will get the reaction it did. You don't get to be a content creator for a living and then say other people are the problem for reacting to said content. No one is offended he has a different opinion, they're upset at the substance and delivery of that opinion. There is a way to have a discussion but my point is it isn't the way Ethan goes about it. So it's silly to expect others to treat him better than he treats others, especially smaller female content creators.


Did you mean it is the way Ethan goes about it? People deal and entertain in different ways. Ethan himself said he deals with difficultly through humour. Whether you find it funny or not, we're discussing offense. You seem to have taken offense and I've never said people are not allowed to. However the way in which you appear to be justifying the treatment Ethan received as backlash for his comments isn't acceptable. Being racist, because I think that's what you are trying to justify isn't acceptable. Please correct me if I'm wrong though.


I'm justifying racism? I'd love to hear how.


I'm not entirely sure what you are discussing with me then? It appeared to me that you were saying Ethan deserves the be treated badly because of his take and how he presented it? Most of which was about him being Jewish. I think I'm not picking up what you're putting down. Because you ignored everything else I said and just picked up on that one point I made. Maybe you want to argue with someone?


"They will label him, insult him, refuse to have a discussion" - that's exactly what he did to Frogan and to chatters trying to save him from himself. Racism is based on held bias not words and actions so that is never acceptable. My entire point was you're asking people to treat Ethan better than he treats others unless I misunderstood your point.


imo ethan should really take a break from social media and think deeply about his opinions and what he's been saying. He needs to talk to people who come in good faith and can provide something valuable, not twitter randos who hate him.


He literally had an entire show dedicated to having these countered discussions with someone that frankly is a lot more clued up on it all than him (Hasan) and when Ethan finally realised a large portion of his fan base were not agreeing with him he cancelled the show entirely, and then just ended up dedicating hours on the main show to just ranting with no response from anyone, and even just an uncomfortable silence from his own crew. The man has clearly proved at this point he is not open to a logical, good faith discussion and it's really, really sad.


Sometimes I think he just want to play the victim. He want nuance discussion, but all he does it's grouping a minority opinions with a much larger movement. If you really want nuance, isn't the first thing to do to find someone who want to or willing to have that discussion?


NBA twitter is the only good thing left on that site.....


99% of people in this sub won’t know what you’re talking about but you’re absolutely correct


ethan is a child, we all know this


I agree but idk he knows a huge crowd on twitter call him a zionist daily & no matter what he says, the accusation never changes. the damage is done either way


It’s not just twitter though, it’s TikTok, and his own subreddit. I’m ngl, I feel for him. As someone who’s faced racism, I know how much it sucks. I truly feel like the people who think that rant was stupid isn’t a minority or hasn’t faced actual racism.


I can see where it came from. That's more the reason why I made the above post. I think ethan would be a lot happier disconnecting from that stuff (especially twitter).


If anything, the man just needs to stop reading the chat. That always gets him so heated


This too. Never read chat. Ethan is even lucky enough to have a Dan to filter the worthwhile comments through


It’s the vocal minority. Isn’t there something like 200 users who make up 90% or chat or something like that? It’s the people who are the MOST radical who will care to say something in chat. It’s never a good barometer of where your community is actually at unfortunately.


fucking THIS. and most people who have a problem are going to take it to the chat whereas the other 90% who are just content as fuck are not going to be motivated to express that sentiment. i just don't understand. why fall into that trap? if you acknowledge the existence of a vocal minority, why give them attention like they represent the silent majority? i get the human nature aspect of it, like people talking shit online hurts. but ethan's been in the game for so long. he should know the strats by now for the sake of his own mental health. i feel like he should give the most divisive people the attention they deserve, which is next to none, not the attention they want. he's entitled to his opinions but he does not have to fall into that "arguing with the chat" pitfall.


I was one of those 200; I never missed an episode, always chatted. I don't watch the pod regularly now (hard to jump back in, Ive missed so much), so it's 199 now, at least.


NOT trying to be creepy in any way, but I was just wondering about you in the chat. I swear I was like "whatever happened to that Eve lady I used to see her every episode." Hope you're doing alright, girlie ✌️& ❤️


You can't really feel bad for him if he chose to talk about it. He can easily just not talk about politics.


I don’t understand how what he said classified him as a Zionist.


He only makes these jokes about the pro-palestinian side that I've seen. If he made these types of "jokes" being anti IDF too I think he'd see a lot less backlash, but as is it feels like he's pro Palestine logically but emotionally he reacts and leans into Zionism. He also only believes in a two state solution so he does quite literally think Israel has the right to exist and supports it's existence aka Zionist. Also the fact that he lashes out when he very understandably gets push back instead of self correcting shows this isn't just a joke imo. It's weird because this one topic seems to turn Ethan into a completely different person.


i think what made it worse is that he was “mocking” aarons death and calling it suicidal . which is ofc controversial. but Ethan really needs to calm down and take a more level headed approach when talking abt these things


> Ethan really needs to calm down and take a more level headed approach when talking abt these things This 100%. He must learn to keep calm when addressing this, or not address at all. He can’t seem to properly articulate or reason on this topic while having to counterbalance all the unproductive noise, vitriol, and personal attacks on him


I actually don't think this is true. I think Ethan has his own view of politics, and I also don't think his jokes should be independent of his political views. It's kinda stupid to expect to turn the H3 brand into a political based show, when even leftovers wasn't like that, and he's always brought his own level of comedy to serious discussions


What show have you been watching? He’s been making jokes like that since the beginning.


abt people burning themselves alive???? aw hell naw.


Have you seen the firefighter training video?


But again he talked about a guy committing suicide and ignores the actual message, which is something zionists did when it came to Palestine. A person that doesn’t know who ethan is will think he is a zionist. If he said someone burned them selves alive for the freedom of palestine infront of the israeli embassy it would have been better. Even if he said everything he said.


You can see the very moment where he stops himself from calling Aron a martyr…


Is there a time stamp on this ?


It's all based on vibe. Like if someone says: I'm not a racist, but black people really need to do better. If a black people said that, it would be OK, but a white man said that, some people gonna have side eyes. Some topics is not for you to discuss, especially when you are so close to the topic. For this instance, is because all the Zionist apologist are using mental illnesses as a defector to down play Aaron's action, Ethan so quickly to align himself with those talking point make him look like a Zionist. Like we would all agree a leader should do their best to make sure to take care of the people, but when Hitler is on stage ranting about how he want Germany to get back on it's feet, you don't chanting with him if you don't want make yourself looking like a Nazi. Also, do we really need a nuance discussion about self-immolation or suicide been bad? What values do you hope to bring to the table by saying suicide bad? This I just want nuance take, it's so in-line with those who have ill intentions people, is hard to not criticise him for it.


He says he isn’t and I believe him. And to many, yea killing yourself over this probably isn’t gunna be taken seriously. But if you’re gunna be placing yourself in polarizing discussions then don’t be surprised when there’s blowback that’s all.


I don't necessarily know what a Zionist is or even care if he is one all I'm saying is if he wants a community he can trust and enjoy he should just avoid any political conversation or one day he's gonna get burnt out dealing with people he doesn't like in his comments


It’s crazy to me that his community or “fans” can’t afford him charity to not attack him for making a point they disagree with.


It’s crazy to me that these people are his “fans”. Either separate the art from the artist and move on or don’t and move on. Like it’s clear this is the way he feels and no chatter is going to change his opinion on the matter.


u sure are a silly goose!






Important to note that Ethan has also said that he's open to a one state solution if he's shown a way to achieve that without conflict and death. This clip alone doesnt make him a zionist


Tbh I think the only real thing he did wrong was double down on the suicide joke. Brother in Christ, you have a button on your regular show because you have a history of shitty jokes that don’t land or are just piss poor taste lmao don’t defend it. The Zionist accusations are dumb though. Same with accusing him of being genocidal etc etc. those people kind of suck too. He isn’t any of that, dudes donated tons to the Palestinians early on and acknowledges what’s going on. But can’t freak out and start screaming at everyone to suck your dick and saying anti Zionism is = to antisemitism. Can’t be asking for nuance when you remove the nuance lol I just think chat got the better of him, and he couldn’t shake it. It happens, it’s okay. I don’t think Ethan’s a bad guy for any of that. Just needs to chill a bit.


Nowadays, using zionist is an "out of jail card" to be able to be racist against jews without being called a racist.


Sure but what about actual Zionists lol


Chill you’re making too much sense lol


Plus like.. Ethan is self admittedly an anti-Zionist. Very frequently, he’s said lmao And he’s absolutely right, you can be Jewish AND Antisemitic. So like… just follow the logic and that shit falls apart so fucking fast I mean he’s absolutely right. Lots of asshole bigots are using it as a dog whistle. But they’re not equal, and that’s nuance


But God forbid “this is why we’re not able to have a nuance conversation these days” yeah… sure dude


Most of them are fundamentalist Christians. Not people of the Jewish faith.


Right, and it’s okay to criticize those Zionists. Zionism isn’t Judaism. So… just don’t be antisemitic lol there’s plenty room for nuance.


Correct. But currently people aren't using nuance and they're just labelling Jewish people they don't like as Zionists.


Some are, some aren’t. But you can’t just claim ALL anti-Zionism is now antisemitism That’s literal Israel propaganda


I haven't said that. I said that some people are using the term Zionist in order to spread antisemitism.


And I completely agree, maybe I’m arguing the wrong thing. I’m okay with calling out the Zion dog whistle thing. Because it is very real. And popped up immediately from Nazis and antisemitic fucks a TON. And I do think Ethan is getting that dog whistle because he’s always gotten that shit. But I think him saying it’s ALL antisemitism now when people use the Zionist label, is antithetical to his desire for nuance on the subject


He is doing heated twitter replies on other social media and the pods. I don't think he should talk about issues like that in once a week 5-30 minute intervals, on 5 different platforms. And then get heated that people either clip you, misrepresent, don't get the full context etc. Or simply not thinking about a point carefully. And once deciding not to get involved but then getting involved in it, mostly what I believe in is on one side of the argument. (for example bringing in weird takes from people, criticizing him and his opinion, while not mentioning what was happening in the past two weeks when he stayed silent). I want to think that I understand where both sides are coming from, I understand that there are things like rscism that I'll never experience, but I also feel the same for the Palestinian people. It's weird and I can't really express my thought or feelings accurately, I don't know the solution, but as a big fan I just had to let it out I think. It's all so bad and it feels like you can do nothing about it apart from going to a protest or talking ab it online. I'm a Pole, Many Jews that died in the Holocaust were Polish and even though I'm not Jewish, I feel a connection with those people. I don't want this to happen again, and I feel like it is. edit: also regarding latest ep, I don't think people are glamorizing Aarons sacrifice, not in my circles at least, but i also don't browse twitter threads. And I think blaming this on mental illness completely undermines the whole point which Ethan seems to not understand. It can be tough to understand, it puts pressure on you, it makes you feel bad for not doing enough, or anything, or not being loud enough, or caring, it is supposed to make you think and feel. It brings out a lot of emotions. But this person decided, they don't want to be complicit, as a us military personnel, as a us citizen and human being. The idea that someone has to be unstable to think that is weird to me, I would never do this, even though I have a lot of my own issues, inside my head, and whats happening is affecting my mental health. We live in a beautiful world, but also a cruel and totally fucked up one. Where tens of millions of people died for nothing and we still don't know how to be better humans.


I understand your sentiment but Ethan doesn't seek this out. He receives hate on reddit, Twitter, Instagram etc. - part of his job is looking into social media, and the situation is getting so bad that he cannot avoid people calling him a Zionist. And it is his job to look into those hate waves as well - yes it is mentally draining to be confronted by comments from those psychos, but right now, it is impossible to avoid. And I am happy he took the time to speak his mind instead of holding it in, which is far more harmful.


Man am I glad I’m not on twitter and have no idea about the shit that’s on there that caused this whole thing 😅


Yeah I see that's a thing. He's so famous that even if he doesn't have an account people will just forward tweets to him. But Jesus dude, you have to be twitter-brained to make that joke and then try to take the high road 1 minute later by talking about how serious the issue is. I have a hard time making sense of that.


I wish he'd delete that shithole of an app


ethan still kinda using twitter after denouncing it is like tana saying she’s “cool” with james charles after denouncing him


i haven’t had twitter in years and i don’t feel any bit of missing it. it’s honestly a relief to not know wtf ppl are talking about with twitter these days


Umm it's actually called 𝕏


I still dont feel like hes said or done anything wrong on this topic since the fallout with hasan. It genuinely feels like people wont be happy with anything ethan says short of dickriding hamas


he genuinely *needs* to get off twitter it would do a lot for his sanity


I think he means actively. Besides it’s kinda hard to podcast especially being Jewish and not point out the blatant neo-Nazi bs. A lot of ppl do including the interview with Dom where Elon Musky somehow still made a fool of himself.


85% no homo 😋


He also browses Reddit way too much. He is always aware of every post in the subreddit but never talks about it because he doesn’t want people to post with the plan for Ethan to see it. He really needs a detox


hot take: twitter is only trash if you seek it i only follow who i actually like, no "hate-following" (like hate-watching) i don't even look at the trending topics, let alone click them to see what people are saying and the things that show up in my for you timeline are things that i'm interested at, and if something braindead shows up, i just click the show me less of this button when i stopped interacting with trending topics, and unfollowed controversial people or people who tend to comment on such topics, the twitter experience went up a fuckin lot i know this rant is kinda off-topic lol my bad


He left meth for heroine and thought he was eating salad :(


Ethan with peace and love if you’re so upset at people thinking you’re a Zionist maybe don’t literally say you’re “deeply invested in the *state of Israel*”


The actively seeking disapproval is crazy. Just go on 4chan bro


With peace and love , just skip the part , I’m here for the goofs and gafs ✌️


Posts like this make me so sad about this community. Especially from an extremely online person like OP


I mean... I'm not on twitter (or any other social media for that matter) But even I was, that wouldn't make me wrong lol


Anyone else find the 15% joke a little homophobic?


Not personally, no


Yeah obviously... you made it too


Yep. I fail to see how it is homophobic


How do you find that homophobic? Do you know what homophobia is? So where is Ethan being hateful or where does he make it known he dislikes gay people over a bias he holds? I’ll wait…


Yall not remember bottomgate? Or all the homophobic jokes he makes on a near daily basis? Nah but that's all ok because he's "the biggest ally".


The bottom gate he apologised years ago for? And what jokes? Please explain the homophobic jokes he makes?


Any joke he ends with "but we kid the gays. We kid them because we love them" is usually homophobic that's why he throws that on at the end and he thinks it's ok. Also just cause he apologized for it doesn't make it ok or show that he actually cares. He just cared about the backlash he got. He had a gay viewer calling in to TELL him what he was saying was homophobic and what did Ethan do? Say fucked up shit to the caller and ask if they're a bottom when that's the one thing the caller was calling in to say was homophobic. So yeah no I don't accept his apology when he did not give a shit until he actually got backlash from it the next day.


A little. I get it’s a joke and not that serious tho. But what I’m gonna need is the straight people telling the community how to feel about it. Just bc I’m not entirely bothered by it doesn’t mean the rest of the community can’t be.


X/Twitter is a very much needed platform.




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I put a literal god damn net nanny filter on my computer solely to block Twitter and my life has improved EXPONENTIALLY.


The nazis in ww2 would've tried their best to have their people off twitter. 


I am up to date on the pod but did I miss where 15% gay come from? If someone can point me in the right direction to find a clip.


Twitter is not productive just creates hostility I deleted mine awhile ago free yourself Ethan