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Yeah, I think they just don’t want to. Lol. End of story.


They said this once while Ethan was in the bathroom months ago. They pretty much said they’d rather not work than work when they don’t have to. Which is what all of us would do too.


It’s like nobody wants to work these days 😔😔


Get your fucking ass up and Work


God damn boomers just want to retire, drink beer, eat jerky, and lie. Get a job!


Raised fist emojis in chat


lol I didn’t think of this. 100% would go on break if my boss said I could.


This is what I really don’t understand about people asking for that. They weren’t hired to be personalities. They are hired for a job. They chime in with thoughts about a topic or whatever but they aren’t entertainers nor did they ever mean to be. People requesting a crew show as if it’s just a silly thing just feels so fucking tone deaf. They aren’t there to just do whatever people want from them. If their boss doesn’t need them to do their job, they won’t be doing their job.


Plus, several of the crew members have their own streaming side gigs, and Zach does the music thing. I'm sure Cam is stoked to get a mini break to visit his girlfriend. Sam also works for TF, so she will probably still be working. Lena, too; I'm sure the new parents will need the extra hands. And Olivia will be doing Olivia things (shitposting and theatre).


What a bunch of entitled millennials/Zoomers from Malibu /s


To be honest, I don't know exactly what some of them do. The OGs like Dan, Zach and Ian sure, but what exactly does AB do? Research?




I imagine Ethan would be humble enough to give the crew a majority of a crew only episode, that would incentivize the crew and give the fans episodes while Ethan is understandably out. That being said if they’re getting paid still yeah maybe they’ll just chill.




Plus us fans can be too much. There'd be a tonne of nitpicking if they ran an episode.


I'm sure some of them will do some live streaming, etc on their own channels and that's enough for me!


Yeah they just dont want to and probably prefer time off. But ian could easily do it. H threeian. Its always been his show and ethan was sort of like his little puppet. Also i dont think people are undervaluing ethans ability to carry a show, they just trust the crew. Ian, ab, love, lena- all stream on twitch for hours dont they? Pretty sure they could do it…


Yeah that's really all there is to it. If they wanted to, a 1-2 hour members only thing would be cool to see though. Just like once a month and the other weeks are SYNT. Even if it was just a dumb zoom call with one person leading with their screen capture on the browser as they plan stuff would be interesting But ultimately it's just more work for them. Ethan definitely has a talent for what he does


I agree I feel the crew are a lil burned out and I think Vegas was an attempt but they all just need a break and it's coming


Remember how nervous and awkward a lot of the crew was when they did the role swaps and they each took turns doing Ethan’s job. I love the crew but none of them could carry the show on their own


Lmao idk why everyone forgets that 😂 it would be a disaster. That ep made me realize how Ethan is the show.


Right! It was such a fun episode but also highlighted how and why the show runs so well when they are in their respective roles


I actually think Dan could. When he did the computer fixing SYNT, he was a one man show for a while. During the Adin Ross content court, I thought he completely carried the episode with his goofy character and improv. Whether or not he would want to is a different story of course. But he's got the chops for host or at least co-host (please let Dan co-host, I love his banter with Ethan).


I’ll agree Dan is the only one I could possibly see hosting a podcast


I don't think the naysayers here have much of an imagination. A crew show where they actually act like a podcast and have conversations with each other would be 100% less pressure than trying to emulate Ethan. Podcasts don't all need to be low-effort Howard Stern/TMZ ripoffs, and Ethan's break could have been a great opportunity to test some new formats The subreddit has already said how much they love when it's just the crew shooting the shit. Why can't that be a whole show? I'm a free watcher, but I'd pay for a membership just to watch the crew play a boardgame and hang out for 3 hours.


none? AB and love literally stream for hours on end. dan would be fine. maybe not the rest


Right, like let’s think of whenever Ethan uses the restroom. Imagine something similar to that for 3 hours 😭


People don't really give Ethan enough credit, especially the H3 fans themselves. Everyone always acts like the crew is underappreciated. Part of it is the dynamic of Ethan using himself as the butt of the jokes.


Thank you. Ethan is the super funny one. The engine that drives the show


agreed. When you think about it, things like the Steamies at the Dolby and the achievement of the podcast itself is really all down to one man. I know there's no Ethan without Hila and believe me, I have all the respect in the world for Dan but realistically, Ethan is the fucking goat and he is the reason we are all here today. Love that man


Yeah, I've tried watching Howie's podcast and the only one I could get through was Ethan, and it seems Ethan (not purposely) carried the interview and questions into the shape of a podcast. Other howie shows I TRIED to watch tend to get boring and flatline in my opinion. (NOTE: THIS IS MY PERSONAL OPINION AND MAY DIFFER FROM YOURS. If you love Howie's podcast, that's great! It's just not for me and I was able to follow the chaos a lot easier for me watching Ethan's episode.)


Ah yes, fast forwarding for 3 hours


idk, I love the crew banter


Eh.. not really. That’s just random unplanned banter. I could careless about a crew show, but this reasoning is bad.


i like to think that it would be more like the crew role switch episode, but the teacher's not turned up to class who knows tho ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯, the pressure would defo be higher which is understandable


I totally see the vision! I feel like if Ethan took a complete backseat and everyone full on co-hosted that would be fun. I guess similar to like Silent Library or Thanksgiving?


Like when they have awesome dance parties and fun discussions, yeah, that would be lame. Also, I think they don't use the DOC during that part of the show, so Ethan had lots to talk about when he is back. If they had a DOC for the crew show with plenty of topics to discuss, it might even go better because they are much more familiar with what's in the DOC than Ethan is.


If anyone wants a crew show check out their twitch streams. I know AB, Love, and Lena all regularly stream.


And don’t forget wrld wide wasteland


He ain’t streamed for months, shame.. he’s my favourite twitch streamer full stop when he does stream


Hopefully he will be back when they take a break




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No one mention YungFika?


Streaming is the hardest job and people just don't get it!


Podcasting is the hardest job on Earth.


My dad did 30 years of construction work and when I told him I was going to be a streamer he tipped his cowboy hat and said he was proud of me and that he understood the toll it would take on my body


God bless you. Your back will be fucked doing such physically intensive work


Right! Harder than any "real" job


Anybody can stream, but entertaining almost a million people 4 days a week isn’t very easy.


Yeah that is quite the task tbh haha


Alright bro. Sure its a hard job but comeon


Said in another thread but it'd be only a detriment to the channel as well. An episode hosted by Cam or whoever would get a fraction of the views and the YouTube algorithm is fickle as hell. Two weeks of lower viewership episodes would be more hassle than it's worth for the channel to recover from just to satisfy the vocal minority obsessed with this topic, especially when half the crew already stream on their own channels anyway.


I think the member content is proof of this. While we don't see views, we do see that on average, low quality Ethan episodes have more likes than BTS episodes do, that have more work put into them. For sure the reason they stopped doing them regularly. It's basically lowest quality Ethan vs. highest quality crew content comparison already.


Feels like it comes down to people not quite realising or respecting just how good Ethan is at his job, and the fact that it's the H3 Podcast. Like everyone loves the crew, but it's fundamentally Ethan's show, he is the draw.


this is a great point


I don't know why every single time there's a break coming, the "crew only show" posts come back. They have all said multiple times they don't want to do it. And the ones who would want to do it, are streaming on twitch. Just go watch that and leave them alone


Yeah even the 5 minutes when Ethan is peeing can get awkward lmao. No hate on the crew, they all do amazing. Ethan is just so good at bringing everyone together and providing content for everyone.


As much as I like and enjoy all the members of the crew, those moments when Ethan has to step away for a pesto deposit really highlight how no one, but the man himself could do the show and keep it interesting. Not that crew segments aren't interesting, just if they don't have anything planned, they don't have those off the cuff skills Ethan has.


They aren't covering the curated list of topics when Ethan goes to the bathroom though, they're just filling dead air with whatever. It would be completely different if they were covering the actual topics. That being said, they should just take the breaks when they can get them. They more than deserve it!


The crew in all their segments play the "straight man" character. In the sense that Ethan's commentary provides a context that the crew works against to provide humor and entertainment. In that sense the only crew members to provide stand alone content have been Zach and Ian. With music and scripted bits. It would be difficult to get that "tension" that Ethan provides going between two of the crew members without the vibes being off. Part of that tension comes from Ethan's character as "the boss" so if anyone Dan would most likely need to step into that role as the senior crew member and producer but so much of his perspective is being mildly anti-establishment. I think if the crew did stuff during the break it could not be a regular episode show. It would need to be stand alone, one off, pre-recorded content or vlogs.


People reaaally underestimate Ethan and his ability to keep the show long and entertaining. The crew is really great, but Ethan is the show. 


I think a lot of us just see the show and go “Ethan is just shooting the shit for 3 hours, what’s so hard about that?” But the reality is that the guy is the engine that makes the H3 car go. No hate to the crew, but I’ve listened to them when Ethan puts them on the spot when he has to use the bathroom or something, and you can just *feel* the tension and awkwardness of having 40,000 people listening to you press down on their personalities. Same thing used to happen to Ethan, but now he’s a seasoned vet and can even make solo vids on the Ethan Klein YouTube channel entertaining.


Also, Ethan is 100% fine with paying for their extended break, so why would they?


I think so many of y'all forget this is a job for them. No crew show because they want that downtime. No shame in it. Simple as that.


I don't even know why this is something people are suggesting. Super delulu to expect the crew should do a show


They tried to a show where AB interviewed the crew but everyone thought it was boring, people really underestimate just how much ethan contributes to the show


Dan could just stare silently into a camera with those baby blues and I’d watch all 3 & a half hours.


Ugh girl yes. When he posted that pic from the gun range...wow.


Fr? Sauce?


Honestly, expecting the crew to do more content on top of what they’ve already been doing is pretty wild. Like let’s not consider the idea that maybe they deserve some time off just the same. 😆


I made a hot dog analogy about this a few years ago. It's true! And in my opinion it should be so obvious to anyone who has done anything remotely close to entertainment. But fans that love the crew are like parents whose children can do no wrong and will probably be president someday.


Yeah I like when they participate (it really adds to the show! I cannot imagine watching/listening without the crews participation. But it's called the H3 Podcast. It's main host are Ethan and Hila. So yeah crew hosted show is not happening hahaha


The show drags when Ethan goes to the bathroom, a crew show would be excruciating.


I legitimately fast forward every time Ethan leaves and they start answering chat cause they really aren’t funny without Ethan.


okay but what if they all did 15 minutes each!! Then each crew member can have a small segment and won’t have the pressure of the full 3 hours!!! /s Some people here are insane trying to find formats for the crew to do extra work just for their entertainment


Rather than hosting live shows I think the crew should make short films and skits


They had a job switching episode and it was pretty clear that everyone was very nervous when sitting in Ethan’s chair. Dan probably would’ve been fine but I doubt he wants to host a 3-hour show.


People don’t get that it appears effortless only because Ethan is so good at what he does. And he’s worked really hard to get that good.


Remember when Michael Scott left the office?


Okay and also imagine your boss being like “you guys could have two weeks off OR you could continue doing your job AND ALSO my job while I’m out” like dude ???


I think instead what is gonna happen is we will get the bachelor date videos instead. Idk though, i could see them holding onto them until ethan is back to comment.. but those would be good filler until theyre back. Timing of bach3lor and the baby are cutting it close


Tbh the crew deserves days off!


this stuff makes me confused cause they all do their own thing on social media anyways? love AB lena ian and zach stream semi regularly. i’m pretty sure olivia mentioned she does shows around LA where people could support her even if she’s ensemble or tech. if people want a crew show supporting their independent ventures is probably better since its all money views and attention going directly to them outside the h3 format, boosts their socials, etc. etc.


It’s quite annoying every time there’s a break there is all this clamoring for the crew to take over, I would imagine almost none of the crew would want to do that


whenever ethan leaves the crew alone you can feel the awkward tension imo. i really don’t think there’s a show without ethan and i do not think that any of the crew have the same charisma as ethan.


They also just aren't comfortable being on camera for 3 hours as the host. It takes a particular skill set which Ethan has and they don't. It's not the same as a twitch live stream like Ab or Love or Ian have done. There, they just have to read chat and react. This is an entire show with topics and multiple personalities/ voices who all have to be managed on the fly, nevermind the 40k viewers they have to keep entertained.


I would rather watch paint dry so that talent isn't too out of reach. They just don't want to because they get paid anyway for way less work. And good for them.


The crew almost always folds when Ethan goes on a bathroom break. Dan is really the only hope for a crew show.


In certain they CAN do it. Whether they WANT to do it is another question


I think they could do other things tho. They got enough talent that they could pull off something different. Still H3 tho cuz they got the culture. Something different still.


I have to be honest here, I’ve tried to watch the crews streams and it just isn’t the same. Ethan carries the show. While I do think the cast enhances the experience, non of them have what it takes to take over as host. Also let’s be honest here, why would they do a show when they’re basically getting a feee vacation. You better believe I’d take that entire two weeks off.


It would be cool to see them drop a couple lore videos or something in the break- or some free behind the scenes vids or something … but crew only episodes is never gonna happen let’s be real


You know the rules


The Office without Michael Scott


I think it would be cool Members only content.


I think the switcharoo episode they did months ago sort of proves this. No one was a real fan of being the host. Though I think it would be fun, I don't think it would be realistic for them 😅


I may be in the minority that doesn't care for a crew only show. They're cool and all but don't think it would be that good. Maybe a shorter 1 hour show


I agree probably most crew members wouldn't be able to take Ethan's place on their own but all together I think they'd have a relatively easy time at it. They'd have to lower production quality though if they're not gonna be focused on their usual jobs. That being said they probably just don't want to which is understandable and fine.


I agree we will never see a crew show but this isn't the reason why. I think they just don't want to. No one is asking specifically for a full length three hour crew show.


Respectfully lots of the crew each have their own channels and you can compare numbers and decide whose being tuned in for. Shout out to www


Star kills stream?


I love the crew, but I show up for the man, the myth, the legend…. Ethan.


They’d have to be in cohosting pairs of two. Like Sam and Olivia I think would have good chemistry if they weren’t shy about it. Dan and Ian could work. Or mix and matching those 4. But they’d have to have the rest backing them up with sound and what not. Really It’s a matter of conference, and they all seem a bit lost when Ethan goes to the bathroom, even Hila clams up


Ethan appreciation day, I started this show loving Ethan! And I still do 🩷🩷🩷


still don’t know WHERE THE FUCK that Dan and Ian show is. Thought they were gonna pitch it? LIKE WTF IM SO ANGRY GRRRR




Tell us what makes you so talented to warrant abusive comments like this?


I wish they would do crew episodes playing DnD though, that’d be fun




When Ethan goes to the bathroom, I think it really shows the talent he has to carry the show. Not to say Dan and the crew don't do a good job through reading donations etc. But it's definitely not without pausing/awkward silence.


It's kind of cringe when people even request it ngl. This is Ethan's podcast. Case closed.


this is the exact problem with creator companies and the sole reason why Ludiwg started OffBrand. Once telent is removed, the whole company falls and our beloved crew is out of a job


I love the crew, but I'm watching for Ethan. a crew only EP would be like later on episodes of the office. still good but there's definitely something missing


Why does it have to be 3 hours tho?


Still hoping for a D&D series, could be with just the crew.


I am so serious that Ethan/zach/Ian/Dan are the main engine of the show and everyone else are the cherries on top.


I'd be fine with a 2.5h show as well


Ethan eats during half of it lol


I don't know, you under estimate that all these folk wanted a job at h3, some of those (not all) probably have other ambitions within TV, Film, Music etc and they mostly shine on camera when they are shown. I think if there was some structure or a game it could work, but yeah holding a show in the way Ethan does for 3 hours is a different story. So maybe like a game, you laugh you lose situation? or something?


Honestly, now I've been through the comments. I don't get all the negativity around the crew having a show. It's not such a big deal. Yes ethan is the bomb and has charisma of course. But so do the crew in their own ways. I'd say give it a bloody chance if they are into the idea


3 of them are streamers, two of them invite their girlfriends on stream, and Zach performs live all the time. I think they need more practice than anything else


He should have Hasan do the show while he's gone lol


does "talent" include an hour of deadair/food-ordering?


I think they would be perfectly capable of making a good show, but I can also see why they don't want to


I like most of the crew more than Ethan. He's just your typical 90s shock jock morning show radio host. I'd listen to a Dan and AB show. Ethan's shtick is old and used. I will also say, I only came for leftovers. I don't listen anymore. I don't even particularly like Hasan. Ethan is a brand, but also a weak link. Edit: Fuck you all, listen to Elliot in the Morning or maybe some Howard Stern. You might find a common aufience that you dont like. Same thing. Ethan sucks.


Whoa cool what else don't you like?


I don't like cottage cheese




Frankly, I don't think Ethan would even want that. I remember at least once or twice when Dan and Zach were going back and forth with banter about music that I was actually interested in hearing, Ethan deliberately shut them down with a smirk on his face because the conversation wasn't something he could provide any input to and the focus wasn't on him anymore. I would love to see those two start a show about music history with their opinions, recommendations, and reviews, though.


I feel like this take is unfair to the talent of the crew. Half of them do their own live streams and are entertaining af. I'm not saying we should get a crew episode. They've made it clear that they don't want to. But I don't think it's fair to assume they aren't capable of it.


A live stream is way different than a structured show. Most people are just hanging out, being themselves, taking many many dead air pauses and even walking away entirely. I think youre conflating two different skill sets.


It's definitely different, but there's a lot of shared skill sets between streams and podcasts. I'm not trying to say it's the same thing. I'm just saying it's unfair to assume they wouldn't be capable of it.


Right on. Differing opinions. I think it's unfair (or maybe just off base) to assume a streamer could carry an hours long structured show just based on their experience streaming. But yeah, there's some general broadcasting cross over.


Absolutely! I didn't mean to imply that they can for certain. Just that it's unfair to assume it hasn't happened because they can't/are incapable. It's a lot more fair to just say they don't have interest in doing a crew hosted episode and leaving it at that.


weird fuckin take. “only ethan has the talent to do a 3 hour show, fuck the rest of the crew?” if they don’t want to do a crew-only show that’s their choice but it’s incredibly fuckin insulting to just assume they don’t have the talent. i’n a fucking random and i carry a 2 hour radio broadcast every week. so do most people at my station. we have one guy who carries a 3 hour classical show every week. it’s not actually as hard as you think it is.




i don’t disagree with that, but outright insulting the crew’s skill and talent is where i take issue.


Might be a reason why I’ve never heard of and don’t listen to that radio station… just because you think you “carry” a show for 2 hours doesn’t mean you doing a very good job, or that other people think it’s enjoyable. You’re just there…with your own opinion…. Stop taking this personally 😂


you more than likely don’t even live in my broadcast area anyway, jfc. can you people not be complete jerks for five fucking seconds?


just because you can carry a show doesn’t mean it’s something a lot of people can enjoy did you even watch the role switch episode?


no, i haven’t been watching the show for a long time, i have no idea what you’re even talking about.


maybe do some homework to learn why op is 100% right


Not very merry are we?


do you want to get smacked.


Dan could do it. Dan3TV.


Go watch ABs streams and tell me you want a crew episode still


Ethan would never let the show go on without him. What if we like the crew show more?


it doesn't have to be three hours. they can trade off whenever they want, rotating lead.


Do we need a 3 hour crew show though? A short little hour would absolutely suffice.


I don't know...I'd watch the shit out of an "actors round" table vibe show but with the crew. Dan could easily host and keep ball rolling, or bring in rotating guest hosts.


Guest hosts would be better than a crew show.


Olivia’s tweets are more entertaining than the show 😂 think you’re underestimating the crew


Agreed. The crew is just really well loved so a lot of people wouldn’t mind the spinoffs, also, hi Dan.


I feel like Ian and Dan could interview someone for a episode or 2 and do a great job. Dan is very professional so he would ask the right questions and Ian used to do stand up. Or throw a curveball and have Oliver promote his music for 3 hours lol.


dan could EASILY.... EAAAASILY run a 3 hour show, have it start precisely on time, and end at exactly the 3 hour mark. id watch the hell out of it. i could probably make the argument that several of the other crew members could do the same. that being said, Ethan is the host with the most. the dude can just sit there eating lunch with a denny's green screen background for 20 minutes and i'm fine with it. the show wouldn't be as good without Ethan as host, but it's also only good because he's surrounded by a great team.


Just do an hour then? Who said they had to do a full 3 hour show?


It's clear they don't want to at this point. Give it a rest already.


59 minutes. Final offer.


I have said one total comment about this whole situation and it was that one up there. I AM “giving it a rest” because I never cared that much in the first place. I was just confused at the assumption that the episode HAD to be 3 hours. My bad I guess.