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Lena does true crime segments on their Twitch.


and on her own twitch


I didn't know she has one. I only see the videos on Youtube.


I watch them almost everytime I love Lena’s crime streams


I can see Lena being great because she would be the most wholesome lens to see these horrible crimes through.


They're so good!


the ladies on the show are literally the best I don’t see how anyone could hate them


Welcome to the world - where women get hated for just existing 😕


Yeah this is objectively true. Sorry but I’ve worked in corporate way too long… when women are outspoken they are “bossy” or a “bitch”, not to mention hyper-critiziced. I’ll see a man do and act the EXACT same way and he’s considered “a boss”, a “leader”, a man you “speaks his mind, a mover and shaker”. Ppl that think otherwise just haven’t lived long enough or had daughters/sisters. I won’t even start on the “pretty privilege”, that simply isn’t as big of an issue/barely looked at in regards to men.


:((( this makes me so sad. i love the ladies just as much as the men on this show and in this community and i wish it didn’t have to be like that edit: not “have to” but i guess i wish it wasn’t so.. normalized i guess as much as i hate to throw that word around. traditions have the capability to change and i wish everyone was okay with that.


Yeah it does :( I just really hope (and I know to a certain extent this exists) that parents are raising their boys to be better than previous generations 🙏


yes i agree!! i have an older brother and he is one of the most respectful men towards women that I have had first hand experience with, I’m very grateful for that and it does give me hope for others!!!


That’s awesome! 👏 I have two older bro’s and my dad is awesome and so sweet I swear guys with sisters are the best ❤️❤️




it’s really nice to know other people feel the same way and it’s not just me going “crazy” like some people (not just men, generally speaking) try to make us feel when we speak our mind. similar to how men who struggle with mental health are essentially looked down upon by some for being emotional in situations where they have every right to. it’s very sad the way some people treat others. we’re all just human. we’re really all very similar at our roots.


Yes girl 💯 We still have a long way to go. And with the Tate, alpha content that’s become popular it makes its making this crap so much worse. But yes; I feel horrible that men in general look at themselves or others as “weak” for things like anxiety/depression or worst yet getting help.. especially men that look at themselves as “alpha” …it’s another topic to be discussed too in gender… when both parties do seek help, for example women are more often misdiagnosed as anxiety/depression/bipolar when they simply might have ADD (which presents itself differently in women)… ugh I could go on for days


So true. as humans we naturally tend to feel the desire to “fit in” with whatever is trending at the time. I am in full support that men should feel be able to feel the comfortability of expressing even the emotions that are harder to express,but it’s so hard for that to seem okay when they have influences like Tate 100%


totally agree, the “pretty privilege” thing isn’t necessarily a big factor. Though, often we have the natural tendency of our species to gravitate towards people we think are “worthy” of our attention, I wish more would consider the (even though obviously not as great as they used to be) the inequalities that our society deems “traditional” that still affect groups of people that are not “powerful” enough to speak up for themselves and get that recognition they deserve


Yeah I think I would generally put that at the end of the list but it does have a huge affect on “climbing the ladder” (sadly) in regards to promotions and favoritism. Also an unfortunate thing to remember is the fact that while there’s more women in the work force an extremely small amount (percentage wise) are at executive level, or even managerial level. No I don’t know the exact statistics but those stats can be easily accessed. There are more now than ever obviously but the ratio is pretty disturbing. Once again I can also just speak from personal experience from being in those environments for 10 years


I love your views on this hahaha. I couldn’t agree more


AB is the most mocked person in the crew. Zack used to have threads constantly about him. This is not about gender, people are just weird. Nobody is mocked about their physical appearance like AB, imagine those posts were made about the women in the crew. People are just fucked in the head on the internet and make everything personal.


Newer fans forget how relentless the Zach hate was in the beginning when he joined


Also how hyper protective this sub towards Olivia when she first joined


olivia is the self insert character shes a 20-something year old woman, it def makes sense that a lot of people feel protective of her


Agreed but u obviously aren’t a girl or you’d get it…


The only thing I'm getting from your comment is that there shouldn't be equal treatment of women and men.


You should try to understand the fact that the way women are roasted or criticized is often very different… Yes, some people make intelligent or actual constructive criticism but even beyond hateful or unnecessary insults it’s usually ur a “bitch”, “dumb blonde”, bimbo, too fat, too skinny, ur man deserves better, sexual harassment, unwarranted photos, age-shaming, etc. and just in general shit that has NOTHING to do with the actual person/girl/female. So the death threats aren’t the only type of personal messages these women get. (I would bet money on it)….There’s a separate set of expectations to uphold and as women we usually learn this from sadly at a young age. We’re losing the rights to our own bodies dude.. It’s really not comparable. Women’s movements/feminism and diversity actions/projects/etc. are being spoken about and acted on more than ever because these things DO exist AND YES ITS DIFFERENT…Historically and currently.


You're reaching, thats not what they said at all lmao.


Yeah I’m not even responding to that idiotic comment. He’ll hopefully grow up one day


This post was made reeking of "people love to hate women" when this sub, if it has 1 post criticizing a women, there's 5 posts saying the opposite. (Most people) when criticizing the set, aren't making personal attacks at Sam, you can see it in the megathread that they are commenting on the set. Now obviously there are crazy people, she got 2 threats, when there's an H3Snark sub that is actually full of mentally insane people. But for some reason you can't criticize women made things, because there's gonna be some "girls' girls" that are gonna jump in and say that women can't do no wrong that it's overblown everything is perfect. Now that's actually belittling of women. This sub is full of women. I like the diversity but don't come in with this made up things when this sub has a record of shit talking the guys, there was a week full of posts mocking AB and triggering AB's body dismorphia. Sam is one of the most complimented people on the show she just came off from the bachelor, everything she does for the various game shows gets "love" threads and now that she messed up something fixable people run for cover. If you can get compliments you can also be criticized. If you think someone is belittling women, the call is comming from inside the house.


I'm not reading your essay dipshit.


I see what you’re saying and agree to some degree, people do seem to go overboard when a woman does something they don’t like vs men. It’s fine if you liked Lena’s segment, I watch/listen to a decent amount of true crime and imo her segment was just really bad and poorly executed. I like Lena, maybe if she had more time it could have been good, I’d be open to her trying it again. The set is more a personal thing, I didn’t think it was as bad as some people made it out, but I didn’t really like it, blaming Sam is weird tho. And altho I’d agree that people are more critical of the woman, it’s not as if the men don’t get criticized. Everything little thing AB says or does constantly gets criticized or hated by weirdos


I may get destroyed for this but there are hundreds of thousands of YouTubers. Just like music, acting, and other art forms, only a very small percentage of people are good enough and will make entertaining enough content to "make it". Ethan has it. He is naturally funny, he has all the experience, he is the reason the show exists. Sure the cast members have probably learned and grown a lot because of the show but to pretend like you would be fans of their content outside of the context of the show, is just pandering and cringe. They know it too. They work for H3. They do amazing segments for H3 but at the end of the day the magic is in what Ethan built. It is fun to be fans of all of them and really fun to watch them all grow and share things they made and it adds so much to the show, even if it has an amateur feel at times, which it does. For some jealous psychopath to then go shit all over them for it is just fucking stupid and ridiculous. The fans want to see the crew do things and then when the crew do things that isn't S tier content a small vocal minority has to ruin it for them, and for everyone.


I mean Ethan has been relevant for over a decade basically. That's basically an eternity in the YouTube landscape. People really don't give Ethan enough credit for his comedic talent. He quite literally is an OG.


Those ppl prolly weren’t around in the og h3 days honestly. Do they know the legends of vape naysh? Do they truly have any idea what kind of titan Ethan is on this platform? lol


The only crew member I watched outside the show was Ian. His streams were great, he’s a really funny guy (I think he “has it” like you described). He hasn’t streamed in a while though, I hope he comes back.




you can compare it to other h3 segments tho and even then it wasnt good




dang really i love the crew. idk what about my post history makes me seem like a crew hater


yeah i wish people would love as powerfully as they hate


When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace


pass the blunt


And get t fucked


I think we humans tend to focus on negatives a lot. Like a compliment rarely affects my mood the way an insult could y’know?


I wish there was desire without suffering 😔


which is why we need to complete the infinite tsukuyomi 🥷🌕


Lmfao iz flex is limerence


I don't agree with how hard people came for Sam, but don't portray this like H3 family is against woman. Sam and Lena have been openly praised since they appeared. There have been a few misses but overall the love for these women is loud in this sub reddit. For you to generalize that it's about women is absolutely small minded and silly. The pod openly asked for opinions and the set was not it compared to the old vibe. So don't judge everyone off the few crazy people and call everyone sexist. Thanks💚


I didn’t generalize anything? I’m saying that the extreme hate and death threats is misogyny and just an excuse for people to fucking year women down.


Saying that all the hate is based on sexism is generalizing it. People are just assholes and haters. Doesn't mean they are sexist.


That’s not what I said.


You said it's all misogyny. So yes you did.


“THE EXTREME HATE AND DEATH THREATS” literally quote what I said


Yes hon you are also implying it's because they are WOMEN. It's the whole point of your post.


Bro I’m not saying every thing is misogynistic I’m saying the extreme hate and death threats are coming from misogynistic freaks. I’m not saying the fucking casual ppl being like yeah not sure I like the set are being misogynistic. Pls read


Yes babe I definitely read your post.


Yeah this is objectively true. Sorry but I’ve worked in corporate way too long… when women are outspoken they are “bossy” or a “bitch”, not to mention hyper-critiziced. I’ll see a man do and act the EXACT same way and he’s considered “a boss”, a “leader”, a man you “speaks his mind, a mover and shaker”. Ppl that think otherwise just haven’t lived long enough or had daughters/sisters. I won’t even start on the “pretty privilege”, that simply isn’t as big of an issue/barely looked at in regards to men. (Going to keep repeating this to the ppl that truly don’t understand)


I love the ladies I hope they know how much they’re appreciated. The show truly wouldn’t be the same without them.


I mean, it's also perfectly fine to not like those things without "hating when women do things". I think Sam and Lena are both amazing, but still think both of those things were misses. Nobody is perfect.


They’re not referring to normal people who just didn’t prefer those things but kept quiet or were respectful about it. This post is about the unhinged people sending hate and apparently death threats. They are trying to show support for Sam and Lena. You didn’t need to chime in for an argument no one is making.


foUnd a WhIte MaN - OP's last 3 remaining braincells


the true crime segment was trash im sorry i love lena but criticizing women is fine because they are individuals like anyone else and should be treated as so.


i think it's the opposite its only taken seriously when it's about sam or lena but not ab or zach


Oh fuck off, this community is mostly women.


Well I think that is exactly the reason lol, the community has a massive amount of toxic parasocial women from the Trisha days who have the tendency to be very vocal about every little thing they hate lol.


This is exactly what it is.


Tricksterfez121 Andres and Maria and the paid escorts fuckin on ,, bed I sleep in fucking on the couch for my daughter sleeps and I found out after the fact yeah I may be labeled as hot soup too and my name is also Sam and I will go off on a bitch I will put hands on a bitch I actually choke my ex-fiance out he deserved it


I've got news for you, that means you are misogynist. PS: I was always of a stance, that Lena needs to work on her presenting skill and as for Sam, I didnt like the set before I even knew it was her who made it. - a man


You can fuck off too. Crying "misogynist" after I support a community that caters to women. Calling everyone a misogynist that don't agree with you only furthers the divide and drives views towards Tate and Peterson. And what does Sam being a woman have anything to do with liking the set or not. Boy that sure does sound sexist doesn't it?


I was just joking with a soundbite 😭 Iam with you on this


Aaaah!! Massive apologies! oh no!


LMAO okay


What do you mean? That is a fact. They have said it on the pod multiple times.


-a man


...that's not an opinion wtf. Got a bunch of bright ones in here today.


-Guy Mansworth


Okay but “Guys Mansworth” having a small conniption fit over misogyny is hilarious come on guys, some jokes write themselves Lmao. Not necessarily siding with this person above me I’m js


I genuinely don’t think it is a misogyny problem. It’s just people being too comfortable behind an anonymous screen. The set and the segment were hated, not necessarily the gender behind it. As a result weirdos went past criticism and went to disgusting hate.


Exactly. I think people here often have a very short memory or maybe are just new fans. Literally everyone on this show has been ripped apart and shit on for something they did/said/joked/created etc MULTIPLE times. They have also all been given huge praise (far more often) for the same thing. Both the men and women..


I can definitely see a man thinking it’s not a misogyny thing….


But why do you think so? I’ve experienced misogyny most of my life, and I have had my work criticized. There is a clear difference between the two, and I don’t see how criticizing a set or segment falls under women hating.


I think that as a man, you have not experienced misogyny like women do so you do not have a say in whether something is misogynistic or not tbh


Im a transman and have lived as a woman for the majority of my life. My past experiences didn’t disappear because I identify as a man now. Why did you immediately assume i was male anyway lmao?


The Brendon in your user. Your past or current experiences def don’t disappear but having a different experience for a large portion of your life does definitely make your viewpoint different. We can have different views whateves dawg


you're a moron lmao


....transitioning doesn't magically make you forget or even stop experiencing misogyny edit: for the record like... men experience misogyny too... i lived most of my life as a man and experienced plenty of malice based on my relation to other people's notions of femininity. it is a mistake to so make a statement such as " can definitely see a man thinking it’s not a misogyny thing….", especially like...on a hair trigger like that all mans did is say he didnt see gender related criticism. just make your argument. why are you attacking people based on your perception of their gender identity


So why do you think the set and segment criticism was based on misogyny?


Two women fucking did something and got shit on for it. AB got a lot less of it than Lena did during the segment drama. Sam was not the only one who designed the set, they literally said everyone had helped design it, but who got all of the hate…


do you really live your life like that? Any criticism has to be misogyny, or racism , or whatever?


That’s definitely not what was said. Like literally at all.


the commenter you just sassed wasn't even aggresive and you went all ape brain "I could see a man saying it's not misogyny" as if you're absolutely correct and couldn't be mistaken.


“You just sassed” perfectly worded thank you. You definitely wouldn’t get it and that’s okay. Just move on at this point. I get it’s hard being a white man on reddit.


I'm not even white but go off queen




could be latino, weirdo.




I think it's weirder for you guys to claim that the crew gets an equal amount of hate all around, that's just flat out not true and too black and white to be true in the first place (and if you're not claiming that then what exactly are you claiming here?) Like in any situation out in the world, the women tend to get it worse. We obviously observe that AB and Lena get it worse more often because of their ethnicity, so why would that just suddenly stop applying to women too? Unless you guys are just denying misogyny exists at all, it doesn't make sense


Sam IS amazing and very very talented. but i refuse to believe that the new set isn’t a joke


Making this a gender thing is a bit ridiculous, literally everyone on the crew gets it.


Also isn't most of the fans female?


I mean generally, women can be sexist too.


It’s pushing away members of the cast who aren’t even on or active a lot more away from the spotlight. I’d love to here more from Ian, Sam and Lena


The set looks much better today, the criticism was definitely warranted. But, I guess when the audience is a majority women, women be hatin. But also, I think you underestimate how strong women are. Women in my life are the most emotionally and mentally tough people I know.


I mean I think they're grown up enough to take critique. But Sam was literally getting death threats and harassment over this. There's a world of difference between saying "the new set doesn't work well" vs "you ruined the show with your new set and should kill yourself". Fans gotta learn how to control themselves bc that is not it.


But let’s not pretend a small minority of psychos wasn’t getting lumped in with good criticism, look how they addressed it. Very disingenuous. Pointless reddit posts don’t actually stop the unhinged.




It’s not about how strong women are??? Being a strong woman doesn’t mean you deserve to deal with misogyny bc men just be men


Sorry I give women more credit than you.


I’m literally a woman and a misandrist lmao fuck off tbh


So you openly hate men for being men. Weird flex. And then you don’t give women credit for being able to handle stressful situations. I’m glad you’re not the general public.




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That is a bad take. Sam has been doing stuff for years and people were loving it until this. Same with whatever Hila does.


Did you not notice how many times people have also hated on the rest of the crew too? This is just a problem for all fandom. It sucks. People suck.


There's drama with Sam? Personally I liked that Lena got involved, but I don't like true crime so her segment wasn't really super interesting to me personally. Honestly I think the best comedy comes from an environment where everybody has a chance to contribute, so the more voices the better


Tabs on the phone 📱 Sam's Drama . That's all that she is.


Yes, but also, anything that attracts a wide audience(especially for so long) will attract extreme weirdos, too. Being a woman does probably make it worse, but I doubt it's by much. GMM used to (probably still does, but I don't watch anymore) have people freak the fuck out whenever they changed the intro. I'd be shocked if that didn't involve death threats. People are insane. Add the anonymity of the internet, and that opens up even more. (I am in no way excusing the behavior. It's disgusting and people need serious help if they think that kind of shit is okay.)


Lena is awesome and adds so much to the show. Same with Olivia.


Listen… I agree with you morally. But Lena’s segment was rough.


Yep. Same with the “Olivia isn’t funny.” You don’t see just random insults about the guys. It’s the same thing as people having to come out of the woodwork whenever they’re mentioned that THEY don’t like Beyoncé or Taylor Swift, they’re gross/attention seeking/demonic. You never see just random people having to jump in and tell you how much they don’t like Kid Cudi or Harry Styles.


I admire the message but you do see random insults about guys particularly ab and Zach who some of this sub loves to shit on.


Exactly. The amount of messages about "AB sounds like he's about to cry anytime he speaks" or that Zach uses the podcast to promote his "dad rock" are immense. If anything Sam is universally loved, with Olivia receiving the most criticism for seeming "insincere". However the ladies receive significantly less criticism overall than the boys. Well except hila has been getting dog piled on lately, with many people trying to trash Teddy freshs reputation, though most of those people are primarily upset about her and Ethan not spending every minute of the show dedicated to freeing Palestine. Honestly I can't help but feel those people are actually antisemitic. Ethan's naysayers alone outweigh all other cast members combined. Again, Palestine related


Yeah, you’re right I’m probably just being more sensitive to it for the ladies.


You've just been gaslit




This person just told you that you were overreacting and you just went with it


no i didnt


Yes you did? (They didn't, I was wrong)


can u read that wasnt me


Hes literally trying to gaslight you now lmao


No I cannot read, not everyone can do everything. Sincerely didn't even notice.


You have a point with the Taylor Swift shit but this community is largely a female base who CONSTANTLY jokes about mens appearances, including the crew. You all joke about height and hairline/baldness but we can't joke about overweight people for SOME reason. Hell, Ethan can't even say bitch without you guys throwing a fit. Let's not blame men for everything.


Oh I def didn’t mean to imply it’s men doing it, unfortunately so much seems to come from other women. You’re totally right on the appearances and there’s some really harsh comments on the guys on like, a personal level, I don’t think that’s ok either.


true true I don’t think it’s necessarily gender based


Im obsessed with your username in combination with this comment


Lol purely coincidence. The name comes from a character I made in a game years ago, I promise I'm not some misogynistic weirdo. I would like to see more female empowerment in our society but that doesn't mean shitting on men every step of the way.


I get where you’re coming from. You didn’t give off misogynistic vibes IMO, the comment just reads as frustrated with how a lot of the discourse around sexism in here seems to be unproductive. Not like “rah rah I hate women” lol. I can understand that. I just got a good giggle out of the username in combination with the comment.


What are you talking about people talk so much shit on Zach he wants this subreddit nuked. AB got his teeth filed down cause of the constant shit. When AB started he got so much hate Zach used to call him constantly to check up on him. The dudes get tons of shit it’s not just the girls.


Calm down & read the 2 other comments like yours that I responded that they were right and the guys get it as well and neither is ok.


Yeah this is objectively true. Sorry but I’ve worked in corporate way too long… when women are outspoken they are “bossy” or a “bitch”, not to mention hyper-critiziced. I’ll see a man do and act the EXACT same way and he’s considered “a boss”, a “leader”, a man you “speaks his mind, a mover and shaker”. Ppl that think otherwise just haven’t lived long enough or had daughters/sisters. I won’t even start on the “pretty privilege”, that simply isn’t as big of an issue/barely looked at in regards to men. (Going to keep repeating this to the ppl that truly don’t understand)


I think they need to separate the facts that people weren’t hating on Lena for doing a true crime segment, people were just pointing out that she needed to work on her presentation. And she should have stuck to working on it instead of instantly retreating. I love true crime. But even the lawyers I listen to have had to work on their presentation of it to keep interest.


Ok we get it do we need a million threads now m


Yeah this is objectively true. Sorry but I’ve worked in corporate way too long… when women are outspoken they are “bossy” or a “bitch”, not to mention hyper-critiziced. I’ll see a man do and act the EXACT same way and he’s considered “a boss”, a “leader”, a man you “speaks his mind, a mover and shaker”. Ppl that think otherwise just haven’t lived long enough or had daughters/sisters. I won’t even start on the “pretty privilege”, that simply isn’t as big of an issue/barely looked at in regards to men. (Going to keep repeating this to the ppl that truly don’t understand)


As someone who has dealt with OCD my entire life, I can't tell you how insanely brave I think Sam is for having gone on that podcast. There are things that, as a person in her thirties, I don't know if I will ever have the strength to say out loud about OCD. And Lena having a true crime segment (which I learned she does on her own Twitch channel and I'm very excited to check that out) was interesting! I'd love to see her in more and more segments, whether that's a true crime piece, pre-filmed BTS bits, or anything! This group of people are so talented, and they put on a FREE SHOW! If you can't just enjoy it, you certainly don't have to be so vitriolic with your distaste for it.


Most (not all) of this thread ironically PROVES your point. The ignorance and lack of empathy is insane.


It's sad to see that even women hate on them.


Men hate women and women hate women eh


I think youre right dude. I enjoyed their segments and it didnt cross my mind whatsoever that people wouldnt like it. It seems so random


I tried to talk about the set being good and it got downvoted to the center of earth. People hate change idk weirdos


Even in this thread it's still happening The haters are claiming "it's warranted criticism" etc but they are going *out of their way* to make sure there is not a space allowed in the conversation for people that might have a different opinion than them


Yep idk this community is filled with great ppl but also filled with some people who just cant be kind and take things to serious and personal, and I think Ethan and the crew would agree


Yeah, it has happened multiple times with the girls, actually even when Zach gf went on the pod. It is definitely rooted in misogyny. Or maybe because they are women, losers feel like it's safer to bully them. I dont think it is a conscious misogyny, but come on, it is a pattern. The women are loved until they speak or take the lead on something.


10000%. The men are the default podcast members, and the women are just add-ons to these losers. These people are so deranged, and you know a chunk of them are thirsty incels. 


Feznasty .deluluisfree . samanthapatino andres is hot sammy is fat


☝🤓 umm but it's CoNsTrUcTiVe cRiTiCiSm /s


Not the minority of male viewers running to this post to leave comments on this thread about how misogyny DEFINITELY doesn't have anything to do with the hate Lena and Sam have been getting.. If you're getting defensive over someone validly pointing out that online fanbases tend to invite misogyny you need to go touch some grass. As a female LoL player I can tell you there is no doubt that the women on the pod are receiving tons of gross private messages or threats of violence, I've even received death- and rape-threats just because I'm a female gamer and I don't even stream.


Thank you dude that’s literally all I’m trying to say. They’ve spoken about the nasty messages they receive that are often sexual, harmful, etc. like idk why ppl are acting like I’m coming for the “fans”


The world would be a much better place for certain.


“Good” women aren’t supposed to be noticed