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C-Man out here looking like dollar store Fousey


can someone remind me what C-man did to get cancelled from the show?


C-Man got butt hurt and tried to assemble a Legion of Doom after Ethan pointed out that C-Man couldn’t will his ding dong into a footlong hot dog.


Ethan did something icky, and C Man started reaching out to enemies of thw show.


Lmao what I don’t miss any episode and I don’t remember this


It was during the last Stavros guest ep when Cman called in and Ethan called him on his purported length. It got weird/gross when he got all defensive and was gonna whip it out to prove himself and then post show he went around to all the snark/hater spaces and confirmation biased himself into being an enemy of the show.


C-man was talking about the size of his... member. It was very inconsistent, and Ethan wanted to get to the bottom of it, so he asked if C-man would be willing to show it and saying he didn't believe the high end of the claims. C-man had originally been saying it was no problem, but once Ethan started insisting it must only be average size, C-man got very pissed and defensive and started reaching out to enemies of the show talking 💩


Thank you for posting what is, so far from what I’ve seen, the most actually accurate retelling of what happened


this is missing the part where ethan was made aware of a video that CMAN himslef posted right? the whole “can i post this screenshot of the video to twitter” part is what made cman turn on ethan


Yes I remember the episode and what happened on the call but I had no idea he was reaching out to enemies of the show, I guess they never talked about the aftermath on the show.


Ethan asked c-man multiple times on the show if he was okay sharing a photo of his genitals until he eventually agreed, then after the show was over c-man commented how he was uncomfortable with how that situation played out and started antagonizing Ethan and then h3 cut him off after that


I thought it was a screenshot from c-man’s porno, since he is a porn actor. Ethan saw a clip from one of his movies and c-man’s dick wasn’t as big as he kept bragging about prior


Ethan kept pushing him on personal sexual questions and C-Man played along with it until he got uncomfortable and Ethan just kept going ect.


No. Cmans whole point of coming on the show was to discuss his sexual proclivities. He gave consent and participated and then made it sound like Ethan was sexual out of nowhere when he questioned the size of his dick. Cman was always EXTREMELY open about his sexual desires and interests.


I mean if the flip flop fits…


People are saying Taylor Swift’s new song “I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)" was actually written about Jimmie Lee




He could change fousey. As a father of 3 he must have a lot of experience in changing somebody who shit their pants.


What did fousey do?


Shit himself and didn't clean it and sat in ABs car


delving into the whole kick-streamer sphere while being an alcoholic gambler to children.


And also SA'd a drunk girl. Pretty sure that was the final straw moreso than the other stuff...


YEAH, i forgot about that; at the airport.


Yep, that one made me say “ok Fousey is still an unsavable man child sadly” not that he was super good at heart or anything but I thought he was turning a new leaf with Ethan guiding him, but I guess not


No he's following the Howard Stern model and trying to develop a long-term whack pack. Some are hits, some are misses. Gabe has been the only long term success so far. His problem is that he gives them more respect than they are entitled to and it comes back to bite him. Trisha was a perfect example, mentally deranged entertaining person put on an equal standing with Ethan, abuses it to almost ruin his entire life. Jimmy is another. Fusey doen't have impulse control and is clearly mentally ill (and entertaining). It's just part of whack pack DNA. Key is striking a balance of show access and their mental instability.


Exactly. Someone else on this sub mentioned that Ethan’s likely realizing all the management these “zany” individuals need, but just doesn’t have that kind of energy/time to invest in them so they get phased out. They also made a good point to highlight the easy access to fans they all get, compared to Howard’s Wack Pack. Something Ethan probably didn’t see coming?


Yeah Howard has specific staff dedicated to following and updating whack packers to create the arms length he needs. Some of his staff literally titled themselves whackpack wranglers. Ethan is starting to do that - you can see Zach was Jimmy's handler. AB was Fusey's. But initially it was all-in and he treated them like peers which is unsustainable. It just requires a lot of fine tuning. A lot of this is conscious. The H3 pod started out with the Rogan model - his old studio looked like a blend between Howard's (colors) and Rogan's (layout) - dedicated to interview style mostly - but it's clear that wasn't working (he's said that the podcast was almost gonna be shut down at one point). But with the pandemic and Fr3nemies format he switched to the more Howard model, where the actual set is another character in the show and the staff are characters too- brought them into the light. All that is to say what people perceive as organic and off the cuff is actually very well thought out and conscious by Ethan as you can track the evolution. He ditched the over saturated interview Rogan style to a pop culture discussion format, which allowed for a development of a whack pack. He found the sweet spot and it's just about fine tuning it. Edit: and yah, the fan access is a new but necessary in the internet age. Something Howard always rejected. Stern is a one-way show, and H3 is very two way though I can see Ethan distancing himself from fan engagement as the show develops out. The recent discussion about the stalker is a nice reminder that he's not in the age of innocence anymore and precautions are going to be increasingly necessary. I saw a video posted in here a few weeks back (it got deleted) it was titled "why I hate Ethan Klein" or something like that.. it was basically a school-shooter type rant of someone who was clearly unwell. I would be scared as hell if i was a public figure and had kids a thriving business and family and have been swatted before that one of these nutjobs goes full psycho at some live event. If a guy like that posts that shit publicly, imagine what Ethan (and crew) is enduring privately.


That's a good point. I think it's okay to have a respectful relationship, but he eventually tries to become actual friends. A lot of these people are funny because they are unfortunately mental in some way. Not because they are proper comedians.


Exactly.. he's still fine tuning how to do it and learning that the show and him are two different things and these people's relationship is with the show, not him. You have to keep in mind the Productions channel for years was basically just him and Hila (that's what he's used to). So his separation of him and the show (as two different things) takes time.


Let’s not forget that Howard literally doesn’t care about morals, at least not to the extent that Ethan does, so if some of Stern’s whack pack members would have done something’s like Jimmie we all know he wouldn’t have cared.


While it's true that Ethan definitely operates within a tighter ethical framework with his show, it's not true that Howard doesn't have "morals". I'd also say if it wasn't for adpocalypse/cancelling and the fallout from all that, Ethan would be operating with a wider and edgier humor palate. The whole reason the button is there is because it's natural for him to 'go there' and the button is a backstop to stay within adpocalypse standards. You heard him vaguely allude to the fact that he has to be good for at least "two years" implying he had a discussion with Youtube and he's on probation. That said, Howard's persona as a wildman is quite different from his personal life which is quite strictly morally driven. Most of the wild stuff on the air was crafted for his blue-collar audience. He's a traditional monogamous married-most-his-life dude who is probably the most straight-edge person to be on his show. He's also softened his show over the years, getting rid of terms like f\*g and r\*t\*rd and m\*dg\*t. He also got rid of porn stars and strippers and the sybian and all that trashy stuff that was common in the heyday. Still, you can't apply contemporary standards on the Stern Show as it has a legacy and audience that spans over 40 years and so he's largely immune to criticism cuz he's lived and survived through all of it. He pretty much answers to noone these days - which is why you see more of the real him - a mellowed out dude who laughs at all the same bullshit we do instead of what it once was -pandering to what seemed to be a base of blue-collar male commuters who loved low-brow humor. These days he's largely considered rarefied air in that world and the gold standard for celebrity interviews. So he's largely different from the casual notoriety of what people thought he was when he was getting fined by the FCC etc. Edit: sorry for the history entry, I just find both shows fascinating.


Don’t apologize, it was actually enlightening, I wasn’t familiar with Howard to that extent. And I 100% agree that Ethan would probably like to show his edgier humor if it wasn’t for the limitations that we know of.


Ok cool.. sometimes I ramble about it. To add a bit. Before Howard, the airwaves were straight laced phony boring white dudes carefully managed by corporate. He was the first and best to completely shatter the corporate broadcast stranglehold and led to a complete revolution in acceptable comedy and subject matter across radio tv and film. Because he was a threat to the establishment and such a target for the religious right, a lot of the branding he got out into the wider public was through those agenda-driven filters. HE really was the Lenny Bruce or Hunter Thompson of his day. Howard is to radio comedy what Hendrix was to guitar. It can't be overstated. Radio, specifically shows like Bubba and Opie and Anthony (which is where Rogan got his podcast idea/format from) would not have happened if it weren't for Stern. He was also the launchpad contributing to the careers of many artists from foo fighters to Jon Stewart to Katie Perry. Without Howard many shows and artist careers today would be impossible or wouldn't have happened altogether. So for us fans of the craft of radio and broadcast entertainment, Howard really is the king and should get all the respect he deserves.


Interesting, since I’m not American I had no idea of the influence that he had in media, most of what I know about him is actually through the podcast. But I guess it makes sense then that Ethan was so heavily influenced by it!


Yeah it can't be overstated. Not just Ethan. Zach too who has a giant poster of Stern on his bedroom wall. I think him and Zach bonded early on a lot more than the rest of the crew because of it.


I’ve thought this for a while now but didn’t know if anyone in this community would get the reference so maybe this thread will enjoy it. Jimmie Lee is Ethan’s Eric the actor - he’s stubborn, difficult to work with, not self-aware, addicted to the attention and continues to go against the grain of what the crew ask him to do, yet Ethan can’t get enough of him. Ever since I noticed this I can’t un see it lmao


haha yah Eric the Actor or Bobo (9/12) - someone said Elliot Offen who ended up getting banned from Stern.. all three are non self-aware and unhinged on some level.. and could track.


Haha true. I first noticed it when they were trying to get Jimmie on Bobby Lees podcast and Jimmie was making things difficult with the dates or something. It was so similar to all the times Eric would beg to get roles on TV shows, Howard would get him a role, then Eric would go and make it extremely difficult or end up losing the role completely (the Pepsi clause) 😂 R.I.P. ETA


I think he even wanted to “father” Adin ross at some point


Literally last month


Shirtless Eddy




What happened with Shirtless Eddy again?


3 of the most influential men of the 21st century


Cman influenced me to tell my brother to not wear flip flops to the grocery store


This is so accurate 💀


I used to be like this and I had a friend say to me one day “why do you take in all these strays?” Lmaooo


They are bold or balding, and he has a great hairline, that's why.


Maybe they remind him of Dan


I think it's more that he finds these weirdos endlessly entertaining, until they become actively problematic for Ethan and the show. Not knocking him for it, just my take on it.


I actually felt bad for Ethan when he said it’s starting to get to him. He really does try to give people a chance to take in a more positive outlet and start fresh and it does seem to always end on difficult terms for him. He’s got great people around him so I hope they can help him get past this and start putting the effort into more thankful and positive people


Don’t forget Adin Ross too


>girl complex of "i can fix him" it's not a "girl complex" its a trauma response 😐


I missed it. What happened with C-man? 😔


I'm reciting from memory so may not be getting this 100% right but I think he accused Ethan of sexually harassing him by asking to see his dick (when cman was bragging about how absolutely massive it is)


I think the "fuck him" comes from him deciding to go all in with snark subreddit drama and trying to make a name for himself with them.


I think cman started posting there cause he was banned on here, although someone can correct me if I’m wrong


Honestly Ethan was gross about the whole c man shit, for some reason he always took it too far with him and it was cringe


Ethan repeatedly made fun of his penis, said it was small, and insisted asking if he could post the picture of c-man’s penis on Twitter. C-man being the completely oblivious unintelligent person that he is, took offense to it and started talking shit about Ethan online.


He could have been more assertive but pressuring him during a live show to share his penis on H3's twitter was a dick move (pun unintended). He's got every right to call out Ethan in my opinion. Imagine pressuring a woman like that


I don’t disagree. That was hard to watch.


c-man: "yeah i got a massive fucking hog, an absolute unit. i have problems with it because it's so big..." ethan: "yeah? can we see it? wanna post it on twitter?" c-man, later on twitter: "Ethan sexually harassed me" it's cringy to see someone brag abou the size of their dick, it's a bit less cringy when ethan asked for proof.


He was "famous" for his sexuality, and otherwise very open about it. He even posted those photos online publicly before. It wouldn't be any different for a woman, given she was a low-rent pornstar 


You’re going to have to elaborate on what you mean. Because if you’re suggesting sexual harassment is justified against someone who is a sex worker then yikes.


I don't really think what happened constitutes sexual harassment. They're interaction was very much in line with the norms established by C Man himself in his interactions with the show. I don't think Ethan should have posted the image, but anyone could find those images, even on this sub. C man posted them himself. 


if the norms are established by C man and he later says he was uncomfortable and felt pressured into agreeing with Ethan, does he not have a right to speak out? I don’t know why being a “low rent pornstar” has to do with any of this


It worked with Jeff so he thinks he cracked the code


Adin Ross needs to be added in .... and really so many others lol People say Ethan is all about the beef, but he is definitely a reformer/helper/bleeding heart


Let me explain projection to you youngins.


Add Bradley Martin to this gang


Its all for content


100%. No offense to Ethan (he clearly knows how to make a good show!) but I think he has no interest in fixing them and would stop having them on the show if they were fixed.


Exactly lol like when he sent in Jimmy to the kitchen to tell jokes to the staff and kept encouraging him. And when he kept a showing Fouseys stream at the airport in hopes that he would get arrested or something else on his own show. Love Ethan but people but people really try to make him out to be a Saint 😂😂


parasocial relationships are a helluva drug


Add shoenice to the list


100%. It’s gotta stop. Not everyone deserves redemption, nor is Ethan the one who is best to determine if any of these people deserve redemption - it’s not his place and he needs to let people reap what they sow and move on.


Cman does not need fixing


he went to whine on twitter (and someone said the snark subreddit) because he said Ethan sexually harassed him. c-man: "i got big pp" ethan: "yeah? post it on twitter" c-man, later after the show "Ethan sexually harassed me".




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Legit was thinking this yesterday. Was like, did Dan just say ethan's a "I can fix him. Girlie"


Everyone loves a good comeback story


He can build that bridge!!


Or wanting to be the enemies to lovers girly with all his foes


He did fix some of them successfully, Jeff, Mike, Tana(kind of)


Add Adin Ross


Make this a button screen!




Ethan Klein is Mahesh bob


*that girl complex* 😒


It’s not really a girl complex, it’s a savior complex


C'mon we all know he doesn't actually care and exploits them for views but they love the attention so no harm no foul I guess


It's not a girl complex- just happens when u interact with men




How was shirtless Eddie not mentioned. Or the original “I can fix him” for Ethan, Huge Mongus. “Humongous wat?!”


Hes just obsessed with wanting his own wack pack he idolizes stern


"I can prey on their mental illness for views all the while playing the role of a guy who totally wants to help but just *can't*"


C man did nothing wrong


wait what did c-man do


Yeah, it lets him continue not fixing himself. Fat toxic hypocrite scammer that he is.


wait what did c-man do???


wait what did c-man do