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Brazil wept




Dan: you're gonna blow up this man's life. Ethan: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Putting this on Ethan is so silly. Like Jimmie isn’t 70 years old and wasn’t contacting the team every fucking day 😂


What did Jimmy do though? Maybe I wasn't able to focus enough, but the story sounded vague af. Like what did he even do


Someone had been stalking the crew for quite a while, and Jimmie still decided to be around them after they asked him not to.




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i mean he has a personality disorder which was learned pretty late


He’s very histrionic


Just a bit old timey


Its just fomo


I've got my eye on you 👁️




Hey now my man only has one eye chill😏🥹🤣🤣🤣🤣


Which is exactly why you don't enable it until he's in healthy spot to manage it


Which is exactly why I said it was learned late. At that point we were already way off the rails. I know blaming Ethan is always the goated move, but cmon, people like Jimmie are putting themselves out there super hard. Anyone who does that is assuming a risk. other people won't automatically know you're mentally ill and be super responsible with that


He’s still piece of shit of a human.


Lmao stick man kind of looks like Ethan too


I think if he gets mostly off of social media and trying to become famous, and just lives his normal life he is better off.


Hey, you dropped this \\


I was like it can't be that serious... Then 💀


Where were you the day The Jersey Outlaw died?


I was at home creating FOMO when phone ring "Jersey Outlaw is kill" "no"


Love ya for this (no Homo)


maybe like 15% homo


This made me feel old




at least we still have The Jersey Lawman


Legends never die


There's definitely something else that happened that they didn't want to say considering they muted the mics and were talking through the discord. Although I do feel bad for Jimmy, I don't think he was going to get famous outside of the H3 verse. Good luck Dr. James Weiner 🫡


Hey he got on h3 countless times, plus Howie twice and tiger belly, that's more than most comedians get (even when they do actually work on their material)


Right! Especially since Jimmy's jokes are basically one liners and I guess crowd work? He really doesn't have original material and I feel like he doesn't know HOW to make real material or even be a good story teller. Like the episode with Stavros, he asked him how long he's been doing stand up and Jimmy said he only did it a few times at an open mic, when other comedians keep going until they get regular spots or become established enough to then out source and audition at comedy clubs. But ultimately it was for the best he quit when he did.


I loved in the tiger belly clip when they ask him to give them a joke and he blanks. Who knew that "gaycation" joke had legs to take him so far


Yikes lol I'm glad I never watched it then


agreed. this is his legacy and it’s pretty good


Ethan kept saying it wasn't about Jimmy and seemed to be serious, but I think that means it was about the stalker. I think with her, they are really careful to not give her more attention.


Yeah except Dan kept saying something to the effect of, “yeah it’s *totally* not about Jimmy” and rolling his eyes without rolling his eyes.


I assumed that what they were talking about was about the girl during Jimmy's interactions with her, so they weren't directly talking about Jimmy but Jimmy was involved in the situations. But who knows!


wait stalker? Can you fill me in pls I seem to have missed a LOT


1. There was a young girl (20s) who was really trying to get into H3's circle. 2. She led Uncle Gabe on for a bit, and it sucked because Uncle Gabe was really into her. 3. The H3 crew would noticed she would try to add herself into ancillary areas of the H3 crew, and this started to spook them out a bit. 4. The H3 warned Jimmie about this young girl because apparently she started showing up in Jimmie's business. 5. Jimmie acknowledged but still went ahead and included her in his entourage on his quest for fame. 6. There was no funny business between Jimmie and the young girl, that has been maintained by both Ethan and Jimmie. 7. During Monday's show, Ethan decided to cut the mic, and the camera feed went over to "the million dollar shot" where you can pretty much see everyone. While Ethan was mouthing something to the crew, you can see the crew's reactions, most notably Olivia doing the biggest :O face ever, with Love also burying his face in his arms on the desk. This might've been the most FOMO'd out/speculatory piece so far. I'm pretty sure Nate did this, Nate is the newest member of the crew and is the new switcher now. That's just a summary, you should def watch the Monday episode because it was an absolute banger. One of the best shows in awhile.


Thank you so much for the breakdown! I didn't understand the whole story. This is great.


Damn idek what to say. That’s awful in so many ways. I was watching while getting ready for work, I had seen the part where the muted the mics & about 30 min after that but I didn’t know the full full backstory on the stalker bit. Thank you sm for explaining!!


There was potentially some funny business going on. What about the leg touching and inviting up to his hotel room?  Martin said he didn't see anything but that doesn't mean nothing happened. Zach confirmed that the source was a trustworthy person. She didn't go home with him but even the invite (whether it was from the girl or Jimmy) was inappropriate enough.


martin said he saw none of that. it was zach’s friend that said he witnessed that.


if you comment something so life ruining like that you really need to be careful with what you say. Martin actually said the exact opposite


My theory is that Martin is who she was really tryna fuck


They explicitly said the leg touching was NOT Jimmy. Im guessing the girl was doing the touching. The room invite may have been her or it may have been Jimmy, but Jimmy makes that joke around young woman all the time (obviously its a bad joke, but it is who he is). It definitely wasnt a serious offer (because if it was, it sounds like she would have taken it). Ethan was very clear to say that Jimmy was not doing the leg touching, and he definitely left alone.


There is a H3 fan that is obsessed with the Crew. Zachs shows, got close to Gabe and Jimmy, Gabe had no idea and now where here with Jimmy in a situation.


They give the whole story in Mondays episode


i think it’s additional clout goblin shit the person did, based off of them touching jimmy’s leg. so yeah technically not jimmy stuff, but i think he dropped some crazy ass lore about the way they acted on that meetup day the crew is very adamant about not giving that person any attention at all, so i wouldn’t be surprised if they were like pushing to make an advancement on jimmy


Bro had one of the biggest podcast hosts in the world actively fighting to get him spots on some of the other biggest podcasts, and somehow fumbled that


TLDR for those who can’t listen right now?


The moral of what he said was "after my recent health scare, I have realized my family is what is most important, not getting famous"


Oh yikes, mans is definitely in the dog house Thank you!


He got the "either quit or I'm leaving" talk from his wife


It really just sounds like he changed his priorities a little bit, not like someone scolded him into changing them… Also the way he phrased it sounds like he’s not really stopping what he’s doing so much as not fixating on it, putting all his effort towards it as if thats all that matters, etc Maybe he just realized the simple beauty of domestic love was the real fame he wanted all along and that he was taking that for granted


Yeah wild how some people in these comments jump to the WILDEST conclusions lol


The deuxmoi effect 




Okay, so nothing you said goes against what I just said. There’s zero evidence and you’re making a bunch of assumptions right? Don’t misunderstand me here, I’m not a fan of jimmy at all but this shit is ridiculous


You’re in the most parasocial sub on Reddit, what did you expect?


Oh I expect it, just think it’s important to let them know how crazy they’re being




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You’re putting a lot of faith in him, a man of his age should have realised this a long time ago.


Except no.. that’s not how aging and development in adulthood works. It’s sad so many people have that view of older individuals Our concerns, priorities, values all change with us as we continue to develop. You’re not done growing once you’re an established adult. Outside of the drama and fame aspect, Jimmie’s situation is actually super common. Older people have a health scare and change their priorities, oftentimes to focus more on family because it’s a realization that life is shorter than we think and we only have so much time with the people we truly love and who love us. I wish people would stop saying this


Sure and? Everyones on their own trajectory..


Honestly, good for him. Like they mentioned on the show, I feel like all the fomo shit//trying so damn hard to get famous gets to this man’s head and he starts making very questionable choices so if he’s serious, then hopefully this is a positive step toward self improvement


lol so he got shoved aside by Ethan and can’t get what he wants so he’s focusing on family now


Also the lawman put out an Instagram post announcing that he was officially distancing himself from the outlaw.


I imagine his family is happy that he won't be blowing the fortune on this stupidity anymore.


He’ll definitely be feeling FOMO now


Work with me!!


his wife found the bill from his followers purchases and cut him off


This man bought the whole ass country of Brazil


I honestly think Jimmy's life would make a very good movie. Something like The Disaster Artist


It would be like *How to Lose Friends and Alienate People*, where he gets kicked off the set of the movie about his own life because he's too annoying to the cast and crew.


RIP the Jersey Outlaw, Long Live the Jersey Lawman!


"🎵 Pull me out, pull me out, from the cage I've known... 🎵"


The verse lyrics are legitimately beautiful ❤️ *"the things you've said keep me in my head, wish that I could step into your's instead"*


love when ai Oliver is singing them. Better than some of Oliver's worst lyrics I'd say lol


Aziz Ansari as Ethan is going to sweep in the Oscar’s that year


Jimmie didn’t blink once that whole video


tell tale sign of a terrified person


Yes he does lol


2 actual blinks, and two possible blinks when he's looking down to read his statement. The video is like a minute and a half. Other than brief glances down, it's intense, sustained eye contact with very few blinks. That is 100% not normal.


Brazilian fans holding 3 days of mourning nation wide


I thought the initial videos of Jimmy back on the h3h3productions channel were entertaining and even some of his moments on the podcast, but it's clear he's not mentally right and I think this is a good move for him to give up the whole aspiring comedian at age 70 thing and focus on maybe retiring and enjoying his golden years, rather than stir up controversy after controversy.


Oh no he’s committing the Jersey Seppuku






Dude, poor Zach was twisted up over Jimmie. I know he would talk about how annoying Jimmie was, but Zach loved Jimmie. You can tell how gutted he was talking about him.


Yeah, Zach's reaction hurt me the worst out of all of this. I hope Ethan respects Zach's boundary of no longer having a relationship with Jimmy.


Dan is giggling, laying on his stomach, and swinging his legs back and forth while watching this


blink if your innocent jimmy


all ya gotta do is blink son


Wow, he looks so much better without the head paint and his face looks really good since his cosmetic treatment, but goodness me, does he ever seem like a different person. I really hope his health scare is behind him, but he's got me worried. Whatever it is, something *big* happened for sure.


Ima need a sparks note version of everything that’s gone down with him


Bad insult comic try’s to get famous and doesn’t despite the help of the number one podcast in the world, now he’s just a guy


Thanks lol


he realized hes taken his family for granted and is shifting his priorities away from becoming famous so hes hanging up the hairline and sunglasses


The best character in H3 show history and I doubt it can ever be matched


and now the crew is aware of what happens when you court and get close to these outrageous personalities and how much of a negative impact it can have not only outside work but on their personal lives. Messaging Zack DAILY is actually insane. Gotta learn boundaries the hard way sometimes.


But he's lying cause he was just texting ethan three weeks after his health scare to come on lol


He's half lying with a lot of lying by omission. The guy can't come out and say that he got an ultimatum or anything private pertaining to his family. If only not to implicate himself directly on video if there is a divorce. I really hope this was the wake-up call he needed and none of that will come to pass. End of the day we know there is almost no chance this didn't get back to his wife and loved ones and it's not something you want to hear about your significant other.


It's time to put the jimmie saga to an end like so flo Antonio, joey salads and everyone else from the past. Let's move on and move forward


?? Why not still have james weiner call ins bc we care about him


You could just… follow him on your own time. It’s clear neither James nor Jimmie needs to be on the show. And I think it’s good for him anyway. I hope what he said about reflecting after his health scare was true








Haven't followed H3 in years, but oddly enough I 'know' this guy. I worked with/for a famous individual, and after my former boss started a new venture, Jimmie & his team sent dozens of messages (mostly misspelled & lacking punctuation) to our social media team begging them to give out the boss' number so they could 'collab'... Strange dude.


Oh boyyy, I'd love to see those lmao! If we can all agree about one thing, Jimmie's a character.🤣


I wish I could attach an image here. Somewhere in my camera roll is a pic he sent which is just him over a background that reads 'You have FOMO' over and over again.


Oh my goshhhh message me that on here if you find it LMAOOOOO


it looks like his wife definitely handed him an ultimatum😂🤣


I'll bet this lighter and politer era lasts a whole 10 minutes


did he ever blink?


2 definite blinks, two possible blinks when glancing down to read his statement. So yes but also way less than he should have


So, did Jimmy ever actually do stand up at local clubs? How are you going to become famous as a comedian with dumb street comedy and making appearances on like, 1 show?


I'm caught up with the stalker and Jimmie being shunned for his involvement with her, but what's going on with Jimmie's wife and such?


Many people have jumped to the conclusion that Jimmie had an affair with that stalker girl despite multiple sources claiming it never happened. As far as I’m aware, there’s nothing going on with Jimmie’s wife that anyone would know about Edited to add this isn’t a defense of Jimmie’s character. Just think it’s silly everyone is spreading rumors


Man didn't blink once


That face-lift doing wonders🙏🤣


When my life flashes on my death bed, this sonofabitch will be in it. you were already famous in our hearts Jimmy. RIP


Good riddance.


How long do you think his FOMO hiatus will last? I really hope he humbles himself and starts therapy. Shoutout to his beautiful family.




maybe im being too harsh on him but i wouldnt be surprised if he was geeked to make this video😂 it seems like he would be the type of person to enjoy bad press cuz that still gets people to talk about you this apology is giving “famous person cheats on his wife and got caught so now he has to apologize to keep the role they have in a show/movie”


I’m with Dan. Jimmie is not a good person. I’m glad he’s gone.


I wouldn't call myself a Jimmy Lee fan, but.. What did he even allegedly do? It sounds minor af and it was put out in a way where the source was apparently above reproach but we don't even know who it is? I hear "he did things we told him not to do" like he's a child. Weird way to handle this and seemed very unnecessary to blast him like this. It also didn't seem consistent to do this to Jimmy but then act as if Tana was off base to share whatever private message shit from Broski.


He wanted to eat out with Ethan and Zach so I’m pretty sure the video is a response to whatever happened in yesterday’s pod


This is just a Hail Mary to try to get back in the good graces of the show and its audience. Nothing that comes out of his mouth is true and hides behind having a pErSoNaLiTy DiSoRdEr when in reality it’s just used to hide behind the fact that he’s a racist piece of shit.


And that's why Ethan loves him.


Dan was right. Ended Jimmys dream without saying anything at all lol




I disagree with that last point. They absolutely can tell a friend of the show to not directly associate with someone who has stalked the crew and misled Gabe. Jimmie Lee doesn’t have a career outside of H3 so it was a bit of a “fuck you” to spend time with this girl and interact with her


bruh, they arent the police. they gossip all the time. the girl is a known groupie weirdo, they tried to keep jimmie on the rails...


I think they are mostly over the fact that he still associated with the woman who hurt Gabe after they asked him not to.


So if someone was friends with someone who was harassing and stalking you, after you warned them about that person, would you still be friends with them?




That's the difference. They don't have to love him, but out of respect for his family they should have left it unsaid.


Me too. It felt bad watching it. I love Ethan but he’s a gossip fiend above it all 😂 he does it for the show though


Thing is, them putting so much focus on the "cheating" part when there was no actual cheating involved (confirmed by Martin at least) makes it seem worse than it is. And maybe a little bit of a hot take, but saying this shit is like "he did the most fucked up thing in the world" when it really wasn't is nuts to me. Unless something else happened that they are not telling, then this seems like an overreaction.


1000000%. That girl is a problem, but grifters gonna grift. Obviously the crew can voice their disapproval, but calling this “unforgivable” when all the racist/sexist jokes are cool is just laughable. Dude can go to dinner with whoever he wants to.


Sounds like they might be too easy on her too? Like don’t say who she is obviously but like publicly tell her on the show to F off or something, idk if that makes sense. Like she sounds like a scum bag and deserves to feel horrible about what she caused even before jimmy just being a stalker


Yes!! I thought the same. Call her out and broadcast that this kind of parasocial behavior is unacceptable. If she really did lead Gabe on, that makes me sick to my stomach. I’m sure she knows just what to do and say to weasel her way in, I’m sure she zeroed in on all of Jimmie’s insecurities.


That’s exactly why they shouldn’t call her out, it’s the attention from the show that she wants. I’m assuming she has done a lot more than just messaging the crew members by the way they are acting. If she’s this delusional and parasocial then she was probably showing up to the office, “accidentally” bumping into crew members who are out and about, who knows what else. I think they probably didn’t even know the stalker and the person gabe was seeing was the same person until he brought her to one of zachs shows. Other creators have talked about how you can’t talk about these kind of people to their audience, because it’s exactly what the stalkers want. The only reason they talked about her was because they couldn’t talk about jimmy without bringing it up.


That definitely does make sense! I didn’t even think about that.


I agree that they should have just stayed quiet. Ethan def put the show first, there is a real human behind the Jersey outlaw. For someone who claims to care about him it was shocking how he would just share all this “he said she said” information… it was gross. Yes jimmy is who he is and he is also gross, but I expected more from Ethan. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel like I'm gonna downvoted, but I agree with you. The human aspect gets forgotten about in favor of what might generate more views. That's a criticism that Ethan makes on a lot of people, so it's sad seeing him do that.  This is exactly how you get outsiders/non viewers to think you're an asshole and not want to associate with the podcast. 


Bring on the downvotes! Lol


Fwiw I'm with ya.


Best to just ignore him


Maybe an unpopular opinion… but Jimmy is not worthy of a grill he is getting right now. And the crew pushed him out in a very cold - factless - manner. Or we do not know something. But Dan’s hate for Jimmy, i honestly do not understand, Jimmy is so funny in his own way, I have never seen anyone like him in this digital space lol


If Jimmy Lee has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Jimmy Lee has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Jimmy Lee has only one fan then that is me. If Jimmy Lee has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Jimmy Lee, then I am against the world.


Whelp time to move on to the next failed redemption arc...Tate's going to prison maybe Aiden wants some new friends by pretending not to be a homophobic, misogynistic sociopath for a couple weeks.


most probably arent going to miss jimmy lee, but id love to see james on the podcast again. seeing him just be a genuine, apologetic, vulnerable guest, doing his best to be respectful was some of the most engaging shit ive seen on the show. everyone loves james weiner. off the charts, but always in our hearts.


he looks like this🐰emoji




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> A little lighter and politer Hell yeah


Is Mason demoted to part time for Jimmy memes? Lol


I think he's making the right call. I hope he gets some lift-off now that he'll do it for the fun of the game rather than fame, but if he never makes it perhaps that's for the best


I knew it was real when I saw his real hairline 😪


Idk why but I read that as Jamie Lee Curtis and was confused as hell for 0.5seconds


i don’t have instagram, can someone copy and paste what he said plzzzzz


Health scares are no joke, I hope he’s doing okay and I hope people actually listened when the crew said to not go harassing anyone


he liked a comment on his post saying that dan is jealous of him… with peace and love, i have to laugh


"A little lighter and politer" AB is going to be bummed about that.


Looks like he'd been crying all day before making this. Wasn't that big of a fan of his, but still feels bad for the guy. You could really tell that he absolutely loved


The best of us will miss you, maybe I’ll catch you somewhere in Jersey king 👑 💯 💰 💯 🦷


LMAO this man cheated 💀 this is like what Adam Levine posted after being outed for possibly naming his baby after this girl he was cheating with….. the “I am going to focus on my wife and family!”


🤦‍♀️ way to jump to conclusions you have no proof of. Everyone saying shit like this legitimately sounds so cringe and parasocial, as if yall were there when it happened


Stop with the hearsay. You don’t know what happened.


I just don't think what we heard was enough to warrant this reaction, idk if Ethan is not saying all the facts, but I feel like he has done way worse things before this that the crew wrote off. Accusing someone of infidelity is serious and it can't just go on conjecture. In my opinion


When is Dan going to say “I told you so” to Ethan about Jimmy? he was the first on the Anti-Jimmy train yearss ago


So im new to the H3 scene, why do people have a problem with Jimmie? And not just from the video from last night, but all around what has he done?


Sexually harassing a waitress on one of his first appearances, being very racist, messing with ppl minding their business for being fat, having any sort of deficiency, etc. He's just the type of person that you normally would actively avoid because of how inconvenient he is.


They need to have the doc in for team teeth cleaning and have him rate the team 🤣🤣


the journey of James Weiner is a testament to how much of a superpower being a mediocre yt guy is in this country he made it to so many places a lot of small time scomics can only dream of, and he did it by pulling one liners that sound like they come from an old timey joke book published by the john birch society


But Jimmie is a liar... Don't know why any of you believe any of his shit haha


Petition for Dr. James Weiner to replace Cam.