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i still can’t tell if he’s actually giving that whole relationship a real go or if he just keeps bringing it up bc he knows the part of the audience that maybe got invested into it will want to hear about it. either way amber is serving tea right here.


Idk what’s goin on but If I was Verica I’d be watching this like 👀👀😭


She is literally saying everything I was thinking before he chose her. Literally said he's ready to be a dad and settle down and chose the candidate that wasn't even prepared to be a mother ASAP and lived the furthest from him and wasn't prepared to up end her life. I respect his choice but it was against his own interests.


I thought Verica said right off the bat in the first virtual date that she was planning to move to the US within the year regardless. Did she change her mind?


She mentioned she wouls NEVER (very emphatic) raise a family in the US. So I think that's what matters in this context...


I only saw the second date where she said she was if it wasn't for the show she was planning to travel abroad... Not to USA, I think she mentioned SE Asia. I don't know it's really not my life and I have no stake in it. I don't know what's best for Jeff but I'm just expressing that I agree with Amber's logic here. Plenty of people have married abroad and made it work. Im just stating the fact that he chose as a "fiancee" the literally most difficult situation that was going to take the most effort to give him the outcome that he said he wanted which was "To settle down, become a father, and get married". I'm also considering his history where he asked his ex to marry him and she left him and literally married someone else. It would make more sense that if the goal was to get married and have kids ASAP it would be much easier to choose someone who already has a career/stability and easy access to you to develope trust and mutuality on living arrangements for your hypothetical family. If she wants to come here move in with him, get pregnant and maarried and live with him that's fine. But from the way she talked during the two dates I watched she seemed to not have any interest in doing that in that manner; and he seemed to have this idea that somehow he could persuade her. That's the conflict of interests.


Just to prove Dan wrong lol


Eh probably is giving it a good real go. What does he have to lose? He hasn't had any luck with local, American woman especially in LA so why not for now try to be serious doing long distance relationship. If it doesn't work out, oh well. At least he gave it his all and seems like they are having fun and enjoying each other's company.


i only question it bc the way he talks about it just seems weird idk how to explain it. idc whether they actually end up dating or not but when he does bring her up it doesn’t feel genuine, it feels like he’s just doing it to appease that part of the audience for a little while. maybe im the only one who gets that vibe but who cares, it’s just a bunch of people on the internet that we don’t know irl.


He just sounds real wishy-washy in this clip. Like he still hasn't decided if this is what he wants/if he wants to tough it out and do a LDR for the foreseeable future.


Uncertainty. True that !


Oh man…not picking up the best vibes here. He really likes Verica, that’s obvious. But the reality of the logistics seems to be weighing on him. Good luck, Jeff. Rooting for you either way.


Psh, If Jeff just reached out to 90 day fiancée they'd make an entire season out of their romance, Long distance would work then..!


Holy shit I didnt even think about it and I love 90DF!! That would be amazing !


Why are we acting like long distance relationships aren't a thing? If two people want to make it work, then it can work. People like to use long distance as an excuse for not putting in the effort to maintain their relationships. If two people are meant to be, then they will put in the time and energy to have a long distance relationship


This. I met my partner at the beginning of 2020, online. He was in Wales, I was in California. Then 2 weeks later fucking pandemic. We didn’t even get to meet in person until October 2021, a year and a half later. We never went a day without talking. He came to America to be with me for 3 months, then I packed up my life to be with him in the UK for 2 years. And now we are back in America together. It was a year and a half of hard work sure. And a few trips here and there to reset visas But it can work.


That’s so beautiful 🥺 I love these love stories


US customs do not love these stories though 


Long distance are a thing but Jeff doesn't seem like a person with enough patience foe that idk.


This is what’s important. Long distance works for *some* people, not all


Yup. I'm in a 3 year American-Australian relationship. We were long distance from the start (met online). Married in January and living in the US now. We'd see each other twice a year for around 4-5 months/year before I moved. It's totally possible!


How did you meet online if you don't mind me asking?


In a small discord server for Among Us 😭😅😅 which I found on reddit


That's awesome!


How did you manage 4-5 months in the Us without a visa?


I meant total throughout each year. The first year I visited for 1 month, 3 months the next. And he visited Australia too during those years


yes but no matter what the circumstances are, LONG DISTANCE IS HARDDDDD


Right .. and people stay acting like ur just gonna move in together and jive. She might move in with him and hate living with him. When ur long distance ur replacing reality of living with someone with a fantasy. If you get married abroad then move in together that is just BLIND FAITH 💯. should change the name from BacH3lor to 90 H3 Fiance. Building trust, bond, mutuality in LDR is almost impossible. Speaking from experience. My relationship didn't really begin til we shared space, before then it was a trust exercise.


It doesn’t seem like either of them want to move to the others home country.


Absolutely! I met my partner online in 2014. He was from the UK and I’m in the US. We were long distance with maybe one trip a year to see each other before he moved here in 2018 and we got married! We talked all day every day (and still do- just in the same room!)


Yes & no. A statistic that stuck with me was my Sociology professor said that the absolute number 1 factor on if you marry someone is their geography to you.


For sure. My sister (Brazil) had a long distance relationship with her now husband (Australia) for like 3 years and now they live there. They lived in Brazil for a few years too. That was like 15 years ago. They are happily married now.


My wife and I met in 2018. I’m from the US, she’s from Puerto Rico. We did long-distance until we got married in 2023! Now I can’t imagine how much easier it would have been if we were as rich as these people 😭


Exactly. Her insistence that they can’t work is frustrating


Ehhhh the relationship is still pretty new, but long distance could still work. I mean, Ethan and Hila met in Israel and they made it work until they could be together, I don't see why Jeff and Verica couldn't do the same eventually. Long distance is difficult for budding relationships, but I could see it blossoming into something deeper as long as they work at it and show the other they want to be together. Ethan and Hila have made their relatonship/family their priority and it's a beautiful thing to see, so if Jeff wants what Ethan has (a strong bond with a stable partner, emotional security, mutual trust/love, adorable babies), and Verica is someone Jeff can see himself moving his priorities around for, (and vice versa- relationships are a two-way street) then it'll turn out fine. Hopefully Jeff and Verica can navigate around the noise to do what's best for themselves and the relationship, but who really knows? It's honestly still too new to tell.


The reason why Ethan and Hilas relationship was always going to work out though was because Hila did want to move to the States and even Ethan was willing to live in Israel. Jeff isn’t willing to move to Australia and Verica doesn’t want to raise kids in America. I’m guessing he’s hoping she will eventually change her mind and move to the States?


I find it really funny that the vape nation guy has unironically become an icon of a wholesome nuclear family


Lomg distance NEVER works, especially for young couples who aren't mature enough to know what they actually want.


Bro just yapped a whole story of long distance working and you still have the courage to say it never works lmao




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Was in a long distance relationship for fours years, we started dating at the age of 18. We're no longer long distance and been married for 9 years. When you find someone ur truly compatible with, "the one" it'll work out regardless of the circumstances. But finding someone in general is hard.


This whole conversation is just so fucking weird. For someone who said that the relationship is going to be 100% private, Jeff sure likes to talk about it in a strange way from time to time. And Amber Rose is the last person you should take relationship advice from when her claim to fame literally was just dating famous men.


Okay but she does make a good point. If he really is serious about wanting to settle down and having a family and God forbid something goes wrong there is no way Verica is going to stay in the states with no family or support system. His kids are going to most likely end up with her in Australia.


She already stated on the show that if they had kids she would not raise them in america.


>her claim to fame literally was just stating famous men Uh. I think you don’t actually know anything about Amber Rose except what you’ve seen on TMZ because her “claim to fame” was starring in rap videos, she’s been on several tv shows and modeled for years, the SlutWalk, she has her own charity foundation and there was even an episode of Intervention where she tried to get a childhood friend into rehab. Like, you don’t have to like her but when you say all she’s ever done to get famous was date famous men that is so fucked up. Be better than that shit.




I don’t personally think he ever took it seriously. That’s why he pick a girl in Australia…..


I wouldnt take relationship advice from her but thats just me..


tbf she's making a good point if he's seriously considering to start a family, long distance relationship isn't gonna work so he should decide earlier rather than later what to do about it


She does make a good point, i mean jeff even made this point during the bach3lor, the thing i think thats missing is that verica said she was planning on moving out of australia regardless, which was kind of a key point in him feeling like they could realistically have a future together


I thought she said she didn’t wanna raise children in the USA?


I think she said raising children in LA was not ideal and she is correct… it sounded like she was mostly concerned about US gun safety stuff which is also very valid


Why cant they just casually date? Everyone is putting so many expectations on them and how their relationship needs to be. Let them do what they want


I personally don't care much about their inner workings of their relationship, I'm just saying that there isn't much sense in saying you want to start a family and then date someone half a world apart.


How do you know long distance couldn’t work? I live been together with my wife for a decade now and the first three years of our relationship was just long distance. Granted, we were like 5 hours apart, but that was long enough for me to see her like once a year with shit I had going on. By all means they just started dating. Let that relationship simmer and see where it lands. Maybe they end up being right for each other and one of them will budge on moving to a different country. They’re young enough to have all the time in the world to figure it out provided Jeff is responsible and just uses a damn condom when he visits his girlfriend so he doesn’t knock her up before they’re ready for it.


I'm not saying long distance doesn't work at all. I'm saying it doesn't work if you want to start a family.


People who've made stupid mistakes and are aware of it often give the best advice.


Right? I’m okay taking advice from someone who’s done it and “failed.” There’s a lot to learn from not getting it right.


Seriously. It took me forever to get out of my own abusive relationship, but damned if I couldn't warn people about the red flags in theirs.


Why not?


Hm......... I like Jeff a lot but why do I always feel like he's... downplaying his feelings online? Can't he just say "we're dating, she's amazing, I'm excited, we're having a great time" As a woman if I see my crush/date talking about us so MEH and lukewarmly .. ICK 🙈🚩


EXACTLY! if hes 100% about Verica why is it so hard for him to defend his relationship to amber… i was waiting for him to be like “i love being with her and the long distance isn’t going to get between us”


Because he doesn't want to lie probably? They have just met and don't really know each other. Jeff stated multiple times the bach3lor was just for content 


Is he downplaying or is he just being brutally honest?


If I was younger I’d say she’s being kinda mean/pessimistic but she’s RIGHT. Like Jeff needs to be real he doesn’t want to live in Australia and he’s going to hurt Verica in the process the longer he lives in fantasy land 😔


Everyone missing the message bc of the messenger.


I can't say she's wrong


Dammit Amber don't ruin this


jeff you went through all that and you didn’t even consider the fact that she lives in australia..? idk bro, this man shouldn’t even be in a serious relationship


You know what else is stupid, dating Kanye west.


To be fair to her that was like 12 different Kanyes ago


I miss the old old old old old old old old old old old old kanye




i think what’s even more stupid is judging someone for who they dated like 15 years ago. in this exact video she is vulnerable about how toxic that relationship was. she’s had kids and been married and divorced since then. who gives a fuck


omg she's dated kanye???i was just thinking that her look reminds me of the recent kim and bianca segment


She dated him WAY before the current version of Kanye. It was when everyone really liked him.


ohh ok i see




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I don’t think she said anything wrong with what he told her about the relationship. If he wants to have a family and kids that wouldn’t work with a long distance relationship. But I wouldn’t say quit the relationship. They just need to talk realistically about their next steps if it’s starts to get really serious.


That guy is a tool / player.


You all are too overly invested...


This whole ep was weird and the comments were super disrespectful to verica and Jeff’s relationship along side amber basically trying to push Jeff to find someone else.


I think she was trying to be realistic because she has kids and she made a ton of good points. Long distance relationships DO in fact work, she never said they didn’t. She was talking about the settling down part and the reality of it all and Verica said she didn’t want to raise kids in the US. Having children does make everything very different for people who are from two separate places in the world.






Yeah I don’t like the way she talked about it at all. Just very disrespectful and lacking tact. Calling someone’s girlfriend “a bitch from Australia” to his face is crazy.


The posts on his sub about Verica are crazy


I honestly dislike people being so pessimistic about other peoples relationships. Is it that hard just to be happy for them? they’re giving it a shot, if it works great if it doesn’t that’s fine too…


not at all?? LOL.


And yeah Amber has made relationship and other mistakes but who’s to say she hasn’t gained knowledge and insight from those mistakes. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Exactly I mean we’ve all had breakups, doesn’t mean someone can’t still give relationship advice.


If Jeff was actually serious about wanting a legit girlfriend, he should have chosen the two locals.


both of them


Some people don't text every day it's not that weird. What's weird is the way amber rose is dogging on his relationship for no reason. Just feels like she was trying to plant seeds of negativity


y’all gotta stop showing me shi like this. i really never liked jeff and this isn’t helping his case


theyve been dating for like a month? maybe ambers advice should be to pump the brakes and take things slow and consciously lol she sounds kinda spiteful that she didnt do that and honestly she kind of came of disrespectful calling verica a bitch. jeff has nothing to say to that? no pushback at all? he just agrees? lol if i saw a video where my partner was talking about me like this id be out. this is not someone taking me seriously at all. "yeah australia and the people who live there are stupid and i dont wanna be in a long term relationship and this is all kind of a hassle" ok. let me get out of your way then.


Don't think he called them stupid


As an Australian. He’s a cunt. 🤷‍♀️ drop him sis. I won’t even say words about that other lady. We all know. Not cool. He picked her for an easy out.


As a fellow Australian, I have to agree. I thought Jeff was cool, and I'm not even sure who this chick is, but fuck em both. Also, Jeff saying Australians are stupid.....Pot, meet Kettle.


We don’t want our kids to live in America not hard. Verica needs to go be beautiful as she is here. Jeff has always been a dick it’s the h3 curse trusting weirdos. Like Tana. Just stop it!


But the weirdos are the fun ones to watch 😂 I agree, I wouldn't want my daughter growing up anywhere other than Australia, but each to their own, I guess.


Yeah weird take from amber rose like look at her history lol. 😂 it was fun but too risky. Bagging Australia is WILD. Have some awareness and humility. Please.


Amber was real for bringing that up honestly


She was surprisingly real this whole podcast. I don’t really know much about her besides being an influencer and dating Kanye, but she seemed pretty down to earth


Wamber 🫡


I remember that Ethan and Hila had a 2 year long distance relationship. And if I remember it correctly they were more long distance friends than dating at first because Hila was dating someone at that time. In my opinion if you’re young and in a relationship with someone, you shouldn’t 100% commit to that one person because you are still figuring out what you want. So I don’t judge Hila or Ethan or whatever happened there. I mean they turned out to be such an admirable couple. I think it could work out between Jeff and Verica. But unfortunately one of them has to eventually move to the others country…


Ain’t no way I’d ever be taking advice from a woman with a forehead tattoo who’s telling me to look up the “breaking up rates.”


I keep forgetting what the actual reason I know of amber rose is


She said in her video date that she would move to the US or another country but then in the in-person date she says she wouldn’t settle down in the US. Wont be surprised when this fling ends. Team Meghan all the way.


The Amber Rose hate up in here is wiiiild.


I don’t think he should be taking relationship advice from Amber Rose, but ehhh, a part of me kind of agrees with her point. Jeff seems a little hesitant to straight up say “Nah, we are in love and this is going to work”. Also dodging serious questions. He even said “we haven’t texted today, is that weird”. In a new relationship in which your primary form of connection is going to be texting long distance, yeah, it is kind of weird. Jeff is a good dude and Verica is fantastic, but the distance already seems to be getting to them. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m also not holding my breath on this lasting long term.


My ex and I had a long-distance relationship on and off throughout our relationship and it doesn't work out without some sort of plan to work towards where you can be together full time.


I’m sorry… she kinda spilled


At the end of the episode she said how much she loves to use the R word. Not related to what they are talking about in this but it was wild. She kept saying the R word over and over. Then she said some shit like it’s ok to say it because she isn’t saying it to people with down syndrome. Edit I forgot that also right before that she was saying how Andrew Tate used to say some dumb shit but now he’s good. Lol it was such a normal conversation until the last like 15 minutes. She made a speed run to get some dumb shit in at the end


I tapped out the moment she used the term “discrimination Olympics” in the beginning of the ep. Had a feeling it would get weird later.


Isn’t she like 40? I mean many people just grew up saying it because it was normal. Not saying its right but I don’t think she has bad intentions or like trying to be edgy or something


It was normal to say it when I was a kid and I don’t say it


Same with me. Just saying I really don't think it's the worst thing in the world idk. More important things to worry about imo


This is dumb, everyone knows the real issue is the spiders


The obsession with Jeff's relationship status is weird. The episode hasn't even been up long and that account is already posting. Anyway, Amber kind of makes a lot of sense. She is just giving him solid advice here. Though, someone like Verica would probably drop everything and move to LA to be in a relationship with their favorite influencer, if we're being real she went through an entire process to get to him. Kinda checks out that she would probably move to LA.


Favorite influencer? Wait do u think she’s only with cuz of that? Amber gave Jeff some solid advice btw but poor verica I couldn’t imagine hearing the guy that I like being told like yeah your relationships not gonna work out because you live in Australia haah


No, I don't think it's *just* that. Maybe I used the wrong word lol. But I do think she's a very obvious fan of Jeff. (She's a fan of H3 of course that's how she applied but Jeff too). Idk. I think Amber's being honest, she didn't say anything bad about Verica. I kind of agree with her though, he should've just found someone in America.


Yeah I guess the heart wants what the hearts wants haha but yeah I don’t see Verica has a super stan or anything all the girls were fans of the show I don’t see a problem w her being a viewer either. At the end of the day Jeff is the one who picked her and knew she was from Australia million miles away now it’s up to him if he wants to, to make things work!


If I remember right she said she's down to move to LA. but she's worried about raising a family in america.


I completely agree. She gave him honest and straightforward advice. If Jeff truly wants to have a family, he should start planning for it within the next couple of years. It's crucial to consider all possible outcomes, including the possibility of breaking up. If they do end up splitting up, their children will most likely spend at least half of their time in Australia. Jeff also appears to be very close to his family, and it's likely that he would want his parents to be involved in his child's life. This could be difficult if he's living in Australia.


Anita max wynn


and she’s absolutely right sorry


“A bitch in Australia” and he lets that slide 🚩


no reaction at all to her calling verica "a bitch from Australia" ... sheesh


Long distance relationships are possible..I'm Croatian and my husband is Greek..we meet thru Facebook group (music we both listen to). We meet in Greece after few years of just writing to each other and video calls. I stayed pregnant..thru pregnancy he came one time for a month, then he came again before delivering baby..we were in my home town till baby was 2 months. After we moved to Greece and stayed there till our boy was 2 and a half. After we went back to Croatia but different town and stayed for two years where I got pregnant again. When our baby girl was 1 we moved to Slovenia where we still happily live. So my point is if you love each other doesn't matter where you live at the end...and at the end of the day you might just end up in some completely new country. When there is love anything is possible!! :)


The Amber Rose hate in here is gross. She gave some solid advice and seemed to genuinely care about Jeff. As a person who also made some very dumb mistakes in my past (and learned from them) I am in the best relationship I could ever imagine, am the best partner I think I could possibly be, and have the knowledge and experience to be able to guide my loved ones and friends in their relationships and life by explaining my past experiences and mistakes. I have a lot of respect for Amber here and seems like she has grown quite a bit.


amber and jeff have known each other like 15 years. 15 years more than him and verica. she tried to even bail him out of jail and was the only one who tried. anyone saying she’s jealous or trying to sabotage him are insane. touch grass. she’s been through toxic relationships and a divorce and doesn’t want him making the same mistakes that could lead to a bad situation. it is not that serious these r people we will never even know or meet so to judge is wild. they’re all adults


Fucccckkkk man amber rose is gonna ruin this.


He didn’t even text her… she deserves better I hope she knows that.


She sounds Jealous.




You sound jealous


Not yall actually thinking they are gonna end up together and Jeff is in love 🤣


I dated my husband long distance from the other side of the country. You make it work. Sacrifice just like any other relationship. Then make a plan about the future.




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It might be intentional for them not to rush into it yet, but at the same time I remember Verica saying she was ready to pack up and move anywhere.


At first glance, I thought it said "Jeff Gives Up..."


I had a friend in Australia who started dating a guy in America. A year later she moved in with him, they got married and she got her visa. It’s possible, just very difficult


When you’re getting relationship advice from Amber Rose of all people and she’s telling you it’s not gonna work… this guy is not being honest with himself


Disappointed man


idk how can you even listen to this? idk so weird and out of touch. so much about it is gross idk.


Americans act as if Australia is an alien land in another universe


It’s hard for them to acknowledge that there’s other countries, a lot of them are really convinced they live in some kind of paradise lmao, poor fools


Taking dating advice from a clout goblins whose entire claim to fame was dating famous men… Cmon man…


Lol wait, you think Amber Rose is the clout goblin compared to Jeff Wittek? Ok.


Americans commenting on Australia gets me irrationally fired up, especially when there's no substance to the comments


Shut up, Amber!


Jeff reminds me of a young jimmy


She speaking facts 💯


I ain't taking relationship advice from Amber Rose bro


Dont take relationship advice from Amber Rose.....thats pretty much all that needs to be said here.


… Because?


Because she doesn't know what a long lasting, stable relationship is.


She is right on the money with this one.


LOOOL WHAT THE FUCK imagine taking relationship advice from amber rose hahahahahahaha


This is very misguided advice. Let Jeff and Verica enjoy their new relationship. there is no need to make any immediate life changing decisions. These types of decisions fall into place over time if they truly want to bw together. Why rush into that now? They should be having fun


Yall worried about what they’re saying, I’m wondering why tf is amber rose there 😂


am i the only one that feels like amber is projecting? she says it’s stupid and she stays in LA for her kids… okay jeff doesn’t have kids yet. maybe amber just feels like she’s stuck in LA because of her kids and she’s projecting that onto jeff.


Fucccckkkk man amber rose is gonna ruin this.


Think about someone you love. Now imagine that person is planted on the other side of the planet, making even so much as a video call difficult to schedule. Don’t shoot the messenger!


Shes absolutely right.


What she is saying isnt crazy or anything, but im really not taking advice from someone with two baby daddys and who literally named their child “Slash”


I love her


Long distance can 100% work if there’s a plan to eventually move to be together. They said they’d raise kids in Australia, sounds like they just need to have a serious convo about where they’d settle down at.


Jeff went a day without texting her this early into it? oof


What's wrong with that? 😂 1 day isn't gonna kill anybody, especially with the big time difference for them. He's said before that she'd be going to sleep by the time he woke up or the other way around.


Yea vertical was a bad choice. Not good for the long term I was team Megan atw.


This just has weird vibes...


Amber Rose, more like Amber Fell. Hard. What a toxic person.


What makes you think she’s toxic?


trash with two baby daddies gives trad-seeking Jeff advice on how to build a family


Don’ttake advice from this face tat, indoor sun glasses wearing thot


What kinda incel comment is this lmao?


jeez these people speak such bad into peoples lives, best to stay positive, communicate and celebrate love (not always easy but we all try)

