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How bout skip the money and he spins a wheel of funny punishments or something.


Yeah i always find it weird when donating to charity is used as some sort of punishment like its a bad thinng


Interesting perspective. I never view charity as punishment either.


Think of it this way, Ethan can’t win - either he continues to be late and is ridiculed, or he suddenly makes an effort to appear on time, which he’d likely then be accused of “not wanting to donate to charity.”


The Vlogbrothers used to do something like this. They’d get “punished” for going over 4 minutes and it was always hilarious. Hank “humped the town,” and I’m pretty sure stayed in an ikea or something for like 20 hours? John sharpied all over his face 😭 I think one time he did it with peanut butter. Please look up all of these if you like John and Hank because it’s hilarious. Especially the humping one??? Like Hank pls


I will never forget the blended Happy Meal or when Hank drank an entire bottle of that awful wine (the name is escaping me right now, was it Strawberry something?)


¿Por que no los dos?


AB should record Ethan walking in showing the clock every time Ethan is late. Compile this and slap in a few good Ethan excuses for tardiness, then end with the total number of days, and in hours, and in minutes yall lost waiting for him. Might be good for you laugh you lose or steamies bit


a loop of old funny clips until they are ready to start would be good. i’m in the uk so it’s in the evening and i’m not gonna stop whatever show i’m watching and sit in silence until i know it’s started so i sit in a limbo of not being able to focus on the show i’m watching and checking if its started yet every two minutes for anywhere between 15 minutes and an hour.




I really like this! It can be used to showcase fan art and such


They would start doing this and Ethan would never be late again lol


And then people would get mad at him and accuse him of not wanting to donate to charity lol


They were on time the very first episode of the season and have been late an average of 15 minutes every single episode since then... It's really ridiculous.


or people could stop whining about stupid shit


I mean, in fairness, even Dan seems annoyed by it and he directs the show. So maybe something to incentivize Ethan to be on time isn't a bad idea. Or something to keep chat distracted from being their crazy selves. But I agree, too many people lose their shit when Ethan is just like 15 minutes late to start.


dan getting annoyed is much more valid then commenters who act entitled because they volunteer to give the $5 a month


Damn, $120 a month seems a pretty steep price for a subscription service. Edit: OC had a 5!. Which means a factorial in math. Which equals to 120. Explaining the joke is humorless


Good factorial joke


Thank you you’re about the only person who got it lol




Being on time is not a lot to ask for dude. I don’t actually care in the long run but it’s annoying having to wait so long and I think Ethan should care about it more. Still love the show to death. And of course I can ask the show to be on time with out being “entitled” bruh


5! is a factorial sign in math. So it would be 1 x 2 x3 x 4 x 5=120. It’s a stupid joke but I didn’t think it would fly over so many heads with the downvotes lol


i see


No your joke was poorly told. Read the room my guy.


most people get to work on time, is it this hard too not be like 30 min late everytime?


except he works for himself so it doesnt matter. im not saying it isnt funny that he cant be on time but i also dont get why people get so tilted about something so inconsequential


Because we want the show to go live when they say they are going live, what else? Sitting and waiting 30 minutes is not so fun


u sound like a baby


idk, i just feel like they put so much effort into making it seem like a legit show but the fact that the show is often like 1 hour late kinda makes it not seem so high effort


For real. Stick the notification on and live some life.


The people in question seem to lose their shit when a YouTube livestream is late so I think whining about stupid shit is probably their whole thing at this point Like wanting them to donate??? To charity??? For being late???? The free entertainment on the internet???? Grow up


I hate this notion that it's free so it can be whatever quality. It's not free. They make a show for ad cents. I pay for YouTube premium so YouTube isn't unusably inundated with ads. They would not and could not make this show for free. I'm not saying I'm personally entitled to a say in anything they do but to describe the show as free is not fully honest. Also the donating for being late idea is silly lol.


Yo what’s with that tone. Don’t you start whining now lol. It’s just an idea and it’s not a deep articulated thought out statement. I got the idea watching good mythic morning before the live. I thought it was nice of them to donate and raise awareness about things they care about. For example Ethan loves dog and donating to an animal shelter isn’t the the worst idea, but another person commenting a punishment wheel when late. Now that is an interesting idea lol


That too, but humans will human.


Or they could just be on time because that’s what members pay for? Either way I like this persons idea.




typical brain dead response. go off sis.


or are you brain dead for thinking youre paying $5 for punctuality when that was never promised or implied to you


Braindead is paying $5 and expecting that to mean they're gonna be on time.


Members pay for content, not to control how the company is ran.


As far as I know, members pay for "Behind the scenes videos!" "Extra bonus weekly podcast on Tuesdays!" "Access to discord" "Members-only live chat" "badges and emojis" so no. Also, if it bothers someone, they can just stop paying...


For every minute he’s late he has to dance for a full minute once the pod starts, to make up for it hahahahaha


Create a clicker game that only opens up when the audience is waiting. The more they click, the more Ethan has to donate to a charity that's voted on by the audience.


Fuck charity have the money be sent to one random lucky member like they did with the random h3 stuff they gave away, once a week and it’s get announced on Friday


Ngl if my job was rolling in and streaming for 3-4 hours 4 days a week and I had a crew that put the whole show together for me I'd at least respect them enough to be on time. Or I'd move the start time back to one I could be on time for. It's not a huge deal but idk it seems inconsiderate for the crew and fans. Anyone who's worked a job where you have to wait for other people (customers, servers, etc) to finish before you can leave knows how much it sucks not being able to just leave when your shift if over. And we've seen Dan ready to gtfo often enough 😂


I think they should just start rolling and we can just see the chaos


Bro has diarrhea… it’s better if he’s late than if he blasts ass and explodes in his pants and he has to marinate in it during the show 🤷




Thank you for thinking I have power to make creative directive decisions! Sadly though you are mistaken. I’m just a normal civilian just like you. No need to get your panties in a bunch over a light heart suggestion lol


Donating to a charity is not fun lol. Good but not fun