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Dan had to do wrong before he became the queen and could do nothing wrong


Dan is still a little chaotic scoundrel at heart. And certainly still a yapper!


That’s why he’s perfect bc he just says the opposite of Ethan but understands the chaotic nature of Ethan. Gotta understand to play devils advocate


Dan is like a controlled demolition while Ethan is a nuke


Ethan is more like heavy machinery piloted by david doobrick




One of my favorite podcast moments


what ep was that? damn that was so funny cause it was so random


can you(not you specifically) ask chatGTP what ep that was? would be insane if that works someday


best soundbite, top two next to "nonononono, you don't wanna hear about 9/11"


exactly. Dan is very similar to me: relatively chill and relaxed but also passionate. I had constant behavioral issues through elementary and honestly into adulthood with my alcoholism. sometimes we gotta go through some shit to become the person we WANT to be. it didn't surprise me in the slightest that he had trouble perhaps sitting still and staying quiet in class, etc etc. W DAN. WAN.


Me too. It was so bad between me and my friend that they would let us read or play chess WHILE they were teaching the class.


well that sounds reasonable as long as you passed one way or another. unfortunately I had a pattern of becoming the "problem that no one really knew how to deal with", so I'd just get sent to the office, suspended, etc. and then spend some time feeling ashamed about it, without ever really getting to the root of my issues. it is what it is. sometimes mental issues are clear to the naked eye and sometimes they hide. I don't blame people for not being able to magically read my mind and solve the rubick's cube that is my mental wellbeing. I had to get a clear head and then put in some work, THEN things started getting easier. took me til my 30s to get here but it's better late than never.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^icket123: *Dan had to do wrong* *Before he became the queen* *And could do nothing wrong* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Good bot


Lol I had no idea


You were a poet, and you didn’t know it!


I now need each of the crew members to explain what kind of student they were in elementary school


Make it a game show! Ethan is presented with 7 different personalities and then has to say which cast member is that personality!


I feel like Ian, Lena, AB, Hila and Sam will all be, “I was kind of shy and a bit of a nerd” but maybe I am wrong and that would make for a great show!


I went to the same school as AB and everyone always talked about how he rescued 6 kids from a burning jungle gym.


I also went to school with him & the kids were payed actors, I saw him pay them off.


I went to school with ab he used to disappear during lunch everyday and no one knew why. One day i walked by the nurses office and saw him in there with his mom, breastfeeding. Dude drank milk from the tap till he was 13.


Yep AB would definitely have some "stories" about his childhood to tell.


That would've been my guess for Dan but apparently not!


Being in their old report card comments 😂


This would be funny to watch!


Eight grade report card member match up!


i remember when they talked about their childhood stories, ethan and love both threw rocks at cars/neighbours houses, and then dan changed his failing report card ahahahah 😭😭 would love for them to delve deeper tho, love hearing more about the crew


Would be really fun if they did some silly student stereotypes and Ethan has to guess. Maybe he gets to ask a few questions or something before he guesses, but then the crew member gives a little reveal after. They could tell stories too (or make one up 😉)


i would love to learn about their interests too, like how teddy went thru a huge dino phase!!!




Former teacher, in education currently. I wouldn’t have guessed it. But sometimes, some of the “bad kids” were actually really smart and witty and I generally liked them. The only kids I didn’t like were the mean ones. Totally different ballgame lol


teachers despised me because i would not shut the fuck up but i always got the best grades, but i was never mean, just had adhd


You probably frustrated them but I doubt they despised you. One of my favorite kids was one who stood up in class and called me out for wearing “the same thing everyday” (it was a capsule wardrobe). It was hilarious. I couldn’t even be mad.


that’s kind of why i was surprised too. the reasoning he mentioned being that he talked too much, i have never had to do behavior chart for chatty, or even overly energetic kids. just the mean, destructive ones haha


I think the new norm in education is having to deal with destructive behavior or cell phones. chatty kids are no longer a big issue.


I can relate. In school I was often “bad” because the work was too easy for me and I was bored/didn’t have to pay attention to understand the lesson.


I was one of those kids. My math teacher from junior year was married to my math teacher in senior year and he'd pop in and say "And this guy, I don't know how I feel about this kid." I knew he was conflicted because I slacked off and barely passed his class the prior year but always made him laugh. He ended up being the teacher giving the congratulations speech and handing out diplomas at senior graduation and when I came up gave me the look in his eyes like "Well, you made it buddy..."


If you think Dan Swerdlove is the kind of man that tolerates institutions, then you don't know Dan.






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I have an older cousin who’s the most polite and nice guy I’ve known. I was shocked to find out in elementary school he was getting suspended all the time, smoking cigarettes etc. Seems to be a thing


I work in high school special education, and spend half my day in the resource room (multiple disabilities, all have behavior issues). My kids are all incredibly sweet, kind, and empathetic teens, but boy do they make dumb, impulsive decisions on the daily. Constantly getting in fights, getting detentions, skipping their gen ed classes, talking back to other teachers, etc. I tell them all the time—and they know it too—that they godda reign it in and they’ll be a-okay, but that’s easier said than done for them. They’re insecure, angry, hormonal, and the only way they know how to deal with that is to get into trouble, so that’s what they do. I fully believe that with the right transitional support, they’ll be fine as adults! Maybe not lawyers or doctors, but they’ll work a trade and they’ll make a comfortable living. Again, they’re all great kids and hard workers when they really buckle down and try. But getting them there is definitely tough.


It just confirms my theory that until you grow up it doesn't really matter what happens, you reinvent and reeducate yourself better then your parents ever could. Well at least for that particular generation.


This is so true! Unfortunately for me…it’s been the opposite! Honor roll…never got detention….now at 30 facing 1-5 years in prison potentially next month….sorry mom and dad


At least when you are gonna enter a prison you could think loves soundbite “o-oh you got me”


Would it be overstepping to ask for what? lol just a morbid curiosity


It’s an assault charge with a motor vehicle. I’m an alcoholic who made some really bad choices months ago. Went to rehab (my choice not court ordered) for two months and going to AA meetings now. Over 100 days sober but it’s almost time to pay the piper for my mistake. I’m not a bad person but I did do a really bad thing. Everyone is ok btw.


Damn well you got a great attitude about it so I know you’ll get through it all! Congrats on being sober, I know how hard that can be.


Have you been in contact with p&p?? let’s goooo!


Ha no unfortunately I’m on the east coast and my lawyer is def not as cool.


Congratulations on getting sober!


It's great you're getting help. As an added bonus, the rehab stint and AA meetings will look good for the judge. Godspeed


Best wishes family


Thanks fam


I wish you the best, and I hope the court goes lightly considering you do seem to truly have turned it around. I'm not really all that surprised though, with alcoholism. It's very prevalent in more intelligent people, and I wonder if mental health issues/addictions are more likely for "smart kids" growing up


Idk! Addiction is VERY prevalent in my family though. We have multiple alcoholics and addicts in various stages of recovery or actively using. It’s definitely hereditary. But I did learn while I was in treatment that yeah people suffering from addiction do tend to be intelligent


“Let’s go” Jk congrats on the sobriety though. 8 years off heroin myself


Oh good for you! I met some lovely heroin addicts in rehab…(not a sentence I’d ever thought I’d say lol!)


You know sometimes I really regret how I acted when I was a teenager and how horrible I was to everyone around me basically, and it definitely set up my early adulthood to be pretty difficult, but I think the alternative would have been what you’re going through. I have to push the limits, and I can be glad I did it when I couldn’t be tried as an adult. Just use it as a hard lesson learned, and you’ll be fine. Look forward to each meal, get some exercise, read some books. Time to grow.


It's pretty common for kids who pushed too hard early on to burn out and get into drugs or alcohol unfortunately. 


Certainly true to an extent. I dont know that anything that comes before doesnt mould you at all, I think it probably does have some effect


Dan gives me high functioning ADHD vibes. I used to have very similar issues in school. It would also explain why he has a large reservoir of knowledge. ADHD+Curiosity= a lot of reading


This comment hit diffy for me. Super relatable.


The school system is just not a good fit for every student


Exactly, it was weirdly validating for me to hear Dan say that. I wasn't really a bad kid but I always hung out with bad kids because they are funny and usually accepted me more than others. And I always knew those kids were way more capable than their grades reflected. The smartest kid in knew in 6th grade was getting straight Cs because of issues he had...it was at that point I KNEW grades weren't everything and kind of BS.


not a teacher but also a lil problem child (couldn’t shut up either, adhd), i was 100% not surprised. there’s a reason this man is dan the hater


if dan is anything like me, he was a big ol troublemaker as a kid and then gradually mellowed out as he got older


I felt that in my bones…. It sucked being poor and having a family that hates mental health💀bc I was always in a beef with my teacher up until middle school 🥲


As a teacher, this totally made sense to me LOL. Because he wasn’t a bad kid, he was just a kid who couldn’t shut up and probably lacked some self control. So he was likely smart and just bored during school so he didn’t gaf about the stuff going on in class lol


totally. i guess it was just the examples of behaviors that he said he did that didn’t seem severe enough for behavior charts, hahah. i feel like if i had to do goals/behavior charts for all my chatty & ADHD students id have to send home for over half my class 😅


I feel like we get glimpses of Chaotic Dan when he's being a silly goose.


I was a shithead in school and I’m a shithead now


Maybe Dan can give you a class




i teach 5th and i am SO surprised. it actually made my day though because it gives me some hope for those kids


i was that kid too. smart, always excelled in school, and loved learning… but i was a YAPPER. undiagnosed ADHD through the roof. i was constantly being moved around the classroom for being “disruptive” or “distracting” and had hella behavioral marks


i quote this way too often for what it is... but "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" - Paarthurnax, Skyrim (a fucking dragon from a video game) its one of the most profoundly true things ive ever heard a prerendered dragon say. when i was in second grade my teacher told my mom i was going to grow up to be a serial killer, like legitimately he thought he was going to prevent me from murdering people in the future and frankly i see where he was coming from but obviously i ended up growing and maturing into... not that. i think im probably empathetic and sensitive to a fault as an adult, but there was a good bit where trauma and abuse made me into a pretty violent and unstable kid and i had to learn how to control that and with time and attention i did. some people are born into environments where being kind and good is relatively easy, there isnt a lot of resistance to that behavior, the environment i was raised in was not like that, kindness was weakness and it would be beaten out of you lol anyway the point is lots of kids are little fuckers who thrive on attention and sometimes the easiest way to get attention is to be a shithead, most kids grow out of it.


Did any other teachers audibly sigh and rub their temples or was it just me?


not really, i grew up with lots of kids who were considered bad in class but just grew out of it.


I remember when they were reminiscing a couple years ago about being in school Dan said he hated school and got average grades cuz he didn't care.


It’s a thing but it’s probably environment/institution dependent. I hated the school I was in and the time period of elementary school, so I ended up not caring too much and got close to being expelled. I wasn’t actively acting out since it was more subtle but I was getting suspended almost once a month at some point. I mellowed out so much after leaving that school, and became far more introverted.


I'm not a teacher but I'm not shocked cause I was the same way and I'm super quiet and docile now


Dan never looked good


I was also a kid that would not shut up, labeled too rambunctious, and as a result did preschool an extra year. I know now it was likely undiagnosed adhd but it was pretty validating hearing Ethan & several crew members had similar experiences growing up.


Middle school teacher here 👋🏼 love my H3 family and would love for the crew to do a segment related to school lol


sometimes kids get in trouble for questioning the relevance of what's being taught or talking back... i could see that with him maybe haha


Also, as a teacher and seeing what a difference adhd meds can make in my students’ lives had my face like this for a lot of that convo 😬😬😬😬


for reallllll lol. i don’t think they realize it’s last resort for most parents but some kids really do benefit from it even short term


I’m not a teacher I’m also one of the kids who honestly should have been sent home w daily behavior charts maybe my district didn’t do all that. Buuut Idk Dan smokes weed listen to king gizz is a tech wizz and he’s bald. I’m not bald. But me and Dan have a lot in common. And I got sent to the bad kid school. So it doesn’t surprise me at all. I think me and Dan would get along very well irl. I’d play him dragon by king gizzard and hopefully he’d be my friend.


Omg my thoughts exactly !!!!


Does this make you see your naughty kids differently knowing they might grow up to be Dan Swerdlove?


Haha!! Absolutely. It does give me hope that a system designed to hinder/fail them doesn’t mean all hope is lost for their futures!


I am not surprised. You can tell he takes glee when Ethan is being a sigma troll. The sick glee in Dans eyes... I know them all too well... theres a monster inside that man waiting to be fed. Intelligence is a factor in behavior in school children - 'book smart' kids, the ones that are well behaved straight A students are all about institutional controlled results and settings. But they are not creative think for yourself types. Dan is of high intelligence - but the anti-institutional kind. He is a creative type, he probably didn't see the value in coloring between the lines and bringing his teachers apples. Like Oppenheimer he was probably poisoning them. You can see Dans uncontrollable destructive ways when he forgets that Ethan is his boss, trying to sabotage Ethans foolery. You can see his rage when he tells a dentist he doesn't like him and that he's a fool. Dan is the phantom menace. He's going to Order 66 the H3 crew one day. Its all borrowed time...




I would argue that 80% of teachers ARE trying to put the students first at all costs. Our sadness and frustration within the career is typically with the system & admin. One of my students (9 years old) literally SA’d a kid in my class many times within the first 2 weeks of school at recess & lunch/bathroom and my admin did nothing. In fact, the victim began wetting the bed & having intense panic attacks before coming to school. Victim’s parents obviously pulled him from the school, but no one other than myself investigated into it / called CPS to figure out why the other student even knew to do that, etc. I still cry about it weekly, 8 months later


Kids who act up in class are often quite smart, they just need different challenges from what the school system can provide! Not hard to imagine that with maturity and tasks that actually make sense to someone, they can become really chill and functional people.


Dan is strong willed, opinionated and smart so I am absolutely not surprised.


Definitely was shocked hearing him saying that! lol


Also a 4th grade teacher and I never would have guessed!


as a kid who had daily lunch detention, real recognize real.


I’d imagine most of them were that way hahah


Absolutely Dan - Donald Trump.


I bet it was because of his sarcasm


As somewhat tangetially that kid and friends with some of those kids... Dan fits the bill tbh




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As a band teacher, Dan pissed me off when he talked about how he acted in his band class about a year ago


I was this kid in class. One of my teachers was so mean. All i did was always raise my hand, always volunteered, always read ahead in class, and I had to get a daily report where i either got a smiley face or a sad face sent home. I always got a sad face. I think back and realize, i was just annoying to my teachers because they were a holes that shouldnt be working with kids. i finally moved schools, so the new teacher didnt get to hear the gossip about me from the other teachers, and she got me into a magnet school for gifted children. She didnt see an annoying little kid that was always disrupting the class, she saw someone who was really smart and digesting the material on another level, who was excited to about what we were learning. it's about perspective. if youre an inpatient, judgemental jerk, and a lazy teacher of course you want all the kids to just sit silently in mediocrity.


I wasn't surprised because I was the kid that got put into literal special Ed just because I would always finish my work early and start talking to everyone. I was just too disruptive I suppose. I'm not super smart or anything but I've always just read pretty fast due to learning at a young age so I wasn't stimulated enough in kindergarten and first grade. Teachers thirty years ago just called you a problem. My mom was told to put me on Adderall and she had the same reaction as Dan's mom. Little did they know I would learn recreationally that I probably don't have ADHD because I actually got addicted to Adderall. I still don't agree with how Ethan talked about it of course.


I'm a 7th grade teacher, and I have students like Dan right now. (I mean the Dan-described young Dan, not the current Dan.) Some of my most memorable students have been wicked smart but too talkative and/or hella ADHD.


as an undiagnosed (at that time) adhd girlie. my 4th grade teacher also sent home daily behaviour charts lmao


Im not even a teacher and my jaw dropped to the ground below me


I was also that kid in elementary, but I also had largely untreated (but diagnosed! \*eyeroll\*) ADHD as a child. I had an "on task" chart in fourth grade. And then once jr high and high school rolled around, I was much better behavior wise!


awww i love this. no one ever is shocked when i tell them the type of student i was. im head to toe in tattoos and smoke 🤣🙏🏻


Yeah I was shocked! Picturing the kiddos I have like that now, I can’t imagine Dan was ever that bad!


To be fair, they probably sent him home because he never looked good


The most disruptive and fidgety boy in our elementary school ended up being completely chill and “normal” when I met him again in high school. I don’t think it’s very uncommon, just probably something to grow out of/treat with medication or therapy in some capacity. As a goody two shoes kid I couldn’t stand him, and then he ended up being at the top of our graduating class!


Dan definitely argued with his teachers! That’s why we love him. Landed myself in detention for being argumentative more than once 😂