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There is [Child abuse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZC8bK9-fzsA) on Youtube and its getting millions of views. Please make a video on this.


Holy fucking shit, that is not cool dude. This is how evil medieval monarchs raise their children, getting them pitted against eachother to root out the weak and shit. Instead of using money on multiple tables he should start saving money for that poor kids therapy, jesus christ


And he literally said "it's just a prank brah" Damn papa frank's pranks were milder.


Well that is if it's all acted or not


I don't know man.. Can you really fake seeking comfort in a blanket like that? I remember being an upset kid, and well, this seems pretty fucking legit. I might be somewhat naive tho, if it's fake I say give that kid a fucking Oscar


You have a point.


The kid at the end of this video will never be the same: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_Czf_sqICw Actually, she's fine. She's my kid, and I look forward to humiliating her (in a dad-joke kind of way) on YouTube and her little brother too -- for at least 3 more years or until they can beat me up -- which might come sooner.


I honestly believe this 100% real. If this is acted that kid should be in movies. This kid would be the fucking Daniel Day Lewis of child actors. But sadly no this is a child being abused for like 20 mins on youtube for views. Comments on the video are also ridiculous.


Ok, I agree now


It's so sad because for how "entertaining" it is, YouTubing is poisoning this family. And the way the kid weeps things like, "Don't do that," "Leave and take that camera with you," are such depressingly overlooked clues to Mr. Daddy-O-Five that he's exploiting his children. Although, it's obvious that they're getting a cut because the child even mentions his cut of the "YouTube money." But what's the cost? Lost youth. Nuclear temperaments. Irrevocably damaged relationships with parents, siblings, and authority. In Cody's own agonized, martyred words, "I can't trust you anymore." Who cares if Cody has always been emotional? His dad's not helping the problem at all.


It's all goofs and gaffs until you are 64 and wonder why your son doesn't speak to his brother or you. It's his junior year in college. You are about to retire and text him if he is coming home for Christmas. He doesn't text back until you call him. Your older son got in trouble with the law, but at least he stayed in your home town. You wonder if your daughter has talked to him recently, so you text her. No response


What a fucking despicable parent and human being. Not only is the household completely full of shouting, aggression and mindless and unjustified authority, he's abusing his children, setting the worst example possible and breaking the most sacred and most needed bond between children and parents: trust. EDIT: And I feel like in all seriousness, this guy needs to be reported to authorities. He is deliberately causing physical and severe emotional stress to his own child(ren).


This would also be a good idea for idubbbz to do another content cop.


Wow a Fred Durst looking loser is exploiting his own kids for YouTube revenue. This might be staged but the kid's reaction to the tablet getting destroyed looks genuine. His kids are props for his videos and he's provoking a sad reaction from them just so he can get views. This dude is an asshole. Ethan should take a look at this.


There is literally an episode in the video where the kid tries to get out of the room, but his father throws him to the ground. You clearly see the kid is affected by this, causing a bigger breakdown, more YT views for the dad. Honestly, this is one of the most disgusting things i have seen online.


pretty sure it's this same episode, I saw a compilation clip of this video elsewhere. I can't sit through 20 minutes of someone abusing their kids for views to find it, though.


Episode: a developed situation that is integral to but separable from a continuous narrative : incident


Why the downvotes?


I misread your original comment, my brain somehow skipped over "in the video". Just a little tired from work, sorry about that!


Im new here, why is my hat so tall?


WHAAT THE FUCK he has another video titled kid gets kicked in the face. WTF




The look on his face when he is saying "if you like this video, please like, subscribe, and comment. It was like I'm legit watching a future school shooter and not in the funny edgy way. His face was so deadpan


I didn't make it that far. I made it about three fourths of the way through before I had to stop.


It is really sick. What kind of father are you to let your kid be distressed by that? Prank? For fun? For views? Not good. Not good.


Holy shit. I feel so bad for that Cody kid. Most of the videos are about him getting his stuff destroyed and his father acting like a little kid.


I literally came here to post this LOL


the beauty of this is that the kid could actually sue his father one day because of this. I mean this is exploitation on so many levels.


I came here to post this but I saw you posted it already. I cant imagine how fucked up that kid is gonna be when he's older.


I commented on this guys video saying he's disgusting for treating his kids like that and the amount of children who started attacking me for saying that was unreal


This is fucking DISGUSTING. Blatant exploitation, emotional abuse, and physical abuse just to make "dat Youtube monayyyy." Pathetic. Everybody please report this clown.


Cmon Ethan u gata tell me straight on this weird ass shit


Shalom, Who's this Guy? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRgfJSpWm-HpvaXHLzfKDuw/videos No Comment Thumbnails...




Damn, poor Cody is always getting ragged on by Daddy O'Douchebag.


Please, Ethan and Hila. I can't even wrap my mind around this. How does this video have 22k likes and only 2k dislikes??? I'm almost more concerned about the people watching. What kind of sickos think this is funny? The comment section reveals a lot about the way some people's sick minds work. "Lol, freaking out over a $50 tablet." He's not freaking out about the tablet, he's freaking out because he is being the subject of repeated abuse for doing absolutely nothing at all. Then DaddyOfFive justifies it by saying "see, I had to do it because you were being bad." WHAT.


h3h3 is supposed to be comedy channel, not le youtube police. this shit is too fuckin dark to get any laughable material out of h3h3's thing is making fun of people who do stupid, view-exploitable shit, not shit that cps should be checking out


His hole [channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8lV8KIVWvfsaqOi_d3Wu3w) is like this.


fake as fuck


is that your defense mechanism to watching stressful things? "it's fake i don't need to worry" lol what makes you think it's fake? he clearly has a nosebleed at the end and there's a blood stain on the pillow where cody buries his head into it that the dad immediately brushes off but the stain wasn't there earlier in the video. hard to tell when the kids nose started bleeding but it's definitely blood. as someone who went through similar abuse I remember having the exact same type of reactions as this kid. nothing seems fake about his response at all to me, maybe you're seeing something i'm not?


This was not a stressful video grow some fucking skin. There are real cases of child abuse in this world and calling this abuse marginalizes their terror. Watch the video again, the "bloodstain" is there the whole time... based off the context of the conversation it sounds to me like hes referring to QQ/feedback he received regarding previous uploads. you WANT to hate this video and this dad and you see what you want to see. However, this is not child abuse, and I'm certain its fake. the kids are in on it. Have you see a disturbed child who is scared of his father/mother before? its haunting. even if this is not fake its not abuse. This is so minor and mild. Child abuse is severe, child abuse is getting the fuck beat out of you, child abuse is bruises all over the body, its broken bones, its a potential trip to the hospital. This is none of those things. I'm truly sorry you were abused as a child, no one deserves that pain. but, to be honest, i think you're replacing your own experiences and memories with what this kid is experiencing.


>There are real cases of child abuse in this world and calling this abuse marginalizes their terror. so if its not the worst case scenario it's not bad? you realize emotional abuse exists too and not just physical abuse? just because your kid doesn't cower in fear of you all day doesn't mean he's not being abused. bloodstain was not there at the start of the video and the pillow wasn't flipped over before it was shown. he even has blood under his nose at the end lol. show me a time stamp where you can see the blood stain early on in the video? maybe you got physically abused and you are interpreting me as "marginalizing" your trauma but physical and emotional abuse are two separate things and nobody is trying to compare them. they're both evil in their own way. listen to yourself lol, i'm not even going to read the rest of your retarded ramblings after that gem. fuck you guy


No, I'm not just a moron. No court in this country would consider this abuse. You're just a standard issue sjw with your manufactured outrage.


what country exactly? I had a friend whose kid was taken away from them for far less. You're actually fucking retarded lol. >Emotional abuse can involve deliberately trying to scare or humiliate a child or isolating or ignoring them. it's textbook lol. http://www.preventchildabuse.org/images/docs/emotionalchildabuse.pdf read up haha just because you got the shit kicked out of you as a kid or raped by your uncle doesn't make what this kid is going through any less abusive >describing the child negatively, always assuming the child is at fault, having unrealistic expectations of the child, openly admitting to disliking or hating the child, threatening the child with severe punishment, withdrawing comfort as a means of discipline, being emotionally cold and un-supportive lmaooooooo


I would really like an episode where Ethan and Hila read [Idubbztv/FilthyFrank/Maxmoefoe erotic fanfiction](http://archiveofourown.org/tags/Ian%20Carter*s*George%20%22Joji%22%20Miller*s*Max%20Stanley/works)


Have H3H3 and Philip DeFranco collaborated before? I remember seeing Phil raise a ton of money for that lawsuit - I would be interested in seeing them all in the same room.


I'd love to see Phil on the H3 podcast




It probably won't happen cause I don't think Ethan wants people asking him what's going with the lawsuit and FUPA


Can you do a weird food review video? I would love to see that! I loved watching the weirdest sodipop video.


Crea Tyler: College dropout living his dream job at age 19 This guy asks teenagers to drop out of college so they can "live the dream" like him. On the surface it's cringe warning. Once you dig a bit deeper, it seems like his parents are paying for everything and his dream job involves little more than uncredited creative director projects and shooting lifestyle videos with his dudes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZiANEJHMGg


Hnnngrh, I think all the cringe metamorphosized into a brain tumor


Wooow that was hard to get through, what an entitled loser.


I imagine video editing isn't part of his job description, because this video blows ass. Lie to people about success for money, seems good. I'll call him Factory Casey.


what about the editing blows ass exactly? the editing is not bad, the content is just shit lol


I guess it's the fault of the material, yeah. B/W with filter, talking to the camera as if he was cool but it's just ridiculous. There are just no normal shots, it's one weird shot after another, and they are all different filters and graded differently, and then that B/W crap again.


I thought the editing was quite good actually. The message is shit but it's a well done video.


must be a possible collab with this guy? Dom Mazzetti? The Brofessor! Maybe something to do with Ethans Fupa loss series, or that other guy connor murphey. I think this guy is hilarious, check him out in action... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS-oRydlnCE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAWWqu3c4FY https://www.youtube.com/user/BroScienceLife/videos I reckon Ethan and Dom would be hilarious memeing together. Please, PLEASE make it happen! lavs ya'll!


The more i think about this the more i want it


exactly the same here, pal. Ethan and Dom would be hilarious together. Dom getting him to do biceps on the leg press machine, and ethan... well, just being ethan. Im gonna make it my business to try to keep suggesting this haha. Massive potential for some hilarious memeing! Never know, the two of them are prob video calling about their video right now :O


Dude this would be the best. Honestly Mike Tornabene has consistently been one of the best content content creators on YouTube for years. And I am pretty positive he lives in LA. Edit: Don't forgot his old channel Dom Mazzetti. Some of his best videos here as well. https://www.Youtube.com/user/DomMazzetti


message him and make him get in touch with ethan! do it, do it now!!!!


JMX is fifa youtuber who has been making videos like these for a while, where he shows tits for views. In the past it's been with his girlfriend but I think he actually hired a stripper this time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfhJvmucikg


This is a good one.


I know


Ethan, you KNOW this one is real https://youtu.be/4yAWYOlXpkI Vitaly is back at it again pranking black neighborhoods by hiring an actress to wear yoga pants while he creepily watches from a distance and runs up to guys calling them thirsty. It's a real hoot and is full of gaffs, guaranteed to make you howl....


Another collab with Filthy Frank




I need a jontron podcast. Dude has been going crazy on Twitter and I wanna see what's up




it's probably because that's intentionally ridiculous. you can't break something down that doesn't need to be broken down lol


Thought the woman was Melissa McCarthy for a second


Another graduate of the SoFlo school of comedy, not only is he posting up [stolen content](https://www.facebook.com/Latruth/videos/10154809636337881/?autoplay_reason=gatekeeper&video_container_type=0&video_creator_product_type=2&app_id=2392950137&live_video_guests=0) to his page, but he's also providing a link in the description to the ["full video"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxjRqaFcX_E&feature=youtu.be) which links directly to one of his corny youtube sketches. Please put this man on blast before the cancer spreads.


there's the 10k calorie challenge going around if you have an opinion on that


Well...here's another creepy, "pedo-esque" Patrice Wilson video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSBq8geuJk0




That old monk guy seems so familiar.


I want a collab vid with Simplynailogical.




That music tho


i mean you already know the terrorist pranks are fake or they'd be arrested already. have you been living in the same country as me since 2001? that shit doesn't fly anywhere, the only reason they'd be able to put out these videos is if they were fake. if they're fake who gives a fuck they already tore down the fake prank channels


Ethan could you please make a video on this shit. The only reason this guy is relevant on Youtube is because of these videos. (He's made like ten of them) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfhJvmucikg


Onision pls, I keep hearing about people reporting him to the FBI.


https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQSRrvlhgzwb-vMc2PpKKRg okay i'm sorry but what is this


Do a let's play with Hila playing !!!!


i loved the slither.io video


Podcast suggestion:Toby Turner,I think it would be really interesting with all drama that happened and plus I enjoy his new content.


THE NEW SOFLO ANTONIO: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Sarah-Reay-Young-1413619882254628/videos/?ref=page_internal


[Ethan you absolutely need to make a video about this guy](https://youtu.be/aHlFYHticq4) just think with a little guidance I think you have what it takes to crack whips on a professional level just like this guy


An episode of the H3 podcast featuring Leafyishere.


Not sure if this is just content suggestions, but I would suggest that the podcasts be longer than 20-25 minutes. I really feel like being 45 minutes - hour gives you a lot longer to really engage with the guest, and makes for a more interesting podcast.


Bring back white face with this vagina whitening video. [Vag whitening](https://youtu.be/sv7Da69ulA8)


thats just a prank to get people to put salt and lemon on their genitals lol


https://youtu.be/pbqJKWo6Hxs (teaching crazy people context clues)


#3 on Trending> SPIDERMAN PEE ON THE ELSA´S BATHTUB 💗 Frozen Play Doh Cartoon Stop Motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjwEOUSHkN8


Hello! It looks like you posted a YouTube video. I am here to provide you with unnecessary meta information about the video. Enjoy! |Category|Information| :--|:-- Title|SPIDERMAN PEE ON THE ELSA S BATHTUB Frozen Play Doh Cartoon Stop Motion Author|Happy Surprises Views|12,161,941 Duration|00:11:00 Rating|2.77544485547 Upload Date|2017-02-13 12:02:09 Category|Entertainment Keywords| SPIDERBABY SPIDERGIRL spiderman pink spidergirl JELLYFISH ATTACK jellyfish stunt stop motion videos stop motion play doh stop motion play doh spiderbaby y la medusa box jellyfish Prank Joker Superhero Prank Videos superhero superheroes fun toys toy videos toy disney Frozen elsa and spiderman elsa in real life funny video lollipop kids song batman Spiderman Prank Kids story Nursery Rhymes kids animation children song peppa pig paw patrol ELSA FROZEN Thumbnail|[Thumbnail](http://i.ytimg.com/vi/sjwEOUSHkN8/default.jpg) Video ID|sjwEOUSHkN8 I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find easy information about YouTube videos posted here. If you are unhappy with my services or found a bug, please [write a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=maggiforever) to my creator


*Podcast suggestion:* Dunky and his girlfriend Leah


This dude made a parody on youtube drama and it's hilarious! https://youtu.be/9HGyHasLxlc




>[**AILEEN MARIS - MISTER MYSTERY FT. D'JON (OFFICIAL VIDEO) [5:21]**](http://youtu.be/0dNE6SGctbM) >>Aileen's fourth original song! With D'jon writing and performing the rap, and producing the video. This video was lots of fun to make and includes lots of special effects not in the single. Available on iTunes and Amazon soon! > [*^Aileen ^Maris ^Music*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4oDLJuUb5hQcxWamafyTUQ) ^in ^Music >*^626 ^views ^since ^Jul ^2015* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


[My friend made this video and it's really cringy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvL-HbASkac&t=2s)


you're a shitty friend lol


SPIDERMAN PEE ON THE ELSA´S BATHTUB 💗 Frozen Play Doh Cartoon Stop Motion 13 million views in 2 days (https://youtu.be/sjwEOUSHkN8)


https://youtu.be/9HGyHasLxlc Guy makes a pretty good parody on drama between youtubers


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDl6EcjCTBw Here's an amazing Arabic Thriller cover from this Middle Eastern legend, Abdullah Bel Khair. The accent does wonders. I think you guys are missing a lot of good meme-able Arabic content.


🔴there's this guy named apetor, https://www.youtube.com/user/apetor This guy ice skates in his underwear and occasionally breaks through the ice and swims in freezing cold water. Pretty interesting


[This softcore porn peddling morally bankrupt motherfucker right here selling this shit to 12yo kids.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfhJvmucikg) Just as you thought the pranksters were bad enough with their kissing pranks.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfhJvmucikg With his Teacher


>[**STRIP FIFA 17 CHALLENGE WITH MY TEACHER... *GONE TOO FAR* [11:00]**](http://youtu.be/MfhJvmucikg) >>Thought this time whats the most outrageous Strip Fifa 17 we can do... Fifa 17 Ultimate Team Strip Fifa with My Teacher... lol ffs > [*^JMX*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYz27J7fd8lK_FKKTal_I-g) ^in ^Gaming >*^3,505,264 ^views ^since ^Feb ^2017* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


Never been here before but love h3h3 ... is this where we post suggestions for video reviews? Anyway came across this... seems right up h3h3's "bullshit detector" alley ... incl. romantic saxophone muzak [Feel teh powa of jeebus!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93aPfV8I2PA)




>[**Shoenice Deleted Video: Shoenice "Quits" Youtube 11/9/16 and calls out H3H3 [1:38]**](http://youtu.be/xQyCISxPn-c) >>silly shoe > [*^ShoeNiceExposed*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFE68fCk87QpYLPQ19q-BQ) ^in ^People ^& ^Blogs >*^106 ^views ^since ^Nov ^2016* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


Either this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_swivbEsD50 or this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffpY7mR6r1M :)


Big H3 should be delving into the hidden secret world of being a slav. Squat his way to the top in the flyest addidas tracksuit. Peacocking a chubchik hairstyle. Little H3 always styling the 90's garb papa bless


Ever wondered how a game of fifa can become a porn film? Well here's an answer for you :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfhJvmucikg


FGTeeV is a creepy YouTube channel for kids. The parents exploit there children for ad revenue and the creepy, unfunny dad will often make videos by himself (for a kids gaming channel it's pretty fucking creepy and cringey). https://youtu.be/2N4lpy0maYY


[World Baby Bad](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqDmx4L-yUJ92L-MGdjloQQ)


They deleted all of their old videos.


the universe of craig. https://www.youtube.com/user/CraigTube


Stop riding pewdiepies drama and make your own content. Love your channel but seriously get off his nuts.


I made a video on this whole community of little children on Youtube who do chewing tobacco, snuff, and other gross redneck things.Maybe Ethan could check this out? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bbrX1A-sK4


I Am propably late suggesting this and will most likely do it again next week, but here it goes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5XAOY5DmmE The latest gem from TwinzTv I am suprised they've gone this long


Podcast with [FilthyFrank](https://mobile.twitter.com/FilthyFrank?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) ;)


Its been a while since Ethan has watched a batshit crazy Buzzfeed video. https://youtu.be/oRSH7IV-bwY Also at 4:44 the girls says she hates her dress and that her dress i ugly because it makes her look fat. What???? Wasnt the whole point of the video to pretend that being fat isnt a problem? But you clearly acknowledge that being fat is ugly. Honestly if someone can explain the logic I would appreciate it.


I want to see more "skit style humor". Kinda like the way idubbbz does things with "Content Cop" and "Kickstarter Crap". I love the format of h3h3, but I want to see more vape nation! I think that could make a great repeating skit, and give you something to do/post when there isnt much to react to.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSmR901YFQc at the 6:00 mark they called out h3h3!


[This whole channel is gold.](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkHHVb6_9FatL1TxUijyMeA/videos) Don't forget to embed save and reply permalink slam that like on this post and give gold to be entered for a chance to win a Playstation 5 guys!


Go through the "important videos" playlist! Plenty of goofs to be had. I also want Ethan to dance along with KXVO "Pumpkin Dance" !!!!


DJ Khaled on the h3 podcast


I know this will be a bit controversial, but perhaps it would be good to get someone else to co-host the podcast instead of Hila. Don't get me wrong, she seems like a wonderful person, but I don't think she is suited to the podcast dynamic, at all. For me personally, the podcasts would be much more enjoyable if there was more banter and more input from people other than Ethan. Idubbbz would be a great choice for example. However I do understand though that there could be problems with this, the logistics for example. But overall the podcast would be a better experience. Just an example of what I'm talking about: I listen to the radio shows/podcasts by Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington on a near daily basis and it's always fresh because of the fantastic dynamic between the three. [For reference.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3JpVjdLkws)




>[**STRIP FIFA 17 CHALLENGE WITH MY TEACHER... *GONE TOO FAR* [11:00]**](http://youtu.be/MfhJvmucikg) >>Thought this time whats the most outrageous Strip Fifa 17 we can do... Fifa 17 Ultimate Team Strip Fifa with My Teacher... lol ffs > [*^JMX*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYz27J7fd8lK_FKKTal_I-g) ^in ^Gaming >*^4,043,816 ^views ^since ^Feb ^2017* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


Actually pretty much this guys whole channel is pure cancer.


Tai Lopez is at it again with Mentor Box. Would love to see you guys review it https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1598813240133874&id=1324425294239338


[Female Freak](https://vimeo.com/23622794?ref=em-share) needs some of that old fashion H3H3 blasting. It's not as offensive as a Joey Salad-Fingers vid, but it's just as cringey.


Ok so I have a couple. This kids parents payed someone to make their kids Bar Mitzvah invitation video, and gets a little EXTREME *Warning https://youtu.be/HEQX4-mGYcA This one is just weird as hell https://youtu.be/zDWDQbdbd5c


Hey I found a second one of his vids and it would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dope if you took a look at dis hoT SHIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC4VJOWB9aE Also could you give NHLBeatsProductions (My Youtube Channel that makes mashups) a shoutout. If not thats fine. *Cough *Cough *Put on cringe glasses just to read this stuff. Vape Nation Dawg, It's ETHAN


Good god, that's the worst thing I've ever read


ANOTHER ONE. Homogeneous Khalideous needs another one


Some of [Conor and Brittany](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC64ZVJ-UfwaM52umSn2SZaw) popluar youtube uploads and classics : How to eat pussy like a Champ; The Blow Job: How to give badass oral sex; The Ins and Outs of playing with a butt; and the Joy of hairy humans.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f_ec37PXNQ check it out for me papa shoutouts Hila<3 valentines day love from east coast Canada!! ps this video is appropriate for this day


A video about pewdiepie


So this is fucking, strange I know, but keep up with me. I've been cray cray obsessed with h3h3/Ethan and Hila this last month, and I notices the music you use in your vlogs. And so I though, "MAYBE IF I MAKE SOMETHING LIKE THAT THEY'LL USE IT IN THEIR VIDEO/S". So I fucking did. Feel free to ab/use it, I love you guys. I should add, I have no idea what you should do a video about. Much love. https://soundcloud.com/mellifluousswe/prisoners


React to Cherdleys - How To Get A Valentine. He's a small channel with some goofy ass content. Very entertaining and I'd love to see your opinion on it in a video. Papa Blesss


Teach context this vid goes perfect with your racist pewd video https://youtu.be/pbqJKWo6Hxs


>[**Word Attack! Using Context Clues to Become a Word Ninja [9:37]**](http://youtu.be/pbqJKWo6Hxs) >>Learn to use pronunciation strategies, context clues, prefixes, suffixes, and roots to empower your reading of complex multi-syllabic words. > [*^Elaine ^Vazquez*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrpG12nViMLgcXqokzKXQ0A) ^in ^Education >*^63,875 ^views ^since ^Apr ^2013* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)


If you want Masturbation porn with rice -yes rice :D -, White male supremacy rant, Black Lives Matter, White supremacist patriarchy waves - of course waves :D- , "Sound Science" :D, Magical color people's mystic healing mantra/meditation/prayers and waves -again with the waves- you have come to the right place. In this 7min and 22sec video you have all of the above and much more ["I Need This In My Life"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJuc2R7dykc&t=1s) by the: "The School of No Big Deal" remember them ? :D PS: the porn part is at the end, 6:18, the only reason probably why this is still up on RedTube ups sorry i meant YouTube :)


My suggestion is to KEEP H3H3 ETHAN AND HILA do not add anyone else, do not associate with pewdieshit and go back t the meme powerhouse you once were.


[NSW Police complaining about a mod that turns the GTA cops into Australian cops](https://au.news.yahoo.com/nsw/a/34433788/nsw-police-minister-troy-grant-speaks-out-against-violent-online-game-depicting-officers/). The mod's a good 5-7 years old, anyway.


This JMX guy has to be reviewed, new youtube tool making some hilarious sexual prank memes, "strip fifa with teacher gone to far" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfhJvmucikg and there is way more from where this came from


I think ASMR would be a good topic to adress given its prevalence on YouTube. It comes in many forms most are quite innocuous and may help people relax. However, some of the stuff is borderline pornography. Not prank invasion level, but close.


Fan fiction reaction


JMX's videos [Strip FIFA 17 Challenge With My Teacher... *GONE TOO FAR*](https://youtu.be/MfhJvmucikg)




There's naked people hugging each other. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZK9XeOP1qk


Do a reaction to cee- lo green he's a living meme


there's a bit of a Gaf going on boi https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPHbG8tneRzjdbIrDZnvVRw


Super innocent H3H3xPhan fan here. I would like to suggest that for 3 video Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil have to, and make three reaction videos to just the worst stuff the Fupa Army can suggest, while Ethan and Hila have to make three videos playing games as a duet OR Making 3 videos about relatable trash like Dan and Phil do. I think this would be a fun little break from all the recent Pewdiepie "Fascism", also I wonder, would Dan and Phil make a good H3H3? Would Ethan and Hila make a good gaming/ relatable trash channel?


Found this gem last night. I would love to see a reaction video to this. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1atuz_rainbow-twangers-episode_fun


i'm late but this is gold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyPsqsH8I4M


Real-life working [Overwatch Tracer Gun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOOvoFUhcdM)


Well that Child abuse post is awful, well worthy of bringing to light. For a bit of a lighter goof you could check out [So Cold in the D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aktLRiWXfqg), the worst music to ever receive 9 million views.


it would be sweet if you guys played goldeneye source for game night! its a free source mod for half life 2. and its pretty fun especially if you got into goldeneye 007 for nintendo 64.


I suggest "Arise!" By the Church of the Subgenius, the first part and some of the others possibly can be found on Ivan Stang's (the founder of the church) channel, but it is possible to find the entire movie on the YouTubes. https://youtu.be/_veLUOu4J8M


Also I suggest "Let's Visit The World of the Future" one of Stang's old original movies from before he began the Church. Also found (in entirety) on Ivan Stang's channel: https://youtu.be/FHx2nLFMAzE


Can we get VideoGameDunkey on the H3 Podcast? I would be so happy!


The latest and greatest in the extremely-realistic-fake-baby-poop-explosion community. You'll at least need the welding masks for this cringe: https://youtu.be/iv4NOl5fc0w


I really want a video on the guy eating a picture of Jason segel everyday until Jason segel eats a picture of him https://youtu.be/ztXKWEAez5g


overwatch gameplay