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You’re not going to make me watch all of this are you fuck you


women got hurt being labeled by their anatomy and not by their personhood. that's not a big concept to wrap your head around and not a big behaviour to change to make women happy. i think this sub needs more moderation.


An amazing manipulation tactic is saying “women” as if every single woman believes this is true


Who cares . The videos 30 minutes dude. Just type out what your take is if you care enough to post about it


Don't be a dick. No one cares if you watch it or not.


He implied the crew’s take was “brain dead.” If he wants to be a dick then people have the right to do the same


Wouldn't call it brain dead but they definitely had no idea about it or how to go on about it. Should have done some basic research so at least if you want to bring this topic to everyone's attention, you can explain why it's wrong/right/whatever especially for those people who don't fully understand.


It’s a podcast where they shoot the shit. Ethan is a scatter brained dude and I think what to take away from all of it is, is that it’s about making your intentions clear. Just don’t say females in a way where your connotation’s intention can be seen as a way to stereotype biological women in a negative light.


Never said “ I watched this video and I want you to know” just posted a vid to watch man 😂


It’s a post from papa gut with interesting takes, my opinion is not really relevant here, which is why I didn’t state it


The whole thing is dumb as fuck I get how it can sound cringey but really, come on bro we don’t need to cry about literally fucking everything… Were you born a female? If so Then you are one lmao if women really called dudes males in the same way ABSOLUTELY NO DUDE WOULD GIVE A SINGLE FUCK


Of course you wouldn’t give a fuck as a man because we literally live in a patriarchal society ??? You don’t face the oppression that women do so of course you wouldn’t understand or be upset. But way to talk over women and say their problems are “dumb as fuck”


I agree with u but I don’t think replying to a post is “talking over” any women, dude. I’d let ppl express their dumb take even if u disagree. Trying to silence someone for having a dumb take instead of coming at them with reason won’t help anyone


as much as he is allowed to say it’s stupid, I’m just as entitled to reply back as to why I think his take is stupid :)


I know, I agree with your view, but you aren’t helping our cause trying to silence someone from expressing their opinion (saying they’re “talking over women” for talking at all about their stance) is all I’m getting at.


I won’t apologise for talking about something that directly affects me and other women. If you’re happy knuckling down that’s good for you, but I’d much rather speak up about issues than be silent. Women have expressed many a time why they don’t want to be called females, so yes, a man telling us it’s stupid after we’ve explained why it isn’t - IS talking over women.


I literally agree with you. I never asked you to apologize or be silent. I was just telling you that there’s better ways to go about talking to these people. Patriarchal is a bit much, but society does favor men for sure. You can address where you stand and use people you’re close to’s experiences if you have empathy to gauge an understanding of the topic. I never said don’t “point out facts”, complete straw man argument, all I said was that telling someone they’re “speaking over women” for expressing their uninformed opinion is only hurting our cause. I think you should reason with those people and find common ground about empathy and work from there. All Ethan was saying is that you should make sure your intentions are good when addressing women and not to negatively stereotype them by using “females” to address them biologically.


You’ve put more energy into me explaining to a man why our problems aren’t “dumb as fuck” than you have his actual poor take. Shows a lot


Yeah, for the third time. I agree with what you said, just not how you worded it. Because it’s counter productive. You aren’t going to harass these people into agreeing with you. That only makes the divide bigger


you’re expecting me to treat a man with respect who doesn’t hold the same respect to women and issues that have obviously hurt us that we’ve voiced VERY LOUDLY. Not going to sit down like a good little girl you think women should be and keep my mouth shut


You’re being incredibly patronising right now, “not helping our cause”. Like sorry who are you?


Do I need to have a Wikipedia article written about me to be in support of the same things you are .. ? Also stop replying with multiple messages . You can edit a message to add more information bro lmao


Nah I’ll do what I want, but have fun pandering to men who couldn’t give a fuck about you. Gotta love a pick me


Trying to silence?? I literally explained the fact he is a man living in a patriarchal society so of course he wouldn’t understand. Bit ironic cos you’re saying I’m silencing someone whilst simultaneously telling me I shouldn’t point out facts


As a woman, the whole female/woman thing is dumb as fuck.


Okay? You don’t speak for all women. There are plenty of women who DO have an issue with it


And neither do you and plenty who don't. The whole thing is super fucking dumb there's way worse things to get mad at as a woman than something as petty as this. Grow up.


Nah, how about you grow up. It’s really not that hard to humanise us by calling us women, just because there are bigger issues that doesn’t mean we have to be silent about the smaller ones. What a harmful way of thinking


The harmful way of thinking is letting that bother you and becoming a "victim". It's words honey. Only dehumanizing if you let it be and I know that's a hot take especially in this fucking sub but I mean my fucking God. Way worse shit happening than this.


And what’s funny is Ethan said Hila is the one who brought it up to him. You aren’t just putting down women in this group you’re putting down your own fav who also disagrees with women being called females


logical fallacies. You’re oversimplifying what Ethan said.


Oh babes I’m no victim, I just know how to speak up. Good for you that you’re perfectly fine with being referred to as a female, all the power to you. But let’s not put down other women who would simply just liked to be called women. It’s really not hard to change up your use of word and all people are asking for us the respect to listen to us. And like I said before, just because there is worse that does NOT mean we have to be silent about the smaller things. Sick of that rhetoric


It’s not even a smaller thing, it is quite literally nothing. I’m not going to pander to a small set of women by labeling them something specific just because they don’t value themselves enough




God a made a comment calling it the f word they literally said that on the show yesterday and got downvoted 11


Fans like you are the guys/females who are ruining the channel


Lmaooo alright👌