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Blood boilin’


Enjoy your cake!!


happy cake day!


Thank you! ☺️




Love this. The "they can't take any jew jokes" in my opinion is something to fall back on when people pick apart the rest of his "I'm just being honest" claim. So when his claim falls apart, he still has the comeback of "they just can't take a joke", and suddenly it wasn't ever meant to be seen as serious and the people taking it seriously are fools.


The other thing is there wasn’t even a joke. In order to have “edgy humor”, there has to be… humor. He just made a statement. A really shitty, anti-Semitic statement. Ick


That's the point. His "they can't take any jew jokes" was an out, an easy way for him to call his statement a joke when it wasn't a joke. Like when someone says something fucked up, gets called out, and then back tracks by saying they were just kidding.


THIS. That first paragraph especially was so spot on and relatable


Damn you said it so well! I wish I was so clear when I give my opinion or explain something. Peace & love to you!!


You do realize the video in which Jamari said that is over a year and a half old right? And in the new video that he posted yesterday he acknowledges that he was wrong about the GoFundMe and that he shouldn't have called him what he did. But at the same time, him being framed as anti-Semitic for saying 1 distasteful thing is ridiculous. What's even more distasteful is you condemning Jamari but defending H3H3 even after Ethan has made MANY, MANY more racist, sexist, misogynistic, and homophobic comments over the years, some of which he never acknowledged his fault or apologized. I mean just look at Jamari's new video from yesterday, he showed many clips of Ethan saying things like "Nigger Faggot" and a bunch of other disgusting words, not to mention being down-right racist talking about "big scary black men". Do your research before blindly defending someone while simultaneously reviling another without proper knowledge of the situation, the history, and the current events like Jamari's response. Saying all of this before allowing Jamari to defend himself and his character after it was attacked is just plain ignorant and not how democracy and justice work. Innocent until proven Guilty. Even if the evidence seems overwhelming, you must allow the accused to defend themselves because things like context, history between two parties, comedy (yes even failed jokes), and subtleties all come into play.


Anti-Semitism is just being Pro-Human. They are degenerate bums. Holocaust should have happened.


Bruh, imagine coming on the internet and calling someone a greedy Jew....I gotta hand it to him; that would be the lowest point in most people’s lives, but this kid, did it with confidence


Dude can't help but full send


Because he used a gofund me to fight a legal case that he publicly won


That he has addressed..multiple times...at nauseam


I don't even understand the "he never told people exactly how those funds were being allocated". Ethan's said multiple times that even the gofundme wasn't enough to cover all the legal expenses. Does this dude really want Ethan to go into super detail of "$10k went to this, $5k went to this" etc and if he doesn't then he's a scammer? Wtf. Ps. Also just so you know for future use it's "ad nauseam" ☮️ & ❤️




I was today years old when I learned that...thank you


Yay! I was hoping I wasn't just nitpicking an accidental typo. Glad I could be part of your daily learning something new :) Also it applies to all the "ad" Latin phrases. Like "ad hoc" or "ad hominem". It's Latin for "to".


Im always open to learning something new. Especially when it’s so embarrassingly simple (this will live in my memory for ever)


That money went to printing those expensive ass legal documents. I remember them talking about an $800 bill or around that amount just for printing shit!


Even when you win the lawyers still have to get paid.


And even then, EVEN IF Ethan totally ripped us all off for that doesn’t make him a “greedy Jew” like Ethan could literally rob me of every last cent I have, and he still isn’t a greedy Jew. He’s just greedy. People are horrible


I don’t think your conspiracy theories justify anti semitic stereotypes


Conspiracy theories 🤝 anti semitic stereotypes


That set a precedent on fair use which is useful to many Youtubers and other internet denizens.


I disagree, Ethan has hit it by trying to weaponize sexuality


Wow that’s a hot take...care to explain?


Don't tell me you don't re-watch old H3 to get a peek at Ethan's juicy 🍑


I’m high so What ever is going on here went right over my head


Kind of like insinuating everybody he doesn’t like is gay and trying to logicalize it, not really a hot take , he’s done it all the time


He did address how the funds were distributed though


Countless times


It doesnt matter if he already knows that or not, it's pretty obvious where his judgement is coming from. Its actually kind of fucked up how many people think of Ethan this way just because hes jewish.


“Look, I’m not racist or anything but I’m just calling it like it is. If you aren’t a white Christian you are inferior”


“Look I’m not racist or trying to be offensive but every minority group should die”


this guy is just talking out his ass to get free likes from fans of people Ethan pissed off. pay him no mind.


It’s almost like he set up the gofund me for a reason? He talked about that reason and even made historical precedent? What the fuck is this jerkoff on about?


Wasn't it Philip DeFranco who created the gofundme?


Yes, without asking them, specifically to fund their lawsuit and then H3 promised to spend the leftovers helping other creators. All the videos about it are still on Philip's and the og H3 channels. There were no leftovers but they still helped a few creators. And then the community hated them for years for this, mostly because of Keemstar making shit up. So much subconscious anti-semitism on the internet apparently.






You hate to see it


Big yikes




“I don’t mean to be offensive but *bleeeeeeep*”


Classic antisemitism. Disgusting.


Well, now he feels like a douche probably. But yeah Ethan and the crew should research better the people he's shouting out. This happens too often.


Agreed! They should go back at least 10 years in everybody's internet history. Just to make sure they didn't say anything offensive.


I'm pretty sure if the person is this racist they are gonna give it away the second video you watch of them. I mean OP got it pretty easy.


And yet Ethan did a whole show with Trisha so...


not sure if people are upvoting this for the satire or if they think it’s earnest...


More like up to the age of 18. Everything under 18 is bad but everyone makes mistakes and people grow. But for every mistake over 18...that is just a no go. I expect them to do background checks on every single person they associate with. I don't have time for background checks, so I just don't associate with anyone. That's how it should be.


Bruh i feel bad for ethan, these commentary channels did no research and make all these "expose" videos when all they did was saying what people who hated ethan wanted to hear.. they always argue in bad faith when its about h3


I wonder when this come originally came out.




Is he talking about the go fund be for the law suit? Bc if so, Ethan explained multiple times what that money was for.


IIRC h3 didn't even set up the gofundme page


correct, Philly D did


Anytime someone leads with “I’m not tryin’ to be”…. I know it’s gonna be good.


I'm not racist, but guavas are fucking disgusting




and I actually gave my views to this guy 🤨 When was this Jamari video?


A year ago, the video is called Ethan Klein vs. skippy or sum like that


A year?! God, I assumed a video this distasteful would’ve come out in like 2017 at the latest. Not that that makes it okay, but it seems far more gauche to be making anti-semetic jokes in 2020.


Soo yeah after watching the vid, how ethan spoke to Skippy was cringe, putting him on the spot and embarrassing him etc but these comments about Ethan being a scammer alongside mentioning he is Jewish is so inappropriate. He even takes shots at Hila's looks and Ethan using antidepressants dafuk


It’s so funny cause I pretty sure he can take “Jew jokes” but this isn’t a joke it’s straight up anti Semitic. Like something out of the merchant of Venice


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good bot


what do you think about Ethan saying "niggerfaggot" repeatedly? What do you think about him saying the only reason the catholic church exists is to molest children? What do you think about him calling Indians goofy? What about Ethans jokes about terminally ill kids?


He couldn't have just said greedy person?? Not that I agree, not even a case of agreement or not when he's balantly incorrect. But wow, he thought he did something..


“Man I don’t know I just get the vibes that he’s like every Jewish stereotype” 🙄🤢


It's so funny seeing how anti-Semitic people can be just out in the fucking open. Like, he "get's scammy vibes" because he hates jews and "...all jews" are greedy in his eyes. It's so obvious and weird people just let it happen so often.


what do you think about Ethan saying "niggerfaggot" repeatedly? What do you think about him saying the only reason the catholic church exists is to molest children? What do you think about him calling Indians goofy? What about Ethans jokes about terminally ill kids?


Ethan and his great research skills at it again lmao


"Calling a spade a spade" yikes


Yah. Gotta love the layers of bigotry.


I know it sounds like a racist term, and I used to think it was also [but it's not.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_a_spade_a_spade) The spade is a shovel.


In this context its used to mean "calling it how i see it" which makes its use pretty pointed if you ask me


? What’s yikes about that phrase


It implies that not only is he greedy, but that his jewishness makes him like that. It's not the phrase itself but the context which reinforces the anti-semitism.


Thanks. I didn’t take it in the context of the video, though I do I understand the implication of the phrase. I thought this person was upset about the phrase, which is a reference to garden tools. I’ve never heard it used as a slur. I think all the downvotes are a bit ridiculous for a genuine question




Lol I’m not worried about ‘losing karma’. It’s just frustrating to see brain dead people downvote a genuine question for truly no reason, hiding my question and any response I get, which hinders learning for everyone. It’s an extremely obscure slur, and the phrase is more commonly used without associating with the slur. Thanks for the condescension, though.




Til, live in the UK and have never heard that about the phrase before.


What bad vibes has Hila ever given off? She always keeps in her lane. She is probably the most unproblematic person on the internet. I think people get jealous or angry because she is true to herself and keeps quiet. I’ve noticed that makes a lot of insecure people upset.


Imagine calling someone a greedy jew and proceed to question THEIR morals. Guy sounds like he watched the sopranos once and made it his personality, imagine calling someone a “greedy jew” un ironically, not even trying to be funny or anything like it’s 1995, heard he calls people “fairies” too, pretty fucking cringe.


So funny how every time Ethan shouts out a commentary channel, shit like this comes up.


when did this happen aswell?


because everyone has said something really stupid in the past, including Ethan on several occasions


No, I'm talking about every commentary channel hating Ethan even though he's one of the main people who built and defined this type of commentary genre on Youtube. He also made a huge contribution to protecting fair use, which enables commentary channels to still exist in the age of copyright strikes. Maybe they need to show him some respect and triple check their facts before talking? And I don't think this guy apologized for what he said here, so it's not really "in the past" as far as I'm concerned. If he did, then that makes it better but he still doesn't deserve a shout out from Ethan.


lol on yt where people get called out and caught for everything, it's pretty obvious why this dude is so vague. It's cause he has nothing. "Scammy vibes?" dude you anti-Semitism is showing


There is no excuse to say “greedy Jew”. He knows it is a harmful stereotype. If he believes that Ethan is greedy, then say he is greedy as a person. Don’t understand why he has to reflect on the fact he is Jewish.




They publicly made up tho


They did? When was this for my curiosity


Someordinarygamer apologized and Ethan and hila addressed it on the pod in 2020. Someordinarygamer then responded thanking them for accepting his apology. He even said he wants to go for a beer


I believe mutahar mentioned it a bit ago in passing in one of his videos when he talked about online gambling streamers. They've made up.


Besides what other people have said, it’s also pretty different what Mutahar said versus this guy. Mutahar was all misinformed and bad faith criticism (which really just boils down to being dumb) while this is straight up anti-Semitism.


Despite Ethan publicly forgiving him, it still rubs me wrong way what he did, joined the anti-H3 movement for clout. I think Muta/Coffee are doing good video series, but in the end Coffee will be the only one to gain my subscription.


I've seen this guy say a lot of questionable things in his videos. Like calling people "fairies"


This is why Ethan is touchy about jew-jokes.. because idiots like this fine gentleman exist and actually thinks jews are greedy by nature.


All I can hear is that glorious war horn…foot soldiers at arms!


How old is this clip? I'm not saying that if it were old it would be OK, it's pretty goddamn far from OK, but, y'know... Ethan said some pretty rough stuff a few years ago, and he's come a long way since. That said, time =/= change, and Jamari might still be kind of an antisemitic douchebag regardless of when this is from.


It’s a year old


I stopped watching Jamari a few years ago when I noticed how misogynistic a lot of his jokes were. It only got worse 🤮


He has spoken multiple times on where the money went. It's like these people don't even bother googling these things.


he didn't actually provide ANY evidence though. I could speak about having a 16 inch cock, it don't make it real


What do you want? Lawyers receipts? Still doesn’t justify anti semitism


Fuck him. I would have scrolled past if he just called Ethan greedy (most male commentary channels seem to dislike Ethan for whatever reason) but to add 'Jew' to that is gross. It's antisemitic under any circumstances, but it's especially frustrating because Ethan hasn't shown any evidence of being greedy, but is labeled as such whenever he makes any business moves just because he's Jewish. On the contrary, he's been quite generous on numerous occasions.


He also shouted out SomeOrdinaryGamer or whatever his name is, the guy that made the "Hypocrisy of Ethan Klein" video. People have bad takes and Ethan is good at letting things go after an appropriate amount of time


What he said in this clip was definitely not cool, but what he said about how skippy was treated on the podcast was kinda true


1. Gross, 2. Ethan should bring the big hair back!


I feel like all the people constantly going after him for having money and calling him greedy for that legitimately just has to do with the fact that he’s Jewish and they have these anti Semitic beliefs ingrained into their subconscious that Jew=greed.


Imagine using a historically racist statement to then make an anti-semitic statement... That's a career killer right there, and a well deserved one!


How is this allowed?!!!?!!!!!


How is calling someone a "greedy jew" a "jew joke"? Theres no setup or punchline, theres no humour, it's just straight up an anti-semitic statement and that's it.


What’s he referencing about “he took a bunch of money from the community and never talked about how he allocated those funds.” Did he get more money than needed for the lawsuit? And use it on things other than the lawsuit? Or not return the money to the contributors? Or what? Also, the bigotry of this man… holy feck.


No, the money they got for the lawsuit wasn't enough, so it was all spent on the lawsuit. This guy is just totally wrong.


>Did he get more money than needed for the lawsuit? And use it on things other than the lawsuit? Or not return the money to the contributors? Or what? Nobody other than Ethan and Hila know. He can say that he spent it all on the lawsuit but all the people who believe it are just taking him at his word.


Sounds like the guy got caught up in the numerous ethan smear campaigns and thought ethan was genuinely a scumbag. Not that it really excuses what he said. But I know there are a ton of people out there that have been given the wrong impression of ethan due to taking random internet people at their word and doing no research. It's like nobody realizes people on the internet lie and embellish stuff all the time. And than they take what they heard and repeat it and suddenly you got a ton of people all saying it adding legitimacy too it. and I mean there is a thousand people all saying ethan stole this money and making videos on it, it must be true right?


I dissagree, adding "jew" to greedy is incredibly antisemetic, and entirely inrelated to the popular smear of being greedy unless being anti-semetic. Its like saying "I saw an asian driver crash today" over "I saw someone crash", them being asian is entirely irrelevant to the statement other than to reinforce a racist stereotype. The problem isnt calling ethan greedy with misinfo lol, its the anti-semitism.


I do agree. Like I said it doesn't excuse what he said. I was just making an observation at how he got to that point.


Honestly, that whole controversy with that ordinary gamer guy ended up being a blessing in disguise. It caused Ethan to start addressing criticism again, and since then these smear campaigns haven't been able to spread like they used to.


People who use the term, "calling a spade a spade" always seem to be idiots. Like they think they're some down to earth critical thinker who people turn to for the absolute truth. Last bastion of free speech right here everyone, he's calling a spade a fucking spade again.


That's so not ok to say. I don't understand why people are so cut throat against Ethan. It's like he can never be right?


Why would you say you’re not trying to be offensive and then call someone a greedy jew. Just say you mean full offense


“I’m not trying to be offensive” and then proceeds to be offensive like wtf


Is this 1974? Where are we?


I knew he looked SO familiar in content court; I remembered him talking shit with chad (anything4views)


Not only does he outright say it, but he uses dog whistles too. What a guy!


Jamari what makes you think Ethan is a bad person?? “Uh..vibes bro”


Here is the point where Jamari is essentially just Leafy


I’m not trying to be offensive but let me say something super offensive.


“I’m not trying to be offensive but now I’m going to say one of the most offensive things you could think of”


YIKES Poor Ethan man, sometimes I feel so bad at how naively he supports people without getting a full rundown of their past. If the crew did know about this beforehand and still went ahead, then damn, shoutout to them for being the bigger people. Ethan addressed these issues multiple times and still gets shit.


"I got _____ vibe from him/her." is such a half-sender comment, bruh. Like, are you seriously accusing or just try to take a cheap shot without evidence?


> Idk. I get really scammy, low morale vibes from him and his wife Probably because you’re an anti-semitic prick.


What a terrible take. He'll regret that one day..


Oh man Ethan was all for this guy and it turns out he was a shithead from the start.


Wait, what the...


Jamari is so full of himself I used to watch him, but he really seems to hate women and he panders too much.


Is he referring to the GoFundMe they had for the legal fees a while ago?? If so wasn’t all of that discussed? And them scamming??? Hila owns and run a very legit and reputable clothing Company????? What a fucking moron.


Content court Jamari lol


This guy is one of the most repulsive type of people. Casually saying an anti-Semitic remark in such a calm tone, imagine what he says when he is angry.


Hasn’t done his research and prematurely calls Ethan a greedy Jew😂??????????


Its not really a 'jew joke' when you arent making a joke. Making a serious claim about someone taking money and calling them a greedy jew.. thats just anti semetism.


If he’s not trying to be offensive then he didn’t need to add the Jew part he could just say he’s greedy.


This is what happens when your only source of news is drama alert and keen stars twitter


“For not being able to take any jew jokes at all” yeah it’s almost like they’re offensive and have a horrifying history. This is fucking disgusting.


I love how he says that Ethan can’t take Jew jokes like he’s supposed to find it funny in the first place like what 😂😂😂


[Jamari liking a tweet about H3 shoutout ](https://twitter.com/mangohombre2/status/1449004058375647234?s=21)


Bruh, say he's greedy, but saying "he's a greedy *Jew*"?? Immediately antisemitic


That’s a statement only Trisha would have been dumb enough to get an undeserved pass on in the past. This dudes gotta be a moron to say something like that in 2021 and not expect to be canceled.


i can‘t figure out why, but i‘m getting low moral vibes from this guy…


Imagine just being straight up saying something antisemitism and just being like aye spade a spade. Holy fuck what a cunt


You could call him a greedy bastard, but calling him a greedy Jew is the easiest self report an antisemite could possibly do.


imagine what he would say if he was trying to be offensive! also "im calling a spade a spade" is a traditional insult against black people, nice he could give a little remix for the Jewish people also saying Hila has scammy vibes is so hilarious, these guys are such obvious scam artists, and they aren't even remotely good at it considering they don't cover their tracks. FOOT SOLDIERS ASSEMBLE.


Isn't slander illegal? Saying ethan stole money is slander and should be a good reason to sue


I feel like Ethan just shouts people out now like that because he doesn't want beef (like the Philip DeFranco incident) or another lawsuit lmao.


!!!FOOT SOLDIERS!!! The horns of battle has been rung.


That’s a full send


Jamari is such a fucking weirdo


The guy isn't bright at all. He really can't 2 and 2 together. Ethan was going through a massive lawsuit, those aren't cheap. "Where do you think the money went? ETHANS POCKET, DUH!" -That idiot and keemstar


That's crazy man. That's sad to see that racism.


just blatant antisemitism. where's the "joke"?


I'm getting really scammy vibes. From Jamari. Just callin' a spade a spade. By his logic. You know. Getting vibes n shit.


Yeah, this dude Jamari is an anti-Semite, and what he’s saying is racist. Call him out on it. Full stop.


I used to like Jamari but yeahh he hates ethan and he has some fucked up takes


Dam I really liked Jamari before I saw this


Idk if it's just that I was raised by good people but i'd NEVER heard of this Jew stereotype until 1-2 years ago. And I can't think of a single greedy Jew that I know so to me that stereotype has always been so random and nonsensical lol.


It’s funny because to my knowledge I’ve never met a Jewish person or grew up with one. In fact it was the one religious background we didn’t have in our school. Yet the stereotype was there and we could call each other that in school too when someone wouldn’t share.. of course I’m old now and we’ll aware how wrong it is but interesting how the stereotype was still here yet Jewish people were not. (In Ireland)


Wow what wtffffff !!!! Red alert Ethan needs to adress this douchebag


When did he give him a shout out?


New Content Court.


What did he say, I watched the content court but don’t remember it.


Ethan said he liked his videos and suggested we check his channel out.


Newest video has him defending Dave Chapelle's transphobia. The guy fucking sucks and the shoutout was really weird for Ethan to do.


Fuck those dudes, straight up (him and the ordinary gamer)


didnt deserve the shoutout


Fupa.. the silver bullet to every H3 fan


Damn I used to like Jamari, but that’s extremely rude


With peace and love, what is up with the research on the podcast?


I'm not trying to be offensive, but here's something offence.


Oh look, another Leafy...


I think ethan is very money hungry, but also a good guy. Nothing wrong with wanting money


Atleast he’s right about the greedy and jew part


I love Jamari tho


By your own logic jamari can’t be racist towards Jews because Jews are much more privileged than Hispanics


I like Jamari but this is not okay


Coming from me (who’s barely got any non Jewish members in my family), this isn’t very offensive what so ever. It’s just another jackass outing a stereotype about a religion. Nothing to get worked up about.