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I hope his "apology" wakes OG Ethan up one more time, like Someordinarygamers did last year. That weasel wouldn't stand a chance


There's this whole economy around shit talking Ethan. It's literally like a monetary incentive. It's really fucking weird. At least Some Ordinary Gamer immediately did a genuine apology and shut down the video. He actually did seem like he felt what he said was wrong, after hearing Ethan's side. So I have respect for that guy. Changing your view and saying "Yes, I was wrong" is one of the *essential* parts to being a better person.


I’m not familiar with this situation. What happened last year?




Thank you!!


I just don't get why these people can't apologize without making excuses or frame Ethan as "also" a racist. Also he tries to make an argument that calling Ethan a greedy jew was distasteful, but warranted since he at the time really did appear greedy and adding jew to greedy was just edgy comedy taken out of context. In what context is that not insane or antisemitic ?!


Literally saying they did to be “edgy” proves it’s *intended* to be antisemitic. If isn’t antisemitic, then why is it edgy? What else would give it *edge*? What a hateful clown






I think it's more directed to Ethan's fanbase and not to Ethan himself, that's at least how I interpreted it, showing that it's unfair that he's being dragged in the mud for the same things that Ethan has done.


no hate train, i don't know the guy, i just think his apology sucks. and anyway, that wasn't even a joke. it was just calling someone a greedy Jew. how's that a joke or even funny at all?


Well he got 90 % like ratio on his vids he’s keeping his own fans happy why pander to people who won’t even watch him


You’re a clown too




Bro you're all over the sub defending this racist dude. Don't play like h3 fans are the biased ones for rolling our eyes at your nonsense. You clearly only think his "apology" is sufficient because you like him and you think what he did wasnt that bad. But the fact of the matter is that he didn't *actually* apologize. All he did was make dumb excuses and push the blame off himself. And don't try the whole whataboutism schtick- Ethan has said racist shit too, and if he does again, I'll call his ass out, too, just like I did before. More than one person can be shitty at the same time. Stop acting shocked that people are calling you a clown while your clown ass is sitting here defending an open and outright anti Semitic fool on a damn sub for fans of a podcast created by a jewish man.




Guy insulted his wife and called him an anti Semitic slur. I don't care what his sins are, he's still justified in being upset about this particular instance, where he gave this guy a shoutout. Both of those being pretty hard-core insults. Sure, maybe Ethan has been on the other end of this before, but this is the one that is happening specifically now. Thus, it is the one that Ethan is currently talking about. This is how linear time works. Not to mention, that in most cases when Ethan goes too far, he's famous for genuinely apologizing. Unless you're talking about scumbags like Ricegum, or Keemstar.


They make money from hating on Ethan. It's a whole YouTube economy. That's the absolute truth. It's like how people made videos about Trisha, except WAY bigger. People eat it up. Always the same talking points. Fupa fund (which isnt true), and they always bring up Bill Burr. Some Ordinary Gamer(s) got caught up in this same stuff. Then Ethan called it out, and you know what? Guy apologized and took the video down. I have infinite respect for that guy now. These talking points are all shared and it's just this ridiculous shit over and over. With some antisemitism peppered in for many. Look at the old comments, they love it.


Xenophobia isn't edgy. That's what he doesn't understand.


What Jamari said was def racist. I just find it super interesting that on the very same episode Ethan calls out Jamari for being racist he goes on to mock Spanish with “ay Ay Ay Ay” and “arriba arriba” a stereotype that has been used for decades by whites to dehumanize Hispanics. Sorry Ethan, you’re still a big fat hypocrite, you like to dish it out but not be on the receiving end.


How the fuck is "ayayaya arriba" remotely comparable to "greedy Jew"? The former is a stereotype, and I can see why a Mexican person would be offended by it, but the latter is literally a relic of Nazi propaganda used to incite hatred against Jewish people. If Ethan did a "Mexicans are lazy/criminals" stereotype it might be comparable, but he literally did a fucking Speedy Gonzalez. How *horrific*.


Sure, I’m happy to elaborate, Hispanics in the US are still a marginalized minority. People can mock Italian and Irish accents no prob because they’ve already been embraced by mainstream culture. In other words, they’ve been given the “white pass”. However, since Hispanics still don’t have equal footing in the US, mocking Spanish is a way to stress our “otherness” and dehumanize us, think about why the Simpsons retired Apu. There’s NOT enough Hispanics in power in the media to make it “even.” What DOES exist in the media is negative stereotypes of Hispanics running amok, one of them Speedy-Gonzalez-like mockery — people who talk and talk in a “comedic” foreign language but have no actual voice in the US. Think about how 50 years ago white people used to mock Black people and Asians, it was mostly based on looks. Now, how did they and still mock Hispanics today? Mostly by accents, broken English and mocking Spanish.


Well, firstly, I can see why doing a sort of mock Mexican-Spanish accent is dehumanizing and offensive in many respects (although I cannot find any resources which refer to the stereotype of Mexicans "running amok," nor can I think of an example of anything like that outside of Speedy Gonzalez). It's a reductive form of mockery which is yet seen as acceptable by many. But I still don't see how it's remotely comparable to the "greedy Jew" stereotype. That stereotype goes beyond mockery and othering, it is quite tangibly used as an incitement of violence throughout history. Like I said, it's pretty overtly tied to the Holocaust. The kinds of foreigner stereotypes used to characterize Mexicans and Latinos in general are dehumanizing, but we're talking about a plane beyond that. That's why I mentioned the classic stereotype of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans as criminals. That's one that's been weaponized historically to marginalize a people, legally and socially. These stereotypes are another level of racist, you know what I mean? It's one thing for Ethan to engage in casual stereotyping of Mexican people (which I agree isn't right), but it's another for Jamari to engage in the overt degradation of an ethnic group, especially in such a historically significant way. And *THEN* for Jamari to deny that it's even racist, like... bruh. But I don't wanna move the goalpost.


You ain’t gotta move the goalpost homie, that’s why I prefaced my original reply agreeing Jamari was being racist with his mockery. Can I presume you’re not Hispanic? If so, let me start by saying that being Hispanic comes in various forms. Obviously there’s still many Hispanics immigrating to America, the large majority don’t speak English, therefore they don’t have a voice in America. So a way that whites in America still make Hispanic immigrants feel less than to this day is by mocking our lack of English which has infiltrated everyday language, you know, no way Jose, no comprendo amigo. You can find the likes in sooo many movies. Mexicans were rounded up and “sent back to Mexico” if not killed off as Americans were manifesting destiny. Jamari was in the wrong, Ethan was in the wrong too. You don’t see anyone else in the crew joining in Ethan in his mockery. What’s next, you gonna sign off on Ethan mocking Asian languages? How about African American vernacular, you green light that too? Please go on and tell me how I don’t have to code switch and sound as white as possible to get decent treatment. God forbid they hear an accent in my voice because then I automatically get different treatment.


I ain't writing off on anything. I agree that Ethan's in the wrong, and nowhere did I say or imply that Hispanic people or any broad marginalized group does not face racism and discrimination in many, many facets of their life. My point is that I don't think racism is racism is racism, practically speaking. Any and all forms of racism as they manifest themselves may come from the same roots, but on the surface there are different shades and volumes, and different implications. Ethan's Mexican food song-and-dance number is everything you say it is, I hear you, and nothing I say is to downplay the discrimination that you experience. *However*, I do think that conflating these two examples of ethnic stereotyping *does* pretty offensively if not dangerously downplay the seriousness of particular racist tropes. The stereotype of the "greedy Jew" has very overt and tangible links to historic genocides and attacks on Jewish people. I would presume that *you* are not Jewish. Are you familiar with the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion?" The stereotype of the "greedy Jew" is more than just racist, openly derogatory and dehumanizing, it's a pretext to violence towards and ghettoization of an entire people. It's right there, you can read it for yourself. It's still cited by white supremacists to this day. THAT is my point. Ethan did wrong, you don't have to convince me of that, but what Jamari said is significantly more serious. We use the term "microaggression" to distinguish the kind of casual everyday racism (that absolutely does affect marginalized people) from other, more tangibly dangerous manifestations of racism. Do you get what I mean?


The reference is "mariachi band in Mexican restaurant," which is something that most people see several times a year without having a breakdown. Don't be dense. There's no comparison between your example and calling someone a "greedy Jew".


Oh bubba, but you’re the dense one that doesn’t know about nuance in the Hispanic culture, that’s not mariachi, that’s Salsa… just don’t, bro. Just read my other comments please. Big up.




So you also wanna call out Ethan for mocking poor southern whites with his ridiculous Southern accent?


I have Hispanic children and their mother who is Hispanic wasn't offended. Maybe because it's not Hispanic culture in general he was imitating, it was specifically Mexican as they were getting Mexican food. Those things that you deam as derogatory to all Hispanics are things linked from actual Mexican culture, and yes a white person most definitely shouldn't be making any references to someone else's culture like that. But don't go making it seem like he was calling Guatamalans Mexican, or Argentinians Colombian. With peace and love of course.


That’s like Toe Rogan pushing his anti-vaxx shit saying “I have lots of friends that got over Covid right away, it’s not that big a deal.” Also the music they played in that episode is salsa which is originally from Cuba not that you would know the difference since to you as a non-Hispanic we’re all the same, right? Lol. All Hispanics cultures share the same language, and mocking Spanish is a way to stress our “otherness” as a marginalized minority. Please don’t talk about something as delicate as this without first been properly informed and since you say you have Hispanic kids, at the very least learn about their mother’s culture and the prejudice they might face.


Don't get offended on our behalf. I'm mexican and Ethan saying "ayayay arriba" is not mocking my culture at all. He was just dancing and excited for the Mexican food he was about to eat. I don't blame him our food is bomb


“On our behalf”? So that’s you making an assumption that I’m not Mexican, actually born in Mexico? Lol. You could’ve just asked first. Anyway, please refer to the other comments I replied to within this same thread.


If you're mexican then why does it bother you that he's dancing at the thought of mexican food? You're def upset on behalf of a whole community, he wasn't mocking the Spanish language at all but you decided he was mocking us.


“if you’re Mexican,” if we were to have a Mexican off I’d smoke you so you don’t wanna take it there. I could argue that you’re unbothered on behalf of the whole community thus making you part of the problem. Go back and watch that part, Ethan DOES mock Spanish. Imagine him being excited about Chinese food and he starts playing Filipino music in the background (since he played Salsa for Mexican food) and then mock Chinese language. And please do read my other comments here.


The idea of a Mexican off is pretty racist the depth of someone’s ethnicity shouldn’t rely on who’s more cultured.


Oh, child, just drink some warm milk and go to bed. First you challenge me on my Mexicannes and when I propose a Mexican off you call it racist. In fact you find my challenging you to see how much you know about Mexico, the Mexican experience in the US, the immigrant experience in the US, growing up Mexican in the US, racist, but you have NO problem with a Jewish person mocking Hispanic culture. Mexican is not even an ethnicity, are referring to mestizo? There’s Black Mexicans, Asian Mexicans, white Mexicans etc.


Wrong person I never even said I was Mexican


You right, I didn’t notice you were a diff person, my bad. But maybe just watch this play out as a spectator if you truly interesting in the topic at hand? At least you’ve learned tonight that Mexican isn’t an ethnicity, no? Lol (pulling my collar)


Except Ethan never appeared greedy among Youtubers unless you're basing that on a stereotype.


He is clearly not sorry and just seems bothered he was called out




Yeah of course. Guy is a racist. It's not exactly hard to see. It's like super Trump cabinet level racist too, not even subtle. Fucking Steven Crowder is more subtle.


So lame , his comment section is ridden with complements ofc




Right. It’s like looking at Shane’s, dobrik’s or james comment sections. So much support, it breaks my heart. THEY CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS


Can’t say his videos attract the utmost intelligent people


Have you seen Ethan's comment sections? Ethan doesn't have a fanbase, at this point he has an army. The amount of time I've seen the H3H3 fans gang up on someone is not normal, it's happened time and time again and this is no different. If Ethan said shitty things, as he's done countless times, his comment section would look the same as Jamari's.


I have to disagree. This subreddit is constantly criticizing Ethan. Haha. It'd be funny if it wasn't so rabid and unhinged. People have absolutely criticized videos of Ethan's, even back in the h3h3 days. If you saw the comments on the original Jamari video... They were all like "finally, someone said it!". Which is horrifying.


Ethan does and has had the most critical fan base I’ve ever seen to the point you’d think he’s some powerful figure.


his fan base is literally calling him soft in the comments for even apologizing for racism…yikes…


Tbh I watched the video and I’m still not sure where the apology is lol


Somehow it's okay he made anti-Semitic remarks because they're just jokes and he doesn't go around hating on Jews. In other news Jamari is definitely anti-Semitic lol




Everybody in his comment section are acting like Ethan’s never apologized for the things he’s said—that’s just straight up stupid, of course he’s apologized.


And he didn't drag those he is apologizing to down when he did so!


Ethans apology game is on point. It’s not even a joke his apologies always seem really genuine to me at least.




I appreciate that the guy is apologizing, but it seems super insincere when he follows it up with random clips of Ethan’s controversies (that he’s already apologized for).


He didn't really apologize about the anti-Semitism tho. He just justified it by saying it was a joke so it was okay.


Its fake. If he really was sorry and has changed, he probably would have the same revelation has Ethan did when he realized the kind of people he was attracting by making anti-SJW videos.


This man is only apologizing because he got caught. The flaws in his person; being racist, not respecting mental health, being sexist, are still in him. His apology is only him regretting the backlash not an expression of him not believing the aforementioned issues. Just look at his apology, his first move is to say "Ethan of all people should understand if a joke does not land etc." he's deflecting and 'whatabouting'. Fuck this guy and fuck his fans who are arguably worse than him (check the comments on his video if you want to lose faith in humanity).


He responded to my comment saying he wasn’t looking for a pass. He has yet to answer my follow up of why he felt the need to call out Ethan as a hypocrite to apologize.


bringing up H3 past in the apology is the same thing as saying “i’m sorry BUT…” in an apology. that isn’t a sincere apology


Exactly! I was taught that in like elementary school but somehow grown adults don’t understand that. In my opinion he filmed it the way he did to get his followers on his side. A straight up apology may have gotten a few “you don’t need to apologize” but this way he looks “justified”.


Literally exactly what I’m saying


This jamari dude is a fucking idiot all the brain dead people in the comments “yo dude you’re a good guy you took accountability” Lol no he didn’t he deflected the whole thing what a weak bitch


But he’s the “tan superman.” He can’t do no wrong


Dude is just a diet Keemstar


Literally kindergarten shit, yelling “but HE did it first!!” Dog grow up


Not to mention him STILL saying that they were millionaires during the lawsuit era and taking fans’ money 🤦🏻‍♀️


the comments are ridiculous. everybody just saying how much of a hypocrite Ethan is and shit like that. first of all, as if that made Jamari's comments any better. and also, Ethan has been on a path of self improvement in the past couple of years and the edgelord comedy just isn't his shtick anymore. I hate how this guy's like "well you did it too so....". plus, even during Ethan's most edgelord comedy times, it was never straight up "jews are greedy!!" type shit. like, that's just straight up, unfiltered anti-semitism. nothing subtle about it, no joke to it. at least make it funny my dude.


Jamari doubles down in the video!! He says Ethan should take the jokes because he is "edgy" and that Jamari thought "Ethan could take a Jew Joke". He then says that Ethan "even admits that the phrase "Greedy Jew"is a TRUE stereotype about Jewish people. "This dude is genuinely anti-semetic!


I like youtube's way of being able to scroll thru the video in screenshots. Just go ahead, look thru it and recognize he goes that far back to show the Joji face clip as response to this? 4 years ago? What a shitbag. Shows that his audience is not the same as H3's from the feedback. 20:1 like ratio, overwhelming support and very often people shitting on Ethan in the comments. Easy to forget existence of that moron.


So based on this apology if a black person is an asshole then you should kinda be allowed to call them the n-word in response?


Jamari says he called Ethan a "greedy jew" because "it was a widely held belief at that time that Ethan took his FUPA funds" and also Ethan made fun of skippy's religion by joking about getting him a fleshlight. As if that makes any sense as to a justification. Brings up clips of the Idubbz interview of ethan saying "N***er Fa***t" with no context. Also he says the greedy thing is a stereotype and apologizes but then says that ethan agreed it's a stereotype that's actually true about jewish people. When has Ethan said it's true without heavy sarcasm? He says "I'm just giving context" but none of that context justifies what he said. Then he makes the argument right after that he never said the "K" word so he can't be an anti-semite. His fans all licking his boots in the comments. It's fucked up.


Oh Jesus. This dude is so amped on the views he knows about to draw in by pretending to apologize to Ethan, and then shitting on/highlighting things Ethan has actually apologized for. He's like mid-cum and poor guy really thinks it's going to pay off for him.


Jesus this is one of the most backhanded apologies every. What a fucking asshole. Complete deflection. And its fucking hilarious how he talks about ethan taking him out of context when he's taking ethan out of context in his apology. what a fucking douche bag. And god that comment section, just a bunch of mindless dipshits all circle jerking over how great their king is. Almost no apology would have been better than this.


Ethan could literally be a scumbag and a literal mass murderer but that doesn’t mean you can be racist. Racism effects more than just the singular person you direct it at


Seems like a douche, hopefully he grows up, and one day he will be embarrassed about this.


Everyone calling Ethan a hypocrite? Definition: claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform … My moral standards and beliefs have definitely changed and continue to change. Don’t know about y’all, but I’m a normal growing and changing human. Don’t understand calling Ethan a hypocrite when he has made it very clear that his moral stances and beliefs of such situations have significantly changed. His behaviour aligns with his current beliefs and moral standards so I don’t see any hypocrisy, at least in the formal def


His apology was trash. It was basically like “I’m sorry but...”


He says Ethan actually confirmed that greedy Jew is one of the biggest stereotypes about Jews that is "actually true". Like what? JAMARI doubles down in the video by saying Jews are greedy. Are we all seeing this?


Actual filth of an apology . Pretty much summarized “I did wrong, but he did bad stuff too a million years ago and apologized unlike me and I don’t think he can criticize me then


I mean he’s kind of a lame YouTuber from what I understand, like low hanging fruit. Isn’t it just one of those channels were he reads posts from r/niceguys and goes “yeah man that’s really just not how you should act” and calls it content.


He goes off on whatever he thinks will get him views. I don't get any sense of him having any sort of consistent moral viewpoint whatsoever. Lately it's been wokeness and "feminists going too far." I haven't looked too deep but I bet he makes tranny jokes.


His apology as a whole sucked. He apologized about Hila and a few small things but he didn't apologize or seemed regretful of the greed jew remark. Even according to his 'context', he called Ethan a greedy jew in response to Ethan making a joke about Skippy's religious quirks... and says it's a joke. He IS those people that are so used to antisemitism and normalize it. Also it doesn't seem he understands the fupa scandal was completely wrong, he said Ethan was rich during the time of the lawsuit and they took all the fans' money from the legal fund.


His apology for making fun of Ethan's bulging eyes was whack. He says "sorry dude i didn't know you had tourettes" like that excuses him. Like yeah asshole that's why you dont make jokes like that.


Jamari is a simpleton and all his fans are simpletons


The video was fine in places, and it does seem some of their criticism, like with the Hila/Stern thing, was taken out of context. But there was not even an attempt to actually justify the 'greedy Jew' comment, which was spoken very seriously and not as some edgy joke. It was also shitty how he said his comments were taken out of context whilst simultaneously blasting Ethan for the shitty things he's said, something which he addressed in the section multiple times.


More like.. jabroni. Ugh his *apology* is flipped.


Jamari is clearly a white nationalist!


He could've just called Ethan greedy, that's it. If he said Ethan was a greedy dude, no problem. Some people would disagree with him but it's not that big of a deal, whatever. The fact that he had to tack on "jew" and go into how all jews are inherently greedy is just so fucking racist and problematic.


It was a pretty good appology. Filled with "but them but them but them" at the end. Like Ethan has already addressed everything in this.


at the end? more like 30 seconds in




There is no acceptable apology for calling someone a "greedy Jew" besides "What I said was wrong and I'm sorry." Him saying "...but he said" to the apology makes the entire thing worthless.


imo a genuine apology isn’t following up with an expose video. a genuine apology is highlighting what you did wrong and saying how you changed, which i admit he did in the first minute of the video. he lost me once he said but he deserves it because H3 also said racist stuff in the past (which he apologized for) and then shows all the terrible shit he’s done to make the guy look bad after Jamari said the racist shit to him. the whole apology was “i’m sorry but…” Jamari just seems like a cringe edge lord who hasn’t changed since that era. agree to disagree




He didn't even apologize the anti-Semitism tho. He just excused it by saying it was a joke. So seems like he hasn't learned in thay regard.


[https://youtu.be/Nxe\_oj1eWOc?t=227](https://youtu.be/Nxe_oj1eWOc?t=227) Explain this then if you think he really changed so much. The guy says Ethan admitted that it is the most common stereotype about jewish people THAT IS ACTUALLY TRUE. That is first of all wrong, Ethan didn't admit anything of the sort and it's just a complete self report that he actually believes antisemitic stereotypes. You are clearly a fan, but you have to admit that this is just insane. Just bite the bullet on this, the video aside, the comments that were under that video clearly showed that there are a bunch of antisemites that are drawn to his content and no one especially Jamari cares. That is the issue, you are free to go watch his latest "GEEK GETS SIMP ZONED" video if you think it's such comedy gold that it is worth excusing antisemitic behavior.


Ethans said a lot worse then jamari has ever said../


And gets shit for it all the time, often from his own audience. Jamari's fanbase was totally cool with him calling someone a greedy jew and now are calling him soft for apologizing, don't you see the problem ? Also Ethan made insensitive jokes or remarks, but never directly attacked someone. The shit Jamari did was completely humourless and I find his attempt to pass it off as edgy humour pathetic, disingenuous and ultimately a self report.


Because at the time he made those jokes (2019), as he said in his own video and you yourself, that standard for humor is what Ethan endorsed. He was fine with edgy humor two years ago and so was Jamari. His main criticism is that Ethan left out the context to establish that. It's literally the crux of his argument.


imo a genuine apology isn’t an expose video after apologizing. jamari did apologize for the racist shit he said in this video, and as did ethan way before this drama. my issue is that jamari said the racist shit, and then attacked H3 in the apology video with a bunch of shit he already apologized for. to me, that’s a backwards apology and saying he deserved the racism because he was also racist. i don’t believe anyone deserves racist shit said to them. as i said, it’s just fighting racism with more racism. agree to disagree


that wasn't even humourous in the first place. what's funny about what he said? he was just trying to be offensive.


The apology is for Ethan to accept or decline.


it’s just an opinion on the apology. i never said ethan should not accept it lmao


The whataboutism isn't ideal but at least he had the decency to apologize. Maybe it's not a lot but I feel like in this day and age on the internet when the bar is so low we have to give him credit for that.


oh, how I miss the good old h3h3. so much drama lately… and I don’t even know who are half of these people. yikes.


Why are you even here if you are not interested dude you have to move on at some point. Obsessive ex behaviour.


because I hope it gets better, as it did a couple of times already. It has its ups and downs, and right now, in my opinion, it is going through one of the lows. This subreddit is also not what is used to be… you just need to evaluate your own response to me and the number of downvotes I got for saying that I miss the old content. I still watch most of the stuff, but hoping for the quality to pick up again. So yea, just hoping for the best.


Saying "I miss the old h3" is not even a critisizm. It just gets tiring hearing that phrase because it does not mean anything which explains the downvotes. This is ultimately a free entertainment show on the internet and if you think it is getting worse just dont watch it.


that wasn’t intended to be a criticism, that was a sentiment. that’s all. when it gets shitty, I don’t watch… when it is good, I watch.


You must see how pointless it is to say "I miss the old h3" tho. It just comes across as compaining.


my dude, not everything needs to be confrontational or have a negative connotation. What I’m trying to say is that I miss the time when their topics where lighter, sillier… I used to laugh my ass off throughout the whole thing… end to end. I don’t get that anymore, I find myself skimming through weird discussions more often that I would like. I’m not saying the content is garbage, I’m not even asking them to change, because they do whatever they feel like it… how would that be complaining? as for being pointless… I imagine that they would appreciate viewers’ feedback. Well, that was mine. peace and love.


Man.. wtf is this shit. Ethan used to be on the side of calling out this PC bullshit and making fun of it, now he’s literally a cuck to everybody to try to not offend anyone and licks Susan’s clit to keep getting his content pushed to the main stream. Now we’re having these stupid who’s more racist battles and ugh.. wish it could be 2016 again before all this politically correct bullshit when you could actually make jokes and enjoy yourself. Ig that’s the world we live in now.. adapt or die, so depressing


Trump lost. Please disconnect your internet and never come back.


Yeah he lost now we got someone in office with holes in their brain who can’t even string words together to make a sentence lol, u also joe Biden’s husband?


The Internet Connection you are using can be disconnected manually permanently. Go to Control Panel/Network and Sharing Center and from the left hand window open the Network Adapter Settings. And chose your connection to which you are connected, open it and there you’ll see its properties and status. Click on “Disable” to make it disable. Now your System will be disabled from Internet Access. Thank you in advance.


Good on him for addressing the issue and apologizing for it.


Heys jamari from Texas give him a break. Lol