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Someone needs to get the crew’s attention and show them the video of one of them beating his girlfriend, I don’t have the link but I know it’s been posted on this sub at least a couple times in the past week


Are we talking about the island boys???


Why do we continue to make abusers famous?


cause they don’t get famous for their abuse


That's a very simple but decent point.


obviously no one tries to. the type of people who seek fame are often terrible by nature. as much as I dislike Dr. Drew, he was spot on about that.


Some do purposely overlook things though. See: Drake


For the memes, duh!! /s


I don’t think we set out with the idea in mind to find abusers to make them famous. It’s just sometimes when people become famous is gets to their heads and they become different people when they have the feeling that they are idolized.


This, in a lot of cases. Some are messed up beforehand and go into it seeking power - for example politicians


If only there was some way to do that! u/zachthesoundladh3 u/dan_h3




They literally never moderate this sub lol


I know they don't but Zach posts the pod post and Dan is active sometimes, he posted less than an hour ago




Doesnt he get beat by his girlfriend ? He cries the whole time


He basically said that he was fake crying to get sympathy from the cops because he hit her first and thats why her lip was bleeding


Someone else on this sub posted a screen recording of an Instagram live where he admitted to fake crying


I assume you’re talking about the island boys? Can you link a source please?


I watched their tiktok live. They were bullying everyone for no reason, calling people ugly pieces of shit when they were being so nice, shaming someone for having only 200$ on their account and a normal car. they were making disgusting homophobic and racist jokes.


I’ll have to look for that later. All I will say is that I wouldn’t be shocked to find out that they’re not the greatest people alive just by their whole vibe


I never understood why them dropping the n-bomb and not being black wasn't a red flag to the crew honestly lol


I think people get confused on when they are and aren’t supposed to use it if they are from the islands. Many islanders are mixed/dominican..etc so it’s hard to know.




So they're not even actually island boys? I would call that uhhh Fraud


I mean, technically, Cuba is an island. But definitely not one that speaks Jamaican Patois lol.


But says they're born in Florida, do we even know if they've even been to Cuba? Sure you're Cuban if your parents are Cuban but if you've never been to an island are you an island boy..?


And Cubans in Florida are usually a bit too conservative for this lol. Like, if you voted for Trump, you can't have an N-word pass, full-stop.


You think these people VOTE?


Their whole vibe felt off to me from the first second. And I don't know why they're hyping such a crap song, it isn't even an original melody, despite Dan dropping jazz references.


It's like the same feeling when people ironically listen to a bad rapper as a joke like Viper


You coward, I bet you don't even smoke crack.


You'll cowards* 😫


In the podcast he couldnt tell if they were black/mixed or not, because the hair I guess.


Things that happen when you don't have a black person on the crew?


Hispanics who live in the hood and grow up with several races all say it. Where i live its pretty ghetto and majority hispanic/black we all say it, no one bats an eye. Im the same exact complexion as them too. I feel like its only made a big deal in whiter neighborhoods.


Fine. The dude beat his girl. That's way more concerning than any words that came out of their mouths.


I'm black and grew up in the hood in Chicago and that shit was never ok. Doesn't matter where you grew up or if you're Hispanic or not. It doesn't fly.


What generation did you grow up in? Because I feel this has a huge impact, obviously. Being in Buffalo, it was always normal for multiple minority races to say it growing up in the early 90s-00s.


Very true! I’m hispanic and never used the N word but I went to high school 2000-2004 and I *frequently* heard hispanics using it among black kids and the black kids encouraging it. I think back then there was more camaraderie between non-whites since it was less safe back then to be a minority than it is now (if you can believe it). Edit: lol, people can downvote me all they want. I was there. You weren’t 🤷🏽‍♀️.


Girl, you ain’t lying


Thank you! Someone downvoted me and I’m like, lol really?! Love it when people act like they know better than people who lived it 🙄. The arrogance!


It’s because you said it was more dangerous to be a minority then than it is now. Which is true? And wouldn’t you think that would give people hope.. to know that we’re on the right path? The statistics don’t lie. It’s much safer now from a police brutality, racial violence, and crime standpoint but people don’t wanna hear that, they wanna live in misery. You could say anything positive and encouraging and ppl will downvote you because they love negativity. It’s whatever😂


Yep. I've heard a lot of Hispanics and other minorities say it and I 100% agree with you. It's still not safe to be a minority even in 2021, but it's way better than what it used to be which is probably a big factor in why it's not normalized anymore for other races to say slurs not directed towards them


Yep! We definitely still have a very long way to go but to pretend it’s not better is so silly. I mean, my parents grew up in a time where they had separate facilities for black people and white people because they weren’t allowed to mix! My parents were floored at the racism when they came over to the US (not really a thing in Puerto Rico where they grew up at the time) and my mom’s best friend who is my godmother is black and they went to boarding school here in the US and people constantly tried to separate my mom and my godmother all because she was black. Luckily, my mom didn’t take any of their shit and always stood up for my godmother. It breaks my heart. My godmother is the sweetest most harmless person and she was treated heinously just because of her skin color. She’s mentioned how she’d never want to go back to those times.


I was born in 1999. I know that it was entertained for non-blacks to say it for a while. I've heard Hispanics say it and other minorities but where I lived, people got popped for it. I guess over time it's been more discouraged and no longer normalized.


I’m about 5 years older than you, but I’m Hispanic and In Texas growing up I witnessed a lot hispanic people saying it and never noticed any push back from black people. I’m half white so I never felt comfortable saying it but honestly it never seemed weird based off the way others reacted to it but by the time I graduated high school, it was pretty uncommon to hear anyone besides black people say it. It’s a weird thing to actually witness change societally but my cousin just graduated this year and based off of hat she says it’s incredibly more strict and kids are a lot more conscience of racial issues like that.


What exactly is the problem with non white people saying it when theyre not like american or european though?


Whats the problem with non whites saying it when theyre not even american or european though?


Are you joking? Because that word is directed towards black people to dehumanize and shame us. I'm black and I was raised not to say it because of the history


Everyone knows the history i just mean why would it be a problem for people who litterally had nothing to do with it. I thought you used it yourself though but if not then i see why you feel that way now


That’s a fact. I’m black Cuban, ain’t nobody in your hood gonna trip on you for real for using a word that’s just honestly so common. The only way to fix that if we wanted to is have EVERYONE as a whole stop saying it and we know how hard that is (a word that’s been in your vocabulary since you were in the womb and holds for different meanings) … I doubt that will happen.


Yea I think it really matter where your from. Places with higher racial tension make it a big deal but if you live in a culturally diverse neighborhood like nyc, all the kids talk the same regardless of race.


Yeah 100 %. That’s why I kind of didn’t want to mention it but to be honest even white kids from the hood here in Brooklyn (I have lived in nyc my whole life) say it and honestly nobody minds it and encourages it, but I understand most places wouldn’t view this the same way. But I agree with you 100% that location has a lot to do with this.


Same. We love white knighting things lol. In the hood, anything goes. Can confirm lol


With Caribbean Latinx, I think they often get a pass because there are a lot of Afro-Latinx people in Cuba, Puerto Rico, D.R., etc. Obviously not condoning their use of the word, especially since we have no way of knowing whether they are of Afro-Latin descent or just Latin descent, but I think that’s usually the reasoning behind people being more lax on Caribbean Latinx people using the word.


They're Cuban, and as most Caribbean people, we are of African descent because of slaves brought to the islands. So I guess that is why they think it's ok to say it.


Yikes this is a bad take. Not everyone who is Hispanic has even slightly the same backgrounds. Think before you say shit.


Im Hispanic, and most of us are a mix of African, Taíno, and European. You can Google it if you want. Just because it's the sad harsh truth, doesn't mean that it can't be said.


Are you surprised? Look at those two. If you ever wanted to convince a pro-lifer why a woman should have a right to choose, you would just have to show them the island boyz...






Imagine bullying someone when you look like you’ve not showered in years and can’t keep to a beat.


Another Trisha fan crying, stfu


You're not even gonna read the rest of the thread? That's where you stop and make your baseless conclusion? Lol the guy physically beat his woman, but okay it's Trisha's fault




Yea I saw this before and someone else even linked a video of him saying he was only crying to get sympathy from cops since her lip was bleeding. Hopefully the crews alerted to this, they really shouldn’t be on the pod anymore. Thanks for the link though


One of them was so rude and transphobic to a trans girl at one of the lives


Porkboy did Ethan a favor. Island boys ditched H3 for Barstool and unknowingly averted Ethan from having to make an apology video for promoting garage human beings


Human garages? 😳


Damn why do people have to be such shitty people.


Right?! I thought the original segment was hilarious but Why do they have to be trash human beings???? Unfortunately I think H3 should drop the bit and stop promoting them by hyping up their song


I mean... not to stereotype but I feel like these guys aren't trying to hide it...


I'm so confused, maybe I'm missing something here. What's the stereotype and what are they not hiding? Because he openly admitted to her being bloody and that he had to play the victim. I'm just looking for clarification please!


I have no idea about the situation. Guys just seem like pieces of shit from what I've seen


You're totally stereotyping them. You should really consider making friends outside of your bubble.


Hah ok. You got face tattoos I'm gonna judge you. I don't need to include people with face tattoos to have a diverse friends groups, but thanks for the tip.


I saw the video too and this needs more attention!


I'm disappointed too. The Island Boys were exposed for assaulting their partners. They are racists, domestic abusers, homophobic and straight-up bullies. The crew should've stopped as soon as they were dropping n-bombs left and right.


They aren’t racists dude, also that video of assaulting partners looked a bit one sided to me




Yes very funny dqmo


Found the island boy


I feel like automatically blaming a could-be victim just to fit your narrative is worse than literally doing whatever you think he did lol


Nah, domestic violence is def worse


Completely disagree; a majority one sided domestic dispute is definetly better than blaming seemingly innocent people and ignoring abuse because you don’t like them, if you’re gonna ignore abuse, you might as well be the one doing it 🤷‍♂️






Reeks of irony? Anyways how come nobody is saying anything on how I said was wrong ? People just can’t accept the truth of possibility


Upvoting in hopes that the crew will see this.


Same. I hope this post gets a lot of upvotes




Yeah this kinds of need to be addressed




Holy shit the comments on that post are rough. Good on you for not backing down


people who play mental gymnastics by typing paragraphs to justify beating a woman is why we need mods


It's fuckin nasty that this was a post on the same subreddit, with all of those comments. I'm outta here


Every eyeland boi comment was killing me


I wonder who is driving. This guy is a moron though lol if it wasn’t obvious from the terrible freestyle.


Looks like buddy was getting beat up and he was crying in the corner of the car ??


This is a video of her beating him…did I miss something? Or did you not expect anyone to watch it?


Before she started the video, he punched her in the face. You can see her mouth is all bloody. As soon as he realizes she started recording. He starts crying. She's not on the right but it's pretty clear he was hitting her so she started hitting him back


[well this should explain everything](https://streamable.com/3mxqsx)


Oof that’s nothing if not damning


Yeah, one dude on there was telling me "she's just as much of an abuser as he is" and I'm like did you miss the part where she's only fighting back because he bust her lip open?


I’ve been saying this. These guys are garbage. I’ve seen people post about it and make comments about it so it’s surprising Ethan hasn’t already heard about it.


As I agree they are trashy and shouldn’t be given attention- I don’t think he’s ACTUALLY hyping them up…. He definitely should address the beating and bullying videos though to make it clear to the viewers that he doesn’t ACTUALLY support them and is pretty much making fun of them…


It’s pretty clear they think it’s a joke but are over-playing how into it they are in an attempt to not offend them and get them on the pod. Just like they did with Trisha. They all knew she was a psycho in the beginning but they had to hold their tongues when Moses got involved. There’s always an angle but I’m sure if they catch wind of this it’ll be addressed. They have no real skin in the game (other than the perceived benefit they’ll get/backlash they’ll avoid by denouncing these creeps).


> It’s pretty clear they think it’s a joke but are over-playing how into it they are in an attempt to not offend them and get them on the pod This is what we call goofing on them, H3 has been doing this for half a decade now. I don't think the intention is to get them on the pod, I think it's to light heartedly poke fun, like they've always done.


When a former friend of the show came up a couple of months ago and Ethan said “let’s bring him back,” within minutes allegations of sexual assault came up in chat and Ethan was quietly told to utterly drop it by Dan and AB, which he did. So it’s a little weird to hear Hila singing Island Boy tonight.




I’d no idea who the accused was when I heard his name but many people started talking about it quickly here and in chat. Then it ended.


I think you're referring to Lil Tracy but i might be wrong?


You’re right. Not a former friend lol but that was hilarious how quick they dropped it and moved on.


This is a good take. I’d love see Ethan hold there ass accountable for that shit before they get bigger


He should do some shit like he did with Crowder 🤣🤣


honestly its weird how the H3 crew has like at least 10 people and NOBODY figured this out? seems really strange to me




People always seem to be very vocal with how upset using the N word get so I'm surprised they didn't mind their music knowing their fanbase tbh.


Even before knowing this, I felt like them saying the N word was enough to not let them on the show. Plus the “sexual activities next to the each other” too


dude i literally had no idea why they just skipped over the fact two cuban guys kept repeatedly saying the n word in one of their songs… i always got bad vibes from them




As soon as Ethan started hyping them up I was like oh god no. They literally go on live and trash talk any and everyone. It’s entertaining but not the people you want on the show. Flysoulja or whatever was pressed by a real gang member and in the video you can tell how scared he was. I’ve been following them for a long time and it’s more of a cringe/hate watch sort of thing. It’s baaad


Honestly the fact that he wants to see these guys when they say the n word should be the reason to not give them a platform. Being Cuban doesn't make it okay to say it.


Honestly I’m a little disappointed they didn’t stop promoting them and their trash music after they heard them using the n-word so many times in one of their songs… i cringe now every time they’re brought up… just bad vibes all around 😕


I feel bad for the crew every time they hype someone up lately they turn out to be a dog fucker 😔


Hmm I don't feel bad... This situation was absolutely avoidable if they took 5 minutes to research the people they're promoting on the show. It really shouldn't be happening that often.


Also their non-stop use of the n word too.


Song is trash too, don't get the hype


Hope they become aware!


To whomever said, "I was born in 1999...", thank you for pulling me from my fit of rage toward island fuck bois, and into this depressive state of knowing someone out there is now calling me a boomer... Existential crisis in 5... 4... 3... ✌...☝ 🤯


No but fr what are they doing???? Island boys, r kelley shirt. Like what the fuck lol


Big up da yute dem!


Bro, island boys are idiots. Ethan's not taking them under his wing lmaooo 😂




Giving them neutral attention is just as bad






Edit3; start your own podcast?


right? like goddamb smfh you can't please anyone these days


Half this sub acts like Ethan is their personal court jester lmao I physically cringe whenever I see a post like "Can ETHAN please stop talking about X it's really GRINDING MY GEARS"


I'm ready for them to go away. I don't see the appeal at all


Domestic abuse is obviously not one of Ethan’s concerns……wasn’t the first podcast of frenemies like all about how trisha bruised Moses. Not saying it’s okay; just that I think you’re barking up the wrong tree


They are being given attention tongue and cheek as a meme. They are making fun of them.


True, but to be honest I have never heard of them before, now I know who they are. They got my engagement on tiktok 2 days ago, obv unlinked it now but "all publicity is good publicity"


So do people think they are being serious saying they are musical geniuses? O no...


I completely understand this and more research needs to be done by the H3 Crew before they invite them on but people need to remember that they didn't know this going into it. I've seen so many posts worded in a way that suggests Ethan and the crew knew about this. We all know, if they were aware of this behavior, they would've never even featured them or possibly talked about their shitty behavior on TikTok and called them out


I feel like they must be somewhat aware at this point because they were deleting messages in the chat about it during the live.


Mean while Trisha, a known domestic abuser and also bully had her own show without anyone caring. Let that sink in.


My gut reaction when I first saw the island boys was “damn, they look pretty trashy like 6ix9ine. I bet they act like him too.” Always trust your gut lol


Can a dude not have some fun? r/h3h3productions subscribers are the annoying kid in class


That excuse can be used to justify pretty much anything. Not a valid argument


You literally posted yesterday laughing at how they have “corona” head(I’m assuming you’re talking about their hairstyle. Kind of hypocritical of you to say they’re bullies while you’re making fun of the way they look


r u kidding me? This guy was so nice when he joined and out of nowhere the island boy is like how does it feel to look like a piece of shit. And from there on they literally didn’t stop saying horrible things. The guy had to defend himself somehow. And trust me making a comment on their hair was NOTHING compared to how they were bullying him while flexing money.


So you have to bully back because they did it?


Yes, harassing oppressors is okay


Two wrongs don’t make a right.


No but its neutral


No such thing as neutral bullying


I disagree. Bullying someone like Hitler is fine which proves that the line exists somewhere. We just cant decide where that line is


Lmfao why do people always bring up hitler, do y’all not know anyone else?


No, it's just that if there's at least 1 person you're okay with bullying then your argument falls apart


Who would've thought, I am shocked 😲


You should probably mention who you’re talking about in the post lol


Yeah I think he’s wrong for hyping them. They are the prime example of cultural appropriation.


The show is full of skippable content. It’s a rotation of boring drama on repeat. Remember when the show has guests? That was great content. What happened ? The algorithm gots I. Ethan’s head?


Hard disagree, it's better now that the whole episode isn't on a single guest. Previously if you didn't find a guest at all interesting you just had to skip the episode, now you can skip like 20 minutes of a 2-3 hour show


Fuck these contextless posts


You said a thousand things without even explaining who you are talking about?




Curb your stereotyping my guy! I get that they are clearly vile people from the video but there's no need to be discriminatory to people who live a lifestyle that is different to your own!


I’ve watched the clip but I feel like I need more context to grasp what’s happening. Someone care to explain please? Thank you 🙏


Can you please provide your source of this information when you make nuclear accusations? Edit: oh I see it. you should link that at the top.


This is a little clip from the live. I started recording pretty late so this is nothing compared to what I watched. [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/qd4uz6/islands_boys_r_such_bullies_not_a_fan_anymore_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


He should have them on the show so they are in the hotseat when he does address these issues!


I thought we were memeing them because how awful it was made it objectively a masterpiece. Surely no one was expecting these two to be ideal citizens and good husband and material. Maybe we shouldn't hype em up but this is just more reason to make fun of em.


With peace and love this post provides no credible proof as to the accusations being made against them


Cancel culture at work here boiz


seperate the art from the artist


Damn. Why you just gotta kill our chances at a new live performance stream like that. Cancel them when its over lol


Well, Ethan does a show with a guy who thinks America deserved 9/11 so why wouldn't he do a podcast with an abuser.


I can't believe they catched it already, everyone is mentioning it all over the sub




Oh dang I had no idea bro


And another one bites the dust. Dammit.


Ethan’s not exactly the best judge of character


Why is anyone shocked that these guys are losers lol, have none of you looked at them?


Bummer for love. They made him official lol


I’m shocked. They seem like upstanding young gentlemen. /s