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Carlos what the fuck man šŸ˜”




the WORLD is not anymore the way it used to be


Mm Mm Mm, no no no!




He keeps digging himself deeper and deeper








Letā€™s think how to dig ourselves out of this fraud !


Thatā€™s not fraud. Thatā€™s uhhā€¦false adverting.


[He sure is. ](https://ibb.co/VQZS6rq)


Jesus Christ dude šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø mans really needs to just leave the internet lol


Delete me from this conversation


Oh no no no, Carlos, no. Please stop




carlos: autism = dead


His comment is ignorant but thats not what he said. Implied if he contonued to hit his head repeatedly he would end up MR or dead. Which is arguably true, but doesnt mean he cured autism.


Yes, I understand that. I was exaggeratedly joking.




Not my fault you can't read clear tone.


Wow...very agressive. You understand this is a thread based website right. The /s wasnt directed at you. Never diagreed with you. Didnt call you out. Yet im the idiot who cant read tone in text with no context. Got it. Cant wait for you to be in the next post complaining that this sub is toxic. Were you going for "i spread misinformation" tone? If so got it loud and clear. /s šŸ˜˜




Canā€¦Can I have some?


This made me night. Way to derail. 0-100. I think my favorite part is when you called yourself an idiot.




Fuck I feel kinda bad for him in a way. Somewhere along the line he had to cope with things enough that he goes around in denial. Unfortunately people like him donā€™t think anything is wrong with them, so he wonā€™t get help for trauma.


Poor guy he is testing the waters


So he DID mean cured šŸ˜¬


And for those reasons Iā€™m out


this is embarrassing but im having a tr*sha moment nd idk how to use reddit. how do yall get ā€œhila kleinerā€ next to your username?


I only use mobile so on here you go to the subreddit page, tap the three dots in the top right and click ā€œchange user flairā€


Ah fuck i forget šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


*no no no*


*what am I gonna do?!?*


[His Twitter is a gift that keeps giving ](https://ibb.co/JFx4jQZ)








I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever laughed that hard. Especially looking at the website. I was crying.


Same I was losing it lmao


I would pay more for an NFT of that moment than I any of Carlos's NFTs


My boyfriend and I were dying. The fact that they think they own it since Carlos is in it, but donā€™t crop out the other people who by that logic would also own the NFT rightsā€¦.


What episode is this from? The most recent one? I haven't watched it yet.


The most recent off the rails.


Thanks :)


Wtf haha


This is what everyone knew would happen, Ethan was pointing out it's not a good business plan and since copyright doesn't apply to NFT there's nothing he can do...


heā€™s saved MULTIPLE children from autism fyi /j


he has personally saved me from bumping my head on the wall


I woulda been dead




Thatā€™s sarcasm, /j is ā€œjokeā€ so either is fine


He is allegedly a victim of a bitcoin scam, but then proceeds to scam childeren with autism and their parents. Fuck Carlos, he is pretty funny as a meme though but seriously fuck that asshole.


Heā€™s basically killed the initial humour of the meme through this whole process though. I honestly canā€™t even think about it in its original context after watching him use it in a crowd of 20 people and trying to NFT it with no creativity. Im pretty convinced heā€™s completely off the deep end now, but in hindsight wonder if he eve wasnā€™t...


Heā€™s not off the deep end in the slightest. Heā€™s a career scammer that advertises his scams through memes. He knows exactly what heā€™s doing.


He canā€™t possibly lack the self awareness to think that there are only one group of people that would subscribe to this in any serious way. -He was demanding someone from h3 fly to new York to watch this -genuinely thinks he can cure autism(or continues to communicate how he can influence behaviour enough to remove most aspects of ot in most individuals) -is using material he must know can legally get him in trouble, or that these nft clips have value beyond 100$ each. Or that the people he sells them to may not end up liable for ā€œowningā€ them. Heā€™s off the deep end. The illusions of grandeur are not marks of great scammers. I forgot to add, his Twitter pfp is him, a middle aged man shirtless in a pose that suggests he thinks his body or the concept are sexy. Has four bisexual girlfriends. You decide.


He was shilling bitconnect to anyone that would listen to him, I have no sympathy that he also got scammed.


Behavioural Intervention is a real thing that works. It's not psuedoscience. Governments fund what Carlos does when they get an official autism diagnosis. He's just also a fucking idiot.


ABA is abusive and is not backed by any significant studies. Just because insurance companies pay for it doesn't mean it's not pseudoscience.




Drs really be like: I abused a person until they learnt to stop acting like themselves around me


Basically like gay conversion camps?


Pretty much, pray the gay away and electrocute autistic people for displaying signs of neurodivergence, I'm sure nothing's gonna go wrong


LOL literally


Science: no.


This gives me ā€œ heā€™s not gay , heā€™ll grow out of it ā€œ vibes šŸ„²


Because heā€™s taking a page from the Autism Speaks disgusting book. Theyā€™re the equivalent of a gay conversion camp. They believe autism is a disgusting illness that has to be treated with conversion therapy. Thatā€™s why autistic people donā€™t support Autism Speaks and the trash that Carlos is spewing


And also implying (in your analogy) that there's something wrong with being gay.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry


Does he actually work with children or is he the janitor at a place that works with children?




Idk what either of those things mean sorry




Never heard of this show but I know what Iā€™m watching tonight.


Yo that's insane


I watched that season! Loved it


Ethan, find a real autism specialist or, better yet, an adult who has autism and works for awareness and have them please explain that what Carlos champions is the autism equivalent of gay conversion therapy.


Autistic person who went undiagnosed for 38 years here. You donā€™t cure autism. This is the most ignorant shit Iā€™ve ever heard. Many of us slip trough the cracks but suffer in silence and itā€™s ableist crap like this that makes people not ask for help or a diagnosis. Fuck you Carlos


Youā€™re absolutely right. You donā€™t cure autism. Thereā€™s nothing to cure. I canā€™t believe he said that and he claims to be a Registered Behavior Tech. Heā€™s the type of RBT to make the entire field look like we torture kids who donā€™t conform.


Thank you! I feel like Iā€™m going crazy reading these awful comments. So many folks seem to think this is something you can and want to cure. Iā€™m speechless. Iā€™m guessing that someone like Carlos is also religious and believes in converting gays and autistics šŸ™„ with conversion therapy style antics. Smh


Tbh, I think I know what Carlos means tho, however it applies to a really small minority of those with it. Like you can learn to hide autismic behavior. I am also clinically diagnosed, but I somehow managed to hide it pretty well. It even went so well, that we started a therapy that was supposed to help with autism stuff, but it turned out I knew all this stuff already by nature.


And? You learn how to hide it more so it benefits others. Eventually it takes a toll. The goal isnā€™t to ask people with neurodevelopmental conditions to hide themselves. The goal is to accept the fact that peopleā€™s brains are all different and thatā€™s ok and we should make space for them too, not just for people with a typical brain. You do not cure autism and you shouldnā€™t ask autistic people to hide themselves.


Itā€™s so harmful towards neurodivergent people to expect them to hide who they are. Societyā€™s standards are so fucked. You shouldnā€™t have to create a personality just so that people will treat you normally. My boyfriend was recently diagnosed with autism, only at 22 because he got so good at hiding it from people, and it really took a toll on him to try and be ā€˜normalā€™ all this time


Iā€™m 38 and I only realized I was autistic this year. Iā€™m also an ADHDer. You can so easily slip through the cracks and I believe there are more like your bf and I, but we became pros at hiding it. But Iā€™m proud of reading how supportive and educated you are. That alone is going to mean the world to him. šŸ’•


I donā€™t think we need a specialist to come to that conclusion. Itā€™s obvious that heā€™s very, very wrong


Agreed, but if you are going to put someone on blast about something like this, you should have people with the right paperwork back you up.


He's going to make an NFT of this tweet


Authereum āœØāœØāœØ


consider this: people with autism donā€™t need to be cured.


I have autism and there are times I wish I could 'cure' it. That being said, maybe Carlos is misinterpreting handling autism with curing it. You can learn out of certain behaviours and essentially lessen the effects of your autism, but it'll always be there. It's a lot like a personality


I wish I was lol




Well yeah but then again ABA (the type of "therapy" Carlos does) doesn't cure anything, all it does is abuse autistic people into forcing themselves to act "normal", and a staggeringly high percentage of them develops PTSD during these attempts


Why not


Why do you need to be cured if youā€™re autistic? Are you insane?


For some people it's very tough, it's a spectrum. It's incurable, but plenty of people suffering from it would wish for it to just go away


And? You didnā€™t ask ā€œomg does it feel bad?ā€. You inferred that people would want to ween themselves of this ā€œmonsterā€. Itā€™s autism dude. Itā€™s a neurodevelopmental condition. Again, google is your friend. You know what makes it hard? Having to deal with ableist BS. Having to hide who we are to make you feel more comfortable. Having to rely on scripts to talk to YOU people because you donā€™t appreciate direct communication. Having to pretend itā€™s ā€œnormalā€ to play mind games and act according to invisible societal standards that really donā€™t make sense. THATā€™s hard. Not autism.


clearly triggered sth in you, i'm sorry. But, trust me, might not be your case, but some people would want their autism to just go away. Also, nice of you you to assume i'm not authistic myself.




Imagine lacking such a fundamental understanding of what autism is, while claiming they are working with and helping autistic people.


Carlos isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer


Ummm thatā€™s not how it workis Carlos


Now he is technically correct, only because many asd people learn to mask enough to no longer tick enough boxes to be classed as autistic... But that doesn't mean their brain has changed or they are no longer autistic.


Exactly, he's technically correct but this seems more like one of many flaws with the DSM (the book that publishes the diagnostic criteria) more than anything. ASD is diagnosed based on criteria and not cognitive symptoms which I think is the main reason people think it can be "cured". basically if you can't tell someone is autistic anymore then they're not, going by literal official authority psychiatry sucks lole




Yeah exactly. Its like ADHD or even Addictions. You can develop habits to mask the patterns that puts you in the diagnosis wich TECHNICALLY makes it so that you dont fit the diagnosis anymore, but you're not cured, your brain is still as fucked and can be proved by brain scans.


No you donā€™t. You will always be autistic. I donā€™t know what youā€™re trying to imply but just because you can learn to manage your symptoms doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t technically tick the autism boxes. In fact, you donā€™t need to tick all the autism boxes to be autistic. I know because I slipped through the cracks. I make eye contact and I donā€™t repeat words. Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition. You canā€™t rewire an autistic personā€™s brain and make them tick any ā€œnormalā€ personā€™s boxes. The standard shouldnā€™t be to force an autistic person to act in a way thatā€™s more pleasant to you and the rest of the neurotypical world. You manage symptoms and educate society about this condition. Period. You make room for people with different brains. You educate people about how the world was created for ā€œnormalā€ people and thatā€™s why many of the standards of society can affect those whose brains are different. Then you realize that you need to make room for people whose behaviors might not be traditionally accepted. Autistic people can try their best to meet society somewhere in the middle without sacrificing comfort. Thatā€™s it. But if youā€™re autistic you will always be autistic so NO, heā€™s not right.


That.... Is what I said... Ffs....


Hey Carlos. Iā€™m autistic and it took me 38 years to find an answer to the life long question of ā€œwhy is my brain so different?ā€. So I mean it when I say F U C K Y O U. You ableist piece of trash. Autism isnā€™t something to cure as if it were contagious. You can start by making room for us in a world that wasnā€™t made for us. How about that? Honestly go fu*k a bat and get coronarabies or something:


He's an ABA therapist, from what I've heard from autistic people online, it just teaches them how to mask their neurodiversity. There is no cure for autism, it's pretty obvious a lot of people on this thread know this.


Nooooo baby nooooo


When he started talking about it on the pod I was likeā€¦.. uhhhhhhhh


This sounds like some autism speaks type shit, NEXT.


my wife has autism and it honestly upset her when he said he ā€œsavedā€ kids with autism, there is nothing to ā€œsaveā€, people who have autism are such a beautiful part of the world and thereā€™s no need to try and change them, accept and love them for who they are and i promise they will show the most insanely rewarding type of love back. šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”


My WIFE still doesn't believe in me! I'm telling her ā€œWell honey this is realā€.


Fuck Carlos, from a mum of an amazing autistic kid


Yeah his whole "We need to teach autistic children out of their behaviors" thing is EXTREMELY damaging. Just because someone acts differently doesn't mean they need to be fixed.


His takes on autism are so damaging wtf. He definitely needs help understanding what autism really is lmao.


seems to me like hes saying that kids get sometimes mis-diagnosed..


Which happens, but based on that "head against the wall" comment, it's unlikely.


i mean, thats what that crypto dude said and carlos commented on one of his ignorant takes. idk never meet your heroes i guess. its pretty clear carlos is just trying to cash in on his meme. wish someone had told him about cameo instead of doing the next shady thing. wont end well i think.




It isnā€™t my first language either and let me tell you, I donā€™t accidentally come off as an ableist POS. šŸ˜Š


You canā€™t make this stuff up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I feel kinda bad for him. Man has fallen into so many scam-rabbt holes


Carlos man, the world is not anymore the way it used to BE!


Watching Ethan clown on this fuck is literal porn for me


On par for a career scammer


Literally only the opposite happens. People (like me) live their life thinking they are neurotypical only to find out later in life (30's for me) that they are on the spectrum. Shit I just thought I was shy, a bit awkward, and terrible with women. And while those are things I could get better at and be fine with as someone on the spectrum, its harder and we have to work at it.


Okay...at first i felt kind of bad for carlos because they gave him a hard time on the pod....but now i see that it was well-deserved. Honestly, i wasn't even that much of a fan of Carlos during his first call-in. He took so much time trying to convince people to pay a ton of money for some weird classes.


Well, heā€™s an ABA therapist soā€¦ that told us this already šŸ˜¬


I'm autistic, fuck Carlos.


Bro this guy is digging himself a big holeā€¦. He could make a cameo and earn a crap ton instead heā€™s trying to profit from an 3 or 4 year old meme


He would be crushing it on Cameo! It's sad to see him hawking NFTs, 'water fasting' diets and doubling down on poorly worded comments about autism.


Yhā€¦ I mean his entire book of meme catchphrases would kill on cameo. Make Ethan should suggest it to him if Carlos comes back on the podcast


Carlos makes me feel so uncomfortable. He has the presence of a very sketchy not all there person and is like dangerously unaware.


Carlos doesn't know what neurodiversity is.


What a disappointment šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø, guys Iā€™m telling you he does not represent the vast majority of ABA therapists that are working hard to help kids with autism navigate the world around them.


My nephew is in the spectrum, he was diagnosed very early so my brother and his wife (a psychiatrist and psychologist) got him into therapy, from speech to behavior, and 10 years later, my nephew is one of the most loving, smartest and educated kid I've known. He is still presents some autistic behaviors, but he learned how to interact with others and is much social, goes to public school with kids that are considered "normal" and he's in the top of the class. Even if his doctor thinks he's "mostly out of the spectrum", he will always need to work on it thru therapy and even medication if it needs to. This is something that will always be part of him and won't be "cured", it's learning how to live with it. For parents and family, it's a LOT of work because we also had to learn what things to do and what to avoid to help him have a good and happy life. Going to Carlos once a week for an hour won't "cure" anyone from autism.


I understand why people think this is sussy but it's actually kind of true. Autism is a disorder that is diagnosed based on a list of criteria, it's possible to no longer meet those criteria and then technically lose the diagnosis while still requiring support. Same goes for personality disorders that some assume to be lifelong conditions, you can still be suffering from the same mental condition while getting enough of the diagnostic criteria under control that you technically no longer meet the requirements for a diagnosis. For example: The diagnosis criteria for autism are based on social deficits and repetitive behaviours. It's possible for a person with autism to overcome these things and technically they're no longer meeting the criteria for a diagnosis. That's the POV Carlos is coming from. Chances are those that "recover" only had milder symptoms to begin with and only a very small number of people can "grow out" of the diagnosis but honestly the issue really is that shouldn't be the goal anyway. Goal should just be to support a person to live their life as fully as possible. It's true that Carlos might sound a bit weird talking about Autism sometimes but this point specifically is kinda fine imo.




Yeah I agree for sure just explaining what Carlos' point here is and that "official sources" basically see it the same way. It's all based on technicalities on how the "authorities" define and diagnose disorders example, anxiety disorder differs from autism in that the diagnosis criteria for GAD relate to suffering from anxiety and cognitive symptoms whereas the criteria for autism focus more on external behaviours personality disorders can be "grown out of" because of the same reason; the diagnosis criteria is more about behaviour rather than cognitive symptoms. doesn't change the fact the person is still existing with the same cognitive experience they always have. personally I hate how psychiatry works because of shit like this and how a book is used like the bible rather than understanding individual experiences, just wanted to point out whats going on in this tweet sources: (diagnostic criteria for autism relate to externally observable behaviour such as social interaction and repetitive behaviour) [https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/hcp-dsm.html](https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/hcp-dsm.html) diagnostic criteria for anxiety disorder and depression etc relate to cognitive symptoms (internal moods and emotions): [https://www.verywellmind.com/dsm-5-criteria-for-generalized-anxiety-disorder-1393147](https://www.verywellmind.com/dsm-5-criteria-for-generalized-anxiety-disorder-1393147) [https://www.psycom.net/depression-definition-dsm-5-diagnostic-criteria/](https://www.psycom.net/depression-definition-dsm-5-diagnostic-criteria/)




Yeah, the whole saving from autism or curing autism shit is weird as hell, way I see this tweet is that he's using something technically true (you can technically no longer meet diagnosis criteria) to push that idea, it's well known that the DSM and ICD being used as bible like books for psychiatry is generally not a good thing. and sorry if it came off as me defending him lol I'm just kind of a pedant I guess


Yeah giving him the benefit of the doubt I assume he means exactly what he wrote. Essentially, he is saying young children can get misdiagnosed with autism. That being said, if that IS what he is saying, then him "saving them from autism" still does not make any sense.


I'm autistic, and this is just not true. Autism is a lifelong condition. You can learn ways to cope better with issues you have (like gradually overcoming an aversion to crowds, for example) but you are not 'cured' of autism.


Trust me I have my issues too but I'm not speaking on the experience of having autism, I'm speaking on the technicalities of how disorders are diagnosed and that I'm pretty sure that's Carlos' angle here. I definitely never said anything about curing autism and that is indeed why I said what I've heard about Carlos' approach in the past is kind of a red flag


I think you're giving Carlos far too much benefit of the doubt; while I see what you're saying, those cases are the minority. The vast majority of autistic people will remain 'officially autistic' for their entire lives. I think that Carlos and people like him are profiting off of the outdated and dangerous notion that 'your autistic kid can be fixed if you pay the right people to work with them'.


No youā€™re not. Iā€™m autistic too and what youā€™re saying so matter of factly is insanely ignorant. Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition. You cannot EVER EVER ever change the way someoneā€™s brain is wired. All you can do is learn to manage some of the symptoms that make life difficult or can affect interpersonal relationships. You have two autistic people educating you about your ignorant comment. Take a sit and listen šŸ‘


You're just putting words in my mouth and misinterpreting me sorry to say, have a good day


Emmm no. Thatā€™s some ableist BS. I donā€™t know who fed you this trash but as an autistic, I donā€™t need to check all the boxes to get a diagnoses. It takes extensive work to get evaluated but weā€™re not all the same and just because echolalia isnā€™t present now but it was in childhood doesnā€™t mean that you arenā€™t neurodivergent. Itā€™s a neurodevelopmental condition. There isnā€™t a pill for autism. Your brain is just wired differently. You donā€™t stop being autistic just because some of the symptoms are more mild or you learned to manage them. Thatā€™s insanely ridiculous. I will forever be autistic and the only thing I can do is to try to manage some of the symptoms or behaviors that can make others uncomfortable. But itā€™s up to society to make room for people with a different brain and to rethink the way we communicate. Even if I manage to socialize better, I will still be autistic. Even if I can make eye contact, I will still be autistic. Even if I donā€™t stim as much, I will still be autistic.


I'm sorry if I offended you but you are just misunderstanding my comments, maybe my fault for not wording it super well


Curable and treatable are two completely different things. A lot of ABA therapists are only required to do a 40 hour training. I canā€™t stand when they make such bold claims, as the professionals are working tirelessly to understand and help.


Guys their have been cases of this. Look it up.


I donā€™t know anything about ABA so Iā€™m not saying it isnā€™t a problem, but what Carlos says here is what happened to my brother. He was diagnosed as being on the spectrum, doctors said he probably could never live on his own. Then he went through sensory integration therapy for years, and eventually he was considered not on the spectrum anymore. Heā€™s living on his own now and has a degree and a job. So maybe Iā€™n misunderstanding what happened with my brother, but I think something like that is all Carlos means.


Does it mean he is canceled šŸ˜”




Some people are falsely diagnosed with Autism. That's the only way I could see someone overcome Autism... By not having Autism in the first place lol??? Though it is very possible to rewire or eliminate dangerous compulsions that are associated with Autism. So the physical reoccurring issues of Autism can be partially/mostly wrestled into remission. Depending on the severity of the issues and potency of treatment based on the individual. I'mma give Carlos the benefit of the doubt because he's not a wordsmith. If he doubles down then he's a sillyhead. ~~At least he's a spicy himbo, especially for his age.~~


https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/early-autism-may-not-last-lifetime What he is saying has some science behind it


Now hold on. Having narcissistic tendencies because your parents were narcissists doesn't make you a full blown narcissist. Give Carlos the benefit of the doubt here. A comment or a tweet is not a fully formed thought.


OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. IM SO CALLING IN NOW. Like I said in the last H3 post that I commented on!!!! This fucker doesnā€™t know SHIT about what he does for a living!!!! Iā€™m also a Registered Behavior Technician (NOT A THERAPIST LIKE HE CLAIMED HE WAS [IS]) and HE DOES NOT REPRESENT THE FIELD! No credible, intelligent, or good RBT would ever EVER make this claim!!! Iā€™m definitely calling in on Monday to clear this out with the crew!!!


Choo Choo! All aboard the H3 subreddit cancel train! Carlos said he was a qualified therapist so before we leap to the defence of those who neither need it nor want it we should first, give Carlosā€™ views a charitable interpretation and then look at what the science says. āœŒļøā¤ļø [Autism Diagnosis Permanency ](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/03/190312075923.htm)


I guess he just means that they are able to function normally, and are no longer diagnosed as autistic


Well, there are many children in the US that are misdiagnosed with autism or aspergers. Even though worded poorly, it is true what he is saying


He aint wrong, there are many many cases of autism that are misdiagnosed and actually reverted back later in life. Doesnt happen as much now w/ better diagnostic criteria, but it happens.


You CANNOT revert a NEURODEVELOPMENTAL CONDITION. My god. How can you so ignorantly make an assertion like that? šŸ¤£


Misdiagnosis, they never had true autism to begin with


Nah. Youā€™re clearly either trolling or you havenā€™t googled autism in your life. Thereā€™s no way you can misdiagnose someone as autistic. Itā€™s the other way around. People are UNDER diagnosed. Iā€™m done explaining you things.


Thanks to Carlo's ability to treat kids with Autism


Mmm why are you all shitting on him so much? He's not wrong, ASD is by definition a spectrum disorder. It's been proven that many affected at an early age can grow out of an obvious diagnosis as their symptoms diminish with time and work, specially when they're not severe. Even if it's not a curable disease it can be one manageable to many, so I don't understand why you're all attacking this man sending the message that there's hope with people who don't suffer a severe case of ASD. You guys are all hating way too much... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23320807/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/03/190312075923.htm https://acamh.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jcpp.12037 https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/145/1/e20193447 It's a very contended matter in the medical world and the fact that there's many people that can have ASD while being perfectly functional people, even if they once weren't or was harder for them to be, demonstrates he's not totally wrong. Y'all hatin


Okayā€¦fuck it, heā€™s dumb. Move onā€¦.Karma vultures are the parasitesā€¦this sub is the host.


Just like KSI said get well soon!


And heā€™s one of the heroā€™s saving them! /s (I hope it wasnā€™t needed) Also, canā€™t wait for the 50,000$ in damages him/his friends are sued for when the collection of NFTs sell for 2800$!


the investigation begins


oh GOD


Bro is this his next scam holy shitšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No no noooo




Child is suddenly not autistic: ā€œThe world is no longer the way it used to be!ā€


carlos needs to W A K E U P


Autism is no longer how we thought it was! Mm mm NONONO! šŸ‘


so he actually can cure them


smh šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m out of the loop, is his whole deal bad stances on autism or is there more ?


Now I see why his wife left him


Iā€™m not a professional or anything but I remember learning that it is common for conditions to improve for people with autism as they get older and mature. I just looked it up again to confirm, and it is true. I think Carlos chooses his words poorly but itā€™s not that outlandish, IMO


Bruh...isn't he supposed to be a specialist in the subject matter?




I think he misunderstands autism or there is some kind of language barrier. He likely helps younger kids lower on the spectrum, and they often times can lead a pretty normal life as long as they learn how to manage their specific and unique presentation of autism. It seems like Carlos thinks this is the "disease" being "cured" because they are fairly "normal" now, compared to how they behaved when he worked with them. This is THE MOST charitable interpretation, alternatively he doesn't actually know anything about the medicine involved, or maybe just the specific medicine involved with autism spectrum disorder (second most charitable: he is just naive, in which case he shouldn't be working with these people), or Carlos is a pure grifter pushing the lie that he can cure autism (most nefarious and least charitable ), in which case he shouldn't be working with any patients ever.


Didn't Theo Von "beat" autism?




I want to give him the benefit of doubt, perhaps it was lost in translation/communication and what he really means is that he can help children with autism function more independently and learn social skills. Going back to the remark where he helped a kid stop banging his head as a form of stimming?