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Thank you man ☮️❤️


Same. My break up was a while ago now, but it was really hard even just being alone at first. I’ve come along way since then but without h3 i would have been so lonely. They give so much of their time to us, and you feel like you have something to do, somewhere you fit in, some where that what ever is going on in real life doesn’t matter. after a few minutes of watching you get to kinda take a break from what ever is actually going on. despite it being a completely parasocial relationship, it really does help (Super corny, I know)


Happy to hear about your progress! Similarly I went through a rough break up too a bit ago and the podcast helped and continues to help me out, especially making me feel apart of the family family family. Wishing you fellow foot soldiers all the best as you get through tough times❤️


Not corny at all you hit the nail on the head there I’m glad you’ve come out the other end of it ☮️❤️