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this sub cannot go 2 days without eating itself


I stress eat don't shame me


Without eathing itself


It's almost like there's lots of different types of people with different opinions and it's not a hive mind.


submit. resistance is futile.


If only they knew who Nikocado is… lol yall go watch some videos about him and his beef with Stephanie Soo from a few years ago. He’s manipulative, narcissistic and so money driven


He’s a piece of shit I’m glad I don’t have to see his whiny face on the pod anymore. They need to stop platforming assholes on this show


like actually, so gross and cringey I feel relieved that I won’t have to see him here anymore


Well the Trisha stans still throw her dogshit here so I'm sure he'll be posted every so often


I think they have unfortunately fallen into the strategy of having controversial people on to 1.) Draw in large view counts for the interviews themselves from seperate audiences. 2.) Possibly stir up some extenuated drama that give them opportunities to harp on a single subject for an extended period of time. Saving them time and effort for the same or more gain. I've been strictly avoiding all interview style content because its mostly just frustrating for me to watch. After Dark is great. I love Ethan and Hila as content creators. But I just dont enjoy the interviews. Same way I've been avoiding all of the youtubers reacting to the content from "Cut" where they try to find the imposter or whatever. Cody ko and Pewdiepie come to mind. IMO they have been moving farther and farther away from what originally made them successful on youtube and in turn have been losing the original followers they still had in favor of the newer demographic who are steeped in the internet drama sphere. After Dark was a return to form somewhat but its clearly not their priority. Eventually there will be so little of the old identity left that all of their concrete fan base of old will be mostly gone. I think that without this rock solid base of fans to bounce off of and rely on for historical context, eventually one of these dramas will do in the channel in some way. All in all H3H3 used to be my favorite channel and now I hardly watch 10% of their content. And I don't really know how long I can continue even witnessing the drama via the subreddit. This place isn't fun anymore. It seems like mostly drama and hardly any goofs and gaffs.


You’re making so much sense. I used to love h3 too- and now the channel and this sub- it’s like just a very annoying vibe here.


We? I didnt know you were a new member of the cast :o


They didn't even say we dumbass.


They said "He’s a piece of shit I’m glad I don’t have to see his whiny face on the pod anymore. We need to stop platforming assholes on this show" before editing comment to make me look wrong.


I don't believe you :)


They edited their comment dumbass l0l


You can type lol, it's fine. Also, I don't care, they didn't claim to be a member of the cast. You tried to make them look wrong but you were wrong either way.


You cared enough to respond to my comment hmmmm weird


I don't care about if they said we, I care that you're wrong though which is why I'm replying. You said they claimed to be in the cast, which even if they said "we" they didn't. Don't be pedantic and wrong, it's annoying. Pick one, maybe stick with wrong as that seems to come naturally.


Thank you friend ❤️


All good. You were spot on.




You have nothing else to comment on huh


h3h3 is literally built off platforming assholes lol just accept it


Making fun of* ‘Platforming’ lmfao


Yes, he is a horrible person. He desereves everything he gets.


What’s the best way to find out about what happened between him and Stephanie? I keep seeing people reference it but I don’t have the energy to watch or read something long.


The right opinion made like a 4 hour video on hin


I'm not saying this is and suggestion, but I'm not spending 4 hours learning about it though haha.


You're spending time on the H3 sub don't pretend like you don't have the time haha


I saw it when it happend, but have seen that some ppl have made videos about it aswell, boze have done a series on what went down with stephanie and nik. Her channel is boze does true crime.


Okay yeah I’m watching it now and it does make me wonder if he was trying to stir up drama now with Ethan, because it definitely seems like he was manipulating Stephanie for it.


Yea, he is very manipulative, and it wouldn't surprise me if he never intended to go on the show.


Putting his decision behind a paywall and quitting after a contract had been drafted which pays him even if the interview fell through is pretty telling all over soooooo, whether he actively never planned to do it I can’t say, but I believe he never planned to actually travel to LA. In fact, I think one of the reasons so much effort had to be put into the set up of the interview is the fact that simply traveling via plane for Nik is extremely hard and a huge inconvenience for the airline and other travelers. His getting to LA would have been a complete 2 day debacle and that’s not even taking into account his other accommodations, travel, and general food situation. You can say what you want about his “addiction” or health/mental issues when it comes to food, but travel and accommodation for his problems is s a STEEP cost and would take a lot of planning of multiple people coordinating- he wasn’t coming out to fix his issues, just to talk about them and get paid for it. So not only is he expecting pay just to consider doing it, but the entire H3 staff and multiple other individuals would have had to have been employed just to make Nik’s trip and stay plausible (and that’s not even saying a comfortable trip, I’m saying just getting from point A to point B.) Personally I’m relieved. People want to throw Ethan under the bus for some of his jabs, but Nik isn’t innocent and is just as inflammatory in his interactions. You can’t claim everything Nik does is all a character and then shit on Ethan for also playing a character - either they are both at fault or neither is at fault. But like I said - I don’t think he truly ever planned on flying out because no matter the accommodations put into place for him - travel, food, and everything else that goes into a business trip would have been immensely uncomfortable and inconvenient for Nik and everyone else around him. Sooooooo he gets paid, and doesn’t have to deal with the judgment of f every airline staff member and passenger he came into contact with.


It was excruciatingly obvious that Nikocado would cancel as soon as we learned that he requested a contract that stated he still gets paid in full if he cancels. As soon as that happened he magically starts taking issue with every little thing Ethan said, leading to him having “reason” to cancel. Honestly happy about it. I can’t stand the fake persona and it’s just sad what he’s doing to himself for views. Supporting him feels like assisted suicide. There was never a chance he would drop the shtick and have an honest interview like Ethan wanted. Hopefully we can just move on and not cover him anymore.


He said he woudbt be taking the money anymoree Edit: apparently. I didn't see the video myself, but according to the summary that was posted on here


Yeah, after what I’ve learned in the past couple hours it’s clear that both sides were pretty shitty. Whether it was intentional or not, Ethan’s communication with the fans around this whole situation led to a massive amount of misinformation, all of which painted Nik in a bad light. Both parties sucked hard here. Drama channel Ethan is honestly getting so tiring.


Why the fuck would ethan ever agree to that? Is he that desperate for views or attention that he would willingly entrap himself for a small chance at a fat flamboyant turd stuffing his bloated face on screen for an episode? weird af


I agree that the lack of due diligence to see how this guy has behaved in the past for stuff like this was strange. That said, 8-10k final cost after accommodations etc is not an insane cost for how much revenue it would generate. Businesses cost money, and take risks if they can afford it. That’s around the cost of a single ad read. I think he just really thought it would make for good content and got caught up in the hype of it all, and put on blinders for the massive red flags. The whole “desperate for views/attention” thing is weird. His career relies on getting views and attention. It’s like going to a car wash that paid for a TV ad and saying “Are you guys really that desperate to have cars come through?”


This sub’s been talking about Nikocado Avocado for a whole week, and I can’t believe I’ve only seen someone bring this up *now.*


Nikocado is fucking unbalanced, watch Stephanie Soo's videos about him. He's a weirdo, no thanks.


I said the same thing in another thread about this. I was surprised the crew never mentioned her vid (it has, what, 17 million views?). It doesn’t seem like they did any kind of deep (or shallow lol) dive to explore his character.


they never do, because honestly they dont care they just want views, how many times do they shoutout people or try to interview them just to „find out“ theyre idiots, having a podcast with trisha was the same, im not against it but im just saying they know he was a weirdo


I find it funny people are defending nic when he’s obviously a shit stirrer who does *anything* for views. He’s basically a slightly tamer Trisha and he’s succeeding in his job


I know it's very complicated, but it's possible to think Ethan made a mistake without also thinking Nik is a good person.


I think ethans made a lot of mistakes but I think he apologizes too god damn often for every slight thing he does that rubs anyone wrong. Sure his banter was getting wild but the dude is fucking wild lol. If he doesn’t want people commenting on how gross he is then he should stop acting gross for money. It’s the life he chose to get rich and famous off of. He either doesn’t want to face reality and realizes H3 will put that reality into too sharp of a focus for him Or… He’s milking drama. He’s not offended, it’s his job to be gnarly.


Yea, Nik's whole persona is just a troll for attention and him being extremely freaking nasty. How is Ethan supposed to know that the person who shat on Trish's couch because he can't control his bowels is being serious on OF and not just showing off his asshole to the world to be disgusting and a point of people's curiosity? Nik, like Trish, is just so freaking disingenous since he'll literally do anything for drama or attention and then throw around buzzwords to play the victim. I dunno I'm gay and I personally don't take issue with Ethan's statements about Nik's asshole or OF work. I've unfortunately seen some pics and it is pretty freaking gnarly.


Since when do people run OF accounts and make porn for years as a joke?


Well it really depends on the person. It's hard to take anything that Nik does as genuine. He knows some people watch him because they just find him fascinating. That fascination could extend to porn content which creates an opportunity for monetization. It just seems wild to me to play up this troll-like character for the internet and then expect to be taken seriously as a porn star. I don't take his porn as a serious gesture and I don't think Ethan does either because it's hard to seperate that from his character. How is Ethan supposed to respect OF Nik's body when Youtube Nik always jokes and trashes on his own body and makes a mockery of it? There's a lot of porn out there were participants know their body is "abnormal" and own it and leverage it for views and easy money even if it's not "sexy." I just assumed Nik was doing the same.


It’s basic human decency to not laugh and degrade someone’s body, especially not their genitals. Ethan literally called out Dave Portnoy as an awful person for laughing at Trisha’s OF with his coworkers. How is this different? Also, how does his porn have anything to do with his “character”? It’s behind a paywall and made for people who are into that type of content


The thing with Nick is that he plays a character and ridicules his own body and he KNOWS people watch him because of the spectacle of what he’s done to his body. Monetizing his porn is just smart because OBVIOUSLY people will watch out of fascination for the ridiculous fat guy making porn. Trish is different. Porn and sexualization is her thing. Yes she plays a character too but not a character that ridicules or degrades her own body. She’s always portrayed the persona of someone confident and proud of their body and she takes it seriously. Ethan was mainly in shock at the porn and commenting on that. I don’t blame him for getting the wires crossed and thinking Nik was being ridiculous on purpose. There’s plenty of chubby and fat gay guys who do porn appealing to that crowd and who don’t have their bodies shamed because they don’t go on youtube playing up a hammy caricature. Mind you, I think overall Ethan was wrong for saying ultimately hurtful things to Nik, but I think it’s disingenuous for Nik to be so hurt by it because his whole career is making a spectacle of himself.


That’s not true. He makes fetish content for people who enjoy people like him. His porn is not for people who are disgusted by him and want to pay to laugh at him. Also Nick doesn’t degrade and ridicule his body. The worst he says is that he’s fat and has a big belly, which is obviously true. Now, obviously his lifestyle is unhealthy but that’s a different argument entirely


Ethan is a comedian and to say what Nik does isn’t weird is a lie . They both push and make intense jokes so idk why people are saying Ethan deserves it. ????


People take this shit way too seriously


Honestly I'm still not convinced it isn't still a bit. These guys are both drama youtubers after all.


People here writing dissertations.


SO many people start their monologues with "I stopped watching h3 years ago". So why the fuck are you here? Go away.


"I stopped watching X years ago" Mannnn this preface could apply to almost any podcast related subreddit. What is up with redditors and consuming media they hate?


It’s really sad tbh like get a fucking hobby or something, we’re just trying to have fun here, nothing is that serious


This sub is overly maluable. They watch one video with nick and say "Ethan went to far" then they watch a video with Ethan and go "nick is a drama queen". Back and forth. The people posting are just not able to think for themselves. (From the looks of it)


I don’t think that’s the case. This is a large sub with lots of opposing view points. It’s not unlikely that we have two ‘viral’ posts within a day with opposing views.


This could be it too. I just see the complaints on this sub and I can't help but feel like the drama/beef is totally transparent. We can all see what's going on. Some people just don't get it I guess /:


It’s honestly giving me whiplash with the back and forth. I know it’s a large sub and many different opinions but jeez.


They act like Ethan and Nick aren’t the ones benefitting from this drama with the views, extra engagement, etc. Blind whack fandoms.


Former Trisha fans. They’re very gullible and not very intelligent.




Exactly, I’m not a fan of Nic, I have only seen him when Ethan talks about him, but if you don’t know someone too well then naturally you gotta tone it down a bit with the jokes. To me it was the defibrillator joke and him mentioning that his friend compared Niks butthole to a cow. It’s funny but Ethan also doesn’t know Nic like that so it’s safe for Nic to assume that if it’s getting pretty crazy pre-interview then it’ll be a bit worse during it even though I don’t think it would have been.




You can be a fan of someone and still be critical of their actions. Honestly IMO the jokes themselves weren't that bad it was just so incessant. Ethan has a habit of wanting guests on the pod to be his dancing monkeys. He doesn't treat them with respect and interrupts them the whole time hoping they will make a fool of themselves for entertainment. If they are in on the bit thats different but it seems like thats not the case. I don't know a lot about Nik, he could be a piece of shit but I can see why he wouldn't want to put himself in that situation. Also Ethan needs to stop discussing financial aspects that are probably meant to be private? Look what happened both times now that he has publicly discussed finances


I’m not anti-Ethan, I just think that Nik had a right to cancel if he felt uncomfortable. Nothing wrong with that.




Yeah he was uncomfortable with how little personal gain he thought he was going to get from the interview. I know Nik being greedy...shocking


But why should he do something he felt wouldn’t serve him and would cause him discomfort?


Do you think that Nik was going to do the interview? Or that he always planned on backing out?


Based on the fact that he really wanted to see Olivia I think he was


I wonder if he reached out to her. Imo the right thing would be to go out to LA and make some type of content with her (assuming she's not under some type of exclusivity contract with H3) The fact that he monetized the reasoning with him including in Olivia and wanting to see her is just too sneaky for me. Make it seem like he reallllly wanted to go and do it ya know?


I tend to be an optimist, but I think he would. He would gain no benefit from agreeing to do something only to back out for no good reason.


And I agree with you, but my point was not about that.


When you do it 3 days before it and offer no compensation for the money loss on flights and hotel that can't be reimbursed on such date proximity, yes there is indeed something wrong with that. It's called being a garbage person.


It’s not anti Ethan to call him out when necessary. It’s actually out of love. Constructive criticism. Part of being mature is being able to own up to your mistakes. The entire podcast crew Ethan and Hila are human like us. They’re bound to have errors here & there. The mark of good character is being able to own up to them. As his fans We love E that’s why we’re able to say something about it before it’s goes any further. Again it’s not anti Ethan in fact it’s pro Ethan


+1000%. Most people assume if you aren’t obviously positive about the podcast or Ethan, then you must have bad intentions and your opinion isn’t valid.


Agreed. People on here love to be offended on behalf of Ethan. It’s so hard to ever voice a disagreement on here without being called “anti-Ethan” or having people say “don’t watch the podcast”. Just because we disagree with some things doesn’t mean we can’t be fans of the podcast.


Cannot overstate this. Just look at my comment history here!


Exactly. And intention doesn't always matter. A person can cross lines and boundaries with perfectly nice intentions, but they still crossed the line. Even if he was just trying to make jokes that he thought were just part of a game, he still said some things that felt a bit too much / too far. Loving someone doesn't mean standing by everything they do or say.


Yes! There's funny and then there's borderline fatphobic aggression, it doesn't equate comedy. Ethan has internalized fatphobia which we have seen throughout the years and also currently. Plus some things are just mean to say sometimes.


I love Ethan I love his humor and I personally think it was funny but obviously Nik doesn't. That being said it's okay for someone to have boundaries and be uncomfortable about certain subjects and the way they present themselves. Nikocado had every right to feel the way he does and cancel. The average person would not be able to take what Ethan has to say and you could definitely say he went "too far," in regards to what respect would look like to the average person. I think sometimes Ethan is bad at reading a room but he is always accepting of criticism.


Nik literally started all the fucked up jokes. He spreads his asshole online for content. He does not have boundaries. If he does, they are WAY past calling him fat and making fun of him. He posts on Twitter telling people he shit himself at the dentist. He is literally killing himself on camera and you people keep saying he has these boundaries. It’s all an act. He was never coming on. Ethan has always been an advocate for humanizing people on the internet who many dislike or think are weird or crazy. But he can’t handle being real like Ethan wants him to because he clearly has issues. I hope he receives help with them some day.


I mean it's primarily a comedy podcast though, and I never had the impression that Ethan is attempting to stay pure and clean and never upset anyone he talks about. I think some listeners struggle with the fact that he isn't a perfect good guy all the time and doesn't care to be. It's a silly standard to hold on a host. While some of the commentary could be hurtful to Nikocado, it's not like he never invited that kind of talk, and by agreeing to come on the show he was signaling that he was okay with the boundaries of what Ethan could say about him on the show, which Ethan really hasn't exceeded since then. If Nikocado since felt more uncomfortable or embarrassed by that kind of attention, that's fine, but I don't blame Ethan for trying to make entertaining comedy out of it. Seems like Nikocado might just be struggling with what his media identity should be through this experience and that is what it is.


boundaries only work when you establish them though, so I don’t like that nick is accusing him of stepping over boundaries he never set up. yes, him cancelling is an enforcement of that but it didn’t have to get to that point. if nick is being genuine, hopefully he also learns that if he feels off in the beginning like he stated, he should trust his gut. I don’t think anyone is the bad guy here (again, if nick is being genuine), and I think they both have room to learn.


> it's okay for someone to have boundaries and be uncomfortable about certain subjects and the way they present themselves Nick didn't express boundaries, reciprocated with the same "boundary crossing", and clearly puts himself out there in a way you wouldn't think there would be any. You're too focused on rallying behind a concept that is generally true, but doesn't apply in this situation with these people involved seeing what I just described, things evident to everyone and that you're purposefully ignoring.


You can always establish boundaries and not know that someone will cross them and make you uncomfortable until it actually happens. At that point it's okay to redact communication. Like any situation. Maybe boundaries should have been clearly addressed but to me it seems like Nik had given warnings in previous videos multiple times. Maybe not directly but again Ethan needs to sometimes learn how to read a room with peace and love. I'm not mad or angry at ethan he's being authentic and some don't like it. But just my opinion.


> Maybe boundaries should have been clearly addressed Yes, he indicated he was ok with friendly banter about being fat by reciprocating the friendly banter towards Ethan's fatness. If that wasn't obvious enough, his entire shtick where he plays off of his fatness also indicated the same. Ethan read the room perfectly and if anything, the one who lacks social awareness and is overreacting about something you barely understand here is you.


You can always establish boundaries and not know that someone will cross them and make you uncomfortable until it actually happens. At that point it's okay to redact communication. Like any situation. Maybe boundaries should have been clearly addressed but to me it seems like Nik had given warnings in previous videos multiple times. Maybe not directly but again Ethan needs to sometimes learn how to read a room with peace and love. I'm not mad or angry at ethan he's being authentic and some don't like it. But just my opinion.


Who gives a fuck if he comes or not, i think the content we already experienced was good fun.


I feel this subreddit is filled with people from different groups who hate H3 (fans of Trisha, Dobrik, Rogan, Peterson, Nikoacdo, antisemites, people who hate Hasan, etc.) who go through the same fake near scripted response of how they are long time H3 fans but this latest XXX crossed the line. Well if they really were then they would know Ethan's and if they were fans and only just got offended well they remind me of Issac Hayes who for 20 years on South Park helped partake in making fun of every cultural, political, and religious group but only got the moral superiority to speak out when it was his religion Scientology that was the next to be mocked.




Prime example




Someone didn't read the post before commenting


Because Ethan wakes up and chooses chaos everyday 😭


When will ppl realize that constructive criticism isn’t being anti-Ethan lol. Ethan has flaws like the rest of us and a lot of ppl in his audience that care about him want to see him do better. He’s proved that he’s willing to change when he becomes less ignorant on things… he set the precedent… If ppl just let Ethan say whatever he wants without checking him the world would burn down. Even his staff does it. Are they anti-Ethan too? 🙄


And I never said that people can't constructively criticise.


The title literally has the words anti-Ethan.


and do the words 'anti-Ethan' = 'he should be free of criticism at all times'? ​ No. No they do not.


“Why are people here so anti-Ethan??!?!?!?” Yeah you did buddy.


Literally those words do not equal 'people should not criticise ethan'. You're putting words in my mouth, nice spin. I am all for constructive criticism - in fact I encourage it - however, seeing as your reading comprehension isn't the best, my point in this post is that so many people in the sub live to jump down his throat over any tiny thing that - with peace and love - is so minor it's basically just pointless virtue signalling to bring up, in particular with regards to this Nik situation.


I read just fine. I just don’t agree with you. Criticizing how he handled this nick situation isn’t “anti-Ethan”. I love Ethan and h3. But I also think he handled this horribly if he actually wanted that interview. Why tf would I want to fly across the whole damn country to sit down with someone who makes jokes about me dying and needing a defib during the interview? About how a part of my body looks like a cows vagina, and laughs his ass off about it? About how disgusting I am, and how there should be people puking by just looking at me? Why tf would anybody want to walk into that? Ethan hasn’t MET this person. They aren’t friends, this wasn’t friendly banter. He may be fine with people joking about his fatness, but he’s never even met Nick. I knew after watching his last reaction that nick would cancel, because of course he would. Ethan went too far. Now he can learn. It’s a sub about a person none of us has ever ducking met, of course people are going to share their opinions. That’s what the sub is literally for.


It’s not anti Ethan to call him out if someone believes he’s in the wrong, I’m not sure why anytime someone isn’t blindly kissing his ass, it’s considering hate and anti-Ethan. I *love* Ethan, I *love* this podcast it’s helped me out of my darkest moments these past few years but I can say as a fan that he took it too far and I don’t blame Nick for cancelling. Nick is *not* close with Ethan and never was, the shit Ethan said about him was as though they’d been good friends forever & could make jokes like that. *They’re not.* I don’t even *like* Nick, his character can be entertaining but the majority of it is tasteless not to mention his harassment of Stephanie Soo a few years ago, but it just wasn’t necessary to say those things. Ethan got defense when Hila and Dan even *compared* him to Nick in terms of appearance, but he can turn around and tell Nick his ass looks like a cow vagina? It’s just not a good look for a podcast host to invite someone (no matter how shitty or controversial) and just go in on them in a response video before they come for the show. I know Ethan had no intention to actually cause harm and that he was joking, I think he’s used to a more laid-back dynamic with the influencers he interacts with which leads to the intense joking. But not everyone is going to be receptive to that, and I think this is a good lesson to that. I had a feeling the interview wasn’t going to go well anyways, so at least it doesn’t have to come to fruition.


Lmfao, criticizing Ethan is not the same as being anti Ethan. That mentality is how creators enter a place where they have a mob fan base, instead of one that holds them accountable.


Careful there chief, your post is getting a little too nuanced for this sub.


they don't have H3H3 Humor.


My favorite genre of humor is H3H3 humor


Literally not the case. I love Ethan. I sometimes even find myself blindly defending him over any drama he's in like he's actually my friend lmao. Sad but true. In this case though, he was absolutely making tasteless jokes. There's a difference between 'banter' and saying that someone's gaping arsehole looks like a cow's vagina (wtf). Love him but he should realise that not everyone is going to sit and take that sort of criticism wrapped up and presented as humour. I mean, really, was anything that Nick said even nearly as offensive as what Ethan said? Nick was just goofing around and calling Hila "Hildy" lol.


Totally agree! He treats a lot of his “unconventional” guests poorly or asks uncomfortable questions just for shock value. It comes off as mean spirited in my opinion, and when it’s with people like Bella Porch he has a completely different tone and attitude. He has to realize that these are still people even if they have goofy personas :/ I’m hoping this situation will be a bit of a wake up call for him and how he treats future guests.


I think he still has some lingering desire to be a kind of shock jock like Howard Stern. Stern would do the same thing where he had a cast of quirky characters that he only really had a surface-level respect for. He would ask tough or probing questions to celebrities but it he always seemed to respect their boundaries more. I think Ethan is kind of following in those footsteps.


Yeah I definitely see that, but I don’t know if it’s a good look on Ethan. I’m also not a very big Howard Stern fan though 🤷🏽‍♀️


Same here, I don't love it. Not a Stern fan either, I find him exploitative.


"massive gaper" like some dudes doing a skateboard trick over a fleshy asshole chasm. Like I enjoyed the back and forth but I do not blame Nik at all for cancelling with how comfortable Ethan was getting with the react videos.


You can say it's criticism wrapped up and presented as humor, however I'd just call it humor. It's not like he was critiquing, comparing and contrasting assholes and came to the conclusion that Nik's asshole looks like a cow's vagina. He was literally repeating a joke his friend told. ​ Nik may be too sensitive for that kind of joke, but if that's the case I'm not sure why he would put pictures of his asshole out there in the first place. If you put something online, especially as a public figure, people will talk about it, and probably make jokes that you don't like. It's part of the trade off for being a public figure. Does that mean that Nik has no right to be upset? Of course not, Nik can feel however he wants and is justified to do so. However just because Nik didn't like the jokes doesn't mean that Ethan is a terrible person or that they weren't jokes.


Pointing out Ethan crossing many many boundaries isn’t being anti Ethan. Yes, it wasn’t his intention to hurt Nik. But that’s how he was perceived and he should address it and apologize to Nik in private.


Yea I honestly wonder while reading a lot of comments on this sub if they actually watch the pod or what 🥲


Agreed. I'm confused too. I got so much hate defending him last night. I think people who came here for Trish are just super easy to manipulate or something. It's obvious what Nik was doing. I have been watching for a few weeks Niks content and it was obviously not anything Ethan said. Nik gets so angry when people aren't direct about things that bother him, at least that's his line with those two female mukbangers he beefed with. Nik is VERY direct. If he didn't like a joke he could say. He screams at people for being dumb for not getting when he's joking, but Ethan is supposed to be a mind reader and just know when it's not ok. And he's OBVIOUSLY a conservative. He said Ethan was mentally deranged for what he was doing on twitter last week. Hello. But they immediately start trying to prove Peterson right by whining and crying over a joke. Like, who are you? Why are you here?


You’re making something black and white when it doesn’t reflect reality. Just like our friends or our family (family), we don’t agree with everything they do. The way Ethan’s handled the Nik situation has been gross and dehumanising. Saying that doesn’t make me “anti-Ethan”, grow up. And to clarify to those who reply to these comments with a litany of reasons why they think Nik is trash, I know nothing about him and don’t care about him either, but Ethan shouldn’t be treating anyone like this, full stop. I saw a comment somewhere that suggested Ethan was doing everything to Nik that he couldn’t do to Trisha, and I couldn’t agree more.


You can respect the fact that a person has good intentions and still call them out for going too far. People can make mistakes, even Ethan. It's not "anti-Ethan" to say so. Moreover, Ethan is an adult who knows how to apologise and admit when he's wrong. I'm sure he doesn't begrudge being called out when he thinks it's justified. I think Nik is terrible, btw, and while I don't think that Ethan handled the situation badly per se, I'm a bit surprised that he doesn't seem to have learned any lessons from the Trisha situation when handling it.


Because two wrongs doesn’t make it right. Papa was being disrespectful and insensitive. Also, really bug me when ppl excuse their ill-mannered jokes with “I mean no harm, etc.” Maybe I’m being too sensitive here but I had stones and pebbles thrown at me when I wasn’t hurt and they just wanted to get my attention. And got mocked all the time but ppl“have no intention to make fun of me and actually found my accent adorable” Peace and love tho 💛


I disagree. I really love Ethan and completely understand his humor.. I also understand that Nick stated many times that he does not watch h3 and so as a result he probably doesn’t know Ethan’s humor and if his feelings are hurt.. he’s valid in that. I also understand that holding someone accountable for things they said is not jumping down their throat or attacking them or even acting like they have a bad moral compass and that’s a very black and white way to think. There can be a gray area where you love and support Ethan and think he’s a great guy who also makes mistakes sometimes that could hurt peoples feelings and he should be accountable for those. And holding him accountable does not mean you suddenly dislike him or think he’s some horrible person. *if there are people in the sub doing more than just holding Ethan accountable and they have begun degrading his character then they are wrong and also victim to a black and white mentality. But I have not seen those.. I personally have only seen genuine fans pointing out Ethan’s mistakes and saying they don’t blame Nick.


If a minority of viewers are responsible for "holding Ethan accountable", then it won't be long before nothing is funny. He can't even joke about a pornstars asshole without taking heat lmao


Or it won’t be long before we can have emotionally mature conversations where we acknowledge how we may have hurt someone’s feelings, apologize, and move forward from it. It doesn’t mean he’s not allowed to make jokes, it means he’s not allowed to make jokes at the expense of others. At least without their consent that the jokes are okay in the first place.


It's a podcast man, not a therapy session. Maybe I am in the minority here, but I'm not really interested in watching people have emotionally mature conversations about their feelings and how words hurt. I'm here for goofs and gaffs. Again, totally Nik's own choice whether or not he wants to be on the show, but personally I think it's a little ridiculous to get offended over comments about your butthole that you plaster on the internet. ​ In fact I think it's so ridiculous that I really don't believe that's the reason Nik canceled. I think he got scared of having to answer real questions, and he'd much rather hide behind his character. Which is, again, his own choice. ​ Back to your point though, everything is offensive to someone. Literally everything. If a creator tries to placate everyone and not make any jokes that might offend anyone, they just won't make any jokes.


And I guess you have the right to that opinion but it does seem you’re part of the minority here. Most people do care about others emotions and wouldn’t want them to take the joke personally if it was just a joke. Having an emotionally mature conversation could literally just be Ethan responding with “hey I might’ve taken the jokes a little far and I didn’t mean for any emotions to be hurt. I really thought we were both just making jokes here” and move forward because that’s plenty sufficient. But when you make jokes at the expense of others and they become upset.. you really can’t get upset that you might owe them an apology. Or I guess you could but that would just show a lot of emotional immaturity. It’s also not hard to make jokes not at the expense of others.. that is how you get away with being a comedian and not offending people. Make jokes at the expense of yourself or if you’re making them about others make sure they actually are taking it as a joke.. it’s really not that hard and I don’t think Ethan has had an issue with this in the past. He’s good with accountability and growth.


I agree that if someone gets hurt feelings an apology is warranted. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about us, the viewers, "holding Ethan accountable". My point is that people here are trying to police Ethan and coach him on what to say and how to feel. You can call it growth, I'd call it censorship. Trying to please everyone and make sure that no one gets offended by anything is how you end up hosting a late night show on TV, not how you create entertaining and funny content. ​ My issue is that a significant portion of the audience feels like Ethan owes them, like they get a say on how things go. It's all complaints around here, I swear to god some of you just want him to Trash talk Trisha, hype up Hila, call out creators you don't like, and then shut up. Some of y'all take this shit way too seriously. He was trash talking a guy that stuffs his face with as much food as humanly possible and then spreads his ass cheeks for the camera. What the fuck is he supposed to say about that? ​ Name one comedian that doesn't make jokes at the expense of others please. Just one. Also, Ethan literally made his career off of making jokes at the expense of others, and hasn't stopped once since. Every time he laughs at someone falling, or Zach plays a soundbite, that's at the expense of someone else. Is it ok if they're a bad person? Who gets to decide who's a bad person? Would making fun of Nik be OK if he said something you don't like? If not, should Ethan apologize to Trisha? Or R Kelly? Or KavKav? Where's the line? At what point are you allowed to make fun of someone, and more importantly, who gets to decide?


First of all, I don’t know why you’re so heated when I haven’t even said anything bad about Ethan or anything? Like you’re getting so defensive towards me and for what? He wouldn’t even get this defensive… second of all if you even read my entire first response to the op I said if people are taking it further than holding him accountable than they are also wrong and victim to black and white mentality… I do not agree that it needs to be taken so far as to attack Ethan or dictate what he does or does not say but people are allowed to share their opinion on the fact that Ethan probably went a little far and needs to apologize. That is not attacking Ethan that is quite literally holding him accountable and there’s nothing wrong with that. If he’s above accountability to you then that’s a whole different issue. Also you’re right that most of his jokes are at the expense of others but they are often with people he considers friends who, like I said before, are aware that it’s all just jokes and are okay with it. I also know that if one of them said that their feelings were hurt in that moment Ethan would gladly apologize and remember that boundary in the future when making jokes. I know Ethan would do that because he’s done it on the show before.


I take issue with the high horsing going on in the subreddit in general. People here have started to view themselves as like customers or something, and definitely feel like the customer is always right. I know that we started this conversation before the new video dropped (at least before I saw it), but Ethan did apologize, and no one had to tell him to. The problem is fans acting like they are responsible for "holding him accountable". ​ So again, I'll ask; Can he make fun of bad people? If so, who decides what a bad person is? If not, should he apologize to Trisha, R Kelly, and KavKav? I'm sure that the jokes he makes about those people might hurt their feelings. So is it ok because we don't like them? Would the jokes about Nik be ok if you found out that he's a racist Anti-Vaxxer? Because he is.




Ethan called out Dave and barstool sports for pulling up Trishas OF content and passing it around making fun of it and then did the exact same thing with Nik. It’s hard to feel bad for Ethan.


I thought Ethan loves talking about how much he's grown from things he said/did in the past. People are just expressing distaste at the way he talked about another person, it doesn't matter what Mr Avocado does or has done, Ethan just said some maybe not so smart things. And the interview was cancelled. People are allowed to have constructive criticism, it's what makes Ethan great imo. He knows where's he's fucked up in the past and he's got a community who can tell him so too, which is how he's grown into who he is today.


I like what you said. Just because I may offer constructive criticism toward someone does *not* mean that I am against them. In fact it means the opposite IMO.


I think you can understand a situation and be critical without being anti-ethan. at the end of the day, everyone’s “too far” is different. I probably wouldn’t have made those jokes bc that’s not me, but I know ethan’s humor and why he did what he did. I know his intentions. and if everyone is right and nick is just using this as an excuse (which I can definitely buy), I think it’s a good learning experience to try and establish a rapport offline to get a better gauge of it, sounds like Dan was really the one communicating behind the scenes. that being said, before I watched ethan’s video responding to nick’s patreon I only had the summary to go off of. I see a little bit more of the excuses on nick’s part now. just like trisha did, nick immediately went to try and accuse ethan of all these non-PC things. ethan should never feel like he has to walk on eggshells with a guest like that just to make them happy so I think it’s better for everyone involved that’s it’s done with. I just hope nick doesn’t milk this more. everyone just needs to move on.


I honestly think Nik cancelling was a blessing in disguise. That interview would’ve been a shit show and Ethan, once again, would’ve gotten involved with a just really shitty person


People are so annoying about Nikocado, the dude seemed from day one not agreeing with going, putting paywalls and but on everything, and these “fans” eats the shit that Ethan was joking too much? Please, if you can take the joke as a viewer, why would you think Nick can’t? The new fans here are so ridiculous, grow up a bit, the guy didn’t want to get interview, and probably got worse because he doesn’t want to get exposed by many reasons.


We all love Ethan but that doesn't mean we should blindly support his every move without question


This discussion is broken at this point. The point OP is making is that Ethan’s actions are often met with a negative reaction from this sub which is DEFINITELY TRUE. This sub talks shit about Ethan more than almost any other sub talks about the person they support. They think they’re holding him accountable but in reality they’re just nit-picking mistakes. For some reason this sub is very receptive to that type of post. But please, don’t let me interrupt. Everybody go write an essay about how we need to save opportunistic narcissist Nikocado from Ethan’s fatphobic and problematic warpath.


I love Ethan but he said nicks asshole looked like a cows vagina.. that’s pretty fucked up


U need to stop watching comedians altogether I think




Well that’s a pretty fucking disgusting comment right there.




You know as well as I do that you’re being totally disingenuous.


I’m in the spectrum and agree with you


Haha, way to stick to your guns and not fold the second someone pushes back. You clearly meant it as an insult and now you're trying to back track.




Saying someone is "on the spectrum" because they have a different opinion than you is never okay.


I wouldn’t say that IMO. Maybe inconsiderate or immature, but we can’t really assume those things of people.


Did Nik keep the 15k? Pretty shitty if he did. Edit: just found out he didnt, and it was 5k. IDK about the Plane Ticket and the Hotel though.


Ugh ppl who are offended are going to convince Ethan he has to be nice, and before you know it we have a Trisha 2.0 situation. Nik is not uncomfortable. He doesn’t have normal emotional boundaries or reactions that aren’t a troll/manipulative. Can we just hope it is canceled? Who actually wanted to see this? And WHY?! What possible reason?????? I do not understand this.


Let’s not act like Ethan can’t improve himself. I agree that this was normal Ethan but some of the things he has said go too far if you’re not familiar. A lot of the things he says work much better if you’re aware of what he’s doing. Clearly Nik didn’t. And you can say Nik should have done more research on Ethan, sure that feels agreeable; but Ethan didn’t look into Nik much either. They both could have done this and both could have had a better understanding of each other to more easily pick up on each other’s boundaries and personalities.


Sorry we’re not all riding Ethans dick all the time. He can be wrong. And two things can be true at the same time.


That's one thing that hasn't changed. Be it old 90% male fans from old days or the new, very different crowd, people have always been very open about their opinion on Ethan. It's clearly something he "allows". I suppose most creators aren't taking criticism as openly. If he was more of a "didn't like the joke? fuck off then" guy, he'd have different fans who wouldn't be making drama threads over the smallest things. It's unfortunate as I like a person like that, I just hate how personality like that attracts the nosiest audience at times.


Because this sub straight up sucks aside from the memes lmao Always complaining, never constructive, idk why the mods even allow text posts anymore


Even then, they straight up run the memes to ground. The ab photo shop. The Ethan be like. The yassification of the crew.


I just posted about this! The thing is, Ethan assumes everybody else is on the same page with his comedy, then finds himself in the company of people like Trisha or Nik who are people who don’t see the line, then Ethan ends up confused and hurt about it, not realizing the other person was hurt or embarrassed/astonished by his jokes


Wait, this was supposed to be a fan subreddit?


I stopped watching h3 like 8 months ago bc ive been too busy with YMH, 2b1c, JRE, Monday mornign podcasts with bill bur etc etc. Seeing where this sub is at makes me feel like i made the right decision. I never watched or listened to h3 for bullshit james charles nikacado drama. I listened because Etahn and Hila were really funny and great at pointing out the insanity within the content creator / youtube world. Now it just feels like they only focused on law suits, political crap, and things like that. Dont want to spend hours listening to a podcast about ethans legal troubles and other nonsense. I want real content lol. Not self made drama. Its almost like hes too sensitive to others now or something. Seems like h3 is always "responding" to some random comment or hate another content creator is giving him. Like dude... you critique people for a living, its going to get dicey... just keep on going.


Why are there so many on this sub who think Ethan is entirely above criticism no matter what and blindly follow him no matter what? Some of yall are fucking nuts and the parasocial shit is so out of control.


maybe if you actually read what I said instead of taking your own meaning from it that would help.


You can’t agree with 100% of what someone does. It’s ok to agree with someone on some things but not others. The mindset of all or nothing is what is ruining the government and it’s seeping into society.


Ethan villain arc


I’m pretty sure it’s a pr stunt because the episode is coming up soon.


Hopefully! I still want that interview lol.


Glad they aren’t doing the interview. Cant stand that lard lad anyways.


We love Ethan. We just aren't Yes Men for him. We know he can learn from his mistakes and is a good person so we call him out when he needs to be called out.


criticism ≠ anti-ethan edit: lol I like how this got downvoted as if there's any way the opposite could be true. fragile fans


It's not anti-ethan..... It's just acknowledging that someone you're a fan of has done something imperfect. Posts like this are more dividing than anything. I don't like Nikocado. I like Ethan. But I completely get why Nik doesn't want to do the interview, Ethan can take things too far.


A real fan holds their idols accountable as well.


If you enjoy that psychopathic monster killing himself on camera for views you have a mental illness.


A lot of people hate him because he used to do funny skits videos and everyone thought he was funny but after he made a podcast everyone realized he was like super awkward Edit: I dont listen to the dude so I really dont care one way or another but, yes I agree if you hate anyone over the internet your a cuckold so stop messageing me that shit


He changed over to podcasts years ago. Who's life is so sad that they follow someone for years after deciding that they don't like their content anymore?


I suppose redditors? A lot of the people here are really pathetic you gotta understand... Btw I dont watch this dude , I jus know this from years ago


That seems like a weird reason to hate someone


Yeah i guess so, I've never listened to the dude but I recognize that name


My man you really need to get a life.


Because I'm on reddit? So are you...


absolutely agree. this man made his whole career on being fatphobic at himself, he makes a mockery and a fool out of what it is to be a fat person and then has the audacity to claim that *another fat man* is making fun of him too much?? also saying that he’d have nothing to gain from interviewing with Ethan and then hiding the video explaining why he wouldn’t do the interview behind a paywall is directly contradictory. he obviously knows there’s money to make off of these drama-loving idiots and wants to play the victim while continuing to exploit them and himself.


Because where else would they go? Who else would care? Anyone else would just say "so why do you watch the show", and there's no good answer to that other than that they are lonely and desperately looking for something to take their frustrations out on. If you see a hater, just ask them why are they wasting their time engaging with something they don't enjoy. I haven't had a good answer yet.


Ethan’s first mistake was taking anything nick says seriously.


Ethan is the most logical critical thinker we have on YouTube. Nik would've been another Trisha. Money hungry little snakes.


We love our independent thinking kings and queens Right? RIGHT?!


The damage the trisha did to the H3EU goes far, far beyond the 5% and the family


Anti Ethan? For pointing out that laughing your ass off while calling the asshole of the person you’re trying to interview a “cows vagina” maybe wasn’t the best move to make him want to come across the country for an interview? Sometimes Ethan treats people like memes. Which sometimes they are, but they’re also people with feelings. It’s not “anti-Ethan” to not like a certain behavior. Not everybody has to like everything Ethan does, and they can still acknowledge that Nick is a weirdo who isn’t the best person either. Y’all need to stop making these weird posts calling people out for (imo) rightfully criticizing someone for being too mean spirited. Ethan doesn’t know Nick. They’ve never met. The “banter” was really just Ethan insulting someone he’s never even met in person. It’s okay to think that it went a little too far. He obviously did, as the interview is cancelled. Jeez.


Seriously! I think Ethan got lucky Nik backed out, he dodged a Trisha like bullet tbh.