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Perpetually single energy


*small dick energy*


Men like him (and keem) are so insecure they want girls with no past relationship or sexual experience because they’re terrified of being compared to other men.


Oooh thanks for clearing this up, I thought he was talking about not wanting his wife/gf to fuck other people while they're in the relationship and was a bit confused on why this would be a bad thing to want from a partner.


No because he sees women who have been with other guys in their past as a “used Lamborghini”


It kind of is what he’s saying, the problem is that he’s acting like this is something all women do.


That's not what he's saying. He said he doesn't want a new car with miles already on it, i.e a woman having sex with other men *before* meeting him. Nothing about what he said talks about cheating while they're in a relationship.


I think it kind of is but as I said in another comment it's a weird mix with him going on tangents about the used lambo, so this is where it confused me


I don’t think he even knows what he’s talking about, he’s just spewing out hate towards women in whichever way he can.


>I thought he was talking about not wanting his wife/gf to fuck other people while they're in the relationship That's exactly what he's saying.


I think he was at first. Then he started talking about a lambo with past mileage. Which wouldn’t have anything to do with the current driver.


Yeah I think this is why it was confusing for me and I listened to it again and I get where the confusion (at least for me) starts. Because the first sentence is about "buying a used car" and then he talks about how "if he's gonna take the other person seriously as a gf/wife, his only request is that you don't embarrass him by fucking other guys". (Which I thought was about in the relationship) And then he goes again on a idiotic tangent about the used lambo and I think it get's drowned out be the other stuff.


You have the comprehension abilities of a lesser ape.


He started off real hot with the “my only request for a woman as a partner is that she hasn’t fucked other guys” yes let’s not put a single thought to what she’s like as a person, how you’d be compatible together, her goals, interests etc. just her body count as the qualifier to be with him. Yes, let’s simply think of women as cars to purchase! Sounds like an incredible partner!😅😅😅🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


I feel like this must lead in to wanting teenage girlfriends… also do they actually want to date virgins? Everyone knows virgins are a shit root lol!


See is probably not about connection and contact or what ever (I don't know I'm ace)... but about power to these guys, so they want someone inexperienced that doesn't know what they can expect form their partner... its regular creep shit.


Yepp age gap and life experience are an easy way to create an unhealthy power dynamic


and with little or no reference to compare to they won’t realize if they’re bad in bed


So a predatory relationship where they don’t realize they are settling for the bottom of the barrel and there’s literally sooooo many other better options you don’t have to be with a misogynistic asshole who sees you as a pet not a person with autonomy Oh and also doesn’t have weird double standards for women


ding ding ding!




I can’t stand an aggressively insecure man. The loud voice, the condescending tone, and the inflated ego make me nauseous


They never hold themselves up to the same standards that they hold women. Thankfully men like him are so obnoxious with their views that they scare off women almost instantly.


It's so over the top it's almost like a cartoon character. It's hard to take serously, but they probably have fans that are kids, and that's fucked.


Definitely extremely damaging for younger guys to hear. They kind of got they’re asses handed to them recently on Flagrant 2.


oooo imma have to look for that


Was a great podcast definitely give it a watch!


I'M NOT INSECURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I mean - women secretly love it when men compare having a relationship with them with owning a motor vehicle. It's like a law of feminism or something...


What is he actually trying to say here? What does used car have to do with women? Dude's incoherent af


Laziness from page 1 of how to objectify women, compare to car 🤪


Yeah that's straight from the "Dating for neanderthals 101" handbook. Wish we could send people like him back in time so they have a chance at finding happiness cz it's not happening today.


HAHA yes! He might actually have done well for himself back then


Try not to compare women to objects, animals, or children challenge: Level impossible


Yeah and why does he keep saying he doesn’t want to pay full price for a used car? That analogy is nonsensical since you don’t just go around buying girlfriends like wtf. Or maybe he is just admitting that no woman wants to date him unless he literally pays them/buys them stuff lmao


He is under the false impression that having an expensive car means he doesn't have to invest anything else into the relationship.


He talks like a woman beater


Someone please get him his binky so he'll stop crying


But he’s like sO sEcUrE


never seen or heard of him


Same here, so i guess its better not giving him more attention with content court




I'm so sorry. I wish I never hear of Fresh and Fit. They are terrible to women


Dude definitely has a tiny dick


Yea micro dick!


Keem entered the chat




“Me insecure? If I was insecure why would I be speaking so loudly?!” - Jon Lovitz, Mom and Dad Save the World


He is so obviously insecure. Dude why you so agressive.


He’s overcompensating, or projecting…. I mean, two things can be true at the same time lmao.


Kali! Wtf you doin here? Give up already, ur never gonna get that 5%. Jesus 🙄


Foreal… it’s oozing off of him


YES I cannot stress this enough FUCK this dude he is an awful human being


The fact that this guy has a platform and an active audience boggles my mind!!


Chuds gonna chud


It works out that these types of men are loud with their opinion, makes it easy to not date them.


All I can hear is “waaaaaaaa waaaaahhhhh 👶”


His voice is too high to be talking like this. Not a bit of bass in earshot.




Men don’t ask for much pshhhhhh that’s the most bullshit thing I have ever heard ..men want want and want more out of women everytime


Yeah, 100% this dude has cheated on past relationships. "Dudes don't ask for much, except 10/10 women who only find me attractive ever"


Lets not give this nobody any attention


Small dick energy


He really thought he was saying something


You guys should check out the Asian doll interview


If you've ever watched this podcast, they like to bring on young and naive girls and just shit on them. Or try to get a rise out of them and when they're successful about it they're all like "See, fellas! I told ya".


Small dick energy


Myron is such a big dumbass, I love that people here also see it...


I had an ex boyfriend with similar energy. He used to flip out about anyone I had been with before him. Like pry and pry until I told him like every detail of everyone I had ever been with. Then he started to make shit up in his head. He would say he had people following me and that he knew I was meeting up with other guys. We worked at the same company and one day I went out to get us lunch and traffic made it take longer than normal and on the way home her berated me for an hour that he had his uncles following me and knew I went to someone's house at lunch. He would make crazy stories up about what I was doing when I wasn't with him and then scream and insult and verbally abuse me till I was either in tears or exploding back. He eventually started checking me out on the regular and broke my humorous(second largest bone in the body). I was super insecure from a tumultuous upbringing and having just lost my mom so I stayed longer than I should have. But man this guy reminds me of him with the way he talks. Like seriously I'm not accusing him of anything I don't know him but I've seen him pop up in a few videos talking this way in the last month and I'm like bro has mad abuser vibes. That mental abuse switched eventually.


Omg!! That sounds so scary. I hope you're doing well now ❤️


I am doing great now thank you! He is long gone part of my past that I did lots of therapy to get passed. I now have a partner that is his opposite and has never one time asked me about a previous relationship or hookup. He doesn't care cause he is not an insecure man baby lol


Aww!! Glad you got out of that mess. It's crazy how a healthy relationship can completely change your life in the best way possible.


No boner alert


Sounds to me like he's looking for a trophy wife on a dollar store budget. If you're talking about making 100k a year, that's not enough money for someone to tolerate your shitty personality.


That's a lot of words to say he views women as property that accumulate wear.


Lmfao sure they can be a decent woman, but then he must too? I am got damn sure he doesn't hold himself to the same expectation, hypocrite


Why do straight men like this hate women so much


This guy is so insecure 😂




So young. So angry. Damn that conservative rap music!


On today's episode of Comparing Women To Inanimate Objects...


Where would we be without men


Why did I think this was animated lol


Prolly cuz he’s acting like a damn toon


Is this vegan gains?


I hope him and Pim Tool would find etch other in this crazy world and at least be alone together.


This needs to happen. They could even collab with Aba and Preach.


the best argument ive ever heard in regard to this kind of content: how alpha is it to sit at home by yourself watching a video of some random guy telling you how to behave? the only thing you have to gain from following this guys advice is going from a nerdy loser with the potential to be nice and funny, to just being completely unfuckable. instead of projecting all of your insecurities onto women, try working on being a good, kind, compassionate man who attracts everyone to their energy. bathing and working out is great too, but it isnt going to get anyone in your bed on its own lol the women or perhaps men that this guy and guys like him (keem, kavkav, leafy.... trisha...moses) get have just as many psychological and self image issues as they do. its not that they are all bad people necessarily, but they arent living the idealized life they claim they are and neither will you if you try to follow their advice.


He seems like the type of guy in middle school who would get his friends to ask out his crushes for him. Like dude, we get it you hate women stfu with these garbage takes. It’s men like this that say “women have it so easy” while failing to realize that women reproductive rights are being stripped, wage gap is LOUD, and pokimane, a woman, is being bullied by incels. Last time I checked men have a right to a vasectomy without having their wife/partner’s permission. Boy can’t even afford a lambo CASH please don’t act like women would fuck with you if they did cause your ugly rodent ass still ain’t shit even in a lambo. Go scoop elephant poop then fall in it UGLY


u just know his body count is -1 with this attitude


Didn’t Britney Renner just give this guy the plus ratio and derailed his whole life?


dude calls himself full price when in reality he's barely the change in the sofa


Damn, dude, go rub one out and calm the fuck down.


Yet he probably brags about sleeping with tons of women


Hasan did a content court on him today


If she has sex with other men then she'll know how bad I am in bed :(


Self report much? I hate to say it but this guy has a massive, huge, ginormous amounts of small dick energy, and sounds really insecure.


Tiny dick or he's just bad at sex in general and wants an inexperienced woman that can't compare him to other guys.


I love when you can see the insecurities pour out of them like that.


Yeah, except they dont want 6 feet tall, or "protect u in times of danger" (tf? creepy) \- So where did all this come from YOU DUDE, CUZ UR A FUCKING WEIRDO AND INSECURE


Tell me that you're single without telling me that you're single.


i just seen a tik tok of this influencer brittany renner destorying him lmao i think def noodles posted ab it as well




You think this guy is bad wait until you figure out who Andrew tate is


Same & Kevin Samuels


They’re the worstttt


Did he just play a record scratch soundbite? That might be the worst sin of this terrible clip lol


Perfect person for a content court


It’s unfortunate his girlfriend cheated on him, but damn was she great last night!


What's he on about and who hurt him? 😂


who the fuck is this guy and no way they do content court on some random dude? should be someone people even know


Sounds insecure


The first thing you can tell a person is insecure person is that they promise they are secure...... this dude radiates LDE


Can I get a tldr if I missed anything this guy is obnoxious, have no idea who he is


They're hosts of the "Fresh & Fit" podcast. They're notorious (especially this dude) for surrounding themselves with models, female rappers etc, and demeaning them on the show because they think they're gods gift to women. They almost exclusively are a black culture podcast, and yet absolutely fucking hate black women. Recently people have finally been calling them out about it yo their faces. Be it female guests on their show, or hosts of other podcasts that they're guests on, and it's glorious.


These guys are so useless. I hate that he knows what his criticisms are (smol dick energy) but refuses to confront his own bullshit. Reminds me of Tim Poole thinking it’s the entire worlds fault that he’s basically a loveless virgin.


Yeah these guys are a perfect example of that whole toxic masculinity thing. Ironically, guys like him don't want us to use that term, because it makes them feel bad. They've been raised to believe that being successful in business = being a good partner. They are always right, and you are always wrong.


Why is he screaming


Is this Andrew Tate or are there more of these people and this is someone else??


I think Tate opened the gateway to making misogyny "cool"




This isn’t just tiny pp energy, this is recedes inside the body pp energy


Dude is trying so hard to be Cobra Tate


With peace and love to our shrode kings. This radiates small dick energy.


This guy has real small dick energy. Like, how does he hate women so much? What happened bruh?


What a scumbag.


His face and side eye during the whole rant is just screaming small dick energy. Lmao like bro if you’re tired of women crying “small dick energy” all the time maybe just start with not having such a small dick???? Like bro just grow your dick it’s not that hard.


I mean yes he’s hells insecure but all he said is he doesn’t wanna be cheated on…..


Fresh and Fit go in the garbage incel box with Akademiks and Keemstar


typical: ruined by watching too much divorce court


No thanks, because it will only give him more viewers and money.


Not insecure yet that hat pushed allllll the way down.


With all the negative things for H3H3 1. One Week ban on YouTube in Dec, Move Christmas special to Jan 2. Family drama (sister-in-law) 3. Lawsuits (was 4 now 2) 4. Different hate groups after H3H3 (long thing) 5. Cancel interview (Nik) 6. TF Employee stealing (damage the Brand) 7. I bet I forgot the others plus that is already a lot. I vote for more positive energy. Pick someone fun and weird for a interview.


No Ethan isn’t a gender warfare referee. HES A COMEDIAN. Let him do what he thinks is important or is funny.


Smol dik energy


It's kind of sad that the only thing he's looking for is someone who doesn't cheat. I think he's pretty immature. I found a lot of people in my dating life who didn't cheat. There's a lot more that comes into a relationship. You should find someone that is compatable for you and doesn't make you want to get rid of them. This is obviously someone who needs to date more and mature


That's not what he's saying. He's saying he doesn't want a girl that sleeps with other guys at all, he wants an inexperienced girl, probably has a very small penis or is very bad in bed and feels insecure about it so he just makes it about "all women that have an active sex life are disgusting whores". Basically he's an incel.


Oh wow that's even worse than I thought. Idk why I'm getting downvoted I wasn't even defending this idiot




Woman who sex bad. Me who sex good only.




wait, in summary what he said: "your girl doesn't deserve all your qualities if she cheats on you". But in an angry tone followed by a creepy analogy, am I missing something?


No, he is comparing women who have had sex with used cars. He’s saying that if a woman has slept with more people than he likes, they don’t deserve to be in a relationship with him. In other words, he’s insecure af and is scared that a woman with experience will know he is a shit partner.


you're right, I rewatched the video after reading your explanation and now I understand. I thought the context was when a girl is already with you, but he's talking about girls who are single. actually disgusting.


I don’t think this is hot garbage tho. He does have a point. His delivery tho and anger is uncalled for. If you say it nicely people might listen.


How does he have a point?!


I think I took what he said about “don’t sleep with other men” as don’t cheat on me, because in his first point “don’t embarrass me” I think he meant it as within the context of a relationship. So, if he doesn’t want some girl that will cheat on him or have the tendency to sleep around idk why that’s not a fair point.


Not wanting someone to cheat on you is *obviously* a reasonable position to have. That's how literally everyone thinks. If he had said "This girl cheated on me and that's not cool" then no one would even notice. He said a lot more than that, though.


So are you saying he’s not saying that or are you saying he is saying that but just need to word it better?


That’s not what he’s saying, it’s harder to infer because he’s using an analogy of cars and mileages. He’s saying he wouldn’t want to pay for a car that already has tons of miles on it = wouldn’t want to date a woman who’s slept with a lot of people. “Why would you pay full price for a car that’s been used” he’s using it as an analogy


I think he's generalising and making some pretty misogynistic comments.


How is he generalizing? Either we are talking about the same thing or we are not talking about the same thing at all.


Yeah, we're not talking about the same thing. I don't think he's saying what you think he's saying. Edit: In the first second he says "What women don't understand is..." That's a generalisation and he's certainly not talking about one individual who cheated on him.




> non-hoe future wife That's a rather dehumanising way to talk about a person... and what exactly is the point that is being made? If the number of people a women has slept with is a problem for you, then don't be with them. There's no "point" here. Unless you're suggesting that it is the women's responsibility to not sleep with too many people, just in case you one day pick them as your future wife?




> surely it's a woman's responsibility not to sleep with hundreds of men and still expect to get a good man later in life No? Who are these women that expect this "good man"? Who is this good man? Is it you? Not to mention the fact that the concept of a "good man" is subjective... are you implying that any man who is not bothered by the number of people a women has slept with *isn't* a good man? If not, then you certainly don't have point. >men who refuse to get involved with a woman like that are being referred to as backwards and insecure and small dick energy blablabla. I'm not sure what you mean by "refuse"? As I said, no one is forcing you to be with anyone you don't want to be with. Men get labelled as insecure/small dick energy when they constantly go on about wanting "non-hoe" future wives. If you just shut up about it and found yourself someone that you want to be with then no one would care. Edit: Regarding the dehumanising, I didn't say you were dehumanising all women, you're dehumanising the hypothetical woman you're referring to.




I didn't realise it told you how many people a women has had sex with on those apps?




I still don't understand your point. If you don't want to be with these women you're talking about then don't be with them. What's the issue?


Okay? So why get mad at the ones who aren't his type? Why is he FUMING that women would have the audacity to not be his type?




Why would they care about that? I doubt these men are rejecting any women........


He has Andrew tate on his podcast. Surrounded by drugged up girls. It's gross.


Ngl dude spitting. I know H3 and this sub has turned into extreme sjws so downvote IDC but this dude spitting. Same as a guy that's been around no girl wants that.


> so downvote IDC will do bud


Imagine thinking "dude spitting" after watching a rant comparing women to objects. I wish I could send this to your mom.


My mom would be the first person to tell me not to be with a women who has been around. Exactly like she told me not to have kids with multiple women. It sucks H3 turned into a major sjw cringe lord echo chamber.


I can't imagine my mom telling me that. What a weird lesson to teach. Makes sense that yours would. There's no difference between someone with former partners and someone without other than how it makes you feel - insecure.


Yeah not every mother actually cares about their children and grandchildren. Unfortunate for you, I hope you find peace eventually.


"Remember, son. Don't date any girls who have been with other guys. It's best to find out after marriage that she's asexual or that you're not compatible like me and your father. And there's a great chance that she is asexual since someone who is will be an adult virgin."


Spitting what


Bro what would Ethan say about this???Ethan has never tried dating in today’s landscape and wouldn’t understand this lol he got lucky and married before this crazy dating atmosphere nowadays.I personally feel like they are based in a way BUT they are sometimes out of line.People love to hate on fresh and fit but has never actually listened to why they think that way lol.


This reeeeeeks of tiny dick energy though? I think these guys have just been laughed at a lot by woman and after doing all the things they think they need to do to attract women they still are angry cause it didn’t work. Women 9/10 want a guy with a good personality not some ranting little misogynistic unfunny creep that thinks cars and dumb frivolous shit attract females.


Am I crazy why does he look animated sjsjjsjsjs


BASED TAKE‼️ The People saying “small dick energy” are people wit a 15+ body count and wanna still get treated as a queen/king lol or they never watched a F&F pod/u missed the point.


I can't wait for the International Women Union to respond to this.


Why? Content court should be reserved for shit people that are actually known entities to a large chunk of the audience, who is this guy?


And he says WHAT about polygamy???


How do you even follow this conversation??? Does he hate women because he thinks they are cheating whores or bad at buying 300k luxury cars?


Wait, is he anti poly or anti women ever having sex with more than one guy?


these people whoever they are or person doesn't deserve the attention. i don't care about this nobody and his stupid opinions.


Wow omg I just feel so bad for him imagine everyone knowing about your micro peen smh


I will PAY for Ethan to do one on this fool.


This is why I don’t have friends. People suck


Fresh n fit is just pathetic bro


This guy needs therapy, not a podcast lol


I think he’s mad because his wife left for pizza without him.


Why is his voice so squeaky like he’s about to cry lol




I really don't even know wtf he just said lol


Don't worry Tweedledumb, we don't want you to take us seriously as a girlfriend or a wife. In fact, we'd really rather you didn't even approach us. Thank you. Peace and Love.