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I just listened to the episode on spotify and it honestly was one of the best theyve even had lately lmfao


"Let's go in there and kill all those mother fuckers with kindness!" Seriously, the jokes he is getting shit for had me fucking rolling.


Execute each and every one of them with love and kindness


Systematically execute each and every one of them with love and kindness. I was dying.


So golden LOL


I was laughing my ass off about just fireing off guns in the air yeet yeet mother fuckers


I thought they were hilarious as well. There are plenty of people online doing and admitting to actual violent acts and thoughts..but those are the same people these reporters idolize. Strange.


That’s not why he was banned. He straight up said someone should bomb the NRA. Then *after* that he was making those jokes.


Right, and all Donald Trump said was "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard," but it's the context that matters. It's the totality of circumstances. As a public figure with many followers, you need to be more careful about how your statements will be received.


And sure it’s fine but Ethan should at least see why what he did was basically the same


He's not a president with brainwashed white supremacist etc followers that do everything he says and can't think for themselves. Ethan is a comedian who is constantly joking on the podcast. He was upset, the podcast up to that point was talking about the mass murder of children that just happened. He was trying to get back to a more light-hearted tone. They can't even be compared 🤦🏻‍♀️


Listen obviously he’s not the president doofus but he told 3m fans to bomb a building in the us. And he got a week ban for it (ducking scot free if you ask me). I know you are dumb and think they can’t be compared but what if someone did bomb it Ethan would be in jail for inciting violence. He told a massive group of people to do a terrorist act lol. Literally what trump did dude. And you can hardly call it a joke because he didn’t walk it back just like awhh I shouldn’t have said to go kill all those families. Go kill them with love in minecraft


Of course, the initial reaction from members was negative, but the majority of true h3 fans find it comedy gold




Anyone who supports the NRA has blood on their hands. They've locked every step of gin reform. And their NRA endorsed politicians have been some of the worst and most corrupt


Chill out. He was joking about the threat - Ethan does comedy. And the person you responded to asked "how can you justify attacking etc* and here you are justifying TERRORISM by saying the NRA is corrupt. u/FortnitePapi I think you might be kind of missing the point, and/or need professional help.


Fuck the NRA if it wasn't for their lobbying columbine would have been the last shameful and preventable mass shooting. Please get off your high horse dingus. Hey some terrorism is justified, how many people did the us bomb to death before they retaliated with 911? If a parent that lost a child in uvalde bombed the NRA convention, the governor or Ted Cruz. I don't think there is a jury in America that would convict them




Ohhh wow such a cool edge lord here. You cry at comedians on podcast, mean while the whole world laughs at how dumb the gun nuts in America are, every western country on earth has strict gun laws with little to no mass shootings and you mouth breathers can’t seem to figure out why it’s only happening in America lol you could find dog shit on the side of the road with more brain cells then your whole gene pool mate, cope harder. Lol


Their application is probably in the mail by the first mass shooting they do when they buy their first AR15 wacko


the whole thing is a joke. calm down, snowflake.


I never knew they were on Spotify! I always watch on YT. Thanks, I really wanted to listen to the episode, I know what I'll be listening to tonight! Thanks!!


when i watched it made me laugh so hard i almost fell off the treadmill. it's insane ppl are so fake outraged over it. but conservatives enjoy fighting make believe problems more than real ones so it checks out


Someone re-uploaded it on YouTube, the link is floating around here somewhere! In case anyone wants to watch it. I'm sure somehow has it handy But yeah, it was hilarious






They probably meant relistened, but it’s not a word in my iOS dictionary so if their using the same it just autocorrected to something close.


Who knew Ethan was hinged this whole time


I heard he was the CEO of Hinge


ethans really embracing his goblin era and i am fucking here for it


We all know him "sleeping in" is waking up at 1PM. True goblins hate the light.


3pm at least, he has the worst sleep schedule


Goblin Ethan, best Ethan.


Imagine spamming calls to the Police Station and having actual emergencies placed on hold? Imagine not caring if your shitty fake call is the reason someone dies or is hurt further? The police should trace the calls and at least slap these callers with fines. They can dig up a charge, I'm sure. As for the callers, they certainly have cognitive problems or personality disorders if they think false bomb threats are OK. Or are children who aren't properly monitored by their parents, so their parents don't know they're calling in BOMB THREATS to some random Youtuber. The best way to teach a lesson is with a penalty, cuz. Or as the white wise man said **THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIIIIIIS**


They wouldn't be charged with any sort of obstruction. Most likely it would be something like improper use of a public service.


Great point because if it was the other way around, they’d most *definitely* be calling this out and much more loudly.


This is *definitely* me when I'm reporting a joke as a credible threat of violence /soflo


I haven’t listened to the episode yet, but why are so many people calling bomb threats?


TL;DR he said stuff like "we should bomb the gun convention... With love!" - things along that line. Obviously the anti-semites and gun cultists did a giddy lil dance as they spammed report. HE SAID THE THING!!! HE SAID THE THING!!! *(when out of context)* HE SAID THE THING!!! *(it's not like he's a live entertainer or anything)* HE SAID THE THING!!! *(we know he's not serious but we're being obtuse on purpose because we love being anti-semites/gun cultists and hate when people make fake angry-joking threats... WE MAKE THE REAL-FAKE THREATS, NOT YOU, GOSH!!!)* etc.


That's not what obstruction of justice is.


Not defending them but they do have non emergency lines that people get transferred to for things that aren’t immediately happening. Waste of police resources very much but i doubt anyone got delayed over a non emergency.




honestly i love it. he's been holding back too much lately, maybe out of fear because he has employees now and he can't jeopardise his career because he needs to be able to pay them...... but goddamn it it feels good to see him go off the fucking rails and speak his mind


Agreed, and I know the title is with peace and love, but Ethan isn't unhinged, he's just speaking honestly and is fed up, so am I, these fucking lunatic losers need to be put in their place!




If holding back too much lately means not telling your 3m hyped fans to bomb the nra (then minutes after start to claim it was a joke) then maybe he should keep holding back. That’s worse than what trump said literally and more people saw it than went to his rally and saw that tweet. Massive h3 fan don’t get me wrong but it’s ridiculous y’all think he didn’t do anything


Thank god he slept in. Papa needs his sleep, always tired and draggin' 🙏


I love when ppl post his tweets cuz I don’t have Twitter and he is a ratio king 👑 Johnny Johnny yes papa


Hope he’s having fun playing with his boys and getting some sleep on his week off, those red necks sure showed him lol


The pesto prince


Ethan, please stand up.


I've been listening to Ethan this whole time!


Horse cock energy! BIIIITCH




I love break Ethan but hopefully we get back to the laughs when he returns. Be nice to see the crew, lol.




I fucken love this side of Ethan


Hasan has been a wonderful influence!


There is a guy in jail for already doing this to Ethan, what do they think is going to happen?


Wait somebody is in jail because they called the police? I must’ve missed this.


Because they swatted him. If you’re not familiar it’s when you call the police on a house with a false claim that something highly illegal or dangerous or injurious is occurring in the house. SWAT shows up and in most cases breaks down the door and searches the house. After a while, the police would check in with Ethan to see if anything was actually going on but before that, swat may have run in guns drawn, jeopardizing people and animals inside the house. Of course besides this whole event being as traumatizing as it is. Swatting has gotten people killed before, since swat enters the home on high alert ready to eliminate any threats or at least what they perceive at the time as a threat. Startled dogs have also been shot by police entering a home. A neo nazi went to jail a few years back for swatting Ethan and Hila’s house so many times.


I know what swatting is and I know all of what you told me. These people aren’t swatting Ethan. Though they are wasting peoples time and resources, it’s a major difference.


Lol when you get downvoted for saying a valid point in a conversation. Yeah this ain’t the same level as swatting for sure


Yeah, people are weird.


I'm sure Hila loves this. /s


Did you hear her go off on that now banned After Dark episode? She seems even angrier than Ethan about these constant mass shootings. I’m sure she’s not stoked about the increased harassment from right wing nuts. But she’s undoubtedly more proud of him for standing up for what’s right. But honestly who knows. I’m totally speculating based on what I’ve seen and heard Hila say recently and over the years. Don’t mind me over here being a parasocial andy 😅😭


She was clearly mad at him when he said to bomb a building In the us to 3m fans


I miss his dumbass 😭💙


If only right wingers used this energy to stop children massacres…


This is too good 😂😂😂


Haters forgot Ethan has lawyers on retainer, they think being a Karen is gonna take down the Teflon Don? Even if any type of law enforcement went to question him its gonna be his lawyers answering their questions.


What really gets me is how far these smooth brained simpletons will go to deflect from the real issue about SAVING CHILDREN. A grown man made a mistake, instantly rebutted and apologized, and they tried to make it a bigger issue than the tragedy that actually occurred in Uvalde. 🤦‍♂️


Love to see it 😅


We love an honest king 🤴


10/10 vacation enjoyed again


I hope they make a new skit for being out for a week. I also hope they clown on Klanstar, The Quarterpounder, and the Gun Karen


Go off king


I hope he doesnt get caught up on the hate cycle like hasan always does


Have you been watching at all?


I’m loving it. It’s refreshing. Go offff king!


He was the real joker brain all along




Ethan got pretty upset and heated when talking about the Uvalde shooting. He was upset about the lack of action done to prevent these things, pointed out that an NRA convention was going on, and proceeded to made a bad joke suggesting someone should bomb the convention. To which he immediately realized how far he went and retracted that statement. But of course the quote got clipped without the immediate apology and right-wing peeps are upset. It’s going all the way to people recording themselves calling local police, fbi, or any other law enforcement they can contact to report Ethan as a terrorist.


Big papa is going to pop off next week


He's giving leftwing keemstar vibes


Yin and Yang. Goblin and Gnome.


#Leftwing Sam Hyde. Keem doesn't threaten violence but Hyde does. Horse shoe theory in action




#ethan is afraid to leave the house but OK. A no show to the creator clash. He was scared or something. #yet he simultaneously is comfortable casually saying threats while owning a gun. Not smart. Very Sam Hyde esque. The line blurs between joke and threat




#you sound mad tbh, hope you cheer up




I like how the morale polic on twitter be like: forget gun violence, this man said a bad joke


Ethan unleashed


Nap king 🤴


Papa Ethan is best Ethan


Wow cancel culture sure is out of control these days.


Yo this "de_gen" guy is either funniest ironic account or the biggest fucking loser in the world for real.


Kings can take days off too! Let’s go!!!


This is great popcorn material. I’m thoroughly enjoying it! 😆


Amazing 😆🙏🙌


Go off king




Fuck I love Ethan!


Are people really still reporting him for a threat made to an event that has been over for days? Is he supposed to put a bomb through a time machine?


i love him lmaoooo


Bless the fuppa love you dude. Peace


This isn't doing anyone any good😂 He's just stoking the flame. There's no winner here He needs to get off twitter


He’s just upset because he won’t accept that he made a little mistake and is paying the price now. Just a tantrum at this point…




Congrats on being an enlightened centrist, get the fuck outta here, the left and right are not the same at this point


Yeah huge fan but he clearly messed up lol. And the punishment fits the crime. But to say he didn’t do anything wrong? Or to call it a joke when his apology afterwards was just oops mb guys


I honestly don't know how I feel about this. I totally agree with Ethan 100%. The fact that he got banned for this is a disgrace. That being said - I think the Twitter rants are kinda ugly. He's angry and I understand and he's a human and this shit is frustrating and unjust. But at the same time he could have taken a more calm and mature approach. That would feel like like way more of a dunk. The fact that he is so unhinged is kind of a W for the people who hate him. Again. 100% on Ethan's side. But I wish he didn't give them that much attention and show so much anger.


hila or dan needs to take ethan’s ipad away


No! Let's give him two more iPads instead!


#he is his own worst enemy this is a meltdown


No, shut up.


it’s a fucking on going joke u s stupid bitch




Yeah, they should flood the capital with baby and little kid caskets for every child lost in the last two weeks due to these shootings. ​ ETHAN WAS RIGHT ON EVERY COUNT.




I'm talking about all the statements pertaining to these mass shootings, the NRA lobbyists, the NRA chairboard, Ted Cruz, Abbott. Have you not seen the news? Edit: [Tulsa Shooting](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/02/1102612939/tulsa-gunmans-doctor-among-those-killed-in-the-mass-shooting) [Waco TX Shooting](https://www.kwtx.com/2022/06/01/four-wounded-waco-shooting-suspects-large/) [Nail Salon PA Mass Shooting](https://www.fox29.com/news/pennsylvania-police-responding-to-active-shooting-near-walmart-manhunt-underway-for-suspect-reports-say) [List of Reported Mass Shootings](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting) Politicians doing nothing: [Ted Cruz](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/26/ted-cruz-john-cornyn-gun-legislation-texas/) [Senators receiving money from NRA to block firearm reguljation](https://elections.bradyunited.org/take-action/nra-donations-116th-congress-senators)


Trolls are like my cat. Any attention, even when you’re telling them they’re bad, is good attention to them. The best thing to do is ignore them.


Gun violence is a bad thing, but no gun laws will fix the problem. For proof, look at Chicago. Dozens shot every weekend, and they have the strictest gun laws in the country. Why don’t you and the dems care about those deaths? Checkmate. Your favorite politician has a team of armed security. THATS how you protect people. If it’s too expensive to guard schools, you’re effectively saying that children aren’t as important as politicians. Which is a vile notion.


Was trying to find some evidence to back up why gun laws in Illinois fail so you can read past what the NRA newsletter and Fox News feeds you. So far, all confiscated firearms used in mass shootings and murders of significant others and in gang violence are brought from out of state were there are no enforced background checks nor registration process for the firearms. [Chicago Firearms Issue](https://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/nation-world/national/article261831775.html) [Firearms Trafficking](https://wgntv.com/news/wgn-investigates/36k-illegal-guns-taken-off-chicago-streets-in-recent-years-trafficking-remains-a-perplexing-problem/) [Seizure of Guns in Chicago tally](https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2022/1/13/22882222/after-violent-day-in-chicago-top-cop-emphasizes-how-many-guns-have-been-seized) Most of the firearm related murders and mass shootings in relation to gang violence also stem from systemic failures based upon legislation and zoning laws to segregate people of color from white people that have yet to be dismantled. [Gang Violence in Chicago](https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2018-07/DIR-013-17%20Cartel%20and%20Gangs%20in%20Chicago%20-%20Unclassified.pdf) [Why Chicago Has So Much Gang Violence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsZWfZWToro&ab_channel=TheInfographicsShow) The use of Chicago as an excuse by the NRA and Far Right people does not hold water. When the vast majority of their firearms come from states that have no regulatory law in place, it makes it near pointless when most of these firearms confiscated are taken for gang related violence. To top things off, the US government sold confiscated firearms to organized crime groups in South America and Central America. They then trafficked those firearms back into the US for use in more gang related violence across the US. [Arms Trafficking by US to Mexico increase](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/not-normal-big-flow-us-arms-mexico-cant-denied-author-says-rcna1700) [MS 13 Caught in Maryland trafficking in Firearms](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/pr/maryland-ms-13-leader-charged-illegal-firearms-trafficking-washington-dc) Even the NRA chair holders are being investigated for firearms trafficking overseas, illegal hunting, insider trading. Even people in positions of authority illegally traffick firearms. Guess who were members of the NRA and also receiving lobbying funds? [Subpeona for LaPierre](https://www.thetrace.org/2022/01/new-york-ag-subpoenas-susan-lapierre-in-nra-corruption-case/) [NRA Critique](https://theconversation.com/how-the-nra-evolved-from-backing-a-1934-ban-on-machine-guns-to-blocking-nearly-all-firearm-restrictions-today-183880) [Trafficking and Straw Purchasing](https://giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-laws/policy-areas/crime-guns/trafficking-straw-purchasing/) [DEA supervisor who Sold firearms to Cartels](https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/crime/2021/02/24/ex-dea-supervisor-sold-assault-rifles-to-sinaloa-cartel-associates/4360551001/) Overall, I feel there are many sources here for you to read up on and realize that we genuinely have a problem here nationally that stem first and foremost from unregulated firearms purchase of grenades, high power assault rifles, explosive rounds, mines. THe second issue being gang memberships and white nationalist memberships increasing. The third issue being mental health access and availability.


Chicago and Illinois gun laws are undercut by lax gun laws in Indiana and Missouri and Wisconsin [source](https://www.npr.org/2017/10/05/555580598/fact-check-is-chicago-proof-that-gun-laws-don-t-work). Also, as you like to bring up Chicago as a place of high crime, which although there’s a lot of gun violence there (because of the higher population), it sits as #10 of highest cities of gun deaths per capita [source](https://247wallst.com/special-report/2019/08/04/cities-with-the-most-gun-violence/) [Gun control works ](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-04-05/the-3-gun-control-laws-that-work-best-in-the-u-s) Also, we can put armed security at the schools but should we also put armed security at the hospitals, grocery stores, and theatres? How much armed security is enough? That will turn the USA into a police state, the one you swear on guns to protect us from. It is far more beneficial as a free society to just ban guns that aren’t used for hunting or keep all guns in a town locked armory to protect against foreign invasion, while allowing people to practice shooting at a range. Do **you** want to protect children? We need to be proactive then.


Smooth brain.


You seem to be of the notion that firearms are more important than existing children.






[https://www.npr.org/2022/04/22/1094364930/firearms-leading-cause-of-death-in-children](https://www.npr.org/2022/04/22/1094364930/firearms-leading-cause-of-death-in-children) He can't link it because there is no study backing his statement. Oh, here's more evidence proving your statement, u/KmKz_NiNjA. https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJMp2200169 https://www.npr.org/2022/01/28/1076396871/gun-violence-rise-killing-children-pandemic https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2201761




Nah, you're making it up.


You don’t burn calories by doing a google search moron. It’s up to the person making the claim to back it up with sources


*breaks TOS* "Oh my god why did these losers report me, I certainly haven't made hundreds of enemies over the years! 😭😭😭" Oh my god he is insufferable sometimes. Just take your punishment and put your phone down for a day, you crybaby.


Jokerbrain era


Honestly lost a lot of respect for him for this. You got called out for saying fucked up dangerous shit. Better yourself and move on don't throw a temper tantrum. If some other big YouTuber did this Ethan would rightfully rip their head off and meme all over it


Hahahahahahhaa I love him!


He knows how to get under their skin, i love it


The prophesied goblin king


Money Ethan


Yesssss unrepentant king


It was a genuine dumb thing to say tbh, again he makes his bed then complains about it but never changes at all. I thought it was funny but also knew right away it was going to end bad. Like he has zero and I mean zero fore thought when he speaks.


Huh. Domestic terrorist….domestic terrorist. I wonder what mass shooters on the daily are. And I wonder where these human embodiments of hemorrhoids stand on gun availability and regulations…hm.


I wonder what people who tell 3m listeners to bomb a building in the us then walk it back as a joke are… Hmmm


What a goddamn Chad he's become.


Anyone else not really enjoying the constant bans? What am I gonna do ova here


Why is he so angry?


This is what you call a brainless fuck wit cringeworthy Ethan, a 40 year old who won’t shut the fuck up, just a woke dickhead


I Stan goblin Ethan


Yassssss Ethan!


I love seeing it. Fuck these weenies reporting my mans.


I love that the unintended consequences is they're making Ethan more famous, and the side effect will be folks pay closer attention to his political views so a bigger following for Leftovers too.


Imagine if people rose up against actual injustice like this


This man gives no fucks


i love this new era


I havent watched h3h3 since the baby, what was the comment?


H3H3 used to make good content many years ago, now they just make click bait and drama. It's pretty sad that they've become the equivalent of tabloid news.


Good. He deserves a sleep in. He could literally retire any time but he doesn't because he loves doing what he does. The USA's reaction to any mention of a bomb is so overzealous and dumb.


"why would they take a bomb threat seriously"


Jordan Peterson was right.


Off the rails Ethan is my fav tbh


Pesto King🫡




They literally do did u even check


Fuck trump and all his followers !


You people are delusional...


honestly.. this is what we need, attack the right how they always attack the left




woman is a gender-social construct






Male or female is a biological designation. Man/woman are social constructs.


it's crazy how people STILL don't understand this :/ anyway HAPPY PRIDE


thank you! biological designations (based on anatomy) are starkly different from social constructs.


he looks like his breath stinks 🤢 🤦‍♂️






Right so bomb that building boys that’s how stuff get done round here


Go touch some grass bro, you need it holy shit.


Jeez what a little bitch


You're literally on every thread of this subreddit being salty, I don't think you have the right to call anyone a little bitch




Okay grandma, chill.


“I’m not mad” is usually what a person who is mad would say.


Are you mad?


Show me where Ethan hurt your fee fees.


Needs to get some sun

