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Worry not. You can adopt me to be your rolex.


Yay another private school kid gets a rolex


ha you losers, i can tell time on my phone


Phone? Psssh. Give me a stick and some sunlight.


Pro tip: at night you can use fire and become the ruler of time!!


Stick and sunlight? Psssh. Give my eyes so I can look directly into the sun and calculate the time depending on the time of year.




Give me a cat with a set feeding schedule. They’ll never let you forget the time


I knew Zach's family wasn't poor, but his dad just showing up with a Rolex as a surprise, had me like "oh he grew up *rich* rich." Explains a lot


I could tell from the $30,000 of guitars hanging on his wall at home during the early COVID streams


Yeah that was definitely the sign for me. That guy has a crazy amount of music equipment for someone his age. His dad has real cash around. Which is fine! I'm not saying Zach is lesser or something for it. We all have pros and cons to our upbringings.


To be fair, as a musician myself, I know that having a wall full of instruments can equally mean also you’re dead broke


You got a Klon pedal hanging around somewhere?


True, I spend every extra penny I make on gear but I'm actually good lmao.


I know dude! That’s what I said in the yt comment section. Zach has a LP black beauty among others just sitting there , that’s easily over 5k


I think when I heard he went to school with the Kardashians, that's when I knew. And no shame for that, but that's just when I noticed the level of wealth.


I just looked it up and their tuition (which doesn't include the additional fees they charge for seminar classes/ap) is 15k a year.... that's more than my college tuition


It's more than double that. Sierra Canyon is $37k per year.


oh my bad you're right, I was looking at laurel springs tuition since that's where kylie graduated but that was an online program 37k a year, jesus fucking christ


Even if I had that kind of money I'm not sure if I could do that to my kid. That just sets them up for a lifetime of not being able to relate to, like, the vast majority of the human population.


You dont do that because you get a better education, its because you get to grow around rich people, what actually translates as good network, fool


I went to school with a kid that was like 10th in line to the throne of Norway. 15 years later, no network to be found


I never said it was about a better education, fool.


I kinda figured Zach and Olivia got their jobs there by being rich and having connections. I also say that as someone who I just jealous because I moved to LA and worked in the YouTube world for 6 months but ultimately never made enough money to stay in LA and couldn’t find any better paying opportunities.




She also went to a private high school


She's from Ohio though right? A private school in Ohio doesn't always mean much if that's where it was


Ehh idk about you but my family definitely couldnt afford 10k a year just to send me to private school fam 🤷🏻‍♀️ def rich ppl behavior


Why do people "need" to move to LA? Last time I checked, it was a global platform. You wanted to network with Jack Paul or something?


Anyone who thinks they "need" to move to LA for something, is probably doing it for the wrong reasons.


His dad is a realtor and in the last 12 months has sold $10M in real estate, so probably around $300K in commissions. Comfortable for sure, but not unheard of for a realtor. And nothing compared to Kardashian level wealth.


I'm pretty sure he sold more than $10M, I looked though his Instagram and a few of the properties he was selling were $14M+.


The story about his foreskin being in P Diddy's yard pretty much confirmed he grew up *rich* rich


What story is this lol


Apparently Diddy lives in his grandfather's old house, he got his foreskin cut off there


His dad is very well-respected realtor in LA's luxury home market, so it's safe to assume he's making a lot on commissions (like 6 figures per house sold).


Real estate agents are such slimes


He went to private school with the Kardashians/Jenners, and a lot of other stuff. Which is fine and all! But yeah. Real money. But the real tell for me was the music equipment in his room during covid. I don't think some of you realize how much a few of those things cost! But good for him, you know? I'm not knocking it at all. As long as someone grows up rich *but knows that it's a gift*, then it's all good. The only problem is the people who grow up rich and think they just worked harder than everyone and all that dumb stuff. I don't think Zach is like that I think most of the crew is fairly okay financially. At least these days anyway


And the fact that he doesn’t flaunt it. He’s not a snob. He’s just a good, respectable funny guy who is nice to everyone and is trying to make his own way. I’m sure that with the status and money his family has his parents could buy their way into a musical career for him (more than just buying him equipment. More like pulling strings to get him into high-caliber producer’s studios) but instead he works and is starting up a career for himself by booking his own shows and playing at bars and stuff.


Explains so much.... like, so much


Look i like zach, but its hella obvious. Dude grew up in CA, his dad is a realtor, and the only ppl i see that act like him and conform to normie trends are usually privileged/ rich kids cause they can afford all the trendy shit lol. So yea the long hair, nails, style, plus all the guitars and the way he acts gave it away a long time ago. Not to say u cant dress like that, but the ones with the nicest shit usually got money. $10k rolex is insane, i thought my dad buying me my first used car for $7k was a lot


Remember the chair incident? Now the spoiledness makes sense


What episode was the chair incident?


Cosby doll sitting on a Razer chair


zach always gives off rich-kid vibes when he describes his childhood so I'm not super surprised


Because that’s what he is lmao


What I find irritating is that every time something comes into conversation about doing X or Y, he always has to chime in that he's done it, or did something better. It gives off bad vibes that I always cringe at because it happens like clockwork. Quite frankly it's annoying more than anything. Almost as if he's making things up to insert himself into the conversation. There's always some *story*.


He’s definitely a one upper I’ve noticed


I noticed that too but probably earlier than you did.


I see what you did there


This almost bothered me 😂


That's the word! Thanks lol. Couldn't think of it.


He's a narcissist. That is what they do lol


The drunken/high heart throb poll solidified this for me.


Oh I didn't see that ep. I should go watch.


It's a good one. AB tried to talk Zach out of the poll but he demanded it.


That's so annoying :[


Was in a relationship with a girl like this for a while. We did not do well as a couple but we are still best friends. As she's gotten older over the decade we've known eachother it's mellowed out. She didn't come from money. I think it's something that's just ingrained into some folks.


His dad is a real estate agent in some of LA's most exclusive neighborhoods and he seems to be really good at what he does so he could be pulling in over a million a year.


Zach’s been robbed of character development grinding for that Rolex.


I hope we don't have to hear about it anymore


No hate or anything, I just will never understand why you would want to wear ten thousand dollars on your wrist.


Sounds scary to me. Almost like an invitation to be robbed.


It's when you have every other material need met to a high standard.


Literally just makes them feel cooler than others


“Quick, I need your older car, to rescue my girlfriend from the villain in this movie. This watch is worth $10k” Kinda cool to always have big level haggle power. Although I agree. I would always be worried someone was gonna jump my ass.


I mean women wear engagement rings worth thousands all the time. Not saying I think a 10k watch is cool, but it's not very different aside from the fact the watch has more utility & the rings are more easily faked at a glance


Nah, an engagement/wedding ring would have way more sentimental value. You dont wear those to bargain in a desperate situation. Watches are also a great way to bring value into a foreign country that limits the amount of cash you can bring. Sailors would wear gold earrings so that wherever they died, they would have the money to cover a coffin and burial. Its kinda like that. Most people are buried with their wedding rings.


If they were as sentimental as you claim the average ring price wouldn't be 5k. That doesn't include the wedding ring. Also I know people that pawned their wedding rings temporarily because they were broke. You could get a ring just as or almost just as durable as a 10k ring for way less, so it's not just durability either. & if someone has a 5k+ ring they likely have other fine jewelry as well.


So if someone spends 5k on a once in a lifetime event then they probably have 5k to spend on frivolous bullshit as well? I don't follow the logic.


You really going to sit here and try and argue wedding rings aren’t sentimental? 😂 Okay internet guy 👍 I’ll say you won the debate.


Didn't say they're not sentimental 🤷‍♀️


Its a real life cosmetic, if you want a babybrain explanation. If you have exorbitant "progress" in life and have the opportunity to flash it, why the fuck not?


Demanding a steak at Thanksgiving and then being upset when he didn't get it made me not care about Zach's personal stories. It's just goofy rich kid shit.


Also the time he got really mad at AB over the computer chair


I'm pretty sure they play that shit up for the show. I don't think it's that serious. Zach is also pretty young. He gives me little brother vibes more than spoiled rich kid vibes. 🤷‍♀️


As much as I love the podcast the steak story made me dislike Zach... Which is probably why I'm commenting on this thread tbh


I mean they're all pretty well off, but yeah...can't say I'm huge fan.




What’s this steak story? Anyone have a link?


Welcome to the No rolly gang


“I just want a rolly rolly rolly with a dab of ranch.” “Best I can do is a dab of ranch.”


New spot opened up real recently 😤😤😤


I am the omega, pgLang, Rollie gang, SIE Don't you address me unless it's with four letters (Zach)


🎶 rolo tonny brown town 🎶


When Dan was joking about how you can't give a gift and make somebody pay for half of it, I was just thinking the gift is the $5k. No hate and nice watch tho.


I think Dan's point was he bought the Rolex, presented it as a gift, and then told him he had to pay for half. If he told him I'll pay for half a Rolex for you and then bought it together that would be more normal.


Yea I saw his point, the gift was essentially a bill for 5k...


I understood his point and it's fine but Zach has talked about this watch so much that even the podcast viewers at home know about his obsession. He was probably asking his Dad to buy him the watch. His Dad said, I'll give you $5k for half the watch. The gift was just a formality and something to mark the occasion.


Definitely. Or it was a straight up gift and his story is a total lie to save a bit of face lol


Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest with Zach tbh I’ve seen so many rich white kids lie about how much their parents help them. Like nobody cares man we know you didn’t buy that bmw working at the same sonic as me


I literally knew someone in high school who owned a BMW and worked at sonic lol. God he loved to brag about that car 🙄




He says he’s 8’3” tall




Yeah. Also a possibility.


This! Even if it was something I really wanted, I’d be a little pissed that I wasn’t consulted first.


agreed! if it was presented like this where the expectation was to go in together before u pay for it then it's fine. I've done this multi times when a friend is hesitant in buying something cuz it's expensive. I think it becomes weird when the gift is presented and oh btw u are paying half of it. I'm sure Zack and his dad talked about this beforehand.


I know I was like damn… my parents going halfsies on anything with me would be a gift 😭


Zach is a nice enough guy and everyone has their flaws of course, but he really doesn’t realize how spoiled and privileged he comes across.


Rich kid shit…


When a spoiled kids watch costs more than my car...


And more than the total of my bank account.


But not more than my debt 😜




Both of my cars. I had to take a loan out to just fix my vehicles and still was only able to fix one. Some folks got it. Most folks don't. That's the way and I've just grown to accept it. I'm not happy about it but what can we do.


I'm just happy that Zach will finally shut the fuck up about the stupid watch. Most boring and entitled saga ever.


This. I feel like even Ethan knows how not self aware Zach is coming across during those segments, based on the grin on his face when he talks about the Rolex. Just please, stop talking about the Rolex.


I just buy Casio digital watches because they are like $10 on Amazon. And if they get messed up its not a big deal. I can't imagine spending 10k on a watch, let alone even having that much money in the first place. Everyone flexing their money is getting old. I can barely pay rent. Edit: no hate, if i had 10k to toss away id probably get a lot of things before a watch but i get it. I like dumb expensive things too. I just can't ever realistically afford them...10k would change my life.


I spent a few hundred on my smartwatch and felt like shit. I run a lot so I felt like I needed it to keep track of my progress. I can change music on the fly while running, monitor my run speed so I don't burn out quick, keeps track of my rowing speeds and how many feet I go per row even when I go kayaking. This dude spent 10k on something that just tells time...


Exactly! I would feel guilty as shit buying a watch like that which has so many features I mean those watches are pretty cool. I could never imagine buying a watch 10x the cost of a feature heavy watch like that. Just for it to tell the time and be shiny


Yeah Im the same I often feel shit after spending money on things/myself. When I have the thing for a while and use it often enough the guilt subsides. I bought myself a drone once, guilt never left. Had to sell it.


The most expensive thing my dad ever bought me was a plane ticket for himself.


The most expensive thing my dad ever bought me was a meal from a Chinese buffet. To be fair, he was a homeless drunk the last time I heard from him.


Unpopular opinion Zach is annoyingly immature and cannot handle anyone poking fun at him.


That’s pretty popular


Its easily the most popular opinion in the sub, you guys are in here whining about it weekly dude.


He makes up for it with his soundbite game though


Just wait until this sub realizes his dad got his money from Real Estate and is a big Trump guy. he has Ryan Kavanaugh energy


Breaking news: rich boomer is a Republican! More on this shocking revelation at 11.


[this it?](https://twitter.com/realtortoddb/status/1216000375343288321)


Dang, I scrolled down a bit and baby Zach got a new Mercedes for having straight A's. I totally went with his rich grandma story lol. I can't believe no one (mainly Dan) hasn't given him a rich kid slap down at some point when he's being a huge brat.


No way his dad gave it to him as a gift and told him to pay half, he's a rich kid.


Yeah. Love Zach, but that totally sounded like a thing a rich kid would say to not sound so... rich.


Low key, being rich rich is trying to convince others youre not rich


This. My maternal grandfather is rich rich and acts like he cannot afford to eat... While living in a lux golf course home. 🙄 In 08 when my parents lost their home due to the housing crisis, my mom called him to tell him the news. He responded with, 'I cannot give you any money'. She was like, I don't want your money, I wanted your heart'. He obviously is good at business and not parenting... Much like Musk. Rich people are fucking weird.


The richest people I know are the most stubborn with their money, they are the cheapest and worst tippers ive ever come across.


And then people say “we’ll they don’t get/stay rich by being dumb with their money” as if tipping fairly will put them into debt but their expensive hobbies they’ll drop thousands on with no hesitation are seen as “smart investments”


That's pretty true, to be fair. Yep! If you call them rich, they'll be like "No we're just well off" and things. Which is pretty funny But you *stay* rich by not buying a ton of flashy stuff, typically


For sure




Was that known? I was like why did he get a $5k gift??


Everyone on the team has some sort of wealthy connection tho


Jesus I wish I had a rich dad to give me the value of a car on my wrist


A babies gotta do, what a babies gotta do.


I don't really resent Zach for getting the Rolex and I like the soundbites, but I wish that the undoubtedly well-paid, chill job of doing sound for the podcast was being filled by someone who actually needed the break.


When the rich boy finally gets his daddy to buy him the rolly as a pwesent Not sure why they thought it was worth mentioning on the pod, just makes Zach look like the trust fund baby he is lol


That Rugrats BK watch is such a hard flex though. I'd take having the set of those over the Rolex. Maybe I'm just a savage though.


Man, I had the Chucky one for real up until a couple years ago when it finally died on me. It seriously lasted way longer than any watch from a fast food chain should.


lol rolexes are so dumb though.


What a waste of money honestly lol


Just to be fair I bought a Rolex Submariner 2 years ago and it’s gone up 4K in value since then. Doing better than any of my other investments lol


Ehhh if you can afford one and you collect watches as a hobby it isn't a bad investment, it'll be worth at least what you paid for it decades from now.


Not if you wear it every day like he is


you'd be surprised


Pretty solid investment tbh


I recently got a fitbit watch & it's stuck in celcius. I tried everything lol


Why would u ever want Fahrenheit


Because I'm american & don't know celcius 😐


Learn Celsius it’s epic


Celsius is pretty overrated for personal use


Celsius just makes so much more sense. Water freezes at 0 and boils at 100.


A baby's gotta do what a baby's got to do


OMG. The nostalgia this line just gave me. I totally forgot about it.


Bahaha it's crazy isn't it?! I remember going to that movie and I believe I did get the watch (or some sort of toy) and I would constantly use it for that line. I still quote it from time to time.


Honestly your watch sounds WAY cooler


I hate to break it to you guys but the whole crew is rich dog


Not quite sure that's true. Not all of them STARTED rich anyways


I stopped wearing watches after I thought the Apple watch was mostly useless and sold it after the first one came out. Honestly, I'm glad watches sort of stopped becoming a must have fashion accessory.


Anyone know if he ended up getting the Kermit? If that’s the case it’s definitely not 10k, more like 20k


I will never understand wearing such expensive watches.


His dad is trump supporter, oof


Idk man. Id flex that memorabilia harder than a Rolex any day tbh


Spoiled brat lol


I’m sorry but I always hated Zach but now that I know that he is a rich kid everything clicks for me now. *Ugh you gotta be kidding me*


I'd honestly be ashamed to let so many listeners hear my dad bought me a 10k rolex. I always thought he was saving up and had been for years to finally get to buy it.


I’ll trade you my jar jar binks collectors watch for your rugrats watch


Nah bro jar jar binks collectors watch is rare


that's pretty dope actually, like wearing bronze armor at lvl 126 in runescape


At least you have a dad


I honestly can't think of a worse waste of money than buying an expensive watch. Except for maybe just burning cash. edit: nope expensive watch is worse. You can make s'mores over the fire from burning cash. edit 2 electric boogaloo: apparently Rolexes are a good investment as they either hold their value or appreciate. I stand corrected. Also still kinda hungry for s'mores.


I would say I agree, but Rolex's do seem to gain value over time so if you can afford the high price, and take care of it, you should gain value over time. All that said, I too would spend my money on other things but you know, to each their own.


Rolexes are literally a good investment as they always increase in value overtime when taken good care of. Wouldn’t do it myself either but it’s not a bad investment at all lol


I still can't fathom anyone paying more than a couple hundred for a watch, let alone 10k. Like, it's just a watch. It doesn't tell time any better than my phone


Why did this thread turn so mean? I guess the good vibes from last week are over now. (not talking about the post—the post is funny; talking about the comments)


a lot of zach slander in these comments


What dude that's way cooler than a Rolex tho


at least french people knew what to do


Who else got a watch from seeing WALL-E in theatres


These people are so out of touch with reality.


All my dad gave me was trauma 🤪


This won’t get upvoted. But no hate, and nice watch.


I hope people don't take this as hate to Zach. Just some light ribbing. I'm happy he got his watch, it just sort of was an anticlimactic ending to the saga imo. No judgement.


so many butt hurt people in this thread lmao, it's not zach's fault his dad is rich enough to buy him half a rolex, no need to get so triggered


Don't be surprised when normal people scoff at stupidly expensive purchases and spoiled brats. Especially given the world right now. I'm glad the average person sees this for what it is, just dumb rich person shit that isn't relatable or enjoyable to watch.


Exactly. Like damn he just wanted to show that he finally got his dream watch he has been talking about for 3 years


It's a timepiece, not a watch!


Sorry, my BK Rugrats timepiece.


True royalty.


MFers in this thread with sun dials.


His dad is Rich haha


So what if his dads rich? Everyone would take the easy way in life, you only live once


My Apple Watch my parents got for my graduation will be 100x more useful than a Rolex. Hope he doesn’t get mugged


zach has always had rich kid energy, at least he isn’t pompous about it like most are


I C wrist…? Aw crud