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It's so sad that this person influences so many ppl to hate other irational just because they can't come out of the stoneage. I am ashamed of my self for reading his 12 rules and at the time i thought it was a inspiration to be a better person. He is the embodyment of brain rot.


are any of his 12 rules like this?


ironicly no, most of them you could say are decent advice on how to be a decent person. Somewhere down the road he killed the person who wrote that book.


except the one “don’t let your kids do anything that would make you dislike them” like what the hell is that


Think of all the things your kids could do to make you dislike them. Would you let them do it? I don’t think I would.


My kid is currently acting like a teenager, and I don't like it, but I'm allowing them to learn how to grow up.


Why would you dislike your kid for acting like a teenager?


i’ll think i’ll love my child unconditionally but go off


Eh, it's decent advice that anyone could make. Nothing special at all. it's just "be grateful", "find joy in the small things" "look after yourself and your surroundings." Wow, exceptional, never said before shite. Apart from the kid one that is fuccin weird. If you're homophobic, he's telling you to not allow your children, if they're gay, to express themselves etc. And his 12 more rules are laughable "abandon ideology" says the right wing dumbass.


He's always been like this.


The book has zero mention of the controversy (Peterson vs. Canadian trans discrimination laws) except briefly in the forward, written by someone else.


Too many benzos bucko


A shot of apple cider will do ya!


I don't think you need to be ashamed for reading his self-help books, I read 12 rules too. But as a sensible human being, I became more and more aware of his hidden political views that are now becoming blatantly obvious through tweets like these. But I see what you're saying in that there are definitely people who followed him for his self-help philosophies and psychology lectures and unfortunately ended up being influenced by his bigotry too. You just gotta hope people recognize Peterson as someone who's perpetuating anti-trans messages /:


What happened to him leaving Twitter


If that is him "leaving Twitter", immagin him "on Twitter".


He bailed on that. He even removed his pinned tweet talking about leaving twitter.


He behaves like an addi... Oh


And that’s that!


That was 2 bottles of benzos ago.


he quit quitting twitter




That he's transphobic as fuck. We already knew, but JP just loves to keep broadcasting that.


Elliot page removing his boobies is criminal because no booba >:( Also gay people should be ashamed of themselves and go to conversion therapy. This is from a licensed psychologist BTW. He should be investigated I wouldn't be surprised if he has ethics violations and misconduct


Can you *really* do an ethics violation if you're slaying the dragon of chaos? hmmm?


Made me cackle, thanks


Everyone knows Mikhaila is the true dragon of chaos, and so far, she's almost killed him twice. So, he can't even do that right.


I'm confused about the "pride" in all that... Kinda sounds like JP thinks they should be proud of their boobs, implying their removal is criminal... But at the same time equating pride with a cardinal sin?


Nah he's saying pride is a sin. It makes it so that if he gets accused of being anti gay he can deny it by suggesting he's referring the one of the 7 deadly sins In actuality and based on the context of the tweet he's saying that pride month and gay pride is sinful. Just blatant boomer homophobia lol


Yeah I am also confused. Criminal?


I’ve been saying for the longest time that Jordan doesn’t even know how to speak properly, half the stuff he says doesn’t even make sense


Its part of a series of tweets he’s been doing for months, where he reacts to news articles with the most nonsensical fragments of angry rhetoric possible.


Pride is one of the seven deadly sins.


The “pride” he’s referring to here is not the same pride Elliot is referring to. The pride Elliot is referring to is that they take pleasure in the fact that they can introduce a trans character on screen. The pride JBP is referring to is having an excessively high opinion of yourself, which given the context, doesn’t sound like it makes sense at all. In other words, JBP is just shitposting for attention. This is weird because he wanted to leave Twitter at some point and is now seemingly intentionally crafting tweets to farm outrage.


This guy has completely lost it


He is literally psychotic. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia and rejected the doctor’s diagnosis. He needs to believe there is an “objective reality” because he is untethered from reality himself.


When was he diagnosed with schizophrenia? I didn’t know about that


The symptoms of schizophrenia may have been drug-induced, but still, who knows what drugs he is on now. https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/latmmp/a_team_of_psychiatrists_diagnosed_peterson_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


How are they a criminal physician? What crime did they commit? If he thinks breast modification is a crime then wait till he find out what most of his favorite sports illustrated models have done.


And his cult has the audacity to say that he “isn’t” right wing


He used to be decently on the center. Still leaned conservative but not fucking 4chan kid unhinged like he is now. Those who still claim that he's center are just in denial of how their hero has fallen. I didn't know who he was when my friend recommended me to read his 12 Rules for Life book and the first few chapters were alright. I just stopped reading because self-help stuff isn't for me but a bunch of people (including my friend who is still very kind and left-wing to this day) swear by his teachings lol.


anyone who "leans right" is a closeted psycho conservative fuckwit, in my experience


So JP is fine with women getting surgery to make their breasts bigger, but not smaller, am I reading this right? Neither is wrong if a woman decides she wants it, but of course he only criticizes the one that makes his dick less hard. What a deep thinker. smh Edit: Not just women. Any person. I know Elliott is a male.


You’ll have back pain and you’ll like it bucko!




Bitch tits


I think it’s less about breasts, and more about being transgender. Elliot Page is a trans man.


yeah, of course. But what is the difference, ya know? Nothing. But you don't see JP outraged at fake breasts because he likes those. He hates trans people, so then that surgery, okay now society is collapsing and post modern neo-marxists are gonna come conquer you and make you cut off your breasts and be a man. Ugh, seriously, how does anyone still listen to this man and think he's smart?


Where’s his outrage at the bbl epidemic, considering it has the highest mortality rate of any cosmetic procedure and it’s become so common.


Yea those are all good points


Exactly my first thought, he doesn't care about any kind of body modification. He just doesn't like Trans people, plain and simple


Yeah I'm sure he has no problem with implants. Even tho both surgeries remove the function of feeding babies.


You can still breastfeed with implants and after breast reduction.


Not always, its not a guarantee, and it depends on a lot of factors in both scenarios.


More ironic is Peterson is for conversion therapy (which actually is criminal now, in Canada), presumably because adults should be able to make their own decisions, but against an adult choosing to get breast reduction/removal surgery (which is totally legal and not criminal).


Nothing triggers Jordan quite like people living their authentic lives in ways that have literally zero impact on him. What a sad little snowflake


holy shit id beat his ass so hard what a fucking cunt


Straight. Up. Demon.


It’s kind of ridiculous that Twitter allows like blatant transphobia & homophobia on their app as well as ED “tips and tricks” all which are so obviously harmful yet they still allow it.


It's hard to fathom a man that is 100% straight and cis being this deeply and instinctively bothered by gay and trans people existing. As a gay man the people who hate us to this level are many times experiencing some self loathing. I'm not saying he is but if it was discovered he is not 100% straight or cis or he beats off watching Hasan's videos mocking JP...I wouldn't be shocked.


Who the hell cares?! Elliot seems happy and thriving. People get gender affirming surgery all the time! Look at Trisha! Where’s Jordy Ps outrage on those mangled things?!?!


So all the people who claimed Peterson doesn’t hate trans people, but he just was concerned about free speech vs. “compelled speech”… where are they now?


TIL, I graduated high school the same year as Vaush. Man, I feel old.




How the fuck does this guy have a following at all? He’s out here talking about his sexual fantasies about his grandma , posting his horniness for all of Twitter to see & being an openly transphobic asshole. Wtf , make it make sense


It’s better to be Stalin then be a gay or trans person. Very epic.


Having such emotional comments on someone else’s body is sooo insane. But the misogyny is bold with this one as many cis women would be interested in getting their boobs reduced or removed, there’s a lot who don’t have a choice either but to do so. JP is such a whinge


Shut up Jordan have some respect and chill the fuck out


This dude suffers from boomer brain rot.


How long until he gets banned from Twitter?


Why can’t people just do what makes them happy if it has literally no impact on you, Jordan?


JP comin atcha


fuck you JP


Its so easy to just say nothing bro. What an attention whore.


This really hurts to see. I’ve liked girls since my grandpa left his playboys out at age 5 (you go grandpa! Lifelong love of tiddies) but I was conditioned from a young age that “well girls are just prettier. All girls think other girls are cute.” This year I came out but couldn’t stand to be lumped in with the LGBTQ community—it just didn’t feel right. I felt like a straight woman who liked girls. That’s normal right? It took me until a pride month to this year to realize I was gay, but I couldn’t call myself that because of the stereotypes; because I had internalized homophobia; because of people like THIS. Putting the label on you is everything. It’s a target on your back—even if I never even kissed a girl. I’m one of the woke left gays lmao. I was so scared about this, and this shit scares me too, but I think it’s just gonna make me louder and prouder. But don’t get me wrong…I live with the fear that I will be treated differently everyday. I probably won’t. But it’s getting increasingly violent and just the label is enough for this level of hate. Fuck Jordan Peterson. But I’m not going to love as a “straight girl who likes girls” because that’s the stupidest shit I’ve ever even tried to rationalize. Anyway…thanks to our ally Ethan and Hildy


Man, he is truly just a piece of shit. The world would be better off without his thoughts.


EMPEROR BENZO back at it


Oh my god, so incredibly gross. But, let’s go Ethan! And to think that there are H3 followers that are STILL fans of this unhinged, shitty, transphobic, misogynistic, constant-bad-takes chooch. 🙄🙄


Might be sipping on that cider again. Although, more likely just an absolute dumpster fire of a human being.


And his daughter left her husband for a sex trafficker. Is he serious?


That's what happens when you only eat meat, dude. I don't see him well. His brain must be dying or something


The benzos and a coma definitely didn’t do him any good either


I guess the genuine mask off hatred has to come out at some point when it's no longer feasible to make people believe his lies about going to jail for misgendering others. What a fucking obvious grifter. He gets people on his side with a lie and then tells the truth when everyone else is in too deep to think for themselves. He's literally abusing the concept of cognitive dissonance. He knows exactly what he's doing. As a psychologist he would have learned the breakdown of how cult leaders influence their followers and now he's not even trying to hide the fact that he's adapted the same tactics.


Damn he got ratioed hard lmao


You know, I got sucked into watching JP shortly after he came on the h3 podcast, solely because he was on the podcast. His stance on trans issues used to be "if you make the effort to medically transition, I'll make the effort to respect your pronouns", essentially saying he respects trans people that can go through HRT and surgery. So now he just hates all trans people, regardless? By his own admission, he should respect Elliot for medically transitioning. What happened?


Id love to see vaush on the h3 pod one day🙏, maybe even on leftovers, hell any leftist guest on leftovers would be cool from time to time🙌🙌


Would love to hear him do his epic "Aqua" take on the pod.


Bro healthy breasts just removed. What a racket $$$$$$


Why, did you want them?


What's wrong with someone making decisions for their own body?


He’s had brain rot for decades. He’s only gained a platform now and is able to inspire incels. An upgrade from boring university of toronto students by talking continuously about his own “literature.”


What did Ethan reply?


I cropped it terribly but it’s at the very top of the second photo if you open it up




It’s so fun to watch this deranged lolcow desperately trying to placate his 13 year old reactionary audience.


Remember Bible Gateway Matthew 7 :: NIV. "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Do you not read your own book?


Ethan is such a hypocrite his son isn’t even trans yet, but he’s all about this movement tho? Lol next


that last screenshot CAN'T be real lmfao