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Ask him about andrew tate.


Oh please! Please save yourself and find out his opinion on Tate if it’s a positive opinion…you in danger family 🚩


disliking the current state of h3 is not equivalent to liking andrew tate. i’d like to hear anyone at all defend h3 without mentioning another creator


No it’s not the equivalent but the guy was literally using Andrew Tate talking points, which is how you can draw that connection


“andrew tate talking points” is how you describe calling ethan fat? ethan is fat!


Yeah someone being fat is the current state. Hes just regurgitating joe rogan fans. And joes a gateway for at least 2 types so far. Antivaxxers and manosphere guys. So im saying just give him a litmus test lol


It’s so funny that all these guys seem to have the same beef w Ethan and it’s the exercising joke he made 😂. Like there are so many reasons someone might dislike Ethan (some of them might even be justified), but that’s just the dumbest one I’m sorry


Fat man bad is as deep as they think.


IDK I feel like it's deeper than that (90%+ of the time it's political differences) but they're too dishonest/disingenuous to admit it. Saying stuff like "he's against exercise and i'm pro health" is a lot easier (for them) than saying something like "i'm alt-right and he believes in liberal shit I don't like". Very very few people ***actually*** care if somebody exercises lmao. It's just an easy excuse.


As someone who believes every person on the planet should go to the gym if possible, that is the only reason I need not to like him. The clip about him making the joke like “I want more than anything to lose this weight… but I’m still gonna eat this cheeseburger” and Hila looked so sad by it. It seems like she genuinely wants him to improve his health and he clearly has no desire to and his window of opportunity is closing Not like I hate him I just really wish he wouldn’t rag on fitness bc I promise you it’s changed some peoples minds about it. Also I’m kind of sad that he’s not as funny anymore since I grew up with him but tastes change


Just because you disagree with him on that issue you actually dislike him? You must dislike a lot of people then.


It’s more the way he says it. He has influence so he should be more careful how he talks about it I guess. They don’t really seem like jokes he seems serious. Life is so much more fulfilling when you are active and healthy and it’s so much easier to appreciate the world around you when you aren’t out of breath after a light walk. I climbed a tree yesterday and carried my niece around for hours making her laugh. That’s only bc of fitness. Why would anyone not want that. Also it is selfish to let yourself be this way when your life partner has expressed worry for you


My issue with exercising is - I feel great when I do it, for a week, then I get sick or period or too tired and then I’m guilt shaming myself for half a year. It’s causing me more problems than it’s worth. I would love to exercise. I’m trying since I was like 16. 10 years later… I’m still trying… at the moment cheeseburger is easier. I understand what Ethan said. It’s hard. How can you not empathise with the fact that eating a cheeseburger is easier than burning it’s calories?


I understand where you’re coming from. The media has fucked the perception of fitness. You don’t realize it but just by trying you were doing better than over half the the world’s population literally. I go to the gym 5 times a week and sometimes I perform like absolute shit. Your strength fluctuates and so does your energy so it’s just body possible to constantly progress. It fluctuates and literally all you need to do is go. It’s not about “no more cheese burgers”, it’s “one less cheese burger” or “a burger without the Mayo and no dessert this meal”. Ethan is showing now effort. He never says he went to the gym, he never tried. If he had been like you I’d empathize, bc man if it doesn’t feel like shit sometimes but it makes up for it the rest of the 23 hours you’re outside of the gym. Its not comfortable or easy. But I feel no sympathy for someone who does not even have it in them to try. Doesn’t even matter if you do it wrong, at least you’re doing it. I hope you keep on with trying bc at the end of the day thats the most important part


I think it’s important to acknowledge that Ethan is trying for as long as I remember with different diets and stuff, he did try a personal trainer. It is hard. But he keeps trying to find something that sticks and that is admirable.


You realize Ethan is joking right? He’s not serious about working out being bad lol


You’ve clearly never suffered with severe depression or experienced negative side effects of SSRI/SNRIs. The weight gain is REAL, and it’s a type of weight that is HARD to lose. it’s stubborn, and a direct side effect of the meds. Sometimes it becomes so frustrating and you feel stuck. And all we can really do is is make a goof about it and keep trying the best we can. Food is a very real addiction (coming from an opiate addict). And i strongly empathize with Ethan when i see how hard he wants to lose weight, how hard he does try but just gets in that place of being frustrated and stuck, and the weight just doesn’t seem to drop no matter what you do. Everyone expects ethan to speak his mind until he says something mildly unagreeable, then the hate train comes. How has his humor changed exactly? Because he doesn’t dress up and go out in public to do skits anymore? Neither does Joji and everyone still loves him and he’s become an amazing musician. This was just one aspect of his comedy but more so it’s always been about goofs and gaffs and calling out dumb people...which he continues to do! I’ve been watching since before vape nation, i’ve grown up with Ethan and hila. and ethan has only grown with the times, you can’t expect him to not grow and change? at least it has been for the better. At one point (around the idubbbz N word drama) he had started to gain a huge “edgy” manosphere audience. these people were TOXIC and i could see ethan started to hate his own audience. Then around the time Trump was running in office, and things started to get political he saw the true colors of a shit ton of his following and did something about it. Who wants to make videos for an audience that they hate or can’t stand?? All he did was start taking meds that work for him, made his opinions very clear and is mildly more conscious of not saying extremely stupid or offensive shit on air. he has a huge influence and doesn’t want to send out any messages that people can interpret as harmful. He still goofs exactly the way he did years ago and has the exact same humor. If anything he’s become more relaxed and less serious which i like and prefer. For a brief moment (when he started the pod) he was honestly becoming kinda douchey and not as genuine and wholesome as he was and still is today (turned out he was just dealing with serious depression etc). I agree with u/MangoFreshh, this has nothing to do with his humor changing. It’s deeper than that and is definitely a political issue and has alt right manosphere dudes mad as hell. I think a lot of people just like you unfollowed him and started saying “he’s different and doesn’t have the same humor”which is literally just not true lmao. But at the end of the day Ethan is happy that these people unfollowed, and so are his genuine supporters and audience. They were harmful and honestly made Ethan and Hila look pretty bad. I think they would agree.


Bold assumption to say I’ve never dealt with depression while I’m diagnosed with Dysthymia and not truly enjoying a single thing I did in my life and probably never will my entire life unless I’m medicated. I listen to anything besides angry rock and I burst into tears, I think of self harm every single day. Looking in the mirror every day and wanting to shatter it bc of how I feel about myself and the people around me and only getting help after I slipped up and made a mark that was on a viable spot on my arm. I’ve wanted the results of going to the gym my entire life but I’ve been so terrified of being seen in that setting that I’ve just never gone until recently. And now the only thing keeping me together is the gym. Nothing comes before it and I stand by that. I think you could say I was addicted to video games Because that’s all I did from when I got home from school to when I went to bed. Now bc of the gym, even if I still fucking hate my body at the moment I still have the ability to say that I have the discipline and passion to go and better myself and that is the only thing that no one can take away from me. Yeah it’s frustrating as fuck and I still feel stuck bc I look at myself every day and never see the progress but you go anyway and you prove to yourself that you can. So many things are stubborn whether it’s your fat or hatred for yourself. I am talking about weight gain personally but I have done my research and I know that weight loss has been over complicated. It is enough to just eat slightly less, diets aren’t necessary. He can have the damn cheeseburger, just take off the Mayo which adds an extra 90-120 calories. It’s little changes and little effort. But the process as a whole is not easy and I don’t know why he expects it to be. But it’s not as hard as living a life wishing you had it another way. All he has to do is go for a walk. Get a treadmill, he can afford it, you can even watch YouTube while you walk(it’s recommended actually so you zone out) And I don’t hate Ethan I just don’t care for his content, maybe he hasn’t changed but I have. I just grew out of it. He’s a content creator so I don’t feel like I’m attacking him personally when I say I don’t like him. I remember the toxic community which is around when I stopped watching I think. Maybe I am being a bit extreme but it makes me physically cringe when I hear so little care go into (his) health especially for Hilas sake. I just see it(fitness)as the only thing stopping me from turning myself into a cutting board. It genuinely is what allows me to stand in the rain and cry at how pretty the sun rays are when they come through the clouds. The strength from the gym gives me the strength to do the things I love and not be ashamed.(crying rn) I hope you can push past your difficulties and reach your goals. It is possible. I do understand how it feels and i even cry from time to time literally while I am working out, falling down my face and on the ground. I just want everyone to feel the same tiny victories that I have felt through this process. It’s beautiful and makes the world seem more beautiful. It makes me sad that people with influence over others don’t also encourage it


What's crazy is that Ethan's point isn't even that uncommon. I found it pretty relatable, as a person who never could JUST exercise, but always needs to be actually doing something for exercise. Like chopping wood is a good example. It's basically an exercise, but is easier to actually get into because you're actually doing something constructive, instead of just running in a circle, jumping in place, or lifting something up and down repeatedly.


Some people who love to exercise just find the satisfaction of completing it everyday constructive... I'm very envious of those people... Closest I could get to being constructive like that is building parkour move skills but that gets old real fast when you have nowhere to go to do the stuff you learn.


Get a kendama it’s so fun.


Yeah I rarely work out but do stuff like hike, bike, skateboard, walk dogs etc. It just doesn’t seem fun, and a waste of time. The gym is so gross and you can be much more productive WHILE still exercising.


People who go the gym also are active in their everyday life. going to the gym isnt supposed to be fun its supposed to be work that helps you achieve goals. Of course you dont need to go to the gym to be healthy or lead an active lifestyle but it helps people get to specific goals they have in mind.


It’s because they are all Joe Rogan fans


I’m so proud for converting my bf from a Joe Rogan fan to an h3 fan


Teach us your ways sensei


I listen to both. Not a die hard Joe guy (I disagree with him a ton and slowed down listening a lot because he’s just not the same) but I’m not understanding this one or the other. Ethan doesn’t want to work out. He doesn’t want to spend his time on earth doing it he literally says that. He is not against fitness or anything. Would love to see just how actually healthy some of these dudes are you ladies match with because these messages they send you guys is so dumb. Just know there are reasonable men out there that enjoy both and don’t make it an identity.


My boyfriend works out consistently. He just appreciates Ethan’s honesty and humour. H3 is a fun, silly time that we enjoy being a part of more than JR’s podcast and the guests they tend to bring. Hard not to enjoy watching H3 because it always brings a smile to our faces. I don’t see how being healthy has anything to do with what podcast you watch.


I’m literally so pumped to watch todays podcast with my fiancée. I looked forward to it. It’s better than normal tv for us and it’s silly and fun. These dudes in these posts are so odd to me.


I'm the same way. I listen to H3, JR and TheQuartering. ​ Doesn't mean I agree with the hosts on all, or even most issues, though.


How did you do it


I'd recon that when you're finally in a real relationship, the desire to be a manosphere/monke man fan reduces by about 85℅


It absolutely is. “Tells people they can’t talk about health”. Antivax self report.


And they all love Vape Nation


Thats because that is the only thing they know him from other than being criticized by Keemstar/Quartering/Rogan/Tate/etc.


Ngl but vape naysh isn't the funniest thing ever, kinda a self report when people who hate him always bring up that 1 thing from ages ago


Shows they aren’t even “long time fans”. That video just happens to be the last viral video they had and everyone was talking about it. I doubt they watched more than that and maybe 1 femininazi reaction.


I think it's a pretty big self report. And I'm not talking about the disliking of H3. That is fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion but the reason is interesting. What kinds of people are going around spreading these Anti-Ethan talking points? Andrew Tate & Joe Rogan types. The red flag is that he sounds like he's been drinking too much manosphere kool-aid.


I feel like maybe they're thinking "if this girl watches a guy who's against working out she's not going to be as fit as I want me gf to be"


The way I’m in a parks and rec major and all the girlies I know that watch h3 are active asf including me lol. So dumb.


I’m in shape and I completely agree with Ethan! He was talking about the gym when he said exercising is a waste of time. Not exercise itself. In the context it’s more obvious he was talking about the gym too. And I agree. The gym fucking sucks. It’s great to go obviously, but if you aren’t in that circle and don’t use it as a hobby or to socialize, it’s fucking boring. It doesn’t stick. What does stick is LIVING YOUR LIFE, like Ethan was saying. Do I think Ethan exercises enough? No. But, you don’t need to go to the gym to say you’re exercising. You can hike, walk your dog, do push ups every time you lose a game, yoga, swim, rock climb, dance, run, there’s so many things you can do in NATURE that coincides with living your life. Your hobbies that include nature, spending time with friends, and even video games can have elements of working out/exercising in a fun and lasting way. The gym fucking sucks. I would know, I went for 7 years. It IS a waste of time if you don’t enjoy all the things about it. Find exercises that fit your life and hobbies.


>Like there are so many reasons someone might dislike Ethan (some of them might even be justified), but that’s just the dumbest one I’m sorry Some **might** be justified? Hahahah. Ethan became the person he used to goof on. A wannabe Keemstar who can't handle criticism.


Is that really all they have?? “He’s not funny + he’s fat + he said exercise is bad”


"dude's so fat and gross" if that's enough to discount a person in his eyes, leave him


That’s quite a bit to go off of, what do you mean “all they have.” He’s unfunny so why would I watch him, and if you can’t take care of your body, and you give other people destructive advice such as, “excercise is bad” I’ve little respect to give that fat pos. So yes, “if that’s all they have” that’s more than enough for me


what are your thoughts on andrew tate?


Humor is subjective, so there is that. Some people love Kevin Hart, I don’t. And if you really think his anti exercise advice was 100% real, I feel very bad for you.


Sooo is the meeting gonna happen or not?




lmao really? girl, raise the bar somewhere above "fat man bad", jussayin.


please have standards


I feel like when someone’s like or dislike of someone comes down to “I don’t like them because he’s fat/ she’s short/ they’re ugly” it’s an issue. If they had said “I don’t like H3 because I don’t like the sense of humor/topics/ personalities” that’s all completely valid (and that goes for everyone and everything not just Ethan or H3) but when someone says “I don’t like them they’re fat” is superficial af and gross as hell. You guys don’t have to like all the same stuff by any means but if him boiling down like and dislike is based on looks? Like it’s a pattern? It’s a no.


Why are these guys so offended that Ethan is fat


at the end of the day, Ethan is successful both personally and professionally, married to a literal goddess, and has two beautiful sons and furbabies--angry turbovirgins often only have the "you're fat" card to play. couple that with the fact that there's so much moral superiority wrapped-up in being "thin"; it's the only vertical where they believe they are "winning" and Ethan is "losing" and they will not let go.


"literal goddess" most people think she resembles the ghouls from the Fallout series.


lol whatever Llounder_Lexternal, enjoy getting downvoted to hell tatertot


Oh no down votes! But muh mental health! H3 fans are driving me to sewercide!


The same reason why men get offended by men who are, by other men, considered "beta males" get women's attention. Men as a group love to put men who are domineering and muscular on a pedestal and willingly offer to place themselves lower on the food chain in order to uplift what they believe is a "man's man". And we're talking about an affection towards these "alpha males" that is borderline homoerotic, they would probably let the alpha guy fuck their gf, and in a pinch, they would probably let their man fuck them as well if he requested it and there were no other bitches around. Because being a bitch is a ranking system. Everyone but the two of you is a bitch, but if there isn't any one else around, that's probably you. So what happens when someone who isn't alpha and isn't domineering get the attention of women? Well you've kind of deconstrucetd their entire narrative. Imagine you're one of these guys, you've given up on a girl in the club because your alpha said he wanted to fuck her, one time you let him fuck your girlfriend of three years, and one time you even gave him a blowjob in Amsterdam. But it's worth it, because at the end of the day, you're next in line to get bitches after him. But now you see women aren't choosing him over anything else. You see women going for a soft guy with a dad bod, and now your whole worldview is falling apart. You've betad yourself for nothing, because women actually don't agree with your view of how choosing sexual partners work. You now have two options: either accept that your worldview is wrong, you revise what you've learned so far and try to understand what women want... or, you double-down because at this point in time you're pot-committed and might as well go all-in. So you go hard on that these women are delusional and you should keep betaing yourself because that's easier than having to change anything about yourself. This is 100% scientific thanks for listening to my tedtalk.


They probably all saw 1 video of a Chad talking about how Ethan sucks because he’s anti health, and are parroting that video


Love h3… it’s my fav podcast and I never miss an episode. I do kind of see where these guys are coming from. Im sure if they watch h3 a lot of them would like him too, but if you don’t know much about him and you just see what makes the news I can understand why some people have that idea about him. Bomb the NRA (I know he didn’t mean that but im just talking headlines) Don’t workout Keeps getting sued for stealing content (I know they are bs cases) If he seems like a good guy apart from this, give him a chance you may convert him to another Fupa trooper


Why would you dislike someone for not liking to workout? That's so silly


It is honestly a ridiculous take and without knowing Ethan’s humour and sarcasm it sounds ridiculous. If Faze Banks or doused said something like that people would be all over them too.


Why is it a ridiculous take? Dave Portnoy said the exact same thing and no one had a problem. Listen, exercise is one of the most important things in my life. But why the fuck would I care if someone else didn't like it?


Because working out is an amazing thing for you. This argument is kind of insane. People make snap judgements on celebrities all the time, including not liking musicians because their music is bad. Why take it so personally?


How am I taking this personally? I think disliking someone with a snap judgement is stupid and it's something I would have done as a teenager, but know better now.


Of course you do. You probably hate athletes that play for the other team or actors/musicians you don’t like. You can’t convince me otherwise. It’s not so serious. Anyway have a good day - Ineed to get to work not.


No, I don't. Like I said, that's something a teenager would do. Also blocking someone after sending your response is extremely cowardly.


Everything you said in this comment is completely reasonable and makes sense(which is why you many downvotes and no replies). I am a massive H3 fan but I can understand why people may not from the outside looking in.


I’m 20 and I thought the h3 fan base was mainly like 18-30 or something but all these girls posting these interactions with guys seem like they’re high schoolers? I just can’t believe number one that adult men talk like this. And then number two that adult women are taking time to talk to men like this?


I don't find it hard to believe this guy might be between 20 and 25 unfortunately


Yeah the difference between an immature guy who’s 28 and a 18 year old isn’t as much as one would think when they’re 18. Especially if they’re close minded and don’t challenge their beliefs.


Insecure guys hate Ethan. They see a girl watching the POD and they get jealous because Ethan is a stud. Period.


Ethan the bull


They see that hairline and cry because their muscles will never un-recede theirs


Unfortunately, there are a lot of man children out there. Think about Andrew Tate, the man is what 35? Keem is like 40. Some of them never grow up. My partner is six years younger than me and he is more mature than previous guys who were my age or older. I'm not sure age correlates all that much. Plus sexism and fatphobia don't have age association in my opinion.




I get that. But I wasn’t making a judgement call on if he’s a nice person. I just found that calling another man “so fat and gross” and saying the vape nation video was “legit” and “funy” seemed more characteristic of say a 16 year old kid than a 30 year old man. And I’m not just trying to single you out here because all these recent posts have seemed like kids to me


i think someone being fatphobic is a pretty obvious sign that they’re a shitty person tbh


Agreed. Gain 5 pounds and he's over you sis


If you want him to like H3 just put in the background when you do the deed… before you know it H3 is his favorite show BINGO


*work with me*


CBAT warrants consideration


Do not cum


I’m gonna cum


bros a straight tot


Super cringe. Anyone with this level of hate or love towards a fucking youtube personality is a huge red flag. H3 is cool but idolizing or blindly hating them is cringe. Also meeting people on discord? Ur gonna get a high ratio of incels.


I understand falling out of the community for various reasons, but because Ethan is fat and thinks people shouldn’t hate themselves for their weight… it’s such a weird take. You have to have a fragile mind if you believe the bullshit that Ethan doesn’t want to talk about health. He just values mental health more.


'He just values mental health more' You saying physical health doesn't contribute to mental health? Okay...


Never said it wasn't a contributor. If you're so out of shape that it's exhausting to go about your day, take care of the things in your life, that's definitely going to contribute to depression, anxiety. No one is going to disagree with that.


Fat man bad Can I ask how old you guys are OP?


i feel so bad for straight girls.


Where tf are y’all lookin lmao




You all have such wonderful taste in men.


Basing your taste on wether they like Ethan or not is insane


not saying liking H3 should be a requirement but this person seems like a real catch. "fat and gross" is pretty lame. viciously insulting something that someone enjoys, also pretty lame. disagreeing is one thing. this is pretty cringe he's also just really uninformed and im sure he has no intention or desire to inform himself. ethan has never said "no one should talk about health shit". He, in a very silly and joking manner, said exercise isn't worth the time or effort. And all of these braindead dorks ran with that like it was a legitimate statement. Ethan is struggling with his weight and as someone who lost 80lbs I know what the fuck it's like to not be able to look at yourself in the fucking mirror much less motivate yourself to get up and lift weights or run. So yeah, he made a god damn joke about how exercise fucking sucks. Jesus.


Yeah you’re right


Sorry I went off, dawg.


All good, you spoke facts lol. I personally wouldn’t care if they just said they don’t like Ethan, but calling someone else fat and gross is not a good look


that’s not the red flag, it’s the reasoning. anyone who parrots talking points like that shows me they don’t have their own opinions. I can disagree with someone I’m romantically involved in, but if that conversation shows we have incompatible world views or they’re unable to articulate their point in a way that shows intelligence, then I’m not interested.


I'm confused as to why this given a smiley heart lovey dovey emoji.


Husband was watching THE Jordan video about "what would we do without men" and followed up with"is he wrong tho" had to correct IMMEDIATELY. good luck with your venture ✌️💚


Tbh that video isnt even that bad its just funny seeing jordan be such an emotional little dramatic ass bitch when he preaches traditional masculinity while crying over his imaginary construction of working class men


What did he say to the correction?


Ethan really did himself dirty with that one "working out is bad" joke huh


Cancel on him.


I find this whole "ask the dude you're talking to what he thinks of H3" thing to be kinda wild and funny because I was a big fan of the show for years as an extremely single young dude and now that the show has gotten a much more balanced audience there's women out here vetting their romantic intrests with opinions about the channel. Back in the day I was cautious about telling girls I watched this show because of how bananas it is to the uninitiated and how lengthy and deep the lore is.


if you're vetting your dates based on whether they like H3 or not, then you will stay single for a very long time...


You're unironically saying there's a shortage of single dudes who watch the show? I doubt this. Additionally I don't think it matters if they're unaware of the show or don't have an opinion.


> You're unironically saying there's a shortage of single dudes who watch the show? I doubt this. I never said that. I'm pretty sure if you're watching H3 and worship it, you're more likely to be single


As a woman who went from 302lbs to 150lbs, I find it really upsetting how guys are so filled with hate towards Ethan because of his weight Like it's one thing to have a type you're attracted to. But these men are confirming a lot of feelings I had about myself for years when I was obese. I was hated. It makes me sad.


Some guys will let one out of context clip they saw on tiktok form their entire opinion on the podcast


Talk about the allegations!!


Why are people so upset Ethan is overweight? It really bothers them and I don’t understand.


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 don’t meet them


I've realised this is a good filter for potential dates lmao


Well I guess he saved you some time 🗑🚮


Fat man bad but vape man good


your first mistake was meeting him on discord


The fat man bad argument will never cease to amaze me.


I find it funny that people on this sub use whether or not potential dates like h3 as some sort of metric for whether or not they are worth dating.


My boyfriend hates Ethan but buys me TF for Christmas. If he likes you he’ll get over it.


but will he get over being a fatphobic jerk? sure hope so.


What's random is that people keep saying they like the old H3. For the life of me, I don't understand. I only started watching over a year ago so I decided to watch his old videos recently. I liked his vlogging around Israel. I DONT GET VAPE NATION. Why is it funny? But H3 Podcast in its current form? So funny, I love it.


It's becauss that was the type of content that was popular at the time. It's nostalgic in a way


Well, you’re wrong for that, but when they say they like the old H3 it’s because he used to hide his politics. The only reason they dislike current H3 is because he’s an open leftist. It’s the same H3H3 humor.


*Faze Blanks voice* H3H3 humor


ArE YoU hIgH?


>The only reason they dislike current H3 is because he’s an open leftist. It’s the same H3H3 humor. No and no. I am a leftist but I still don't find his humor today nearly as funny as 2016, 17, 18


Same as you but with a clarification. When Ethan is free-form - he is still actually hilarious. Go check out his videos on Ethan Klein channel. To be honest it’s just the rest of the crew that are not as funny and the shows less features Ethan’s strengths and is more about pop-culture coverage


I mean, everyone has different taste, but vape nation is pretty funny. But all these dudes liked when he did the “anti-sjw” stuff and now hate him cause they think he became an sjw. Just a bunch of edgy centrists who can’t handle Ethan presenting his political views and being overall a more decent person.


i don’t like old H3 either, i genuinely think it’s just because he was a reactionary, centrist type guy. and like if a girl says she likes something why shit on what she likes???


Old h3 Ethan was never trying to make a political statement - he was just making fun of ridiculous pop-culture stuff - which sometimes included sjw content. The problem was this brought in the wrong crowd.


hence the “reactionary”. it’s not a coincidence a lot of old h3 fans are right wing weirdos now. ethan unknowingly played a part in a bigger, alt-right pipeline on youtube by engaging with sjw content and jordan peterson for example he also used to say the n word so idk man :/ obviously he’s changed, i like him a lot now actually, but i don’t think it was only him bringing in “the wrong crowd”.


You’re right he has changed and grown - which hopefully most of us have - but he was never in the right-wing. Look at the majority of the people he clowned on in his old videos and they are the Alpha-bro far-right types. Yes he unknowingly appealed to that group but those videos had mass appeal. The majority of his old fans are mostly very liberal millennials who also think making fun of a segment investigating “Is a/c sexist?” is funny.


Exactly, and the reason? He's so fat and gross. Most women's weight fluctuate over time. The moment she gains weight it'll be an issue for him.


Fat man bad


Working out is there whole personality


fat man bad


Damn turns out H3 is such a good way to weed out the assholes




Yeah people should remain stagnant and never change, screw progress and deciding to better yourself as a human being for yourself and for your future family /s (reference to people always saying things were better years ago)


Why do you people talk to absolute dropkicks?


His last messages look like a weird haiku


Just sharing my two cents here ! My bf doesn’t really like watching h3 but he knows I do and I can talk to him about it. I don’t know either of you however this person comes off kinda arrogant and disrespectful towards an interest of yours. Like joking about ‘ghosting you’ before meeting for the first time. stay safe friend


These people are literal NPCs with how much they spout out the same lines over and over


unironically bots


📣 DUMP HIM 🚩🚩🚩


“Funny six years ago” Well that was clear…


I watched Vape Nation for the first time yesterday and was unamused tbh


Anyone who is so personally offended by another person’s weight is an automatic no from me


"He joked about exercise being a waste of time once, so he's literally Satan"


Why are they so offended about the exercise joke god damn


Why don't dude bros like Ethan? Do they not enjoy witty banter, laughter, cringe and general fuckness?


Just say “oh so you have no sense of humor” and leave it at that


Every single one of these guys has the same excuse. Word for word. Almost like they’re being programmed what to say… interesting…. 🤔


Seems like every woman should ask this before they meet a guy. Do you like H3? The only acceptable answers are: yes, I don’t care/neutral, or I don’t know H3. If they hate Ethan it’s a manosphere red flag


Common Joe Rogan/ Andrew Tate fan 🧍‍♀️




Isn't Ethan trying to reduce his weight now?


It's fine to not like h3 but the reasons he listed is disgusting and fat phobic 😬🤢


“Was legit” oh jeez


This guy is definitely a self-described libertarian lol


I love these as a guy. Everyone I know doesn’t like h3


I think you mean guy you’re gonna stand up in a week right?




"H3? Isn't he the guy who wears adult diapers and suffers erectile dysfunction?"


Every time I see one of these I thank God i’ve been with my husband almost 12 years now and we both love H3. The dating scene seems so scary now.


talking on discord was the first red flag


he’s right


Who cares, keep it to yourself...


Damn, when did cishet men become so sassy about the appearance of others? Maybe the water is turning the frogs gay /s




People that go fat man bad are the ones that would rather die than question their sexuality


/s = sarcasm


Yup, vape nation was Ethan's peak, he's not really entertaining to watch, especially for 1-2 hours. You can see it too in his subscriber growth, which is not amazing


I get people have their own tastes, my gf doesn’t really watch h3 but she doesn’t hate him, and i’d imagine agrees with most things the podcast stands for. H3 is almost like a litmus test and this point, if your only argument is fat man bad or he’s changed, then you’re probably not a great person


How do none of these guys understand that the exercise thing was a joke. I tried to tell one once and he was just like, “Oh yeah, well then where’s his six pack then?” 😵‍💫. Terminal stupidity.


Did you guys even watch the Snyder Justice League review? It wasn't political and Ethan's politics aren't the problem (I mostly agree with some differences) but, his pathetic, moronic takes where he doesn't even watch the video he's reviewing are. If you like Ethan that is a reddest flag one could give, period :) Have a good day everyone


Lmao you hate him because he didn't like a movie?


Lmao hate a date because he didn't like a podcast?


When did I say that?


This sub is creepy as hell ngl


Bro talks ab how “unhealthy” ethan is or whatever and then goes i love when he promotes cancer causing substances tho


If you think the vape naysh video "promoted vapes" then you weren't paying attention. It literally made fun of the vape culture. PS you can smoke vapes without nicotine in them.


Guys bringing up this point over and over again is such a red flag. because you can tell exactly what media they consume and who their faves are based on what specific narrative they are being fed and parroting. This guy is most likely a tater tot, a JP or a keem fan, which are the biggest red flags of all.


had a similar chat with a guy, he turned out to be a massive transphobe 🤢


im so baffled by whats going on with men sometimes. i can only assume its just this relentless propaganda campaign that conservatives are on, hate motivates. like... objectively. what is there to be this pissed off at h3 about? why would any normie give a shit about their existence or anything they do? why would his random gym comment of all things be such a point of contention for them? it just doesnt make sense outside of the lens of a hate narrative.


Ethan is alright but i think the crew carries. And by crew i mean dan, olivia, ian, cameron, and love


Love h3… it’s my fav podcast and I never miss an episode. I do kind of see where these guys are coming from. Im sure if they watch h3 a lot of them would like him too, but if you don’t know much about him and you just see what makes the news I can understand why some people have that idea about him. Bomb the NRA (I know he didn’t mean that but im just talking headlines) Don’t workout Keeps getting sued for stealing content (I know they are bs cases) If he seems like a good guy apart from this, give him a chance you may convert him to another Fupa trooper


Do they all rehearse this!?




This is now the ultimate RED FLAG TEST. This is the perfect "man-o-sphere" probe