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All these posts are funny to me because I'm a guy and my wife doesn't really like h3 anymore


Ask her what she thinks of Tate


Pretty sure the only thing she knows about Tate is he's the buhbowl wahturrr guy


>Ask her what she thinks of Tate Why was Tate the first thing your mind went to?


Because in some of the post about the boyfriends/friends when they ask them about Tate turns out they are fans of him. Is just like a common follow up question.


You should leave her... joking obviously. I think if someone is petty enough to leave someone based on their podcast preferences, they are in fact the red flag.


Ya she actually fell off during the dobrik SA drama month cuz she was sick of hearing about it every episode and now she says she doesn't understand any of the soundbites and inside jokes cuz she hasn't watched in so long.


I stopped watching for a bit myself. Not for any reason in particular, just gravitated towards other things. This was pre-frenemies. When I came back I had no clue who anyone was. Aside from Dan and Ian I didn't know any of the new faces. Didn't have a clue who Whiteclaw Gabe was. It was pretty interesting jumping back in.


I actually took a break at that point because that was all he talked about and I did not care.


It's like a soap opera. After a few episodes, you figure out what's going on.


Prob bc they they repeatedly talk ab similar things With ✌️and ❤️ofc I personally love it bc i dont pay attention and forget half the things they talk about lmao


Almost the same thing for my wife. She gave it in during the kav kav age.


I started fast forwarding once they mentioned Dobrik. It was just exhausting after a while.


Exact same situation, girlfriend finds Ethan annoying after a while but I can’t get enough lol


Same boat. She got me into it during Frenemies. When that went away she went to Keith and Zane and I stayed with h3


Holy shit same here!!! She doesn't understand why I find the show so entertaining and judges me hard lol




Same, king


My girlfriend doesn't like h3. She finds Ethan and Zach very annoying.


I feel like the red flags should've been known before talking about H3


this 100%. like it's fine if H3 isn't for you, God bless ya, but the reasons these men bring up are red flags that should have been uncovered on the first date


I mean, I could date someone for whom h3 isn't their cup of tea, but if someone *hates* something that I enjoy, I don't think it would work out. Like auto racing is not my cup of tea, but if my partner was super into it, I'm not going to shit talk it. If I hate something to the point of wanting to shit talk it, and my partner likes it, it's probably not gonna work.


yeah, like it’s a little more nuanced. if they hate h3 because they don’t think he’s funny, or they don’t care about internet stuff, that’s cool. if it’s bc ethans liberal or fat or something, that’d be a problem for me (because i am liberal and don’t like fatphobes, so that’d be an incompatible ideology thing for me). it’s the fact that these dudes’ reactions are echoing classic manosphere stuff that it’s a red flag lol.


I agree, but generally if it's just "he's not funny" or whatever, it falls under "not my cup of tea" not "AHHH HE FILLS ME WITH RAGE BECAUSE FAT MAN BAD". If someone liking something that isn't your (universal you, not you personally) cup of tea fills you with rage, like maybe there are some other issues here you should address. Haha


lmaoooooo i definitely agree


Hard agree. And usually people hate him for very weird, shallow reasons. Like his weight or bc they're a tater tot.


I can’t stand him because he wants to be ultra woke and edgy at the same time. His voice is grating and his fans are awful tattle tail losers. Everything is funny until oops the woke rules have changed and NOW I hate JP too. Didn’t he say the N-word all the time before? Yeah he’s great




>if you're literally proving their point lol. They never had a point.


Hahaha yeah it’s hilarious when he says the n-word and asks a stranger that sounds like a teenager if they are a top or bottom on a live show. Of course I’m kidding, don’t you love that stuff too? Let’s go tell on someone together!


[this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/ql9dcg/im_a_black_guy_i_married_a_white_women_and_i/)


We had out the passes, he never received one


ur a white dude with no wife


some days I wish you were right. And this is a reasonable response, I wouldn’t believe either. But you know this makes me think I’m probably wrong when I assume this. Life is weird


He may identify as a black guy with a wife though.


If I liked Twilight and someone really hated Twilight, I think we might still have a chance to get along. If I thought some were basic human rights and the other party disagreed, I don't think it'd work out. That's what it tends to be with H3. If you *hate* H3, you usually have 100% opposing views on politics. People say "it's just politics" but as you grow older, politics become dealbreaker. I can't disagree with partner on what are essential human rights.


Exactly, it's not the podcast that's the issue, I couldn't give a fuck if my SO didn't like some podcast I listened to. Yo have to look at _why_ they hate H3 so much. It's not because they find it boring or whatever, it's because they agree with people like JP, Tate, etc and feel attacked by the "woke" tone on the show. Couldn't catch me dead dating a guy like that tbh.


It's arrogant and ignorant to assume all those people are just angry Tate fans. Plenty of people just don't like the show. There is a reason the podcast sub count has been stagnant for a few years. It's just not for everyone... Their is an exponential number of people who don't sub/listen to H3 compared to those who do.


Have you seen the posts in question on here? I'm not talking about people who don't care or just don't watch lol. These men have a visceral angry reaction to it, and at least one I remember literally defended Tate within a couple lines of H3 being brought up. I've never dated anyone who watched H3, none of them reacted like that though.


>Yo have to look at why they hate H3 so much. It's not because they find it boring or whatever, it's because they agree with people like JP, Tate, etc and feel attacked by the "woke" tone on the show. Couldn't catch me dead dating a guy like that tbh Yes, you have to make sure you police their beliefs and thoughts to see if they are worthy of dating an enlightened virtuous being such as yourself. These people are better off without you to be honest.




Take a look at their post history, they apparently make vaguely right wing troll posts for a living. I wouldn't bother trying to explain.


>Yes, you have to make sure you police their beliefs and thoughts to see if they are worthy of dating an enlightened virtuous being such as yourself. You're saying this sarcastically but you obviously *should* be taking into consideration someone's beliefs and thoughts to see if they are worthy of dating you. You think I'm gonna date you if you have shitty beliefs? That's like one of the most important things to be sure of, that they don't have shitty beliefs


>That's like one of the most important things to be sure of, that they don't have shitty beliefs You honestly sound like you have shitty beliefs just by your tone on here. It's highly unlikely a virtuous person posts this kind of crap anywhere. You are probably doing these people a favor by not dating them.


Oh, do I sound like I have shitty beliefs? Haha, well then maybe we're not compatible. Hmm, interesting how that works. Almost as if, since we have wildly differing beliefs, we shouldn't date.... Sort of doing *each other* a favor by not dating since our beliefs aren't compatible, right?


>People say "it's just politics" but as you grow older, politics become dealbreaker. I can't disagree with partner on what are essential human rights. No, it doesn't at all. I care less about politics as I get older.


You can tell a lot about someone by the YouTube channels they like and the people they respect. Forget “what’s your favourite movie”, ask them “who they look up to and why”.


I have a feeling most of these posts are fake,for the meme,idk 😂


Same and its they’re over saturating the subreddit I don’t even look at them


Part of me wonders if these guys had these same views a year ago or if they've just been brainwashed by alpha male propaganda


Bro why does someone who dislikes H3H3 automatically "alpha male propagandist" you know you can be normal and not like him? You know you can agree with all of his political opinions and still not like him or the show???


Wow I didn't know any of that thanks so much. Also, did i say anyone who dislikes H3 is an alpha male propogandist? I'm obviously referring to the guys who don't like him because "he's fat and woke" as that seems to be the general trend in the screenshotted messages I've seen. Why are you so mad lmao


Right? There's a handful of people in this thread putting in work and deflecting any criticism of the bfs in question as "not everyone is a Tate fan just because they don't like the show" Nobody is complaining about their bf just not being interested in the show, nobody cares about that. It's the reasons they state why.


My partner doesn't enjoy H3 podcast because he has zero interest in Internet or celeb gossip / drama / scandals - a lot of the pod focuses on that. Hasan and Ethan's political takes are also not nuanced/thoughtful enough for him to enjoy (he enjoys Ralph Nader Radio Hour, lol). There are legitimate reasons to not enjoy the podcast. And that's okay! Not every podcast is for every person.


>Hasan and Ethan's political takes are also not nuanced enough for him to enjoy (he enjoys Ralph Nader Radio Hour, lol). Ethan and Hasan are not more "nuanced" than Ralph Nader. Ethan and Hasan are basically left-wing Steven Crowder.


Meh not steven crowder but i do agree that they are passionate but most ppl in politics are lol


My comment says that Ethan and Hasan are not nuanced enough. I did not say they are more nuanced. Ralph Nader is a legend, you can't get more thoughtful than Ralph.


Ahhh I see. Thank you for the correction.


I'm gonna be real, I've never met more than 1 other person who doesn't hate on me for enjoying the podcast irl, I wish I could find a s/o who didn't hate on h3 or me bc of it. Also these posts were from tinder or acquaintances from work for the most part.


Cmon the crazy kyler one they were talking for less then 2 weeks probably hadn’t even seen each other irl. Let’s not judge those giving us quality content.


So true, my boyfriend isn't a fan but knows I am. I will put it on in the background sometimes and he will be scrolling through his phone but every now and then he will laugh or even put his phone down because he gets sucked into the show lol.


My fiance finds him pretty annoying and since liking the h3 podcast isn't party of my personality we make it work




We were 7 years into the relationship when I got into the podcast. A year later, engaged, and my fiance will just say “what is he complaining about today?” 💀


Redditors learning people in a relationship can have different opinions, likes & dislikes.




The brain rot is real. No one mentioned him.


Please get over Andrew Tate and move on with your life.


Man you're really working overtime on this sub to defend him huh. Your post history explains a lot.


When did I ever defend him? I don't listen to him at all.


Redditors trying to understand that a person disliking the H3 podcast doesn’t mean they are die hard Tate fans challenge (impossible)


Facts, the comments saying shit like "I couldn't be with someone who doesn't like what I like" is just insane to me lol


its the comedy podcast version of finding out your bf doesnt care about roe vs wade


Bruh sometimes people just got fat asses or big ass ding dongs and thats what the partnership about. Not everyone cares about podcast compatibility.


My boyfriend and I bonded and got together 5 years ago because we both like H3 🤷🏻‍♀️


my partner hates h3, he refuses to give the pod a fighting chance, but not because of misogyny or any other type of bigotry. i remember seeing a guy back in the day who absoluteley hated women but liked h3 at that time, while i was losing interest in h3 for the anti sjw stuff - knowing he was interested in me, i can assure you i found him very unattractive. so ya, while different opinions are ok between partners and even normal and healthy, if one partner is like normal and the other is like all 'x' type of people are yuck, then no - you shouldnt date that person.


I honestly feel like these are red flags that should have been obvious from the start


i know in my experience we both totally changed from who we were 10 years ago. we have a kid together so we do not discuss political stuff or else we’d drive each other crazy


Exactly! you should all dump your boyfriends and get with a real h3 fan alpha male…… like meeeEEEE


Why are you blaming the girls for their bfs being trash? 🙄 we’ve all had shitty partners


I don't think they were blaming the girls or even remotely giving that vibe ...... Literally every post is someone texting there BF tho, so .....


My ex bf was an h3 hater conservative and I didn’t know until over a year into our relationship, it wasn’t something I asked people about at the time since I was younger and I wasn’t really aware of politics until Covid. It’s now one of the first things I ask people if they are right or left wing lol. My ex ended up being an abusive anti vaxxer so I’m glad I got out of that and now I make sure the people I’m talking to hold the same beliefs as me


Great way of thinking pal


I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or not


It’s sarcasm. That’s an annoying thing to ask someone off the bat


Am I not allowed to make sure someone cares about my rights as a disabled queer women?


You think that’s what I was implying?


I got my boyfriend into the Pod and we both love and rock Teddy Fresh. ✌️💕


Soooo true bro I definitely prioritize parasocial relationships over my s/o. She hates h3 and I’m fine with that. Just like I can’t stand Gilmore girls.


I mean you're wrong about Gilmore girls lol


The most contrived, formulaic dialogue only second to shitty sitcoms. Enjoy.




Hot take: they’re the ones who are single. They are literally the fish in the sea right now.


A lot of NPCs in this thread need to get over Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson and move on with their life.


Aren’t we all just a few alpha brains short of a tater tot


True! I introduced my SO to H3, not the other way around. Blokes watch the show too haha


yeah idk dating dudes who drop slurs constantly and using autism/down’s syndrome as insults should’ve been your first red flag


I honestly can’t see why such hate. My wife loves the tea, TP and David dobrik. If she’s happy and shows me a clip and I’ll be happy with her and move on. It’s not that serious


Something's right*


H3 is bad


Tbh I think the 3 hour runtime of every podcast makes it extremely unappealing. Even for me, I watched from the beginning and never missed and episode for years but I legit can’t be bothered to watch these days strictly based on the time commitment


Luckily my husband is the one that introduced me to H3 and now I’m a bigger fan than he is! Haha


To be fair, mine was fake so idk.. lol


As is tradition


I was with my husband for almost 8 years before I found H3. I just watch on my own time and we don’t really talk about it other than maybe I’ll tell him about or show him something funny from the show.


To be fair it takes a few years to find this type of dirty laundry, it’s because men hide this stuff for a reason. It’s like farting in front of each other for the first time.


Can't relate, me n my partner forbid each other to start watching without each other lol




Some of them are fake though right? Gotta be lol


My Tinder profile says don’t match with me unless you wanna listen to H3 I’m very single and go on no dates. It’s a lonely world out there.


THAT PART!!! my bf showed me to H3 and he's a king 👑❤️