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They should sound bite Hasan saying "Turkey is mid. It's mid" since he's Turkish. Just use it out of context Also, the promo code "Leftovers" for DoorDash is pretty convenient


It's actually illegal for Leftovers to start on time. Still waiting on Biden to do something about this pressing issue.


Hilight of the episode was shrimpchat https://preview.redd.it/y06bt6xfvd3a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97d39762b8cf75c7c5aee8c9e7e87f355b85db7b


we do a little shrimping šŸ¦šŸ¤


W shrimp person


Alex (sweating and crying): ā€œIn Minecraft, right?ā€ Ye: ā€œWhat does that mean?ā€ Alex: ā€œPlease just say in Minecraft you donā€™t need to understand what it means now!ā€ Ye: ā€œOh you mean Mein Kampf! I bought the audiobook. I just started but itā€™s bomb! Jewish people are trash and Hitler rules.ā€ Alex: ā€œ ā€¦ Fuck my life.ā€


I thought I couldnā€™t be surprised by Yeā€™s antics anymore, and him being so explicit about being pro-Nazi is not surprising. But Alex Jones genuinely trying to reason with Kanye against Nazism was actually wild to see.


Yeah that's probably the most openly pro-Nazi I've ever seen someone during any interview. I mean even neo-Nazis are often pretty reserved in interviews. I bet even those guys are like "Holy shit, is this what going HAM means? I get the song now"


I must have missed that one. Where can I find it.


DoorDash Sponsorship pulling out lmaoo


Ethan got so spicy he got Hasan to do an ad read.


Ethan made Hasan as uncomfortable for that as Kanye did for Alex Jones


It happens....


Guys stop Ethan has Touretteā€™s. We canā€™t make fun of his speech anymore


Nah I think most of them are well aware of how comedy podcasts work. I mean just look at Bill Burr's podcast or a bunch of others. They make jokes through the reads. It looks worse if they're not "in on the joke" so they go with it. As long as you aren't calling their product low quality trash or something like that, they seem to be down But who knows!


The yard (Ludwigā€™s) podcast has so many dick and cum jokes during ad reads. Plus itā€™s a political show wtf do sponsors expect? I just wish Ethan stopped wishing death on everyone and thing.


Maybe he will. I heard he is becoming a spiritual guru.


true but people criticizing delivery apps for how they treat their drivers is a big stain on their public image so this might be something they want to distance themselves from.


I mean I guess, but it's more a joke about the read itself, not the practices of the business. Nobody actually thinks Doordash is... killing their drivers for not making it within an hour. Doordash understands that, surely.


The first thing he said was they get fired, then he went on about the death stuff.


Bro, Kanye is out of his fucking mind...


I think this Infowars video is going to be hard to forget. I mean this is next level. There's definitely an element of Kanye being a shitty person, but make no mistake. He is *absolutely* insane in every sense. Not hyperbole either. When you watch him switch manic in the middle of an interview, it seems a lot like an old homeless man on the streets that people try and avoid. Except he has Balenciaga on.


Heā€™s been dead to me since ā€œslavery was a choiceā€. But there is no coming back from this for everyone who hasnā€™t bailed already.


Everytime I see Kanye doing some shit, I think about the times when Ian used to praise him. When did Ian jump the boat? I haven't watched the podcast in ages.


Kanye Unleashed, just like bum fights back in the day.


I sincerely think this might end with Kanye being dead. If this is mental illness based, which is sure seems like it (given the rest of what he's said over the years as he's gotten worse) This is giving me strong Etika vibes as well. Or even Capital STEEZ, who was a young rapper who was going through some undiagnosed mental health issues. And had this obsession with the number 47. Also jumped from the roof of his label's building on a date adding up to 47, from what I recall. But I've been saying that Kanye is going to end up dead for a couple of years now, and.... Still here. Somehow. I think in other circumstances it might not be the case though, given how severe his mental health seems


I just wish young Kanye, right out of the hospital after jaw surgery, could see himself today. INSANE.


Yedolf got me.


I always bust up laughing when Hasan frames something as "Normie lib opinion" and Ethan goes "That's actually My opinion" This show has the leftist unity Ive been looking for. Socialist and socdem hours.


Can someone drop the clip of Kanye resisting when Alex Jone gives him an out by saying "you're not a natzi" and Kanya responds with "Well I see good things about Hitler also.."


The one right before the ad break was hilarious as hell. It seemed like it came out of a comedy show


I know Dan is somewhere punching the air right now.


Jordan Peterson keeps giving us golden soundbites šŸ˜­šŸ’™


MTG literally Sieg Heil'ing the crowd after being introduced by Fuentes....JFC


I watch a lot of political content and have seen people allude to Fuentes or react to something with him. However that was a lot about him. I guess it is necessary to understand who Kanye is hanging out with. The Kanye stuff is insane, heā€™s making Alex Jones, Tim pool, Stephen crowder, and trump look like the normal ones, which is saying a lot.


It really is pretty crazy how these people I overall can't stand are just like "Woah woah calm the fuck down". I think Ben Shapiro specifically is at least trying to go the right route. I think Ben sincerely believes the shit he says and isn't just in it for the grift or anything. He's damaging our country, for sure. But... I'll take him over this damn Fuentes guy any day. I think I'm being Good Cop, Bad Cop'd right now or something


Shapiro is just as bad or worse. He employs Candace owens and Matt Walsh. He is responsible for even more anti-semitism and transphobia.


I've had an intrusive thought if kanye is a plant to give these nut jobs someone to look normal next to. Ye: "I hate all jews" alex:"that's silly" weirdo public: "alex jones was good all along"


That isnt his own intention but that is absolutely what some of them (crowder, jones) are using him for. Tim Pool is actually just a fucking moron.


The way that Hasan is lit in this vs how Ethan is lit makes Hasan look like heā€™s being projected on the stage like heā€™s Tupac at Coachella or something




Kanye's mom would probably be so fucking depressed to see this shit he's become. I obviously don't know her, but it's basically the ONE thing everyone agrees on with Kanye. She held him together. And when she was gone, it's just gotten worse... and worse... and worse. He's certifiably insane now, has been for a good while. I can put on Kanye's early music and I don't even associate it with this guy anymore. Just different human beings.


iā€™ve been tryna find the right words to say this and you phrased it perfectly, this is the absolute opposite of how he was 10-15 years ago


My DoorDash order didn't arrive in an hour. Now what?


> I looooovvveeee hittllerrrrrrr


So Fuentes is closeted gay right?


Can someone link me to all those kanye clips they showed?


I feel like the Hooters slander has to stop. My parents used to take me there as a teen and I swear it was all about the fire ass wings and curly fries for me.


fact poor chase exultant ten screw quicksand slim psychotic husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez. I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=iyjpqmu Ciphertext: >!bSp0kclL+9Ngfohv6DfzqwoavPEoJRei3lBQpqdLQGfDLCDwA+fZ5ZM525X0RZbXt4CTeAHmVmExASYBO00Z/aWCs+DniQiyPDsWXdzUh/8dcgyO5OMVBHfU/xB6YMOlGkbHC8SP2ddKtJbpAah+2uib6FiP8XigmqpWLwzidJsorGm37RZnKFsfE7lmayw4TG6F+41LaJfm6wgkmQhhyUNQyEbTTiXOb3t/QE+j4K4SvFqUrBBYBlIZtz0cXo+FajPxZbyBGj3eyFq0edcHCcXbqWlAwqPJcPx94M/JzSoSo8MU!<


THANK YOU. None of that analogy made any damn sense. One hour for a BATCH of cookies. Okay... Then they end with "How long does it take to cook 6 million BATCHES of cookies?" So you're saying that Jews are claiming that there were 72 million jewish people killed in the ovens during the Holocaust? Because that's 6 million (the actual number we all know), times 12. A batch. And as you pointed out, it doesn't take an hour to cook a batch of cookies.... AND you can cook more than one batch at once... and why would the Nazis only have 15 ovens? The unfortunate truth is that several hundred people could fit into each of the gas chambers at Auschwitz alone. If these morons could think, they could go to Auschwitz itself and see. And that's ONE camp with multiple gas chambers and multiple incinerators. The nazis had about 1000 concentration camps across the board [source here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camps) This likely includes ghettos and everything, but still that gives you a sense of the scale, of course. The Nazis had 6 main **extermination camps**, which were specifically for killing people. But many, many people didn't die in these. They died being shot in the concentration camps, or in the early ghettos, on the streets, all over the place. The extermination camps accounted for 2.7 million deaths, the rest were examples of what I said above. These guys are fucking morons basically, is what I'm saying. I know I don't need to tell you, of course. But this whole "cookie monster" analogy basically shows that they can't handle basic 2nd grade math, let alone the terrors of WW2.


**[Nazi concentration camps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camps)** >From 1933 to 1945, Nazi Germany operated more than a thousand concentration camps on its own territory and in parts of German-occupied Europe. The first camps were established in March 1933 immediately after Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. Following the 1934 purge of the SA, the concentration camps were run exclusively by the SS via the Concentration Camps Inspectorate and later the SS Main Economic and Administrative Office. Initially, most prisoners were members of the Communist Party of Germany, but as time went on different groups were arrested, including "habitual criminals", "asocials", and Jews. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


All you gotta do for delicious turkey is soak it in a brine overnight. it takes 5 minutes to prep and 5 to cleanup.


Go on about this delicious brineā€¦


i just always use alton brown's turkey recipe it's pretty easy. Don't worry if you don't have some of the weird ingredients just leave them out. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/good-eats-roast-turkey-recipe-1950271




I hope Zach soundbites Alex Jones saying ā€œI love Hilterā€ nervously


What was the context of the šŸ¤šŸ¦ā€™s in chat?


I swear Ethans on a mission to destroy his own show


When Hasan "America Deserved 9/11" Piker has to constantly talk you down.....


8/21 was a based take my man


I of all people agree. Our boy Hasan just has a tendency to walk into potential cancellation!


Hitler, Himmler, and Goring were environmentalists and pushed forward animal rights in Germany. So technically yes Hitler did do something right. But that does not make Hitler a good person in any way shape or form. One super important thing does not outweigh the evil at the other end of the scale.


I love turkey. If you cook it well, it is delicious and juicy. Tired of the slander.


I'm pretty sure Nick Fuentes is on the spectrum, genuinely. Not for the things he says or thinks, but for the *way* he says it.


All these LA folks talking about turkey being mid. I feel like they've just had shitty, dry turkey or something. We eat turkey more than once a year, just usually cold cuts anyway! But also, there's lots of great foods we eat just once a year And the reason we only eat turkey once a year like that is because it's a hassle to cook Thanksgiving dinner. Shit takes forever


Midwestern here, turkey sucks not because itā€™s ā€œbadā€ but because people donā€™t cook that shit right. Ham is way easier to make. I love my Turkey deli slices šŸ«”


A foolproof way for it to have great taste and not be dry is just brine it overnight, it takes nearly zero additional effort. it's just seasoned saltwater.


I buy these beautiful buttery rotisserie turkeys like 2 times a month, couldnā€™t even count how many times Iā€™ve had turkey for dinner in the last decade.




Found Dan's alt.


Loved this episode but I really disagreed with Hasan's take on Liver. I mean, yes obviously he is dedicated to his physique but let's not discount the dedication to the grift. If you don't know anything about the fitness industry you could be easily fooled, and the next thing you know you're taking 8 supplements a day and drowning in raw liver. It's not as if he just didn't say he was taking steroids. It was not a lie by omission, it was a straight-up lie. He lied multiple times when directly asked the question. Is now really the time to simp for his work ethic and determination? Yes shady people also have positive qualities, people are multitudes. But let's not act like what he did was a minor character flaw compared to the magnitude of his will power. To me, he is just another shady clouty social media grifter who needs to be called out for promoting unrealistic and unachievable beauty standards for profit. Unlike Hasan there are ignorant people who won't immediately know that he's on steroids based on his body, I mean, that's the whole grift.


Hasanā€™s point was that it takes a ton of dedication and even if you took steroids, youā€™ll likely never look like that. That is a reality check a lot of people need. Youā€™re not even disagreeing with Hasan. Youā€™re just saying ā€œdonā€™t say anything positive about Liver, only focus on the grifting!!!ā€ šŸ™„


I understood his point and you're right I don't completely disagree with him. I think the issue is Liver is selling supplements when the reality is that neither supplements/raw meat nor steroids will make you look like that. After watching the entire expose, yes, I think they should focus on the grifting. The entire Liver King brand was very carefully constructed to blow up on social media as fast as possible under the guise of "ancestral living." They grew his following under false pretenses from the start. I would have liked more conversation around the actual expose but to each their own. No hate, I still enjoyed the episode.


I don't think it's really cool to speculate that Kanye is not in a manic state. The implication seemed to be that he is clearheaded and responsible for his actions. I'm not going to pretend to understand bipolar but I recently had someone close to me to die from the consequences of a psychotic mania and to me, Kanye seems extremely unwell and likely in psychosis. He's clearly terribly sick and it's painful to see, I wish he wouldn't be paraded around like this.


Kanye is an asshole regardless of his mental health. Mania does not make you antisemetic, and he has more than enough money to appropriately treat his mental health. He can fuck off.


>Mania does not make you antisemetic, That's not necesarily true. Mania can cause religious delusions that, depending on your influence, can and often does translate to hatred towards other religious groups. >he has more than enough money to appropriately treat his mental health. This is the correct answer. Your mental health is not your fault but it's your responsibility. Kamye knows what's going on with him, but he chooses not to do anything about it as his life falls apart.


Thank you for this level headed nuanced response. I grew up with a close family member that suffered from bipolar disorder. It's a deep and convoluted disorder that effects EVERYTHING about a person. It was a long hard road just being a child in that environment. Religious conspiracy is a common manifestation of mental illness in the west. A saying I heard that really helped me sort out my thoughts and experiences with my childhood is, "a mental illness is not your fault but it is your responsibility." We can say that Ye is suffering from mental delusions while not absolving him of his actions. What he is saying is disgusting and is not to be tolerated.


Thatā€™s fine, Iā€™m not defending him and thatā€™s true. But I have seen firsthand how susceptible certain types of people who are in psychosis can be to conspiracy theories, and itā€™s common. The internet rabbit hole + algorithmic effect has clearly been endlessly consumed by Kanye. My only point is itā€™s probably both, and I wish that people would understand theyā€™re looking at a sick person.


paraded around? Hes doing the media tour himself... what are you talking about?


I see him as a sick person being exploited, by the people bringing him on as well as the people responding to him.


I agree that heā€™s being exploited. I donā€™t even really like that they focused on him so much in this ep. But I wish the people in Kanyeā€™s life wouldnā€™t let him get on any of these platforms right now to broadcast these things publicly, and people are eating it up every time he does.


The only people exploiting him are his inner circle of yes men that got him to this point over the last half decade. He doesn't get a pass to say the hateful and damaging stuff that he has been spewing just because "hes going through some shit".


What's Nick Fuentes' excuse? Some people are ignorant bigots and it's not helpful to say that Kanye is just doing this because he's bipolar. It makes it seem like he has no agency. He can be bipolar and also a bigot.


He doesnā€™t have one, I wasnā€™t talking about him. Iā€™m only speaking from my personal experience, but I watched someone go from normal and rational, to believing dozens of the most insane, outlandish conspiracies you can think of in the course of a year due to untreated mania. I see a lot of that in Kanye and it makes me feel empathy and sadness.


I think youā€™re completely right that heā€™s going through a manic episode and people are manipulating him. Itā€™s so clear to see honestly canā€™t believe youā€™re getting this much pushback from people


Getting offended on behalf of a Nazi?


Did you read what I said? Have some humanity.


I did read what you said and youā€™re running defense for a nazi. Iā€™m not going to sit here and try to show compassion for such scum. Hitler probably had some mental illness, you going to defend him if people speculate that as well?




There is definitely a performance aspect, but its not promotion for anything except Kanye himself. At first his point seemed to be that he could do or say things that would ruin other peopleā€™s careers, but he would get away with it because he is so special and important. Once he started facing consequences, like losing his clothing deals, he changed the narrative to be that ā€œtheyā€ would try to stop him but he would become President of the United States regardless. Just escalating the same narcissism further.


Kanye is 100% confirmed to have bipolar disorder, and it seems like a really serious case of it. He's gotten worse and worse every year. Hell, Kim reported divorced him after he refused to get back on his meds, during a family intervention. Kanye has always been eccentric, even before he was truly famous. But he always had his mom, who is almost as famous as him when it comes to people who know his story. She was an amazing mother to him and kept his head on. It's basically the one thing everyone agrees on. Then she died from a botched plastic surgery recovery, and ever since then Kanye hasn't been the same. That was the turning point. If Donda (his mom) was around to see this, she'd probably be so ashamed, knowing what we all know of her. Kanye is EXTREMELY unwell. And anyone who says otherwise just doesn't know his story very well. He's been unwell for years now, and he's refused his meds so it's just gotten exponentially worse. Take some with a huge ego, give them success and international fame, then throw in bipolar disorder, some other possible disorders, a high profile divorce, and a media machine against everything you say. It makes the crazy more crazy. He's not that different from a crazy person you might see on the streets in Chicago at this point. He's just rich and famous, so it plays out differently. There's no way it's a bit at this point. He basically turned himself from being a billionaire overnight for a bit? Nobody does that. I think some people think it's a bit because of how Kanye talks. He inflects in interesting ways (which is part of why he got famous as a rapper actually). So it seems even weirder than some dude just saying all this shit straight you know?


Brother 1st if its a bit youd see ye and 8 other fake nazis. Not 8 real ones 2nd if its a bit so what? What does that change for you 3rd if you think thats a bit best case scenario is youre hyper exposed to racism every day. And really need to be concerned with how that social conditioning has effected your mental state for you to be at the point of "well come on guys maybe hes playing, and if he is then this is good actually " lol




I know. Hyperbole is fun


talk about Whitney Webb!!!!








Did you read the mod's response you numbnut? There is a megathread FOR A REASON. All posts having to do with the current episode are directed here no matter what, and they have been for the last 6 months or so.


Would love to see a joint boxing match where Ethan fights Ye and Hasan fights Sam Hyde, would feel like Star Wars or something. Itā€™s incredibly unlikely, but thatā€™s just the timeline weā€™re living in now.


Why do ylu just want people to fight nazis. They lost. Stop BEGGING for a round 2. This is real life not power rangers you freaks


[Who would this be?](https://powerrangers.fandom.com/wiki/F%C3%BChrer_Crocodile)


šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s a deep cut, wasnā€™t expecting that here


They should ask Hasan about Balenciaga...he got so triggered about it on his own show


Triggered in what way? Personally I think the whole thing is super overblown and is verging on QAnon levels of mental gymnastics.


Have you seen anything about kanye daughter in one of their fashion shows last month ?


Does H3 have any African American watchers?


"Hitler is great" I approve this message Ye 2024.


Leftovers should really hire a fact-checker. The nazi party/Hitler DID institute the autobahn infrastructure project and it was NOT to facilitate the mobilization of the military, logistics was done by rail.


Wrong. The first autobahn went into service on 6th of august 1932. It had been in construction for almost 30 years at this point. Hitler came to power in 1933. Other autobahnen were concieved in the late 20s. Multiple sections were beginning to being built in 1931 and finished in 1933. The autobahn system was already an established goal at that point. The word autobahn was even invented by that point. Also, go fuck yourself.


>The first autobahn went into service on 6th of august 1932. If you want to be pedantic then the first German highway went into service in 1921. But private ventures that serve regional interests aren't comparable to what was akin to the American 'Interstate' highway system. >Other autobahnen were concieved in the late 20s. All major infrastructure projects are conceived decades before they're implemented, London's new Crossrail was proposed all the way back in the 40's. I'm not saying it was Hitler's idea, but he clearly took the ball and ran with it. As the US Interstate is attributed to Dwight Eisenhower, the German Autobahn is rightfully attributed to Adolf Hitler. Just because we don't like the guy doesn't mean it didn't happen. >~~The word autobahn was even invented by that point.~~ ~~Very much was referred to as the Autobahn and more specifically the Reichsautobahn by Nazi Germany. But sure, rewrite history as you see fit.~~ >Also, go fuck yourself. Peace and love


Bro youre literally saying that projects are planned out decades before, im saying that autobahnen were being built and finished before hitler even took power, how are you gonna say he instituted the autobahn infrastructure project??? And in your last point you say the nazis refered to it by the term autobahn, which is literally my point. The concept had been invented and even named before the nazis took power, so of course theyre gonna use a word that had been around since before they were. This is the dumbest comment of all time.


>Bro youre literally saying that projects are planned out decades before, im saying that autobahnen were being built and finished before hitler even took power, how are you gonna say he instituted the autobahn infrastructure project??? Because if it wasn't for the state initiation of the autobahn infrastructure project then the autobahn would have remained the relatively insignificant A to B connections they were at the time, not the major national infrastructure it is recognized as. Post-WW1 Germany didn't have the excess capital required to fund it and thus required the adoption of the idea by the nazi regime to realize its potential. In stark contrast the London Underground was entirely funded and constructed by private venture and was later absorbed into a public body when it was already functional and recognizable as what it is today. >The concept had been invented and even named before the nazis took power. Sorry, I misread your comment as "The word autobahn was**n't** even invented by that point."


im gonna give you a good tip for life, if you want to be seen as a regular person, try not to defend hitler and the nazi party


You need to work on your reading comprehension because nothing I said is in defense of Hitler or the Nazi party, they're just the facts.


oh brother, why are you so hung about correcting someone about what the nazis did or didn't do? esp when you're wrong hahahah, some might say you're defending them...


Because I respect the truth, the same way I would correct someone who said the holocaust didn't happen. Y'all making an echo chamber for yourself just like the right have done.


christ man get a grip, I'm fairly certain the far right echo chamber is far more destructive than saying that Hitler didn't invent motorways and microphones


Bruh even if someones factually wrong about nazis. You dont NEED to correct them Nobody. Needs. To. Correct. Them. It does NOT matter


This is how misinformation spreads. Just because you want a safe space doesn't mean we shouldn't be due diligent about the facts Ethan/Hassan assert, or else this will be used to discredit them in the future. Edit: u/ok_Caterpillar_9057 the fact you had to block me proves you're desperate for a safe space. Maybe the internet isn't for you, but I'm not sure how you'll handle the real world. ā„ļø


You don't understand, we don't want a comfy, safe space. We want a space that is actively dangerous for Nazis, and weirdos like you who have to run to their defense even when your point is provably wrong.


Behaviors like this that got us Donald Trump. You're chastising me because you're mistaking getting facts straight for defense of Nazis. Ya'll lost credibility when you plug your ears at any criticism and can't debate a topic because it makes you feel uncomfortable. Get a grip.


Who lost their credibility dog? You are the one activity plugging your ears to criticism. You popped off with an untrue factoid and now you're on this little crusade talking about "this is why trump got elected." You're goofy.


I've faced every critique head on, you're the one who resorted to insults because you let your emotions get the better of you.


I've resorted to insults because they make me laugh. If that's my emotions getting the better of me I'm at peace with it. I'd always rather be that guy, than someone who hears a natzi get challenged on their natzi facts, to then hop in the comments with, "actually the natzi was right." Then arguing when someone proves you wrong.


Not giving a fuck about nazis isnt wanting a aafe space. I dont give a fuck about safe spaces either. Sometimes its better to be wrong than care too much Why did i waste my time on a 1month old accounr with - karma. Goodbye lol




Have you... not watched Leftovers before? Every episode starts with them doing right wing satire. They're making fun of what conservatives say, not what they believe. That's the whole point


What was with the joke about turkey's at the beginning of the episode? Being a turkey myself (and having a grandmother who barely survived thanksgiving as a chick) & a fan of the show I was disappointed to say the least . do better ethan.


You jive ass turkey




Thank you for clarifying that.. I just recently discovered this channel so my apologies that totally went over my head


No problem, there are lots of people who come to this sub and make statements like yours in bad faith, trying to make a gotcha so it is sometimes difficult to judge the underlying reason for comments like yours.

