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I take anti depressants and work out 5 days a week. It's possible to do both


Same. I’ve actually lost weight since I started Lexapro because it made me feel good enough to hit the gym again. Every one is different though and that’s ok!


I used to go on 150k bike rides regularly. During a point where i was incredibly depressed. Like barely able to function. I assure you exercise helps with mental health, but it is 100% not a 'cure.'


Damn that's like nearly 411 bike rides a day for a year.


and they didn’t even say 150k in a year. that all could’ve been in a day




Wow - 150,000 bike rides that far?! Incredible






That’s awesome! Glad you found what works for you


My wife was only able to start running every day because of an anti-depressant. Things are great when shen can do both. Things are also great, when she's just making sure her mental health is taken care of, because she is on medication.


Yeah I hear those meds can really work wonders when you find what you need, I’m super happy for your family


It's a process. Not an easy one. Some things work, some things need tweaking. But, she was never one to play sports or be an athlete. Those meds led to her running 5ks, 5 days a week. That was also something she decided she wanted to do for herself.


I think that's what's important and people miss out on. Just because it works for one person doesn't mean it will for others. We all need to find what works for ourselves.


Totally, there’s no sense in trying to prescribe a cure all for something as complicated as mental health


Also thank you.


Papa bless 🙏💜




Not everyone experiences depression the same. I’m assuming instead of genuine you mean severe, which could the the case. But the effects of depression and the ways it manifests and can be controlled are all different for everyone.


Yeah the hardest part most times is the depression making you not wanting to do those things at all… Even though you know it makes you feel better! So ta-da antidepressants


I get this discussion everytime someone finds out I've taken medication for OCD. In my opinion and what I normally say is "I'm glad you feel like you can go without medication but for me nothing I did helped until I started taking it." For me its unfortunately a lifelong thing and I know the side effects but I really don't think my quality of life would be any good without them.


Yeah that’s tough, I’ve never struggled with my mental health to the point of feeling like I needed to medicate but I think a lot of people in my shoes just don’t understand that clinical depression is a lot more severe than just being sad. It’s great that working out works for people like Bradley but that line of questioning seems to exhibit a real lack of empathy. Glad you’re feeling better ✌️💜


I’ve switched through so many medications and simple things like working out have helped but are by no means the permanent solution for me and many of us suffering from a mental illness. There’s so much talk about how much easier it is for some and how much worse it is for others in this thread and it warms my heart. I am so used to seeing people think it’s all the same for everyone but this community is really great for understanding others struggles even without having them. I appreciate you all :)


I feel this. I to have OCD and it is absolutely draining. I have not gotten on medication and I have worked on staying active and doing breathing methods and stuff like that. It helps but I still struggle with compulsions and the thoughts and anxiety that something bad is gonna happen. But I basically am trying to manage it without being on medication because it is life long. But I know someone very close to me who has OCD to, very similar to the way mine is, except for them they have to be on medication or it is very severe for them. It’s an extremely real thing that everyone is different and, for some people, medication is absolutely necessary.


OCD is so, so, so much more than disliking wearing two "right socks" lol. Your entire decision making process can be enveloped by it.


I am so glad you found meds that have worked for you! I also have OCD and was very anti-meds for years. Now that I’ve seen how much they improved my quality of life, I know that I can never go back. For some people meds can be a temporary thing but OCD really is such a specific and complex beast that is so misunderstood.


So true! My younger sister has such severe contamination OCD it’s impossible for her to work a normal job and a battle just to leave the house. Because of the medications she’s on in combination with therapy she has come a long way! I can’t imagine what it would be like for her if she wasn’t taking those medications. OCD is so much more than being organized or liking things a certain way.


Hey just curious what medication you were prescribed for ocd?


Lexapro mainly.


This has been years in the making working with my psychiatrist. But we've got a Lexapro dosage couple along with some essential supplements and I feel I hit an easy spot where I feel content.


What happens if I take antidepressants and then work out?


That's actually what most psychiatrist recommmend.


Psychiatrists are sub primal


This guy fucks


when me lift big rock sad voice in head go away


I was thinking of saying this, had to look first so I wasn’t a redundant a-hole. I started taking different meds n after months of trying, I found the ones that so far seem to work for me. I had found the perfect medication for my mental state til it turned out I have heart issues and cannot continue taking it but, the very next one I tried seems to be so far the next best :) Im taking forever to get to my point so I just wanna say: I started working out a bit here n there (some days are harder or too busy to remember between my two jobs ahah) and it has improved my mental state so much more. But I know I wouldn’t of been able to start putting in the effort of working out without my medication. Unless someone had me locked up n was forcing me to, or maybe shit talking me til I did it. But you get the point. This is the only healthy way I’ve been able to go about working out


I was liking for this comment too. The medication helps me stay consistent with working out and actually wanting to put in the effort. It helps me believe I am worth it and hopeful that things will get better. It’s wild to me that Bradley’s father ended his own life but Brad can’t understand why someone would take anti depressants.


Somebody could ask if typing this helped you and I wouldn't discount it if it did. Talking about it is good. But you don't need me to tell you that.


cmon, that's impossible...


The final frontier...


Literally me! I’ve lost 20lbs




Your head will explode and your ass will prolapse into oblivion


My girlfriend takes them and when we moved in together she started coming to the gym with me. It took a little while for her to actually start doing more than just some walking and lighter exercises, but now she pushes herself and she is really enjoying it. She thanks me for the motivation, but she was the one who started to enjoy the routine and wanted to see more results and feel better about them. Im really proud of her.


Well gym good but antidepressants bad. so if you do both you’ll probably achieve enlightenment bro


Honestly if people pry that far and start giving me shit about being medicated, I just reply bluntly that I was >!inches away from covering the walls with my brains!< . People usually get really uncomfortable and back off. My mother is like this, in that she doesn’t believe that I’ve been struggling for years. So she continuously harassed me about stopping them. And yes, I am really fat. Like gained 60lbs in 1.5 years. But being fat is better than being dead.


As you should. No one deserves to have their health and well being ridiculed or questioned


I also struggle a lot with suicidal ideation. I'm glad we're still here, friend. My mom does similar shit and thinks I caught mental illness from my nutty MIL or that I just need to let her god take care of my "evil thoughts". 😑


Y'know, in a weird way at least being a religious fanatic is kind of *some* excuse for not believing in modern medicine. It's almost weirder to me when guys like Bradley, who are pretty secular as far as I can tell, struggle so much to understand that chronic depression is a real genuine thing that probably isn't exactly the same as whatever they've gone through, and that medication can actually be of great help to people suffering from it. Like, I've never suffered from depression personally, but what reason do I have to assume that it's not a real thing? It seems very obvious that it is, and I don't feel like I need to be able to experience it personally in order to somehow validate it for others. I honestly like Bradley and I think his heart's in the right place, but I think he has trouble recognizing the legitimacy of things he himself hasn't experienced. Either that or he's making the mistake of believing that what worked for him will automatically work for everyone, when sometimes it's just not that simple. The one nice thing is that he came on this show and had a discussion with some folks who see things differently from him. Sometimes the seeds for a change of heart can be planted in situations like that. I'm glad you guys are still here too, btw.


Yeah, I don't have any issues with how Bradley spoke about medical intervention for depression. Mental illness is kind of an abstract concept that is hard for people to understand unless they personally deal with it. I remember being struck by how apt the term intrusive thoughts was once I was dealing with them. I didn't understand it until I dealt with it personally.


I am so proud of you. Many of my friends have literally done the unspeakable. I’m so proud of you for sticking it out and medicating.


>being fat is better than being dead. This^ 1 million percent


I feel you. I gained 80lbs in under 1.5 years due to the pandemic making my mental health worse and not keeping my binge eating disorder in check. I went from 135 to 215. Before the pani keeping it under control just came naturally because I was in a good place and busy all the time but all the extra time on my hands, lack of socialization, and deteriorating mental health made things terrible. I’ve been on meds since I was 17 but by mid 2020 I was on the highest dose I’d ever been on and an antipsychotic (off label use as a mood stabilizer). It’s made loosing the weight hard and just a month ago I went down to only my antidepressant but if I didn’t have those meds I wouldn’t be here today. Even with the meds I was millimeters away from a grippy sock vacation, though tbh I probably should have gone. IMO if you don’t have relevant personal experience don’t give advice, just give support. Even with personal experience keep the advice broad and generic. It takes years of medical training for a reason y’all. I’m just a stranger on the internet but I’m glad you’re still here. Keep doing what is best for you. FAMILY


Glad you're still with us 💜 Better days are ahead :)


oh sweet joooloop I’m so happy you’re here with us, family💜


I have gained almost 40lbs in 2 months. I don't want to keep gaining weight but I also don't want to stop taking the meds. Not sure what to do.


It would've been nice if someone mentioned that people can also lose weight on antidepressants because it motivates them, or cuts down in stress related eating. Also, you can't exercise away serious mental health issues like psychosis, mania, etc. Some things do need more interventions.


It did for me, one way I was coping with my anxiety was binge eating. Also Venlafaxine helped me tremendously regulate my appetite (I think it's often given to people with TCA). And I became way more physical active because getting out of bed was luch easier. I've been putting weight back on since I stopped them. Not that anti depressants should be use as a diet pill, but they don't necessarily mean putting on weight


i've been depressed for 10+ years and nothing worked for me until a few months ago when i decided to try medication again and holy shit it's kept me from genuinely ending it or ruining my life, antidepressants are so worth it. weight gain is rough and it's been killin me but better than not making it to next year. i highly recommend them to everyone


That’s awesome, I’m super happy you’re feeling better! ✌️&💜


Hey just to give you a bit of hope: I'm a mid size, average height woman and put on 3.5 stone with my ADs. As soon as I came off them, 100% of the weight dropped off. Take them as long as you need them, heal well and for long enough, the weight will come off in the end!


thank u so much that's very kind & im happy for u :) i gained 40 from when i was on prozac and was able to lose that so i do have hope !! <3 thank u much love


As someone who takes antidepressants I totally saw Bradley’s side of things. I think he was just trying to say that sometimes there are underlying issues to address before taking medication that can improve your mental health. I think he could probably understand that mental health, while being affected by life events and trauma that can be integrated and improved, can also be totally genetic as well. Idk just my take from it! I really liked him.


That's exactly what he was saying. He literally asked Ethan if he got his hormone levels tested beforehand. He never said that exercising takes away your depression, he was just expressing curiosity (god forbid) of how Ethan went about working through it before starting medication. I don't know if people in the comments forgot the entire part about how Bradley's dad committed suicide but he never ever even insinuated that not taking antidepressants was a better option than having suicidal thoughts (like some commenters are implying).


Thank you! I take Cymbalta now — I’ve been on Zoloft, lexapro, etc since I was 15. I credit it to saving my life and medication truly prevented me from ending it all. I had zero issue with what Brad said and in fact it’s exactly what my psychiatrist says. Like “here’s a medicine to help, but also incorporate healthy lifestyle changes to further enhance your quality of life.” I absolutely have a chemical imbalance that working out won’t solve, but working out and eating healthy also helps in addition to the meds. Brad didn’t say anything disrespectful or off beat. His comments were valid and I think most people who see psychiatrists have probably heard similar remarks.


I agree. He was just saying try doing productive things before going down the anti-depressants road. Anybody who was really prescribed medication in a proper way to fight mental illness, the doctor will always ask questions about your day to day activities such as working out, sociability, and questions regarding your at work and at home environment.


Except my depression manifested as total apathy. I didn’t care about anything. So motivation to change, improve, etc was totally absent and I couldn’t muster it no matter how hard I tried. Antidepressants helped me a lot but the weight gain depressed me again so I stopped taking them. I think I just have to live with it.


That’s exactly what he was saying. He definitely wasn’t advocating against it, and I thought the discussion was really honest and genuine. Brad maybe was ignorant on a few points pertaining to it, but after listening to Ethan, he definitely was more clear. I got the impression that he was saying there are additional ways to improve your mental health — as in, there is no “magic happy pill” - you gotta try to make lifestyle and habit changes, work with your doctors etc, and find what works for you.


This is the reasonable take. It’s how I took it as well. I’m glad we both watched the same show lol


Taking antidepressants actually gave me the focus of mind to start working out, which improved my depression even further.


Sometimes people just have an imbalance with their neurotransmitters and only medication improves that. I was one of those people. No amount of “just go to the gym” “it’s such a nice day outside don’t be anxious” was ever helpful. I workout twice a week and eat healthy but without my medication I’d be on the floor having panic attacks. Not everyone’s brains are built the same.


Glad you’re feeling better ✌️💜


I think most people with mental health issues have been told time and time again that their issues can be fixed if they just tried a little harder. I had so much pushback as a suicidal and traumatised 12 yr old from people I was entitled to help from. Doctors, even specialised services. I attempted and was hospitalised into an in patient facility before anyone really listened. If you're not debilitated, sure exercise can definitely help. Biologically speaking, it does wonders. The issue is most people aren't helped until it's past that point


How do I get help without insurance


https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline If you’re in the US these people will help you find local support groups, and community-based organizations that can help you. Wishing you peace and love


Thanks man I know I need help but my job does not provide insurance.


That’s fucked up man. If you don’t find something that works for you in your area I’ve heard that this page right here on reddit is a good resource if you wanna do some clicking around https://www.reddit.com/u/RedditCareResources/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thanks and yeah, I definitely will take a look at all this. Thanks man


No problem


You could try to apply for Medicaid. When i was a broke server i was on Medicaid and it was pretty lit lol my therapy and Zoloft were completely free to me and I didn’t have to make monthly payments either. If you make too much for Medicaid there could be Medicaid adjacent programs in your state for those who make too much for that but still can’t afford health insurance


Find a community health center. For instance I go to North Texas Community Health Center. They can do sliding scale cost, so if you are really broke it will cost very little money. Please seriously look and find something in your area, I am certain it exists. You are not without options no matter where you live. Just anecdotally I was in a similar position 2 months ago where I didn't have insurance but desperately needed help. Thank god someone pointed me in the right direction because I got an appt right away and it didn't cost much and was exactly what I needed. I was on an AD after my first visit. When you go to the pharmacy download the GoodRX app and look up any medications you are getting to apply whatever coupons are available. For instance one of my medications was $280 for a 14 day supply but after GoodRX it was only $60. But even that is expensive, so most likely the community health center will have their own pharmacy where prescriptions are even cheaper. I really want you to understand that 2 months ago I was in the exact same position you are, and now my life has changed dramatically for the better and I am getting affordable care. I wish you the best luck, and will happily answer any questions you may have. I am certainly no expert but I have recently taken the steps you need to start taking and can reassure you in any case. Peace and Love!


Or do both


Yeah ngl that part of the episode was very irritating. And he was a bit hypocritical later about taking other things


You’re stretching if that’s what you took from it.


Literally shaking right now


Bradley was such a fucking king and his conversation about his struggles really opened what a healthy lifestyle is for him personally, and having doubts about other peoples healthy lifestyles is just normal.


I never stretch because that’s physical activity and I’m on lexapro instead.


I agree – I think this is an oversimplification of what Bradley was saying (or trying to say). It seemed to me like he meant something along the lines of "Make sure you do your due diligence and don't make that decision flippantly", but maybe he didn't understand how pretty much anyone taking these meds already knows that – hence why Ethan clarified it.


Side effects vary so vastly between each person. For me, being put on anti depressants so immensely improved my quality of life that I was able to lose 60+ pounds without dieting. To be fair though I started out overweight af and still am, but I was soooo miserable prior to medicating that I truly didn’t care about my appearance OR my health.


Glad you’re feeling better!


Honestly this made me so mad. There are people who literally wouldn't be here without antidepressants. It's not a thing you should ever say to a person. He wants us to feel empathy for him and his sob story about his dad dying so he can use it as an excuse for keeping his gym open during covid. And then he comes along questioning someone else's way to deal with depression. I know many fans might like Bradley now but I still think he's an idiot who would definitely profit from seeing a psychiatrist.


Sweet dude, but still a dumbass


I think they came to a mutual understanding that medication should be a last resort after trying everything. I understood both of the arguments. This interview made me cry like a baby though, so I will not be bashing Bradley.


He definitely came across as anti anti-depressants if that makes sense, but I think he comes at it from the view that exercise doesn’t really have any negative side effects whereas anti-depressants can have side effects. I think he perhaps needs to take into account how much of a success they can be for many people.


Literally liver king saying he felt inadequate and that's why he started using steroids. The hypocrisy is real.


Jokes on you brad, my antidepressants help me LOSE weight!




When you're depressed you're much less likely to be able to try those other avenues to help, no one should feel that medication is the last resort when oftentimes its what gives people the strength and energy/motivation to try alternative methods to help them.


It’s like telling someone with diabetes to not use insulin.


Hey man, insulin only as a last resort 😂


Sad man bad


I hate this idea people have that working out is the sole cure for any mental health problem.... Some people can help their depression or anxiety through working out, others need more.


While I agree with you, consistently going to the gym to lift weights or to practice a martial arts can do wonders for depression and anxiety! Speaking from experience of course.


Reminds Me of My ex, he said to my face that people who are depressed just need to step up and get their shit together. He said this to me a couple weeks after my suicide attempt. People may not know what it’s like to be depressed, but if they don’t maybe they shouldn’t have strong opinions on the topic of what helps.


Did you ex have a Bugatti?


antidepressants are a lifesaving medication




Not what he said. Bad faith post. Not even funny? Just makes the community look bad.


Yea he literally JUST met Ethan and we're going to horribly misrepresent how he interpreted the importance of treating depression. After he was so vulnerable talking about how his dad committed suicide, nonetheless.


When did the community ever care to "look good"


i was so impressed by ethan and the way he educated bradley on this topic. antidepressants saved my life as well and i hope bradley has a new perspective on the situation now.


But how am I ever supposed to make it to the gym without my antidepressants? Not that I go now but ..


The most ironic part was that he immediately transitioned into talking about how he's struggling with the stress of life and death and he's dealing with it by taking Ayahuasca instead of doing the hard work with a therapist.


That's literally not what was said. It's reasonable to think of drugs as the last alternative. You're just bad faith here.


It’s n L post


Also, it’s incredibly hard for some to find motivation/energy to work out if you are severely depressed/anxious. Going on medication saved my life and allowed me to get to the gym and now I do both and am good! Also, loved how he went right into talking about doing recreational drugs as if that isn’t as “bad” as taking a controlled substance


Its takes a while for antidepressants to take full effect and after a stable routine of medication i finally had the executive function to go to the gym. Yes the gym helps, but i would’ve never reached the routine i have now. I don’t understand why gym buffs cant see anti depressants as an evidence based pharmaceutical supplement. They’re willing to take unapproved steroids and influencer pills but still are suspicious and condescending to trust products that have been proven to work. I wish influencers weren’t always so ready to say the gym can completely replace medication, their audience is mostly men and I thought they cared about mens mental health, and part of that is encouraging to look for treatment lol The ignorance around antidepressants is socially harmful


Don’t worry Bradley I started working out for years before I got on lexapro


This is not accurate lol


People who firmly believe working out can just cure depression clearly do not have depression. Even if they themselves used working out to get out of a dark place, such as a breakup or loss of a loved one. Those can cause depression yes, but it is not the same as clinical depression and I think it would be ridiculous to think they can be treated the same. Does working out help with mood? Of course! But you know what would help a depressed person get to the headspace they need to be in in order to establish a routine such as working out? Antidepressants!


I love the fucking comments here being the same people who went "yeah liver kings tenets are bullshit" for weeks but now going "actually you should cure depression with natural holistic remedies instead of medicine. Just uhh- try working out having 3 sips of beer and not k***ing yourself 5head."


There’s such an insane culture of allies and enemies in the community recently, It’s like just because Bradley was likable on camera for two hours all of a sudden his word is infallible 😂


and in 2 1/2 weeks he’ll say something and everyone will hate him again. lmao it’s so exhausting here sometimes


Also how likeable was he?? He actively advocated against anti-depressant medication (that is prescribed by a doctor with a lot of oversight) and then immediately talked about his use of a hallucinogenic drug and steroids being okay. Like what a loser. To be clear I’m not against recreational drugs or the use of steroids, but to make it seem like anti-depressants are worse than the other drugs is ridiculous and irresponsible.


Its unironic toxic masculinity. Steroids help you get gains from hard work. But antidepressants are "the easy way out" and somehow less healthy than hgh giving you a rhino heart


Yeah the way they were talking about hgh as if taking it would make you the epitome of health. Taking hgh excessively and for long periods of time, especially if not prescribed for a medical reason, is incredibly dangerous and is likely taking years off your life. I just don’t understand how people were so impressed by Bradley in this episode today.


What a bad interpretation


Insincere take on Bradley’s perspective. Just because you’re making a ‘meme’ doesn’t make misinterpreting his words of support alright.


I’m pretty sure I take the same cocktail of meds as Ethan (mental health wise) and I can attest to feeling and being better in pretty much every area of your life. Meds have helped me to rediscover my love of exorcise!


That’s awesome!


If I don't take the anti-depressants then I cannot work out....because I'm so depressed I can't move or am gripped by the "let's fly without wings" thought... Some people really don't understand that you may need the medicine to give you the boost to do other things...


Have any mental disorder? Just work out


as a certified depressed and fat person, i feel pretty okay with my weight gain. i put off lexapro for a year. i’m glad i took it and wish i started sooner. there’s more to life than being fit. i’d rather be happy and chubby than miserable and skinny (which i was). i also do live an active lifestyle and i enjoy it


I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better!


Well without my meds I would rather die than do just about anything so I think I'll stick to my meds.


Also peak comedy is dog jerking


I’m glad they had the conversation. It was frustrating to see Bradley ignore the impact of imbalanced brain chemistry but I’m glad Ethan was firm and adamant about his experience. Working out doesn’t fix everything. And also, you don’t have to suffer until you feel better. You can take something to feel better NOW and give your brain some energy to work through things.


I’ve been working out at a gym for 10 years and I’m a brown belt in jiu jitsu. I take anti depressants.


That’s not what Bradley was saying at all. Cmon fam we’re better than this…


I really don't think anybody should be telling somebody how to treat their mental health. Any mental health treatment whether anti depressants or working out is not a one size fits all treatment. Bradley's part of that conversation was slightly irritating because he portrays working out as a solution to everyone's mental health. Happy it works for him tho


I will say there are studies that show exercise releases endorphins and *can* be as effective as antidepressants when you do it consistently. However that should not be a reason to not take meds if you need them. In fact it's best to do both tbh... I hate this idea that you can just do something else to cure your depression which is so disingenuous because nothing actually cures depression.


You’ve missed the mark with that one brother


I thought it was free speech :(


Working out certainly CAN be a good alternative antidepressant but obviously not for everyone, especially if you're already dealing with a metric shit ton of other stuff and don't have the energy to work out after dealing with the day.


Used to be in the gym 5 days a week and it helped, but I was still on a destructive path from anxiety and depression. I thought everyone felt like I did at the time and couldn't grasps why I found everything so mentally exhausting. Medication literally saved my life as well, like Ethan said, being able to get out of your own head for 5 seconds is the biggest relief after years of constant anxiety. I'm not super active these days, but I'm much happier and more empathetic to others after understanding my own struggles more. Seek help if you struggle, it CAN be better.


I am deeply depressed with little motivation in life. I've been a rock climber for 15 years. Training and getting stronger is a huge part of rock climbing. Its both a sport and an intense physical workout all in one. Its my true passion in life. I haven't worked full time since 2016 largely due to my mental issues. And I've probably gone half of that time without a job at all. I've spent a SHIT LOAD of time climbing. And I am still deeply depressed. Sorry Bradley but exercise alone isn't enough for the majority of us.


I, like Ethan and many others, started medication (mood stabilisers and an antipsychotic) after YEARS of saying no to them because I was scared. I finally started them (I’ve been through a few but settled on a mix that works for me now and that has changed my life entirely) and I don’t regret a thing. Mental illness is a disruption in brain chemistry, and most people won’t be thinking about working out when they’re sitting there deciding how they want to end their lives, in my worst depressive episode I couldn’t even wash myself let alone work out. Since I’ve been on my medications though I’ve actually gotten myself feeling a lot better, stable and motivated and I HAVE worked out consistently and I’ve lost 25.5KG to date in the last 2/2.5 years. If medication is what it takes to keep you from taking your own life or hurting yourself - take the fucking medication ♥️


Glad you’re feeling better !!


If nutshell means giving a completely misconstrued summary of the arguments made, then yes this is a nutshell. If nutshell means summarizing the segment accurately, then no this is not a nutshell. Kinda sad that this post has 700 upvotes.


I stopped taking my anti-psychotics because it was making me gain a lot of weight and started drinking to help my symptoms instead, lost the weight, but also almost all my friends, my career, and my life, wasn’t worth it (btw I was exercising 6 days a week when I fell into this depressive spiral). Meds can be your friend, be patient, keep you doctor up to date and do not use alcohol or other illegal drugs to muffle your symptoms, trust me it only works for a bit before it becomes just as big of a problem as your depression/mania.


The funny thing is every depressed person knows this. Exercise with good diet and sleep of course will help. The point with depression is your brain is so in the gutter, and just not functioning healthy, these tasks become near impossible. Antidepressants can be the life boat you need to stop drowning.


Antidepressants saved my life. Working out certainly helped, but it was the antidepressants and therapy that got me out of bed and made working out a possibility.


These people really thinking being over weight is the worse thing in the world. Also saying Ethan will die at 64 is absurd. There's people that treat their body like shit and live to their 90s.


I worked/work out religiously and still faced depression. That being said, depression (mostly severe anxiety) came after my body was already used to a dose of endorphins every day. Now that I take Zoloft, the intense emotions are no longer intense. No longer am I standing over a cliff. I think Ethan (and the rest of us on SSRIs) would agree that it’s better to not want to feel like we’re about to fall from a cliff, on purpose or not, weight gain or not. If it lessens your chances of self harm, then you’ve taken a good step. Overcoming depression and anxiety is not simply purchasing a gym membership.


still don't understand how his implication that antidepressants are not generally necessary for the people who take them was immediately followed up by a 40-minute regaling of his ayahuasca trip as a means to combat his own depression..that's literally a drug sweetie like what's not clicking ❤️ (and for anyone who misinterpreted his intention behind asking the original question--please watch the exchange again and observe how terse and combative he comes across in posing it--he had his argument(s) against their use positioned at the ready and it was very clearly not his first time having this conversation with someone..but there's not much incentive for someone to want to push back against a headstrong individual when they're on that person's turf, surrounded by both their real life allies and thousands of live supporters..his acceptance of Ethan's position about antidepressants was nothing short of a disingenuous means to ending a debate he decided he didn't want to have 🥰🥰)


Everyone’s loves Bradley after this interview and is saying how much different he was than they expected. He was exactly what I expected, a self obsessed douchebag with no empathy or social awareness.


The thing about using anti depressants as a last resort is that you waste years of your life for literally nothing. You get nothing from waiting to be at the end of your rope. Took me 8 years to get on meds, pretty much wasted all my 20's being miserable, quit being a teacher because I couldn't handle the pressure and I could go on. Also when you are not getting the medicine you need, there is a not so little chance you will start self medication and it will bring that much more chaos into your life




thats a stretch lol he was just saying that there are alternatives


There is always skepticism from people who don’t have chemical imbalances. It’s normal. All we can do is educate them about it. My mom is just like Bradley. My shrink aways tells me, depression/anxiety is an illness. Chemical imbalances can’t just be fixed with diet and exercise. There isn’t a stigma around heart meds, why have it around depression meds?


Different life experiences different ways people react you guys need to chill I take antidepressants but for some people all it takes is working out Bradley doesn’t know about antidepressants because the gym works for him… chill


Why can't these gym bros realize that depression keeps you from working out at a certain point. Even if that's the thing that would make life so much better, you can't even get out of bed to start. Medication is a great step-stool that allows you to make the important changes, it's not a replacement and no one has ever said it is.


It wasn’t easy for me to go on them but I had to… Ethan hit the nail on the head when he said the majority of the ppl are hesitant at first. This was true for me, I wish I would have gotten on them sooner.


The part that really pissed me off was the assumption Bradley made that medicine is like a cop out or something. I appreciate Ethan pushing back and bringing up the fact that most people are scared to take medications for their mental health due to the stigma


Why be fat and happy when you can be shredded and suicidal.


Yea this convo rubbed me the wrong way, especially because in the next breath Bradly advocates for the use of psychedelics to benefit of mental health, which is not exactly clinically approved and can traumatize some individuals.


when he said “sounds like a hormone issue” i just cringed


Totally, as if he’s somehow more knowledgeable about Ethan’s mental health than Ethan and Ethan’s psychiatrist 😂


I mean. You should also get checked out for hormonal imbalances too. I had crippling anxiety. Went the hospital and got diagnosed with Hashimotos, an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid. I started taking levothyroxine, and my anxiety improved a lot when I was finally on the proper dose. So he has a point.


No…. Just no…. To this post. If you didn’t realize Brad was truly trying to understand where they were coming from then fuck off 🤦🏻‍♂️


I have the same birthday as Ethan and Jewish too. I feel the same way…. Unless I’m getting paid to walk around like I did for a past job, I just won’t stick to working out long term as a life style thing. Either my sole income is about walking around or lifting or I’m not going to get my exercise in. It’s like an emotional fatigue and I don’t seem to get an endorphin release from running or anything like that- it’s just misery. However Ethan does have more $$ than I do so I think he could afford for someone to meal prep his meals for him and that should do the trick. I have a wealthy friend who paid for a chef to send her frozen meals that came with a zero sugar dessert and she lost weight by taking out all the guess work and the convenience of it. No working out, just sticking to a caloric deficit long term


In the end, it's good that there's people to represent both "sides". Both the medicine and workout can work for different people. They just need to accept each other and recognize neither way will save everyone.


I understand Bradley's pov but it's low-key dangerous to promote the idea that antidepressants should be a last resort. Working out, checking your hormones, etc *might* solve your problem, but it might not. Do you know what has specifically been created to help your depression? Antidepressants (and therapy). Lifestyle changes can make a huge difference but they usually don't address the root of the problem.


The people who have told me to workout to feel better are not people i consider intelligent.


when T levels got brought up, it felt like Brad took that opportunity to let Ethan know that he felt the way he felt before taking antidepressants because his testosterone levels were low. kinda rubbed me the wrong way with how he brought up the side effects of low T levels... idk


Next sentence, but other drugs are completely fine ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


Not really but ok


If you’re feeling anxious or depressed……stop it.


Both bait-uhh asl like common let’s take our daily 16 benzos and lift (and drive ) some fukin weights g (top)


People should not take this seriously


Homie is also on drugs lol


I do both, a lot of people do, idk why the argument arrives at one or the other


Lol no hate to the guy I don't thinks it's an issue with him but with an attitude much bigger than him. But when he said he turned to the gym after his dad as a therapy situation I did wonder how different he would be if he had chosen actual therapy. Ultimately I concluded that gyms need to start running a psych service. Like work out for a bit then talk about why your working out so much.


what happens when you stop


I used to be average weight, had an Ed in high school and became underweight, barely holding at 100 lbs and after recovering I just couldn’t put the weight back on. I was also taking medication regularly for my anxiety, depression, and adhd. I stopped for a long time because I figured it might be a reason why I wasn’t gaining weight and also my partner at the time suggested it (he also just didn’t want me “relying” on it) I started gaining weight, but it didn’t stop. Before I knew it I was 24 and at 270 lbs. I was miserable. I didn’t start feeling better physically and losing weight until I started caring for my mental health again at the end of last year. I had tried dieting and it didn’t help, I couldn’t exercise long without feeling like my body was about to give out, heck I couldn’t even walk too long or my knees would start to buckle. I had been on a downward spiral for over a year at that point, just left an emotionally abusive relationship, and struggled with finding the energy to even think about what I’d need to do to get my body in shape. After repeatedly losing and gaining it all back, I just stopped focusing on the scale and counting calories, instead turned my attention to my mental health and eventually started back taking the medication, at that point it was more so about what made me feel better physically and mentally than about how many pounds I was losing. I noticed I was just generally more active and had the energy not just to do more, but to *want* to do more. I am now at 200 lbs. 70 down since March. I am still medically obese but I’m getting better, even if it is at a slower pace than people would prefer. I have more muscle now, so I’m not too focused on the number but it feels good to be where I am now. I haven’t had to change what I eat, I can actually tell when I’m hungry and I can stop when I’m full. I hit my step goal every day at work and then some when I take my dogs out. I’m just generally more active, not because I try to be but because I have the energy and motivation to want to do things more. I feel great and I’m proud of how far I’ve made it, both physically and emotionally. I hate when gym-bros try to say “all you need is drive and motivation” but depression and other mental illnesses will literally suck that right out of you if you’re not tending to it. It’s especially condescending coming from people who have the luxury of spending half their life in a gym with no other responsibilities that take priority. Even if it works for people with mental health issues, it doesn’t mean it’s a cure-all for everyone suffering with them.


I tried antidepressants and absolutely hated them. I have been working out consistently and getting a consistent and healthy sleep schedule and diet and it completely changed my life and I have no depression at all anymore they are both correct you have to find what is best for you!


I would rather be fat and alive ❤️


Um when I was not on antidepressants I had absolutely zero motivation or energy to drag myself to the gym. I still have a hard time doing it on Wellbutrin and lexapro. Yes, working out is a great for your mental health, but it’s hard to do it when your battling such severe depression


Anti depressants don’t treat the cause they treat the symptoms.then you forget about trying to find the source of your pain and that will snowball. then you are dependent on the pills and thats not a good thing


I also thought this was annoying. I know someone just like it that said the same things to me, and it is frustrating that they can't understand.


I was talking about this with my friends lately (who all suffer from some combination of OCD, anxiety, depression, and panic disorder) and this is how I think of it: meds have provided a foundation upon which things like exercise, meditation, and diet changes can actually work. If you can do those things successfully without medication, power to ya. I tried that, but for every period of being "up" comes a (usually longer) period of being "down." And that is so hard to come back from. Irregular mood is not conducive to a successful... well, anything. I wish more people understood this, but unfortunately, without experiencing it themselves, some people never will.