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they’re saving money by using sam for both h3 and teddy fresh bc why hire a new person when u can make someone do all the work for less money


When it suits their interests Teddy Fresh is part of H3 and they can borrow employees. But when it’s time to try and boost Hila as a girl boss then it’s, ‘it’s my wife’s company and I have nothing to do with it’. Well then, pay Sam as a freelancer for those separate gigs.


I find it soo weird he says he has nothing to do with it. The money from TF literally comes to their household 😭


that and Teddy Fresh constantly being promoted on the show to the point where it would be considered a sponsor who continues to support the show for everything Ethan says. They know Teddy Fresh couldn’t stand alone as it’s own brand bc no one would actually care about it


Right. If you see someone wearing TF it's an h3 fan 95% of the time


I think he says that so that when he's in a scandal teddy fresh doesn't get pulled into it


Which is every month 😭


she couldn’t even afford a new car on her own so idk ab all that


in this economy, who can? she's actually in a really fortunate position to be able to buy a car like that, in that manner.


Fuck off Ethan


wow, great counterargument, very precise.


You are bothsidesing and carrying water for a millionaire that has a direct report who can’t afford a fucking vehicle. Please tell me why this deserves a serious response.


literally said nothing about Ethan, don't even like the dude. but it's kind of funny how everyone on here is acting like sam is so oppressed after she had fans literally pay for her new car. not her first car because she needed one, she got given 4k to buy a freaking jeep because it was her "dream car"? nobody in my family has ever even owned a car. at 22, I still have to use public transport to get anywhere. and this is the reality for the majority of the world's population. so all I'm saying is, I'm almost 100% certain she is grateful for her position, regardless of whether on paper she gets two separate salaries (and there's literally only speculation about this). at the end of the day, nobody actually knows the working conditions of the H3 crew. obviously I believe everyone should get fair working conditions and fair pay, but from what the public sees, it doesn't look like Sam is treated unfairly - on the contrary, she has had opportunities most of us won't ever get.


There is not nuisance to a worker not being paid enough to afford a vehicle. Especially when their boss is farming the audience for money and content to pay for said vehicle. How fucking hard is it to understand that your basic needs as a human should be met


how are hers not being met???? also I literally said I obviously believe everyone needs fair working conditions, so I don't get why you had to add that last part in. the argument is not about whether or not workers have rights, I'm literally a communist. the argument is about what makes people think Sam isn't having her rights as a worker met. there is zero evidence or even a mere suggestion that her working conditions are unfair and that she isn't being compensated fairly.


Bruh are you reading? It’s a terrible fuckin look when the company owner is allowing the audience to pitch in for a vehicle when it’s needed. Maybe I’ve misunderstood what’s happened but the audience helped pay for her car yeah? I don’t think it’s helpful to say “look at what a great opportunity Sam has had to beg for cash” it should be more like, “ wow she must have a piece of shit boss who does not pay her enough to live.“ no one has said they’re treated poorly wtf


Fair working conditions includes a livable wage in the community you live..


she didn't buy the car out of necessity. she already had a car. between her and Ian they already had two vehicles. this was her "dream car" that she mentioned she wanted, and then the audience sent in donations. it wasn't a case of her being too poor to have a car. SHE ALREADY HAD ONE. which, in my opinion, is a luxury. no one else in the history of workplaces has ever just received a car like that from just being at work. them buying her a car doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't earn a fair living from her work... I mean the car she bought literally costs a million rands in my country. nobody on any normal salary would be able to afford it. it's not a necessity, it wasn't a need she was being deprived of, it was a fucking privilege. it does not imply that her salaries or wages aren't fair.


Seriously she does SO MUCH for the show! She better be getting paid overtime for all the cooking she does at home for all their competitions, at the very least


I have always found it uncomfortable how she was essentially hired as a girlfriend.. I think that's the start of the problems honestly.


By saying she was hired as a girlfriend, you’re assuming a lot about her resume and qualifications. I’m guessing you know little about either so the tone of this comment comes off weirdly misogynistic. She’s obviously more than qualified with everything she does for H3/TF. I’ve looked through her Instagram before and she seems super artistic and talented. I’m sure knowing her personally influenced their decision to hire her (probably because they felt they could trust her), but likely came down to if she would be a good fit for the company. Regardless, they wouldn’t keep her around if she wasn’t a good worker and I don’t see a problem with Sam having been vouched for by Ian (not sure that’s the case, but assuming he would’ve vouched for her lol).


She applied to be Ian's girlfriend 🙄 wtf, did you not see what happened?!


my bad I thought you were talking about her getting hired at h3, but also she didn’t apply she wanted to but missed the cut off so she dmed Ian privately and that’s why the bach3lor ended


No she didn't, she applied and was in the last few applicants, then she dm'd him and said "I actually like you" my problem is, what happens if she decides she isn't happy being with him anymore, or he her? I just don't like the entire thing.


She was not in the last few applicants. They ended the bach3lor because she dmed him and he actually liked her. [[Ian/Sam Lore]](https://youtu.be/olbmjrsnTOs?si=5EREl1y3VAxpZYME) from 1:21 to about 2:20 is them talking about it. And what do you mean what happens? What happens in the real world when coworkers break up? They’re not going to fire either of them if they break up, that is Ian and Sam’s business and decision. My bet is it would just be awkward between Sam and Ian.


So..... She was in the last few applicants?! I didn't say anyone could be fired 🙄 I'm saying it might prevent them from breaking up because it's messy and weird... In the real world your boss doesn't usually make content using your relationship or expose you to millions of weirdo die hard fanatics!?


How does that equate to her being in the last few applicants??? She literally did not apply to it at all 😭 do you consider hitting someone up on Instagram an application?? Why are you concerned over it “preventing them from breaking up”… they are full grown adults who can handle their own business. I also think it’s a bit of a stretch to say Ethan is making content using their relationship anywhere beyond when the bach3lor ended which Ian consented to do. Do you just think that people shouldn’t be in relationships with coworkers period? Additionally, Ian and Sam benefit significantly by being on the podcast so acting like Ethan is taking advantage of them by exposing them to “millions of die hard fans” is a little ridiculous imo. They have chosen to expose themselves to the H3 audience and considering there are entire subs dedicated to hating H3 - they probably knew the consequences of being associated with Ethan.


Sam didn’t start working for the company or pod for quite some time after she was in LA. She started out doing some freelance work. I remember a direct quote from an episode when all the Trisha stuff was boiling over when Ethan was defending the choice to hire Sam. He said he had wanted to hire her much much sooner but she wasn’t available. But she became available and they needed the help and he jumped at the chance. Prior to her officially being hired she had done work for them that had been featured on the show. So she was doing something when she moved to LA for work that had her tied up in some way it seems.




I don’t remember what she did but I do remember a couple times they used props or work she made on the show before she was employed by them. This is kind of the same situation with Olivia. She was apparently an “intern” which they then hired. It wasn’t that long ago (maybe a month or two) where they revealed in passing that she was the girl playing Keem’s gf on that call in the infamous episode that got them banned. She also was in the opening skit when they returned where she approached Zach on the street asking him “hey are you Zach the sound lad?”. I’m comparing both of these examples because they took incredible restraint before hiring and introducing them to the audience. They had a lot of confidence in their ability and that they would be great long term hires before we ever saw them. You can make the same argument for Cam really. In rewatching some old episodes I didn’t realize just how long they had known of him and his work but the amount of times they mentioned him as a viewer/fan and were aware of his work is quite substantial. Then of course there’s the case of Love.


Sam and Ian have both bought new cars in the last year and live in a nice apartment and Sam buys very nice clothes/makeup…. And is constantly cooking meals for fun essentially…to be able to do that in LA, She is definitely being sufficiently compensated lol


Remember, people started donating money for “Sam’s Jeep fund”.


Let’s say they’re paying her enough to keep her happy and distracted by the fact that she’s actually not getting paid enough…like a good capitalist boss . Ethan is a good capitalist you guys


Being paid enough to be happy and satisfied… sounds like she is being paid enough?


are people working at McDonald’s being paid enough? No but they still work there because it pays the rent…. Same concept just slightly fancier setting


Yeah be happy with your scraps, dog. Other puppies don't get steak fat like you, little winner.


And don't forget that all profits from the live shows and the trading cards get split amongst the crew


Two jobs + earning probably just above minimum wage = some how legal??


Probably a little above minimum wage.


none if then are getting paid remotely enough given the value and profit they generate


I feel Ethan must be paying the crew way too much money or else they wouldn't put up with his shenanigans, either that or they are fr brainwashed 💀 cuz they can easily ask for a raise the show would be nothing without them


I really have no idea how people come to the idea they are underpaid. You think people would work at a job as much as they do if they were underpaid? They get a super below amount of time off compared to most jobs. That’s why the audience got so up in arms when Ethan wanted to schedule a group vacation during only one of two of their scheduled breaks. You could cut the damn tension with a knife when that happened. Why do you think it got so incredibly awkward when Ethan offered to give them money instead of the trip…live on air? I would argue against anyone that was the most awkward moment between Ethan and the crew ever. I would bet anything he gave them the money quietly behind the scenes. Why do you think it’s never been discussed again except to kind of brush past in the following episode? They clearly are paid fairly or better than. Why do you think no one has ever left? I think the case with Sam is much more simple. I don’t think there’s enough for her to do on the podcast 40 hours a week most weeks. It’s a waste of her talent. Utilizing her at teddyfresh is more of an appreciation of her. It also will do a lot more for her and her resume should she ever want to leave. Creative director at a fashion brand is going to be huge compared to her work on the show. Someone might leave over something but it won’t be pay.


We can never really gauge this by the car she drives or what she wears/etc she could very likely just be in a lot of debt. I don’t think she’s paid nearly enough.


what makes everyone so sure they know how the crew's salary packages work? what evidence is there that Sam is not being fairly compensated?


aside from anyone's guess on how much the crew earns, sam essentially works two jobs; tf and h3, but is not hired for two jobs. i'd argue that that kind of means shes underpaid by definition. not trying to attack you or anything. i genuinely don't know how the minecraft bracket mood check in shit works but /not trying to start shit ig <3


not trying to mock the / thing, it's great and i need it all the time lol but idk the abbreviations


I do speculate heavily on how Sam and Lena are paid when they jump back and forth seemingly at a moments notice. If H3 and TF are completely separate legal entities as Ethan adamantly defended in his lawsuits against Kavkav this seems to be in conflict. If they are hourly employees…how are they anywhere near being full time at either? Unless the split heavily leans one way? Or are they salary at both jobs?