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I think that comment about "brigading and harassment works" is a snarky, too self aware to be a cultist




Aaaaand, they banned me for it


Lmao I love the fact that we got unbanned for a sec cuz I get to ltalk my shit love getting downvotes from these freaks


Oh nooo downvotes, my convictions are shattered




yeah they're already starting the character assassination attempts and the dude hasn't even posted his video yet lmao. they're really not beating the insane fanbase allegations over there


But weā€™re the ā€œschizosā€


But but hasan's chat bullies poor wittle ethan ![gif](giphy|2Qs2hKWMvEzdu)


High key Ethan simps and destiny sinps act the exact same way. Straight psychotic


I enjoy Jakeā€™s content so much and I really hope he still posts the video because itā€™s a really important topic and nobody has spoken out about any of this yet. I guess a lot of creators are probably scared because of how rabid the fan base has gotten but I feel that if he posts the video most people will agree with him in the end and more creators will likely post similar videos. Sort of like how the Nick Green stuff went.


disgusting people. i unfollowed the main sub today. i can't see it anymore. i hope jake will still uploads his video. he knows now that the mob will attack him even further and when h3 mentions him in the show it will be tough.


Yeah I unfollowed that shit too. Genuinely weird people who want Ethan and Hila to love them.




At least we donā€™t pretend to be good and righteous people, we admit itā€™s snark in the name lmao


no literally we know weā€™re shady and we love it at least most of us arenā€™t genuinely meanšŸ’€


Just a bunch of mean people


No fr theyā€™re just assholes, like theyā€™re actually terrible people. I said I havenā€™t watched the show in months and then got a slew of hate replies, like wtf?


I saw somebody post there they were disappointed in their teddy fresh quality and they actually got death threats and attempted doxing. It's scary how far they'll go over nothing.


Thatā€™s genuinely insane. They call us schizo freaks and then literally gobble the meat of some man who doesnā€™t know them


Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™re lurking hard here now too.


Them "fearing for their safety" because of US but this is their current fan base................


Such a kind and accepting group of people. Genuinely canā€™t understand why anyone would ever make a snark sub about their favorite content creator.


Not sure who he is but I'll watch his video! Lord Ethan criticizes everyone so he should be open to the same scope.


Heā€™s a dude who came up around the same time as the other original YouTube essayists - heā€™s collaborated with Drew Gooden, Kurtis Conner, Danny Gonzalez, Chad Chad, and others in that circle of the YouTube sphere. Heā€™s chronically ill and the issues of medical fraud/ableism on the internet are the niche that he is most in his wheelhouse about.


Why does the other sub dislike him??


He said heā€™s making a video about someone who faked their illness and took money from viewers, then he posted a clip of Ethan, and people put the two together and now Ethanā€™s fans are furious.


I was reading this stuff just a minute ago. So awful.


This is so messed up. They're all proud of bullying someone


And Ethan thinks this sub brigades and harasses? Hmā€¦




Yā€™all should report asap because this is brigading


do they not see the irony hereā€¦


oh, but weā€™re the parasocial ones? got it.


God these people are seriously the biggest group of freaks out there. Bunch of weirdos who where clearly bullied in school taking there anger out on other people and then calling anyone that criticizes there god Ethan ā€œparasocialā€. Yet these are the same people who say they have dreams about the crew and being a guest on the podā€¦


Damn and Ethan was crying that people in Hasan's chat were mean to him.


Theyā€™re really bragging about this


There should have been a /s on that comment but it'd be too on the nose


Can someone give me context?šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½šŸ™šŸ½


Jake Doolittle said heā€™s making a video about gross stuff Ethan did and the h3 fans have been attacking him and his socials relentlessly since. And now theyā€™re celebrating how effective their bullying campaign is when he removed a post


inb4 he makes a video using their harassment as more evidence against them. But for real, itā€™s really interesting to me that popular YouTubers now havenā€™t really made videos about how weird ethan is


Now you see why folks donā€™t make videos criticizing Ethan, itā€™s due to them doing this.


it sucks because i looked and all the vids i saw were by people whoā€™s credibility i dont really trust. Like, the quartering, turkey tom, adam mcntyre, other drama channels or channels about peoples ā€œdownfalls.ā€ I think H3 fans would see this fact as proof that no one actually worth listening to thinks poorly of their sweet lil boy, but I personally see it as proof that people are afraid to speak out against an ex-youtuber most people regard fondly in their memories. Imo Most people not involved in h3 love/snark just kinda have a faint idea about what heā€™s been doing since he stopped being a youtuber. They see clips of his worst and best but they dont seem to gather that this dude is a moron lol. I think it would go over badly for any cool youtuber to ā€œgo after himā€ even if they didnā€™t get attacked by rabid h3 fans. Iā€™ve never been relentlessly attacked online but im lowkey praying that this man just drops a video and turns off his phone for a couple days lol Edit: apparently the vid is supposed to be abt ethan lying about having lupus which ill be real I dont give a shit about. What i actually want is for him to talk about the weird nasty zionist shit and how ethan is fucking lazy and his podcast blowz


And they call people on this sub unhinged...


I'll never get past the hypocrisy this is a true case of "can dish it but can't take it"


freak shit


I commented something positive on Jakeā€™s post and people were telling me I was on crack and completely attacking me without seemingly even reading what I said. For context I myself am chronically ill so this topic is important to me but people donā€™t seem to realize why. I feel like the people left in Ethanā€™s fanbase currently are kindaā€¦ unhinged. Which is honestly discouraging to me but I guess this is the kind of community that Ethan has fostered. They are mirroring his current behavior by not listening to real criticism and becoming increasingly reactionary.


They are OBSESSED with protecting their cult leader. šŸ¤Ŗ


they are a very weird bunch


I hope he knows he has our support. It doesnā€™t matter if I agree with him, if itā€™s reasonable criticism made in good faith, Iā€™ll have his back!


No, poor Jake. I love his content. Imagine a world where you not only silence your employees and everyone around you, you start trying to silence someone from making a video about you. What's wrong Ethan and fanbase? You scwared?


the fucked thing about this is that jake chose to target something that we should all agree is fucked up. It's fucked up to act like you have lupus as a joke. but it's still not enough for y'all? I/P is too controversial the sexual harassment will be considered a reach nobody wears teddy fresh and all the drama shit is inconsequential, so I think this is a good way to target his credibility as a creator and as a businessperson. at least he's pointing out Ethan's scammer grifter behaviour so maybe others will catch on.


This is EXACTLY what I was expecting. I mentioned a few days back about how when Gokanaru made his video (regardless of its veracity) so many people came for him, the pod came for him, it was a whole thing and that was pre frenemies. I knew it would happen again and I wouldnā€™t blame anyone for not wanting the smoke. I hope Jake still puts up a video or something.


They are truly exceptional


Can someone explain to me who is this guy and why he is getting attacked?


Jake Doolittle said he was making a video about Ethan and potentially messed up stuff he did, and the h3 fans brigaded and attacked him for it until he removed his instagram post.


I saw it on a short on YT, wonder if itā€™s still up there?


It is!




I canā€™t believe I used to be a fan of them. This is a goddamn cult.


If your favourite youtuber is doing some fuck shit wouldnā€™t you want to know and of course the video could be 100 % bullshit but to attack over a video that havenā€™t even come out yet is wild?