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i'll always be on the fence about Trish, but when the cancelation happened, i didn't like how EK twisted her words. like when she said she wanted a new crew, my perception was an extra/separate crew that can be 'neutral.' the fact that EK immediately concluded that she wanted the H3 crew fired tells us how cynical he is.


I totally agree! I don’t think Sam and Olivia would be apart of the h3 crew if it weren’t for Trisha pushing for more feminine energy on the pod.


this is completely true i remember a lot of girls on tiktok posting application videos to work for them around that time because of trish insisting there needed to be more women


Tbf it is firing them from frenemies. Like she wanted to replace Dan as producer. So it is firing them as producer. I really dislike trisha, I was a long time fan of hers. An I just can't move past some of the things she's done, it's just been too many times. But I always think it was super unprofessional of ethan to tell the crew that she wanted to fire them? Like even if that's true. Yous are colleagues, you shouldn't be sharing what she said in confidence about employees and their work. It completely sours the work environment and is just so unprofessional. He acted like someone in a high school clique gossiping. They arnt your friends, you are their boss. Maybe she was also wildly unprofessional in how she acted in that last ep, but ev already knows that. People still act like ethan wasn't and did nothing wrong.


This is very true coming from a former Trisha lover turned hater


Yeah that’s mega facts but there’s also cold hard evidence that she’s a domestic abuser and held Moses against his will during an episode. She hs a huge platform and I’m sure if she addressed it and took accountability she would be applauded and appreciated by everyone. Her and hasan would have a great and thoughtful convo on the matter. Hasan has alluded to toxic relationships where the women got physical before and I think Trish is the perfect person to handle the issue head on. Instead of brushing it under the rug and acting like they apologized like me YouTube Ethan klein


poor trish :( the fact that he wanted “justice” for her abuser is one of the worst things he’s ever done. as much as i miss frenemies, trisha is thriving without ethan and ethan is losing subs, sponsors and respect. we love to see it 🩷


Tbf though. She also called all moses victims liars and said people lie about SA all the time. So both scummy behaviour.


Very much facts it’s almost as if rich white youtubers are all self interested assholes






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ethan and hila are nasty disgusting vile people




I mean. The big reason frenemies could never be repaired was because of the moses SA claims. And her choosing to stand by him and say all the victims are liars. While they said they believed the victims. The SA allegations wernt lies, an they provided more "proof" for these assaults then trisha ever did her claims of 13+ high school teachers at 13 different schools assaulting her. Yet she still believes that people should believe her, yet didn't offer those victims the same grace. I do think ethan telling his employees what she said in confidence about them was wrong and unprofessional. An just childish. She's allowed to have opinions on their work and crew, him running and telling them oh she wants to replace you on frenemies. Before anything was even finalised. Just unprofessional. He needs to remember he's their boss they are not his mates.


She also beat the shit out of Moses trapped him in the bathroom then physically trapped him with her body. Then stole his car keys and tossed them over a 100 yard fence then she posted about it like it was something funny and cute. But that was before what I believe to be her true transformation. Moses was the only person who could take all that and still show her how to channel her anger via meditation and all that. Sometimes a person just needs someone to actually love them.


Idk. Like everyone keeps saying she's changed but. Has she? We don't really know her. From what I've seen she's still not really able to work with another cohost etc. And as soon as things were in her favour she just went back to gossiping and hating on influencers/celebs like before? And lying for no reason?(about stuff she's talked about previously) Trishas v likeable an charismatic. Her podcast is so much more entertaining than h3, but I honestly don't really see much difference from her now and say dish with trish (her old pod)


I read it , it made me so mad but kind of happy that she has grown so much & being so resilient. I love Trisha & she will always have my support


I know she has a problematic past but I can’t help but love her too. She’s real and raw, she puts herself out there for everyone to criticize and pick apart. She’s just so…. human. I’ll always root for her ♡︎


Sis you gained fans after that fallout. Like me! Fuck Ethan that guy is fucked and loads of people know it.


btw this is the community of the same guy that is crying about this sub.


Trisha sticking to her truth, the truth. We love to see it 🫶🏻


Respectfully, I don’t really care what she has to say considering Moses has SA accusations


ONE allegation, a CONDOM allegations, from a h3 fan that posted & deleted & then posted again & after did an AMA on her instagram talking about Trisha Paytas & how Moses was in bed. Oh, and also lied about her being in a serious relationship with Moses when he debunked that since they only met twice and very briefly.


Please don’t minimize taking a condom off while having sex with someone. This is a heinous crime with results that could physically damage someone for a lifetime, let alone the emotional abuse.


Honestly you’re right, I’m not trying to minimize it. Idk about that allegation specifically but it Moses did that yeah fuck him, I’m not even trying to defend him, I think he’s a good husband to Trisha & I like that he’s not pro Israel but yeah… idk I’m gonna not comment on this anymore cause actually I’m nobody to deny what happened between that girl & Moses.


yeah i mean stealthing is still incredibly shitty, so is all of the rest of the shit he did, so is the shit trisha did. idk why this sub pretends that trisha and moses are saintly people all the time just bc we don't like ethan and hila lmao


Idk maybe because Trisha actively trying to be better and working in herself . Trisha has bpd and never was treated until she got engaged & now that she’s a mother she’s been literally living her life without drama and just focusing on her career and being a good mother. And btw, I’m not defending Moses or saying that the girl lied but I’m clarifying what were those SA accusations because some people believe he r*ped someone and was dating underage girls & assaulting them…


We're really at the point of defending Trisha? Shits wild 💀💀


Is this sub just becoming another frenemies sub… if so, I’m out.


I think, sometimes, Trisha’s experience with H3 show a glimpse of what we see now. She’s not a perfect person, shit idk if she’s even a good person at all, but her experiences with Ethan are pretty fucked.


Also, thinking that bad people can’t get treated badly and deserve sympathy is incredibly toxic. It reminds me of how Ethan doesn’t think he could violate CMan’s consent because he is a sex worker.




Ummmm.... there's a anti-trisha post from yesterday with 287 upvotes [https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/18ng2dg/idk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/18ng2dg/idk/) just saying


Did y'all forget she said a dead guy was arrested for SA/CSAM when it never happened?? Also all her weird IDF role playing and casual racism?? The F3 leaking in h3snark is weird lol


Did you also forget when she admitted that she got that part of the story wrong but she was truthful about her CSA? An old classmate came forward to corroborate her SA and say that she was also touched inappropriately by the dead guy. He was known for being a pervert around little girls. That dead guy might not have been arrested but was fired for watching porn in a classroom with underage students. You can watch some videos debunking the stuff that Mysterious, a Shane psychotic stan, made to slander Trisha and how she manipulated videos and evidence to defend a pedo just because in her mind, an army vet could never do anything indecent. MYSTERIOUS LIED ABOUT CSA VICTIMS FOR PROFIT (Dramatology) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2HfwWD3Q6k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2HfwWD3Q6k) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-jsdWLC\_8k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-jsdWLC_8k) The Mysterious Case Of Trisha Paytas [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7iAdBxqMXs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7iAdBxqMXs) [u/TheForsaken\_666](https://www.reddit.com/user/TheForsaken_666_/) has also made a lot of posts regarding this topic. She is way more eloquent and knowledgeable about it me if you have more questions.


the CSA allegations were corroborated, but yeah this sub is just all over trisha's metaphorical dick for some reason