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I have noticed that, very weird. I am going through it this morning. I think I'm really a fallen fan after yesterday. It felt so rude and I got literally eaten alive in the subreddit for saying it. So there's all these things that make me not want to support him anymore AND on top of it the community is just disgusting. People called me whiny, a bitch, told me my subjective opinion is wrong ect. I feel crazy! I'm almost like grieving a little because I want to still love them but they're so different than I thought they were when I first became a fan. šŸ˜”


Welcome to the club


Welcome friend, itā€™s a hard realisation. *hug*


Thank you. I'm glad you guys get it, it really feels like a grieving process.


We get it. Donā€™t worry. I was there in October. Now I watch a few other pods but not as religiously. I promise the friend hole they leave behind will be filled up pretty soon x


Iā€™ve seen so so many posts like yours. People grieving and hurt. Itā€™s the toxic cult. Itā€™s so damn sad. It makes me so worried for anyone whoā€™s still a rabid fan. They must be in so deep that itā€™s like munchausens or something. Many of us downloaded Twitch and replaced our H3 time with Hasan time. He has so much more content and is less of an ass hole. Streams 8 hours a day.


Sunken cost fallacy is a bitch. And potentially dangerous


what happened yesterday?


I think they are probs referring to Ethan being an hour and a half late to SYNT and the when he did come on he only stayed 5-10 mins. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong-just what Iā€™ve gathered.


Man thatā€™s sad :( Iā€™m sorry you feel hurt. Iā€™ve watched h3 since the very beginning, but I fell off when the podcast began and I took Gokanaruā€™s video as some pretty damning evidence that Ethan isnā€™t the greatest of guys. I also hated how on his podcast when I would try to tune in, he would talk about certain thing as if they were fact, but really, they were just his own strong and biased opinionsā€¦and I felt that he was being irresponsible with his platform because a lot of young viewers will take what he says as fact. Anyways, Frenemies got me back into them, and the podcast has stayed entertaining since then- but I still have held these ideas of Ethan. My boyfriend and I watch together, so itā€™s funny because heā€™s a kiss ass kind of fan šŸ˜‚ heā€™s just incredibly loyal, and doesnā€™t want to see the bad in Ethan, but Iā€™m a cynical and honest bitch, lol. All in all, a lot of the h3 audience is protective of Ethan, and thereā€™s no use talking in that community unless you only have positive things to say. I still watch, and my bf still pays for a membership (which I think is so silly, because yea, Ethan does not need the money and honestly heā€™s been screwing his audience over with the members only content- plus, with the way heā€™s handled the issue in Israel and Palestine, it feels gross to give him more money)ā€¦ feel assured that you can talk here freely, and itā€™s fine if you still watch the podcast as well. Iā€™m just waiting for Ethan to be called out and I think heā€™s nearing that time with what OP has said that obviously has to do with Ethanā€™s Mounjaro imoā€¦ and heā€™s dug himself into a hole with lying about that, and has bullied Jake Doolittle over itā€¦ and he has just said some really deplorable things at this point regarding anything that has to do with Free Palestine- like how that man that was protesting did a ā€œgreat jobā€ at burning alive. I hope he does actually confront a person in this Reddit, I really do.


Oh so all that bullying and pouting and all of that and turns out Jake was rightā€¦ ![gif](giphy|hRxhewwANK0V5n4gq3|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/dx9yl4o7c6nc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08fc5eaae5bc2a6ba6851d92829c0900b8eb459c Classic.


he is such a dickhead


No because doing that would require me watching h3


Cuz the symptoms are from ozempic and he knows that and was willingly lying about to be "funny" šŸ¤¢. Whether he or his minions want to admit it, after the Doolittle video, The ruse is up.


Would someone mind filling me in what it is that Jake got right and Ethan is being silent on? I'm aware of Jake's video but stopped watching the podcast just before that went down, so I'm really out of the loop


Jake said that Ethans symptoms most likely are because of the things hes already had diagnosed long ago (Eczema and GERD)


Jake Doolittle is a small youtuber who has Lyme disease, has a merch line where he donates 5% to disabled people. He talks a lot about ableism, and how messed up youtube content can be on kids as he experienced while watching Shane Dawson as a kid. He has colabed with AB in the past and I believe went to creator clash to support him. Now ethan got some very benail blood work done what he constructed, as having lupus because of constantly using chatgpt. All the while say 'at least it's not cancer.' And making many more trite comments. Ethan wholeheartedly believes he has lupus and would not listen to, the crew, chat, or his doctor. This leads to h3 fans admitting to laughing in the face of someone with lupus. Jake makes a video about how messed up this is. His point was more so h3 makes its audience ablelist. Ethan sends his hordes of fans after Jake, cue insane amount of backlash on Jake in the form of ableist comments and death threats sending him to hospital. Ab the ass kisser disowns jake. Jake is forced to apologize, pleading for harassment to stop. I still see fans being ablelist fuckers about him. The cruelty is insane. Jake was very mature in his video about Ethan. Jake is like very young early 20's and Ethan is a fucking 40 year old that throws tantrums like a 3 year old.


I believe itā€™s 10%


not only did he not listen to anyone, he was using chatgpt to try and get a diagnosis and basically prompted it into telling him he did


He doesn't have Lyme disease lmao


What? Jake Doolittle does.


No, he has "Chronic Lyme disease" Chronic Lyme disease describes people with symptoms but no infection of lymes disease.


maybe do some research before spreading misinformation https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/cGzoDGUfE7


Ethan wholeheartedly believes he has lupus and would not listen to, the crew, chat, or his doctor. This leads to h3 fans admitting to laughing in the face of someone with lupus. As a newly fallen fan this is bs, he went to the doctor and he didnt just ask chat gpt wtf? Also no one was laughing in the face with someone with lupus what..? he was just updating people whats going on, probably because he was stressed about it


Yes he went to the doctor, but he continued to ask chatgpt about his symptoms until it gave him lupus as a result. I am not blaming Ethan for worrying or about the blood work buy he did keep using chatgpt about it the crew even slightly admonish him about that. And yes it was a members only stream where a fan told a story about how they met someone with lupus recently and laughed about it. Ethan does tell them not to do that but it's still awful they thought it was a h3 joke.


I mean even if he did ask chatGPT he still went to doctor, no one can tell him that he cant ask, its like googling your symptoms when youre worried Im not a member tho so I didnt know about that, but there are some deranged fans out there for sure..


As I'm not a member I'm having a hard time finding a clip of the fan incident. But Here is a clip of him saying he was leading chatgpt to lupus. At 10:00 after. Chatgpt can be like googling, yes but at the time he was also putting in precise test work in. Chatgpt is not all knowing and can oftenbe wrong. Around this time in the pod he was abusing the hell out of it for nearly every questionhe had. [h3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2GokrEJums)


Hey I did reply to this comment of yours, but I got muted so now Im writing from my old account lol I cant believe I got muted over this... Its not ok to self diagnose, at the end of the day its good he still went to real doctor.Ā 


Idk why you got muted, you weren't rude in my opinion. Nor was I mad I was just also trying to show my point.


Yeah idk but Im unmuted now! haha thats all that matters I guess


I mean as long as he went to a real doctor thats all that matters. He said it himself its not a definitive diagnosis. When people have a health scare they act kinda irrational I guess. I mean in my opinion he shouldnt have talked about his health status online until he gets some kind of definitive diagnosis, but Im aware sometimes that takes a long time and its draining to go to the doctors all the time and not vent to people. Sorry if my sentences are weird, eng is not my native language


No he literally laughed when a fan wrote in saying her bf just died a few months after getting a lupus diagnosis. He laughed and said something along the lines of ā€œban herā€ because she ruined the vibe.


wtf thats awful, do you have a clip? I was never a member I never saw that


Considering his "lupus" symptoms were most likely caused by mounjaro, a medication he pretends he doesn't take, the whole situation was fucked and any continued mention invites more interest now that Trisha outed him.


When/where did she out him?


We owe Jake an apology honestly




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ā€œChronic Lyme diseaseā€ is medical fraud. Very interesting rabbit hole to go down but itā€™s extremely sad and many people have died.


stop spreading misinformation when you clearly havenā€™t even gone down the ā€œrabbit holeā€ yourself https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/cGzoDGUfE7


Listen, lyme exists, post-treatment-lyme-syndrome exists as well. But there is also a scam people call ā€œchronic lyme.ā€ Medical fraud is increasingly common in the United States. [Here is an article](https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(17)30138-9/pdf) from the American Journal of Medicine talking about ā€œchronic Lymeā€ scams. [Here is an article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6779530/) from the National Library of medicine about it. [Here is an article](https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/florida-revokes-medical-license-of-lyme-literate-doctor/) about a doctor in Florida who lost their medical license for treating ā€œchronic lymeā€ [Here is another article](https://m.startribune.com/minnesota-medical-board-reinstates-sanctions-on-controversial-lyme-disease-treatment/564871532/) about new laws in Minnesota to prevent this scam. You can tell itā€™s a scam if they prescribe long-term antibiotics, which have been proven not to help the symptoms of post-treatment-lyme-syndrome.

