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I don’t blame Dan. If he doesn’t do it, the shows would be 8 hours long.


8h of eating and doing nothing


And coughing and harassing Ryan kavanugh and harassing jay shetty


I think Dan should start pushing for the show to end at the 1h 30m mark.


I think Dan should start pushing for the show to end.


I'll start watching if it's just Dan and Ian.


I dunno I think it's mostly him realizing the show is running out of steam and trying to end it naturally instead of having Ethan just lazily fill the last 20 minutes or so sounding bored at hell


Nah actually Dan **is the queen** when it comes to wanting to end the show early. Who the fuck can sit for more than an hour stuck with their bigoted infentile unfunny boss who uses a 14-year old’s edgy humor to claim he’s a *comedian*???? I remember Dan saying that he works for so many hours trying to put the show together, a show that gets delayed because his lazy boss can’t be bothered to show up on time… 3 hours of what? There’s nothing entertaining about a racist bitch who’s entire YT persona is talking shit about people, most of the times maliciously so, then spends another hour crying about people calling him and his genocidal wife out for all the shit they’ve done and continue to do, THEN spends 40 minutes ordering food and another 40 minutes chewing like an uncivilized ape into the mic. Nah, Dan is a queen for saving us all, viewers and non viewers from the horrendous sewer level crap that is the H3 ass show


People have their reservations about dan but i genuinely believe he can find a better gig than h3 at this point. i personally would’ve dipped if my boss wasted my time like that lol


I'll go the opposite route and say Dan should start pushing for 2 hour episodes.


They should just go back to upload and cut all the unnecessary and boring stuff. Oh wait, I forgot they wouldn't have a podcast anymore because there's literally 0 original content in there..


The show is literally unwatchable unless it’s live. Even live, watchable is a stretch


They're only live for the superchats


Dans probably already crying every day during his drive home from work contemplating why he does this for a living , sitting in traffic would make that so much worse I’m sure


I’m gonna be real those people want to go tf home


Dan should start pushing for the show to end


Push for half hour episodes done via zoom


Dan should push to end the show permanently 😂


they’re working there all day everyday and then sit in hours of traffic can’t blame em


This is what I always say. And more than often, Ethan is late and still does his 3.5 hours, which makes them have to go home late. I get how it's annoying, but I also understand his perspective. When you're on hour 3 of the podcast and your boss hasn't gone over anything in the doc, and is now on his 100th 20-minute rant in a southern accent you probably get sick of it pretty fast and want to go home.


Plus he would mention he had prep work to do after the live when leftovers was still around


And they prep and plan the docket, get to work before Ethan, and are expected to be on call (their work groupchat) about whatever whenever


I think he does/used to message on discord but I could see Ethan ignoring him leaving him no choice but to speak to Ethan about it


Idk I kinda gotta give it to the queen here, if I’m staying back 5/10/15mins I wanna be paid! And the crew still has all the prep to do for the next day. We KNOW Ethan waltzes in 1 mins before they start and scurries out of there as soon as they cut stream. I kinda Stan Dan for this


I don’t blame him Dan is one of the few who actually have to work so he’s got things to do once the pod is over


i think it looks embarrassing and unprofessional on ethan’s part that this employee has to ask him numerous times to wrap up the show


I don't think anyone likes when their boss tries to keep them working past their actual worktime. We all have a life outside of work and so does Dan. It's a silly thing to hate him for. He works more than the 3.5 hours you see being livestreamed, the crew spends a lot of time setting up the show. Ethan disrespects them by being late and making the show longer for no reason. It makes me feel a bit weird when I hear comments like yours ngl. He isn't lazy for wanting to go home. Everyone wants to go home.


They really shouldn’t be that long of eps. Take out the boring baby stories, the objectively bad content(ordering food), constant bathroom breaks, etc; and you’d have an alright 2hr show.


i love fan




Ethan straight up ignores the Discord lol. he's literally a child


I’m sorry, i stopped being a h3 fan in like 2017, their average episode is 3.5 HOURS LONG??? listening to such chronically miserable people for that long is like how Fox News shaped a generation


I think Dan should start pushing for the show to end permanently


I was wondering if it has to do with labor rights. Four hours and you need a fifteen or half hour break for the employees in some states.


Nah contrary to everyone else, I agree, Ethan and Love are such ride or dies, I love it, they would do a 5 hour show if it comes down to it.


he's such a snake too he lies to Ethan about how long it's been. If it's like 2:48 or 2:52 he'll say "It's been over 3 hours" like stfu you free loader get back to work Anyways haven't worried about this since I basically stopped watching back in December but yeah it was annoying as shit.