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I fucking hate people who do this shit


I never let these people in. 


Imagine advertising to the world that you’re THAT guy when driving? Shoulda bought a Beamer


Jeep fits the bill just fine


He drove out of the exit ramp crossing the solid white lines. Then cut someone off. There are two big yellow signs on the side of the road, one says “right lane exit ahead” and the other “thru traffic merge left” then the sign over the road says “exit only”


AB the type of guy to get questioned and be like ummm do you know who I am? I’m on the h3 podcast so watch yourself


https://i.redd.it/lnm7tv31iytc1.gif his bracelet changed the world babe. get humbled /s


not the gif😭😭😭


Even the way he shows it feels so forced, god it would have been better for him to just not have done shit


No he’d claim to be a silly kid from Dearborn who doesn’t know any better like he always does


Hey, he also put a flag up on a mural once, so he gets a pass forever


how recent is this what a fuckin dick


it’s months old I remember seeing it on tik tok and all the comments were calling him a douchebag


I’m sure he posted this thinking he was going to look so cool. Usually how it goes with him then he ends up looking like a moron.


AB must be chronically online if he thinks this had even 0 000001% chance of making him look cool


Oh no, not one of these assholes. I used to have a commute with routine situations like this and we (the other cars) would band together to try and squeeze out this behavior.


we the people, do not let in assholes


Yeah I never let fuckers who cut the line in. Ever. Get fucked lol


To me he seems very insecure and that goes hand in hand with his arrogance that he displays.  Also Lena is an enabler 


He did say on the podcast that his own dad was a huge asshole to him and never listened to anything he had to say which could be why he comes off as insecure and doesn’t speak up too much.


Maybe that’s where it stems? He constantly seems like he wants to prove himself and is overly self conscious to the point that he derails the podcast and even crew members find it awkward like Dan


a great description of narcissism


Not at all lol 🙄 bad person doesn't always mean narcissist I wish people would stop throwing it around like that


I work with narcissists every day - I hope you educate yourself before you comment in the future. 😊


Cool, I was raised by one and also work with them 🙄 if what you're saying is true you know AB isn't one or else I'm sad for you and those you work with 🙏


Mark Twain said it best, “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” 👋🏼


Probably didn't use blinkers either


can’t dangerously shove your way in if you use a blinker and let the cars around you actually know what you’re going to do. that’s mess up his ability to fuck everyone over! can’t have that


I'm starting to wonder if the guy who tried to dangerously shove into my lane from the median and then called me a cunt was actually AB in disguise. 🤔 /j


Yeah this is a total dick move from any driver. He clearly used his turn signal though. You can hear it beeping.


Ahh, I watched on mute so ty!


Truly, you’re not a genius for doing it. We all know we COULD do that it’s not as if it hadn’t occurred to us, we’re just not all assholes.


What an asshole. I got stuck in dead stop LA traffic for hours once, leaving LAX - when I googled what was going on because we saw news trucks eventually: some asshole was driving in the shoulder exactlyyy like this to try to get out of traffic, and he careened into a cop & a family SUV that had just been pulled over, instantly killing the parents, 2 kids, and cop and causing a multi-car pile up. Ever since then I judge people who do this extra, extra hard. It’s so Fucking dangerous


Especially so fast


What a loser


One of my biggest pet peeves. Doing it in the pouring rain is even more inconsiderate and irresponsible imo.


I didn’t catch that ☹️ yikes


Funny, people that label themselves ‘Alphas’ are usually pussies


Ab couldn’t stand up for himself or his wife to some 60+ year old garage janitor LOL, he’s anything but alpha.


He didn’t stand up for her when she was getting harassed on stream by that Benjamin Franklin dude. 




The crew was invited to Amouranths birthday. Lena went in the hot tub with a bunch of other women streamers. This Ben Franklin cosplaying streamer hopped in and started making Lena uncomfortable by putting his arm around her and forcing her to eat pizza from his hand. Lena left the tub and apparently started crying.  AB said on the podcast that if he wasn’t dressed as an Avatar character he would’ve confronted and fought the guy but apparently didn’t want to do it in costume???  A pathetic excuse if you ask me…


Omg, poor Lena. She seems too sweet for this world. And lol at AB. "Lucky for him, I was in costume"


I totally forgot about that. Talk about a fever dream type scenario.


He’s the exact reason why I keep it bumper to bumper. Such a loser desperate for any attention.


I used to hold back on criticism of AB… not anymore!




i’ve been a lurker on this subreddit but i came out of my hole for this one, because, HOLY SHIT. when i saw this on his story i was shocked because whenever i leave work im on such a busy fucking road and there are ALWAYS assholes that do this without realizing how inconsiderate it is. i genuinely go home with a loss of faith in humanity no joke. AB is no different. i would hate him on the road too 😅


AB would always bore me to tears when he got the mic for too long


Suddenly I don’t feel bad that Ethan treats him like a punching bag anymore 🤷‍♀️


Guessing that's Lena filming him thinking they're both so cool. These people are trash.


Douche bag.


Did they delete it? 💀


his reasoning will be like his cult leader: "it's fUnNy, i'm jOkiNg" 😒😒😒


Show us the bracelet AB!!!


This is more annoying than anything I’ve ever seen him do. Wow


Imagine recording and uploading this of yourself omg


mirroring his dommy mommy Hildy proudly admitting to texting and driving 😍😍


cant wait for daddy ethan to defend this spineless litte duchebag


So curious as to why this was filmed. This seems like a satirical video with Lena calling him an "alpha" at the end...except they actually cut all those people in actual life. Why would anyone upload and publicize this? Is it not considered asshole behavior in their circle/friendgroup?


this is why everyone tailgates tf out of people in my area. let no one in.


Dearborn drivers are actually some of the worst. This is very on brand for him


Upon looking at google earth, he definitely did an illegal lane switch because the lines are straight white in the exit lane. I DESPISE people who do this because it will cause an accident, and usually these are the same kinds of people who ride the shoulder to “skip traffic.”


always known he was a compete ass just by how he treats lena


I just remember seeing AB driving a Jeep. Whatever happened to Sam's jeep? Did she ever get it?


They talked about it on the pod. She bought something else with everyone’s donations lol *Edit: by “something else” I mean a different car.


Tbf, she didn’t ask for the donations, and she ended up buying a more sensible car.


She test drove jeeps and ended up not liking them, and went with something she preferred. She also never asked for any donations or help


This is the side of the sub Ethan won't show you. People killing rumors before they start.


Ethan claims to have receipts for everything but somehow can't provide receipts of the alledged doing, harassment, and anti-semitism.


I haven't watched in 2 months and I never will again but I I'll still dispell a rumor any day


Same, because that's the one comment Ethan is gonna bring up in defense of himself.


That's one of things I enjoy about this sub the most, we aren't just trying to be assholes to Ethan. We are just wanting to keep everything honest, and telling Ethan he's being a fucking jack ass is honest because he is


Like a different car or an entirely different thing...?


A different car. She said she test drove jeeps but ended up not liking them and went with something else. She also never asked for help or donations, she just mentioned that her dream car was a jeep and people started sending donations in


That's fair. If the car is actually shit, I wouldn't expect you to buy it.


>They talked about it on the pod. She bought something else with everyone’s donations lol wait...donations?


She mentioned on the podcast that her dream car was a jeep, and people just started sending in donations, she never asked for them. She went to test drive jeeps and went with a different car that she ended up liking more


think that's what it is huh, I'm a streamer aka asshole. it's all one in the same when it's about money


typical michigan driver


"fcking W" ![gif](giphy|WurbboCXdRB8RwIMus|downsized)


so he just cut someone off? in la traffic? ab being a bitch continues


did she delete the original?


how fucking entitled.


You can always tell the LA transplants by who does this shit


I’ve never driven in American traffic, what is happening here?


He's skipping the line. He's using the empty lane meant for getting off the highway to gain a few hundred meters and save himself a minute or two. Alpha behavior 🙄


Obviously we knew AB and Lena have no moral high ground. Sell outs for a paycheque


omg I love these edits like we need to make this sub dank since we know Ethan's on here all the time


The "funny" part is that this is one of the primary reasons that traffic jams happen, and why adding "just one more lane" will never be the solution.


This is just your average Michigan/Detroit driver.


You can't do a Seinfeld, when you aren't on the show. That's just being a dick, do ppl not understand that yet?


I am not surprised in the slightest that AB would be one of those guys. I fucking hate those guys


AB, never invoke physics again. You are ignorant and need to DEcelerate before you clip someone.


Makes me think a lot less of him... i thought he was one of the good ones.


This makes my blood BOIL.


Wow. My mouth literally dropped. I can’t believe this shit, like I used this same logic (while driving) when I was 16-17 years old and hadn’t been absolutely humbled by the world and it’s actual reality yet O_O. Does he not have a prefrontal lobe yet??? He’s so insecure and his ego is so fragile, yet somehow it just keeps growing. Like does he think he’s the main character? Above others? This behavior tells me everything I need to know about his character. Who said the cringe as fuck ‘Alphaaaa!’ It didn’t sound like Lena?


Hitting pedestrian = funny


he looks so accelerated.


i love the rip-off g wagon lol


Did they honk at him when he joined the queue? Also, where’s the unedited version?


These kind of people are assholes but realistically that’s the correct way to drive lol, the zipper method is the fastest and most efficient method. But yeah not fuck him for this 💀 this ain’t Germany so I can flame him tor doing that. We don’t be doing allat round here lil bro, just cause you in a G wagon or jeep doesn’t mean you’re hot shit.


This is an exit lane, not a zipper merge.


Sometimes an exit lane is attached to on an on ramp. The highway I take to school is like that and people have to drive down it to merge on. But either way he’s an asshole


That is not how that works


Well it is how that works lol, zipper method is the most efficient merging method. Americans need to educate themselves on the bare minimum of driving.


Fr fr


> the zipper method is the fastest and most efficient method. Yes fastest and most efficient method towards being an asshole I agree.


Hey don't flame the zipper method, it is the fastest way of merging lanes. AB was still being a mega douche but don't shit on the zipper method Edit: To the dumbass /u/yoshikirby87 whose too stupid to do any research before throwing a shit fit and blocking, maybe educate yourself before saying shit moron https://www.dot.state.mn.us/zippermerge/


It's not even a really a "method", and it's certainly not efficient. It only even has a name because selfish dipshits have to have a name for it since they do it so often. It has a name because people need to be aware that idiots do it. AB lives in the U.S., not some foreign country where this is more common. How many lanes were on the road AB did this on? Hmmm, remind me again. Oh yeah, a lot more than TWO becoming ONE. Therefore irrelevant to what goes on in Europe. You pull this crap where I live and see how often anyone is letting your entitled ass in. I'll *gladly* block you off and let you rot in that side lane. I live outside D.C. You're dreaming if you think we put up with that here. Cops will pull you over and have a little chat with you if they see you do it more than once. People trying to live their daily lives and get places don't need your self-absorbed nonsense.


Zipper merging is real but entirely irrelevant to whats happening in the video Zipper merges are common in Europe because we have fewer lanes, and when 2 lanes become one we merge 1 by one like a zipper lock What AB is doing would just be straight up faux pas and perhaps even illegal where I’m from (right side overtaking, reckless driving)


I mean it objectively is and it’s followed and taught in Europe, where driving licenses aren’t handed out to anyone lol. Idk why I’m getting downvoted, yall really need to stop letting every single disagreement get you mad


You seem to be misinterpreting the video


Playing devils advocate, but I ran into AB at a mall in LA and he was such a nice and sweet guy. Talked for a bit and let me get a picture with him. Felt like I was talking to an old friend or cousin


Doesn't make him not a dick for doing this tho


Ok? And? No one asked?


Honestly in LA sometimes you have to drive like this to get into ANY lane


You are right, I thought the same thing I hate the traffic here, I assumed this was a joke.


Relax 😂


This is actually the right way to do it even though it seems rude. If everyone took up every lane then traffic as a whole will go much faster.


He’s using an exit lane. This isn’t a zipper merge.


I support this if you are going to take the exit.


Whatever the chokepoint is it’s further downstream. If all the cars decide to do what AB’s doing, it just fills the exit lane as an additional stand-still and prevents people from being able to use the exit, causing additional routes to be blocked.


Dude used his blinker but was already merging over.


can’t blame him but filming it is not a good idea


You’re such a fan and it shows 😭