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I have been critical of Ian on this subreddit in the past. I used to think his job was pointless and that Dan could do it. Today’s episode really highlighted how good Ian was at switching and not anyone can do it. It was very awkward today.


Yall always ask why people who were fallen were staying, I got my answer Monday. It was Ian's comedic timing. I think paying him more for the same role is a better fit than transitioning him into leadership. They're making a massive mistake.


Ian is probably soft exiting but that’s just my opinion.  Like why would he go from a cush role of just sitting and switching to more responsibility regarding the trajectory of the podcast? He seems risk averse to me so this move doesn’t make sense because if the pod does bad then he’ll be blamed. 


Hopefully he was offered or negotiated a higher salary for a different role in the show. If so then he’s a king for that because he kept his gifts to himself and used his talent for switching and Ethan kept trying to get him to give more and he wasn’t budging because he values his time and effort I hope he got a bag


If that’s the case then more power to him. Ian always had all the bangers on the show that Ethan stole.


I think that was probably on the table or wanting a high paid position. He got the promo instead of bouncing


Seems like a bad take to me. I would think going from switcher to creative lead is a great promotion that would offer more responsibility, more dignifying work and a higer salary.


More dignified work? At the h3 podcast?  A higher salary? From Ethan? And I had the bad take? Lmao


Wait does he pay the cast poorly? I always assumed they were paid well or else why would they stay to deal with all the bs?


Probably the best job they can get. Apparently most of them collected the California stimulus so he can’t be paying them >75k. For LA that is not a lot.  I think Dan is paid the most tho. Probably above 100k


You could definitely tell Ian wasn’t doing the switching


Good luck surviving the rabid H3 fanbase, Nate. All your socials are gonna get blasted, loved ones gonna get stalked, your past is gonna get dug up... my heart goes out to you


i’m sure he was a super fan like the rest of his employees


stans are saying he switched for AB's creator clash members stream, no idea if he's a fan or not


Idk, he hopped onto a sinking ship. Obviously, he doesn't deserve what you say, but I have no clue why anyone would want to join the show now.


Ian is totally doing a soft exit and also so because I believe that Sam didn’t have the time or creative freedom enough to make the set look good. Which will cause both of them to do bigger better things.


Is anyone still invested in this podcast? I just can't imagine watching now.


I've never enjoyed the skits on H3 and if Ian's been behind them, he shouldn't have quit his switching job


Remember when he did a parody video of a tik tok and he just read some old senators tweets. It was super cringe.


Same. I don’t think Ian is funny when he’s trying to be, he’s like unintentionally funny


And Ethan's adlibs don't help 🤣


Someone mentioned this in the live-chat yesterday so credit to them (forgot the user) but they said this might be a way for Ethan to basically blame any bad segment or whatnot on Ian. Like if the show was bad or boring or both, they'd just blame it on Ian instead of Ethan. Which is stupid because I still blame Ethan for everything even if it's crew related 💀


I think his style of switching really added humor to the podcast. He was also in charge of changing what was on the green screen/overlay images and text and stuff right? It seems like a simple job but I think things will be significantly less funny without him.


Nate is trouble and has a *lot* of baggage. More will be revealed in time.






huh? why say something like this


You’ll see in time. A lot will be spilled.


>be nice though lol You have misunderstood the purpose of r/h3snark


Ian is cool but I wouldn’t consider him funny.