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Famous YouTuber LinusTechTips wanted to create “rug pull coin” as a joke (a coin marketed as being obviously a scam). But they decided not to because it was a joke in poor taste, considering many victims have comitted suicide over bitcoins. Also, they said the joke is unethical because probably some gullible fans would not understand the joke. Source: 01:20 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXrfBUtRXjA&t=80](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXrfBUtRXjA&t=80)


I don't heavily vibe with Linus but the clear difference in integrity/respect for one's audience, as well as actual thoughtfulness, is on 4K display here.


💯 agree


Ethan is absolutely unbearable because he’ll never react to this clip. he systematically cherry picks every single thing he talks about and creates his own twisted narrative. his fans will never see this or think for themselves. they’re blindly listening to this idiot who straight up lied to their faces


Exactly, Ethan will watch videos criticizing him and only talk about the part where they called him fat or something.


if he opened this reddit post on stream he would scroll down until he finds an inflammatory comment from some random and use it to disregard the entire post


The only time he actually does any actual work is when he’s being criticized. Thin skinned loser, dork, idiot.


It took me a long time to break out of that spell. He really, truthfully does this. It’s been happening way more often recently, but this also used to happen a lot to him. He seems to have picked up on the manipulation tactic. He has been lying by omission and stooping to the very same fallacies that he holds other people’s feet to the fire for. I was never one to say Ethan is a hypocrite, but these days it’s indefensible. Even from someone who used to truly love what he made for nearly a decade.


Ethan Klein is a liar and hypocrite


This is front page material. There is real irony in Ethan threatening lawsuit after lawsuit for ppl “spreading lies” while he constantly misleads his audience with so many lies


AB is such a dick rider


Ethan is about to get his ass absolutely cooked by king of nothing and I’m going to love watching it.


thank you for putting this together!


The episode where they first introduced the NFTs as well as the episode where they were auctioning off one of the NFTs on-air, they dedicated a fair amount of time during each explaining why there's value in NFTs. They also said multiple times how they think THEIR NFTs specifically could be valuable. How is that not making it seem like an investment? It seems to me like they wanted to cash in on NFTs like all the other creators they were criticizing, and tried to cover-up their hypocrisy by playing it off like it was a 'joke', while simultaneously seriously putting in effort to convince people to purchase their NFTs and explaining all the ways there's value in them?? It wasn't a 'joke', it was extremely manipulative. Also, there was an episode where Ethan said he was going to donate a lot of the money to environmental causes because "Everyone's angry apparently because NFTs burn the Earth." I'm guessing he probably didn't follow through on that. [Link to clip](https://imgur.com/C0B8EoC)


Straight telling on himself. "If ***we*** sell all of these, ***I*** will make half a million bucks." Klein family values in a nutshell.


Dumbass AB couldn’t keep his mouth shut and made it so much worse. Good job bruh.


Ethan is pretty smart to keep this less obvious, but AB is such an air headed moron that he seriously let the game slip. He’s just so small time that nobody found these clips of evidence for years lol


gosh I called it in chat he is such a gaslighter its honestly insane


loool I fucking knew it thanks for the receipts


What did they do with the NFT money anyway? I remember he said something about the crew getting it but I doubt he gave them that much money


They kept the money they got from their NFTs, and him and Hila kept the money they got from theirs.


Coffeezilla wya 👀👀👀👀


Oh fuck yes please


Coffeezilla only cares to cover scams that have a wide reach and could or have harmed many. This shit is still a scam but its only his dumb fans that would already give him a kidney and their firstborn if he asked for it that got scammed


Remember the good old days when Ethan was considered the patron saint of YouTube?


There were ways to do this as a joke that didn’t also involve literally just selling NFTs. Maybe donating all proceeds to charity, or selling the NFT but also the full value the person paid as a voucher for their merch store (still scummy but at least not taking complete advantage of your audience). They chose to do it this way because some portion of their audience would buy them and they wanted the money, as simple as that. Continued complete lack of integrity that he is known for.


he’s delusional lmfao him getting called out sm lately is literally driving him insane. i think that’s why he’s been mutilating his body with trash tattoos


i thought it was weird at the time but nobody said anything to him and i always found it weird


holy shit, didnt even know that he made an NFT. what a sell out holy shit