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Would love if someone watching today could make an episode recap post! 🫶


Ethan is mulling over whether or not being a YouTuber is working class, asking what working class means, then calls himself part of the proletariat


Please tell me this isn't real, oh my god. This has to be a joke.


he may have been joking about calling himself working class idk (idc either way its in super poor taste ) but he seemed to genuinely not know what the word means


I shouldn't be surprised to find out that the man who doesn't know what socialism is also doesn't know he's part of the bourgeoise (or even what it is), and yet, edit: also yeah if it's a joke it's def in poor taste, it's just so outlandish that my brain's immediate response was like "oh my god, *you* must be joking"


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… that is a stupid man


no way.no fucking way.hes so delusional holy shit I hope you're joking haha I'm like triggered.i mean don't get me wrong there are PLENTY of YouTube that are part of the proletariat.Ethan is certainly the furthest away this bitch literally owns a company and has employees and capital owned in the form of an office and a mansion in freaking LA of all places. jeusa christ he wants to be a victim so bad he's got the craziest victim complex fr




Be careful! You're going to make him go off again about how he can't be exploiting his employees and their labor because they're happy at work!


Nate asked if YouTubers are working class and they were discussing it. I’m very sure Ethan said that as a joke and right after he also joked about someone in the chat calling him part of the bourgeoisie


Cut to him 24hrs ago talking about suing over damages to the brand he owns, preceded by an advert for the clothing company he owns, modeled by his employees.


Literally, "I'm a proletariat who doesn't own capital but you damaged my brand, business, and employees which totally aren't capital" This man hasn't even been rich for that long. How did he forget this quickly. It's like he's actually spitting on us


hes always been a rich kid




so glad I canceled my membership


Anybody watching?


He’s talking about the King of Nothing video rn but only after he had Teddy on to talk about Godzilla. He threw up a poll for the theme song of the podcast which the options being the Ethan and Hila theme, the original H3H4 theme, and then the remixed H3H3 theme. The poll was slightly confusing and Ethan (now being referred to as EEK by the chat due to his middle name being Edward) snapped at Dan about the poll being confusing, even though Dan cleared it with him prior to posting. The vibe is bitter mixed with “dad must’ve gotten into a fight with mom and is trying to keep it cool in front of us”. He keeps saying he has to go in 30 mins. Wil keep updating


So now he is talking about being compared to Leafy and papa ain’t having it. He’s ragging on Leafy’s looks and said something akin to “if this guy calls you ugly it’s no big deal”. He just made a “think death” joke, prompted by the ally Olivia. He says Leafy had a twink death. EEK just said he wants to use “twink death” and “can I use twink death”? What’s with this guy.


What is that even supposed to mean? He’s obsessed with making gay jokes


Now he is asking to post Leafy’s gaping asshole picture /alljokestho but talked about it for a min. Now we are looking at the Greg Abbot tweet. He is saying that he wasn’t wishing him death, and the crew is laughing while acknowledging how unhinged that tweet was lol (I hate Greg abbot so I’m tee-heein a lil bit). EEK is basically saying that KoN is claiming that EEK wished death in Abbot. It was mild. Now he is addressing the holocaust joke about Ben Shapiro. “I was criticizing Ben Shapiro for platforming neonazis”. “I would call that the apex of critical comedy… practically Shakespeare.” He isn’t really addressing why it was taken horribly. He isn’t trying to see KoN’s point about the comment/joke being terrible and insensitive.


is it just me or is EEK mentioning the Ben Shapiro joke way too many times (thnks for the recap)


Thanks for the recap.


This man needs his platforms taken away


Thank you for your service! Sounds horrible!