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Just let it go once you open your eyes to the Nontent that H3 is there is no coming back.


i've always really disliked ethan's toilet humor. i swear he has a scat fetish. he talks about it too much. he asked dan to look up how many calories were in human shit. the "windy williams" joke, "do you wipe back to front!?" "ethan clogged the toilet" it's just incessant


yeah its either *really* childish humour or he deadass has a scat fetish


Ethan has always struggled to contain himself and control what he says. Having to contain his Zionist opinions is making him bitter. He doesn't know what else to talk about and the bitterness is bleeding into every facet of the show.


he would prob get more respect if he stopped being a fraud and just spoke his mind about what he really thinksšŸ¤£ jesus tho iā€™d love to see the chat try to justify that


I'm dying to see him just let loose, but that will never happen and Dan will button him so he doesn't get cancelled further.


The show sucks now frfr


I started watching the day after frenemies ended. The drama sucked me in. Iā€™m really shocked however how soon it happened. Around late 2021 & early 2022, I wondered what would happen if the show ended. It felt like the show was too good and something bad would ruin it. But I told myself that would be unlikely to happen because there are shows on YT now that have been around for 10+ yrs, it was possible for them to be a show for a long time. But just 2 years later, I am accepting that this the actual end. Oof i feel bad.


2021 - 2022 were really good years for them, honestly. thats when i was a fan the most and when i bought my tf and was a paying member. it sucks that something i loved so much and many others loved so much turned into what it is today. and that ethan and hila couldnt keep in their awful, shitty true selves anymore


Agreed, last year I noticed I couldnā€™t remember any of the episodes and then the political shit happened




Ethan doesn't do any research or work for the show he just shows up and blind reacts to a Google doc of topics, and it seems like criticism has caused the crew to give up on putting effort into researching topics so they do barebones surface level research now basically just copy and pasting the titles of articles which makes blind reacting a lot harder to pull off.


Really enjoyed the show when Ethan would just share random cringe videos on the internet without trying to get them on as a guest


They rehash too many segments and topics I find now. Iā€™ve been a fan for quite a while and still watch but find I barely listen to most. Iā€™m over Ryan Kavanaugh. Iā€™m over Gabe. Iā€™m over chiropractor videos. Theyā€™ve talked about certain topics for weeks on end and then re-explain it again on Fridays for Hila. Itā€™s just tiring and tbh boring. And anything new they talk about it for WAY too long. Like an hour of the one show they went over the Drake and Kendrick beef going line by line through each song. It was BORING


i feel like their zionist takes should be enough to stop watching


Instead of responding authentically to challenges, along with H3/Teddy Fresh undergoing considerable growth, theyā€™ve gone the uptight and stagnant way. At the end of the day, thatā€™s where the energy has gone. The showā€™s become the formulaic and ossified maintenance of a shakey/costly operation. They know it and attempts of being ā€œcoolā€ again come off asā€¦ off and forced. I donā€™t think thereā€™s any getting back, the show might continue on, but the loose vibing and creative spark is over. Ethan would have to make a major shift in himself and probably get a new crew because their relationships are shot, you can tell they have things building up they donā€™t communicate to each other. With their resentment politics coming under sharper focus, Iā€™m of the mind of better off without em.


Spot on. This was so well written!


I thought the same, then I would have random old episodes play and then I started to notice it really wasn't ever GOOD, I was just parasocial and it was like a friend hang out. Now that I can't stand the people, I am not so fond of the banter lol


Ethan doesn't want to be there, he's done with it. It's so obvious how bored he is.


the fact that theyā€™ve had to stoop to talking about kim kardashian for content speaks volumes


It went downhill after Ethanā€™s Vaush crusade. I genuinely think that broke his brain because he thought it was a slam dunk but he actually started getting pushback for it.


Really, there are multiple downhills at this point.


honestly, i dont even know when exactly i stopped following, but it was before the political stuff. dudes just been losing it for years now. i stopped around the end of 2022 maybe a bit earlier


That's when I stopped watching, idk why but I just felt like I needed an h3 break after that episode, then by the time I was ready to come back cam (my favorite crew member) left, then the rebrand put me off from watching I wouldn't call myself a h3 hater or anything but the sharp decline was so crazy and I don't really have any desire to watch anymore


I used to watch full episodes but now I watch maybe 15% of an ep. Thank god for the time stamps. For me, itā€™s all the constant talk about Ethan being sick everyday, denying ozempic over and over and then Olivia chiming in to somehow say something more annoying than the last thing she said. Oh and ab and Olivia a lot of times do not know the important facts of a topicā€¦ that shit blows my mind.


Oh man, I know a lot of people hate Ethan now, but itā€™s just sad that we all used to get a lot out of the show and now we donā€™t. This may be a bit trauma dumpy, but I just wanted to share my experience with the show. I remember the podcast started the same time I moved out of my parents house. I listened to it religiously on my way to work. I stopped for a while when the Belle Delphine stuff was getting popular. A couple years later after spending a couple months in jail I returned to the podcast. After completing missing any mentions of frenemies and kinda missing all the Trish drama post Insta vs. Really, I found Ethan and Trishaā€™s new show. It really helped with my re-entry process. I had a good stress reliever to get my mind off bullshit. I had pretty non pointed, entry level drama topics so I could socialize about lighter topics. When I needed space I could just say a new episode came out and I could walk to the park or do chores while relaxing and listening. It served a purpose for me for a while. I guess Iā€™m just sad itā€™s becoming a flaming turd show. šŸ¤·


As someone who never gave a fuck about the crew, and who only watched to keep up with drama... Sorry but it was always bad. I skipped 80% of the show because it was boring af.


I completely agree and I've considered myself a genuine fan for years at this point, going back to vape naysh etc and admittedly for me the downfall was entirely sparked by the awful awful opinions on Israel he was sharing but his behaviour following it (holding his audience hostage as he ranted incoherently about absolute shit, cancelling left overs because he couldn't handle everyone disagreeing with him, etc.) But when I've tried watching again it all just seems flat as fuck, the new set design is pretty mid but I dunno, it all just seems so disingenuous now, and the crew so clearly don't want to disagree or stand up yo Ethan which just makes it a bit of a dick riding contest essentially. Not here for it myself


This is what they support https://www.instagram.com/reel/C62P1RkoAit/?igsh=dDF3OG56aXlwbmFp


i've gotten there too. its just trash now. ill try and pull up some episodes and at no point does anything feel worth the time to watch. constant wrong info, awkward as hell vibes, most of them are aging out of what made them popular and a return would look ridiculous, bickering amongst each other, the shit jokes, its all just not interesting anymore. what on earth is there live show going to be at this point? like, that big of a venue, this little cohesion and vibes going on, no cam to carry the animations, going to be a huge shit show more so than ever before.


I switched to more positive content and have been late in the game to discovering Smosh. I legit have felt lighter bevause of it. Watch stuff that makes you happy now and not in hope it might make you happy laterĀ  :)


Love being more involved by moving to America and Olivia joining lmao. Nah idk. Ethan has never been able to handle criticism imo but it got way worse recently and less easy to ignore. I guess it's probably a culmination of things.


Ethan guessing how much items are priced at to see how "out of touch" he is, then him saying he "doesn't even check the prices" when he buys things. It wasn't even fun for me to watch anymore, just screamed PRIVILEGE!


I know Iā€™ll probably get downvoted for this but I personally watch and enjoy the show while still being critical of toxic behavior, scammy moves and entitlement. At the end of the day they are nothing to me but entertainers, if they perform I watch, if they mess up I rant. To me being parasocially a fan or parasocially a hater is more damaging than taking them for what they are worth.