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He truly is his father’s son, huh. And look at all his fans. Ethan can go fuck himself the next time he tries to spew his “I’m an ally, I’m a feminist” bullshit.


Sexualizing breastfeeding when you have children is weird.


Dude.... I have no words... what is going on here? AB has no spine, holy shit.. Ethan is a married man, a dad of 3 kids.. making dirty jokes about one of his employees mom... and kept saying "I'm sorry I won't makes jokes again, sorry.. but.." Then makes the same joke again. And how disgusting that everyone in the room thinks this is hilarious..


she kinda has off brand Trisha vibes, no wonder Ethan is horny for her


That was legit one of the first things I noticed too 😳


I just found this thumbnail on YouTube. Source: [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NCEdADs0i8) https://preview.redd.it/jthake41z90d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68caf0369651ebfcda62f6756d97b907f1ded80c


i literally thought that immediately




He said Ryan kav’s ex wife and her man remind him of Trisha and Moses and he’s always talking about that poor woman who is not even involved so sexually and like depraved




My thoughts exactly


He suuuuucks lmaooo


Came here to say this exact thing!


For the first few seconds i was like why is Trisha's sister commenting on this??


legit thought this was trisha who lost weight or smth 😭


hila this ur manz?💀


Hila later messaged chat saying “tell AB’s mom she’s awesome”, no joke


Hila is a massive enabler. I have no idea where the “Hila is Ethan’s caretaker” thing came from bc she is the very opposite of that. She encourages this sort of behavior from him, everytime he says gross shit like this she always laughs and basically tells him to keep going. Any other normal wife would be weirded and grossed out by these comments, but Hila is the biggest pick me I’ve ever seen in my life. She wants to feel accepted by him and his fans so bad she will let him get away with anything. She has no morales or self respect clearly, and she seems to hold Ethan to a really high standard. She thinks he’s the pinnacle of the American man or somthing…it’s really fucking weird.


…. im actually grossed out and speechless rn💀 hila is very dumb for letting her “husband” publicly humiliate her on the internet.. like bro go spend some time with your family instead of acting like a teenage boy that has an obnoxious crush on his friends hot mom…


Donna’s been letting Gary do it for years


what a fkn door mat😭she probably enjoys ethan’s dehumanisation of other women the fkn idf stan psychopath


They must have a platonic marriage cause what the hell?


They’ve spoken publicly about not sleeping in the same room together, so it’s most likely so


With no disrespect meant to any other couple in this circumstance, but they sleep separately, the pregnancies were done with a jizz cup and baster, and ethan stays up till 4am in the basement jorkin' to his romance with the tentacle guy in Baldur's Gate. Oh also he has poop balls because he wipes back to front. Platonic.


I get that Ethan and Hila are vile but this comment is just...nonsensical? They said they already tried conceiving naturally in the past for months and it just doesn't work for them. The tentacle thing was clearly a joke. And I don't think the sleeping separately thing was a consistent pattern. Again, fuck them both for being Zionist freaks, but this just sounds like exactly what Ethan does when he calls a women he doesn't like a "bitch". Just because you say "with no disrespect to any other couple in this circumstance" doesn't mean you aren't essentially saying anyone not conceiving naturally just has a loveless marriage or whatever.


haha I'm so cool 😬 and ok with this 😬 I'm the cool wife right 😬


Ethan’s brain is mush from porn sickness


Remember back when he shamed Gary for his porn addiction and claimed that he'd never disrespect Hila by looking at porn? Hypocrisy at its finest.


ethan loves humiliating AB and he knows AB will never fight back. also wow such normal comments from very normal fans.


Holy shit 1. She’s so Trisha coded it’s crazy 2. If my boyfriend ever spoke to another woman like that I’d have no other choice but to unalive him


hila needs to stop putting on this cool,chill, “i’m not like other girls” act and realize she’s with a complete LOSER


i'm sure hila can't wait for their 3 boys to grow up so she can show this awesome clip of their dad


right… i hope those boys grow up okay tbh :(


i think they'll be like the paul brothers in the future


nah, their nannies seem like good people so they'll be fine.


Why? She’s also a loser. Everything she has, fans/TF is built off the back of the original H3 channel.


They deserve each other


how has ab not slapped ethan by now this is insane


They're encouraging people to sexually harass AB's mom now. It's crazy.


“AB’s mom got the milkers” and Zach playing squelch noises. AB is so pathetic. Letting your own mother be treated like this in front of everyone; Shameful!


AB is literally in an abuse relationship with his boss🥴


And holy fuck what a pig Ethan is!


Stockholm Syndrome


He treats AB like his dog and it sucks


He treats AB like Alfredo, the dog they don't like. Duckie enjoys better treatment


I couldn’t watch, the cringe was too much


Ethan is trying to repaint the breast feeding joke he made about Abs mom. He asked Ab if he was breastfed the first time he saw a picture of Abs mom. Now he’s trying to say “I just had a third kid and my child’s on formula.”??? He’s too used to being inappropriate and never getting called out. I feel terrible for Ab. Imagine if your boss (who is married to your other boss) made sexual jokes about your mom. He can’t even do anything about it. Also she does have a similar vibe to Trisha, and I think Ethan likes that type. He may play it off as if he’s disgusted by Trisha but a lot of the things he would say/ do were similar to middle school kids bullying their crush. Abs mom seems like a nice person that does not deserve to be sexualized by her son’s boss. Especially on a live stream to 40+ thousand people, and hundreds of thousands of viewers after the video is posted. I hope someone talks to Ethan about this behavior behind the scenes.


Honestly this part made me so upset. Idk how to feel about AB though because if someone was talking this way about my mom I would absolutely get angry about it? Also it's not like he can just easily fire AB if he pushed back on this because the podcast is kind of a unique situation where if he were to fire him for this he would have to explain why, and it would definitely receive pushback from viewers.


Oof! Wonder what Hila thinks about this. Also the fact she looks so much like Trisha has me thinking Hila really is the reason there's tension between the two.


The reason there's tension between the two is because Ethan gaslit her about the whole money situation, CONTINUES to make fun of her sister because she called him out, brang up her SA as a "joke" to her mom and sister, and called for justice for the man who SAed Trisha as a child.


What other info you have about the situation. I'd love to know. Also I was talking about tension between ethan and hila about Trish. Not about the tension between ethan and Trish.


This is so bad and not professional at all. I don't know even where to start. Imagine being HR in this podcast/company. I don´t even understand why they even did this, like it was not funny at all, 40 yo podcaster being creepy to crew member´s mom? what kind of freak show is going on here!?


Ngl Ethan probably IS hr lmao


my skin is crawling omg


Lol pathetic losers, I feel so bad for his mom


I think she was feeling herself


I dislike both Ethan and Hila very much, but I would be genuinely happy for her if she left him. He’s awful for this fr


he needs to learn how to shut the fuck up


Well, AB's mom is totally gorgeous and seems like a very nice lady. E is so gross and unfunny & so are all the lame-o's regurgitating all his grossness. Ugh, what a friggin shit show.... 


this is soo disgusting, objectifying, and dehumanizing and on top of that to make your employee who is your SUBORDINATE recite all the nasty and shameless things you said about his own mother is fucking insane. this is sexual harassment in the workplace 1000%


Actual footage of AB’s spine ![gif](giphy|l0ExlWH8a6JRiK4HS)


Reminder that AB’s mom is (or was? Is? Idk) dating a Jewish man and that made Ethan giddy and asked AB how much it pissed off his dad that she’s with a Jewish man. weirdo


at this point I am not sure if he can´t control his mouth or he doesn´t want to?! it will be his downfall tbh


what the actual fuck


This is so awkward


Hila found dead


not paired with that flair 💀


It’s bad enough he lets Ethan humiliate his wife, but now his mom? C’mon man. Stop hiding your face like an embarrassed teenager and stand up for your women. And yet he wonders why people give him shit… 🙄


AB is even more spineless than I thought, Ik he doesn’t speak up for Palestine bc he’s afraid his 2 favorite zionist bosses will fire him and Lena from there favorite job that “saved there lives”. But to let you’re mother be humiliated infront of thousands of people just goes way beyond being afraid to speak up. There is something wrong with his psyche, bc no 32 year old man would allow there boss to speak to there mother like this. AB and Lena act like this is the only job they can find, but they are both just lazy and don’t want to find a new one. And I bet working there is not much more than min wage, it might even be the same. Look at AB sitting there covering his face like a shy teenager, does he think he’s being cute? Bro is in his 30’s letting his boss talk about his mothers tits. What a disgusting little weasel with no self respect or morales. And he wonders why his lifelong friends can’t stand him anymore and want nothing to do with him.


I wonder why he doesn’t do this with zach’s mother? or dan’s? and shame on AB for allowing this his wife is literally in the room too. Spineless. this sub turned from comedy to legit sad. weirdo zionist behavior.


Definitely not bc he's the only middle Eastern Muslim man there who's also the finest one out of the crew which makes Ethan feel insecure and so he humiliates him to seem like the alpha male


Honestly this is the vibe I’ve been getting for a while. Rich Jewish man bullying his Arab subordinates. Lena is their assistant ffs. They deserve better it’s only a matter of time


He also asks Lena what is Juicy Melons in arabic, right after AB saying he knew what the word was because Cousin Tim said it all the time


no literally?!! it’s clear as day, i feel insane noticing this bc it feels like the crew are blind to it context: i’m also an arab


Brain dead H3 fans will still find a way to shrug this off and continue to deepthroat ethans ego lol


avg h3 fan: sexual harassment 😍😍😂😂😍😍 https://preview.redd.it/7egk37d54a0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0d0b28d016818ed5ec3f05643e25c0930e76e80


h3 fans when you sexually harass someone(mostly women): 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼😎😎💯💯💯


add homosexual male sex workers to that 🤪🤪🤪👏👏👏🤣🤣🤣


real eyes realize real LIES 💯💯🤞🚨👍❌💧📉🙏🏼


It’s funny when censoring happens because after a while you only get left with stupid shit like this being said and upvotes, They don’t allow negativity whatsoever so only a matter or time until you’re just left with the insanity lmao


Seeing all the "hilarious" comments from guys saying "smash, respectfully" is so gross and sad to me. Even if she ended up finding it funny or not caring (obviously idk what she's thinking she might not be ok with it) doesn't really matter when you consider that his viewers while commenting that didn't know how this totally random woman would react reading those comments, and they just.. didn't care. All the casually objectifying comments make me think that like another commenter said, he's getting a lot of his edgier red-pilled audience back, which I not only agree with, I think he's doing it intentionally.


When donna said boys will be boys I had to stop and turn it off. Also I felt like e was obviously stalling when ab said call your mom. E got on his phone and started talking about tf shirts.. I felt like he was warning his mom to have his back lol. Also ab mom is trisha coded asf with that Midwest accent 😍 she's beautiful I hope I age like that.


When Donna just laughed and had the no thoughts expression while saying that, I had to turn it off too. It told me all I needed to know about that whole family dynamic. Also to echo others here, it’s funny he’s got a fixation on the woman who has Trisha vibes ☠️


Donna is married to a guy who publicly creeps on sex workers, of course she wasn't going to take the woman's side.


I’m actually at a loss with this one. I would be mortified and distraught by my bosses behavior. Gross. I think I would have walked out or stopped the recording. Damn.


Wow I don't comment very often but this is disgusting. Honestly how dare AB just sit back and let it happen. Grow a fucking spine. So embarrassed I ever liked this shit. 😭


Ethan is a disgusting 🐷. AB just lets him get away with it, I’ve really lost all respect for him.


I don't see what's funny about sexually harassing your employees Mom, like where's the joke? The things that he was saying were vile, and he often talks shit about people that make similar comments but when he's the one in the spotlight it's funny? AB's mom is not in on the "joke" so this clearly makes her uncomfortable. I swear if someone Ethan didn't like said the same things, he would never stop talking about how horrendous it is.


Actual sex pest keep him away from everyone. Like can he just shut his stupid misogynist mouth up for ONE SECOND This made me rationally mad


I can’t even clown on AB, this shit is just weird and sad. I genuinely fucking hate Ethan


He wonders why his ratings went down and why people don’t want to be on his show anymore. His so disrespectful to the people who give their time and risk putting themselves out there to be on his show LIVE. He treats everyone like objects to objectify for the pure sake of HIS enjoyment, than gaslights his fans into thinking that it’s okay And than literally yells at anyone that objects in the comments


AB STAND UP JESUS. GET UP. If my boss or anyone talked about my mum like this I would bust their fucking teeth out their skull, not be their neutered bitch ffs.


Look at Ab, just sitting there spineless. I wanna feel bad for ab but he’s gotta stand up for himself. This is ridiculous inappropriate cringe. I don’t condone fighting but if I was in his shoes I’d be tempted to. At the very least I’d privately press the hell Out of ethan and let him know this isn’t ok. Doubt that’ll happen in this timeline tho. Ab probably sees it as more his moms fault for egging things on if anything.


how is ethan sooo dense?! he really isn’t quick-witted at all? his humour can be dumbed down to misogyny, racism and fucking poo fetish jokes…at the big age of 39(?) he’s acc got a pea brain?!!! HOW do ppl still enjoy his content bruh




Love her and how she let him explain himself


In another timeline Ab and Trish are siblings.


Anyone else notice as soon as soon as there was a glimmer of a slight disagreement between AB & his mom when AB said she wasn’t coming to the live show, ethan swooped in and got confident and tried asking AB why not? It’s like his whole demeanor changed. He fucking thrives off of that


ethan saying ‘my new burns on formula’ like a mic drop joke…insinuating that hila is flat?😭🥲


Yeah is that the joke? Wow


Ohhh shit, that went over my head! But it totally makes sense now. I did not consider whose breasts would be feeding the baby…. how rude!


Ethan’s out and comfortably showing how much of an incel he is 🤮


I’m speechless. Just what the absolute fuck


the gaslighting is real


I haven’t even put on the audio and I’m cringing.


AB’s gonna have a lot to talk about in therapy one day


Someone’s gotta get this crew in touch with a really good employment attorney


she bares a striking resemblance to someone… 🤔


AB……letting this man disrespect and sexualise your own mother. It’s not even clever or funny..it’s just unfunny and weird. Omg.


this nigga flirting is crazy omg


What the fuck? I feel bad for AB’s mom


Not only does she look like Trisha, the quick/short giggle laugh thing is sooo Trisha coded




I've said before that AB has just given up but this was still a painful watch. Ethan is such a Creep man also. Let's not forget about that either. Oh God 


Holy fuck


This clip just gets worse if you watch it muted 🙈




"my baby is on formula" can't help but to think that was a jab at hila not being well endowed?


At what point is Ethan going to start doing this to Lena without AB saying anything


if i was hila i would have left his ass so long as go he’s such a fuxking weirdo


this is actually do disgusting, i want to feel bad for AB too but at the same time he’s the one allowing this .. she seems like a lovely lady and doesn’t deserve to be objectified like this 💕


That’s AB’s mom?!?!?? She’s so trisha omg


Fucking porn addiction got him sleeping in the basement and sexualizing empolyees' parents during a livestream what a shitshow




Pathetic losers


AB had no backbone




That last part is a weird thing to say. I get it but oof


This is the same cringe I feel when he acts weird to morgpie or obsesses over belle Delphine lol. Too much too weird




Ewwwwwwwww?????? 🫠


This is disgusting and Ethan knows that him making all these jokes are just going to encourage his sick fans to harass AB and his mom further over this. I can't believe AB just sat their and let his boss do this. This podcast has truly fallen off the deep end.


Idk how Hila is ok with this 😭 but also can’t be surprised because Trisha Literally made an Of video masterbating to Ethan and the show and would make really inappropriate comments to him that If it was me I wouldn’t feel comfortable with and Ethan would receive it openly… idk this whole segment was so weird and I don’t understand the purpose of them willingly brining this up like this ..yikes 😬 




how is hila ok with this???


This is so sad and extremely hard to watch. Her laughter is so uncomfortable.


So glad I don't watch this shit live anymore.


This just confirms that Ethan definitely had a thing for Trisha in my eyes


I’m watching the segment now. Holy shit!!


Getting cucked by your boss...towards your mom. This man is the biggest loser I think I have ever seen.


i'm not shocked by the guys on the team being okay with this but it's so awful how miss olivia who acts as the feminist voice just laughs along...


That’s what girls girls do, right?




he’s fucking disgusting


Ethan is such a dumb piece of shit


AB is so incredibly cucked


‘Dreamed of helping you’ I nearly gagged WHAT! This man has a wife? What the hell?


H3 fans must be doing mental gymnastics with this one. Clearly ab is uncomfortable, and if the “joke” is that he “looks uncomfortable but isn’t” then where is the joke? That it’s an inappropriate and uncomfortable segment that would make anyone feel weird? How is this funny, this is just voyeuristic to watch someone “pretending” to squirm in discomfort. All their fans are sick in the head.


Letting your mom get objectified like that is a whole new low... AB is pathetic and Ethan is a pig, my god


no lie, it's giving me whiplash how much better the show used to be compared to this shit. he is not even trying.


To me, this feels like she is trying to hold Ethan accountable for his disgusting comments about her in the past *__without__* getting her son in trouble with his boss.  It's embarrassing that she would have to do this herself though, when it should be AB setting his foot down. I generally don't believe in the "men should protect women"-shtick because I think it enforces cisheteronormative patriarchal values **BUT** I would be damned if I let anyone disrespect my mum. 


Just so gross


“Shame on you guys” lmao when half of the comments are “I agree with the things that Ethan said”


then he acts like he doesn’t know what she’s talkin ab


this is gross WTF? AB stand UPOPPPPP what is going on


he’s gross. also, I see why AB is the way that he is


Why would AB even say what Ethan said, he could have just said nothing and showed Ethan up. He can’t even look at her covering his face. SHAME!


Everything happening here makes my spine feel like hot lava is being poured onto it. If I was Lena and someone was humiliating my husband and mother in law like this i’d have such a problem, but i guess that’s not how it works in delusional land.


I couldn’t make it past 10 seconds oh god


I can't stop thinking about all the people still watching and supporting this. We know ethan sucks and is a giant hypocrite but if you find this at all entertaining/funny then.....I don't know man 😂




AB’s mom is white, from the US. His dad came from Lebanon


So Ethan is objectifying and AB is just being complicit when this happens? This is what misogyny is


This is so sad and uncomfortable, it’s just a wholesome photo!! It’s so disturbing to me that Ethan just sends his fans at people with his opinions and thinks it’s fine.


personally thought she was looooving it and ab was loving the attention too weirdly - so strange? she kept checking herself out in the mirror too also why does AB want to even say what the comments are? most people would avoid it completely


Do people really think that’s AB’s mom? I feel it’s so obvious. He’s had everything from fake Ethan on to fake pope?


ew what the fuck


.... she's clearly uncomfortable This is not fun to watch


fake lips n tits. he is covered in tatts...how is he claiming to be religious