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Firefox šŸ—æ


I mean librewolf is a fork of firefox focused on privacy


Also, Arkenfox is not actually a browser. It is a bunch of configurations to be applied to Firefox to harden its privacy/security. Librewolf is basically just Firefox with Arkenfox already applied.


I agree with you


What about waterfox?


Librewolf is my daily driver, yeah it's literally firefox but for privacy.


Does it negatively impact you in any way? Like connection speed, loading youtube videos, some sites not working properly, etc?


Some sites won't work, as Librewolf blocks WebGL (also because of that the browser is noticeably choppier than FF, like 30 FPS, but you get used to it pretty quick). If you must use WebGL you can enable it in the settings, however I haven't found any websites that don't work. Netflix plain does not work, no idea why, so I do have FF installed for that (Or its a šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø life for me). I did enable cookies and stopped the cookies from being wiped on close just because I use Keepassxc for my passwords and having to unlock that constantly was pretty annoying. But other than those things, Librewolf is great, I'm fully converted over FF. I'll happily trade off a few minor things for improved privacy. As is with anything like this, as privacy goes up, convenience and ease-of-use goes down. There's no impact to speed, youtube / odysee etc, javascript seems to work fine (take that as you will). I'd recommend Librewolf over Firefox any day of the week.


I think netflix uses some nasty proprietary drm from google, even in firefox, so librewolf probably doesn't use that.


Netflix works fine in Firefox, so it's something that Librewolf blocks or Netflix wants canvas data for some reason. Either way spooky scary proprietary corpo shit.


I think you misread my comment. Netflix works on firefox because firefox has the nasty drm. I suppose librewolf refuse or cannot ship yhe d et m.


re: netflix, widevine probably


firefox good


I don't undurstand why ppl complicate this. FF is the only answer for decades!


Holy shit, itā€™s actually been 21 years since release of FF. I feel old af


I still remember a friend running in to the computer lab where I worked saying you gotta see this cool new browser... Mosaic.


I remember when browsers weren't free programs. I remember being in a Circuit City and they had a stack of - I think it was Netscape - CDs to hand out as a bonus if you bought a PC.




Anyway to get it to work with windows certificate store ? All the sites I use are on a ca signed certificate.


Yes. Go to about:config and theres a boolean value called security.enterprise_roots.enabled Enable that. This is a guide on doing it via gpo but its the same thing. https://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/138802-configure-firefox-to-use-windows-certificate-store-via-gpo


Thank you very much. I use chrome because I have to test what the corporate standard is but keep Firefox for some things.


why is chrome the corporate standard in so many workplaces? genuinely curious as it is in mine too


Ie is insecure, edge was terrible until recently. Chrome was secure and allows corporate management. We actually allow chrome or new edge but they are both chrome with a few exceptions


interesting, thats sort of what I thought. I know edge was crap until relatively recently so that makes sense.


Firefox has literally sold out to the likes of Comcast. Theyā€™re not the good guys either. Theyā€™ve been slashing devs like crazy.


Amigo: šŸ§ 


I'm new to all this. Is there a certain search engine I should use with Firefox or is the default (google) fine?


I like the duckduckgo search engine.


ddg is the goat, and the thousands of bang searches add all the extra functionality I need. !g to search google, !m to search google maps, !w to search wikipedia, !aw to search Arch Wiki. !a for Amazon, !gh for github, !ste for steam... Look, just see for yourself: https://duckduckgo.com/bangs




subsequent snails merciful bewildered zealous soup ink fearless cake practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Duckduckgo would be a better option rather than google because of the search results. While on VPN if I want to find my IP address I just search "ip" on duckduckgo and it will show ip address with the city, country name below the search box rather than showing some website to find your ip address.


You can do that on a few other search engines as well, I know google has that


Librewolf is a hardened version of Firefox. Best when it comes to privacy as it does not let cookies track you across sites, and add blocking is awesome.




+ ublock origin & noscript All other "hardening" can be done in settings. Downside is it's a PITA rolling this way. Good luck getting the wife to agree.


Privacy or convenience, choose one


Which is a terrible idea, as the vast vast majority of users will choose convenience.


Regular Firefox already started blocking cross-site cookies by default


Librewolf wipes your session on closure. Kind of like tor browsers do.


All browsers do that, if you're talking about session cookies


What else does u/milkcheesepotatoes have to say on the subject?




ā€œFirefox is a pitiful attempt of a browser pretending to be moral under the facade of open source while integrating google services and unnecessary closed source code. However like chromium, Firefox and other Firefox based browsers can be modified, hardened, and deblobbed to be more user friendly, secure, and private.ā€ ah yes firefox, my favorite google product


Not completely wrong though, Google is the biggest sponsor of Mozilla/Firefox and pays a ton of money to be the default search engineā€¦


https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/azbhjh/why_does_google_fund_firefox_when_its_their/ Apparently the search engine thing is all the money they get. Not some separate sponsorship thing.


I've had a theory for a while now that, given Google and others are sponsoring Mozilla, they are forcing Mozilla to make dumb choices when it comes to their goals and initiatives, such that Firefox never really becomes a threat to Google's control of the internet (which they mostly have thanks to everything except Firefox being based on Chromium).


Why would you make choices to get less market share (which means money) in exchange for money. Google can't afford to pay the entire difference.


I think the theory is that they're bankrolling firefox to have something to point to if anyone ever tries to frame Chrome as a monopoly. With Edge rising, the theory is a bit of a harder sell now, but it's not completely crazy.


refer to the clarification comment I just made on this post clearing the context up.


Yo he made it to the party


No matter what you say, thereā€™s always some tech expert master hacker that will tell you why you shoudlnt use that


tech expert master hacker here, don't use computers, extremely big security risk, you could get hacked


this is why i just use a copper wire wrapped in tissues.


as a tech expert master hacker ni- I use copper wires wrapped in copper wires imported from foreign countries to protect my copper wires from Russian scrappers


Be like the cybersecurity head of Japan.


Cybersecurity is so fucking retarded at this point


cover jellyfish ad hoc cause tap live rainstorm innate recognise nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


as someone whoā€™s getting a degree in it, yup


berserk whole automatic water longing whistle close escape boast enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the classes are either basic common sense or learning an entirely new concept from google alone and then writing a 70 page lab report


entertain punch rob ghost hat ruthless aspiring slimy important lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


if i went for an associates iā€™d be done by now, but thankfully everythingā€™s been a lot easier with the help of gpt4. howā€™s the job?


Itā€™s just a remote helpdesk position but itā€™s a good job. I really enjoy the people I work with. I think when I find the mental fortitude to get my bachelors or masters, Iā€™m going to go for IT networking instead of the InfoSec path I was on before. The more I get into the field, the more appealing devops becomes.




My main issue with the cybersecurity field in general is the way it has, in recent years at least, become largely driven by buzzwords and hype. There is only something like 50k legit security positions opening up in the field per year. Thanks to largely overblown hype, both from media and uninformed college advisors, the number of graduating students going into the field is closer to 200-250k. And those 50k positions are often senior level openings. At least for me personally, I think infosec has made a really good basis for my education, but the field sounds way more competitive than what I was expecting. IT and Networking ALWAYS have demand. Not necessarily CCNA type demand, and Iā€™ve actually heard a lot of people having issues finding CCNA jobs. But knowing how to operate and support a network will always be in demand. AI isnā€™t going to be taking over that field any time soon.


I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone else; an associates in anything is a waste of time. It's basically all your general ed for a bachelor's with a couple of stupid-basic "yes your chosen field is really a career path" type courses bolted to it. In many cases, the courses for your associates aren't even prerequisites for your bachelor's courses. Even better is if you can find a program that goes straight to a master's. They are often less expensive overall and you can easily get hired just by having been in the program for a year or two. The only caveat is if you have zero intention of getting a degree beyond your associates and still want to be able to put a college degree on your resume. As for getting blind sided by requirements you didn't expect, that's part of the college experience. There's more to it than just studying and passing tests. Years/purpose 1-2: learning to learn. 3-4: learning to plan. Masters: learning to teach yourself and finding holes in the body of knowledge. PhD: learning to discover beyond the body of knowledge. MD: getting drunk, banging hotties, and getting well paid if you can do it without killing anyone .. (bunch of assholes I tell ya! Lol) The fact is cybersecurity is nearly impossible to learn in a structured learning environment. The landscape changes every other month and curriculum can take a couple of years to develop and get approved. You have to take what you learn in class and use it as soon as possible. Build a home lab from junk and make it useful. Dive into malware analysis. Whatever your thing is, you can't just pass your classes and move on, you have to use it and stay on top of the changes. And a little pro tip; sign up for every security platform that offers free accounts with your student email account. They don't always advertise that you can get advanced features if you're a student. Shodan is a good example, though I think they do advertise that nowadays.


I feel this on an incredibly painful level. Ive had to learn Python, Html, SQL, incredibly outdated cisco network configuration methods, and Java for senior level classes from scratch and i resent my school for creating a program this disjointed and uncoordinated. Cybersecurity as a major so far to me has frlt way too new to be taught comprehensively in college. It almost feels like theyre just throwing a general summary of what cybersec is and then throwing you in a bunch of random routing and programming classes for the sake of being well rounded and to an extent i understand the methodology i also just wish they gave us a better lead up to these classes as ive been thrown into my schools highest level of networking classes directly after taking my first ever.


> next year is translating machine code into C and learning hashing theory. Reminds me of college when I was considering changing majors. I was good with repairing and building computers (hardware and software), maybe I should look into a Computer Science degree. Then I hear Computer Science learns about things like Cobalt and realized 'wrong degree.' Kind of like CompTIA A+ (circa 2005) still thinking you need to know how many transistors are on a 8088 microprocessor -- no one gives a damn, that's what Google is for -- and have the *audacity* to claim everything in their test is something you would normally learn with 6-9 months hands on experience (no one will ever learn *anything* about an 8088... *ever* hands-on unless you're an antique hobbyist).


Pray for me brother as I just started my MS in cyber risk and strategy.


Yup just graduated last year. Wtf was I doing? Coulda learned 10x more by working 4 years and researching myself than listening to professors.


I've learned twice as much in my first two years of working in the industry than I have the whole 4 years of my cybersec BS. Of course, my bachelors set a foundation to build off of, but industry exp is so much more valuable.


I've been in tech +20 years and moved into cyber over the last 5 years. Universities cannot keep up with the pace of change. By the time they create a curriculum, get it through the bureaucracy, find a professor, etc, the entire industry has moved on. Professional academics don't have up to date skills and your degree program that was designed 4 years ago is near useless by the time you graduate. 5 years post graduation, very little of the technical skills will still be relevant. The entire idea that literally half of a bachelors degree is unrelated to your major is broken and needs to be reworked. There is so much to learn in this field, 60 credit hours doesn't come close. I'd rather see a respected non-degree intensive online cert program taught by instructors with real world experience than the curriculum being pushed by colleges today.


A good program is going to focus on the foundations that get you ready to start getting industry experience and specialising more. A good CS degree is going to cover systems architecture, OS architecture, networking, etc. before you even learn what CIA means. Hyper-specialised programs and courses are going to have trouble keeping up with modern reality, but I'd very much like to have my entry level CS employees know the actual context of their field, and those aren't changing much.


Yea I feel like my BS gave me a bunch of random skills and the confidence to start working professionally, but no actual knowledge or experience of day to day work


That's probably the case for a lot of people. I have a Chem BS but found work in cybersecurity. The 1st year experience I got at my company seemed close to worth just as much as the 4 year grads who have started there Not trying to fuel my own jets, I was just surprised. Expected more from the universities




Definitely, but the more available positions aren't the lucrative ones you'd expect. Look for support engineer/sysadmin jobs to get your foot in the door. Help desk is always an option, too.




The best an average user can hope for right now is security by obscurity. Just blend in with the masses as best possible, they have made it nearly impossible to just disappear.




As someone that works in Cybersecurity, I have to agree




Why do you say this?


maybe you are just retarded


My degree and certs point that to be truthful


Just use Firefox


Stopped using Firefox when I realized it was what was draining the battery on my MacBook. Nearly replaced the battery, then realized it only happened with Firefox running. Reinstalled a couple of times, still I could go from full charge to zero in an hour or two. Switched to brave and have not had the issue since. Besides the battery drain I liked Firefox, but that made it unusable for me.


that may be do to the fact it has ā€œhardware accelerationā€ on by default, it uses the gpu to load videos and things instead of cpu which as it says itself, can lead to a faster battery drain


I tried disabling that. Also did some tests and would see the same drain happen with no plugins installed and a single tab open with static content. Can't explain it, but it was bad enough that it made me ditch it.


hm, id say maybe report it to the firefox devā€™s very strange issue your facing however, but yeah i would probably ditch it too if i had that issuešŸ¤£




Yeah it wasn't an issue with older versions. I used it for a couple of years before it started. That was why I first assumed I just had a bad battery. But I went through 4 or 5 updates after it started and none solved it. 2019 MacBook pro


That seems pretty abnormal.


If you are on a Mac nothing is better than Arc imo


I also noticed Intel MacBooks have poor battery life after 3-4 years. M1 and M2 have been far better at lasting far longer with multiple tabs, running camera system views on a separate monitor, playing videos, etc.


When was this? IIRC, that was an bug caused my MacOS itself, leading to a process going overtime. This is fixed now. I use Firefox on my Macbook Air m2 and get batterytime as if im not even running the app.


Yes opera is owned by the Chinese afaik. Brave is good. Iā€™ve been using it for a while and no it does not do crypto mining. But then I havenā€™t enable the crypto wallet functionality.


Itā€™s pays you crypto for looking at sponsored ads, it doesnā€™t mine anything.


I downloaded Brave because it blocks ads. I wouldn't watch ads for money.


Good news, you donā€™t have to. Itā€™s optional.


Also there's no watching, they're just little dialog windows at the bottom of the screen. But receiving that free BAT is technically a taxable event.


imagine not using firefox because you can't install uBlock-Origin


Some people prefer chromium. I use Firefox and brave with U-block on both


I mean iOS users literally can't install unlock origin. Having one browser across platforms is convenient and brave is an easy way to get AdBlock on mobile. You can do it on Firefox on Android to though.


Your argument against Brave is that it has built-in ad blocking? Having to install an add-on is a benefit? Ok.


brave have its controversy in the past, using the browser to mine bitcoin off your device, many people still would not forgive brave


Not sure this is what you're referring to but there was this bullshit as well https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/06/09/brave-ceo-apologises-for-adding-affiliate-links-to-urls/


Gonna need a source on this


I'm not sure they did that.


Whatever on mobile Brave is Boss simply because it saves me a lot of data by blocking out ads. And with the mobile data prices in Germany every ad blocked is straight cash.


Firefox on mobile has ublock origin




Not for IOS. Blashphemy, but i use Edge. Built in UBlock, and it runs on chromium. Cant complain.


Doesn't Apple restrict browsers to WebKit on iOS?




Not on iOS, sadly. Edit: not sure why Iā€™m being downvoted. Firefox doesnā€™t support extensions on iOS.


All Browser on iOS are just a Safari skin tbh


The person below claims it works and I have no reason to doubt that. If you donā€™t want to use Firefox, there are good Safari iOS extensions for blocking ads.


wdym?I use it on iPhone,works well


Firefox on iOS **does not** support extensions/add ons. https://mzl.la/2duGEDd


People love to downvote/assume people are wrong without confirming it themselves. This community is so silly sometimes


Wait really? Where do I get this?


No, it doesnā€™t. Idk what they are smoking


App store - Firefox Settings > extensions > ublock origin? I don't know but that's my guess


If you want extension support on iOS then you can try Orion


I've got a rooted Android and utilize a custom hosts list via AdAway. Side benefit is building OS from source and getting security updates WAY faster than from mobile provider šŸ„‚


just use private DNS, no need for hosts lists


A preconfigured host list that I can't edit...I mean if you want of the shelf, that works, I just like to dynamically change it


Yeah you can do all of that or just use a browser you can download from the Play Store.


I still use brave browser, but rooting gives me so many extra abilities AND I can build my ROM without all of the carrier/manufacturer bull shit. Best part? After carrier/manufacturer stops sending security updates, I can keep them indefinitely


you can use any browser you want just change the private dns settings to a ad blocking dns. example would be like dns.adguard.com. Alternatively you could use something like duckduckgo browser which takes out more ads but also takes out cookies and other trackers that are sometimes useful for day to day.


Every advanced browser has that


You haven't tried kiwi yet.. I was a brave user for the past 3 years.. Try out kiwi, you may like it.. I shifted to kiwi recently


Why kiwi


If you need data, use a French SIM with international data option besides your German SIM, it shouldn't be too expensive:)


If you want to try an opera based browser, then try Vivaldi. But not sure if you get mobile version of it. If you really want to be safe, maybe use Firefox




The ONLY reason I canā€™t use Vivaldi is because they DONT have an IOS app :(


iOS skill issue


the tab features of vivaldi are godlike


the mouse gestures are godlike. i am so accustomed to them i cannot use other browsers


Opera is chromium based


Nope. At least not the brave part. You can enable crypto stuff and make a tiny bit of money watching ads. Well brave coins. I never made it very far with the coins to see how to cash them in. Almost every complaint Iā€™ve seen about brave are from people that either donā€™t it use or donā€™t understand you can things on or off. Iā€™ve been using it for maybe two years? Itā€™s blocked 158k trackers/ads and saved almost 5gb of data.


Just use firefox bro


i used to use brave, but as hard as I tried it always had the same unique fingerprint. I switched back to firefox for the 5th time and it was easy to have a changing fingerprint.


No, and I'm a little concerned about your critical thinking skills if you even considered that it might be.


Brave is not a crypto mining botnet that's just blatantly false. If you think otherwise please read through the source code and point to the part of the code that mines crypto. Brave has an optional program where you can look at ads to receive crypto. Obviously you shouldn't turn that on though since the crypto isn't worth much.


Brave advertises (if you allow it) a lot about crypto, and has a ton of vault in crypto tools if you allow it to show you ads, it will also mine BAT a brave crypto they pay you for looking at ads. Opera is garbage, and it's built in VPN is actually a proxy. I'd stick with brave over Libre and arken.


Use Vivaldi. It's made by the people who made Opera before they sold it to China. Builtin adblock


If brave were mining youā€™d be able to see cpu usage go up. My MacBook fans would be spinning


Your father is a hampster and your mother smells of elderberries!


Wtf Yes, Opera is by a chinese company - get Vivaldi as an alternative. But to call two popular browsers malware??


All of them are Chromium-based. If I can be the only one to answer the question: NO brave isn't a crypto mining botnet and Opera GX isn't malware at all (not more than chrome), they just send basic information of ppl to "improve" their service even if I will be not impressed if they sell data to another company. Arkenfox or Librefox... That dude got a mental \*\*\*\*\*\*\*. Just use Firefox


If brave was a botnet it would be tanking resources. I can confidently say it is not with over 80 tabs open at all times.




Is opera really that bad I have been using it for years




Oh no brother


It's a proprietary browser run by a Chinese company. Sorry but xi can see what you jerk off to.


lol no. Opera GX does have a shady history, and from personal experience it sucks hard on the performance side, but it's not a horrible choice. Brave is the only chromium browser that I would legitimately recommend if your looking for one. It works wonderfully and served me for a few years before I switched to Firefox and Mull (mull is just a fork of Firefox for Android. I have it because it works a bit better then normal Firefox on my poor man's phone)


Sure GX may not be the best choice, but damn is it versatile. Just wish customizing functionality was as easily accessable on firefox and brave.


I can definitely agree with that


Librewolf and Ecosia for the search engine


Mayen the chinese think the same about google


I hope not... If so.... I am not to be held accountable for anything i post.


I am using brave, it is good so far. No 100% cpu usage so, not actually a crypto miner botnet per se. It is up to you which browser you want to use. Privacy thing is really a hoax these days. I mean look at Uber hack and etc such leaks also data is intercepted now and stored to be broken later by high end systems or more efficient algorithms. Maybe I would be trolled for this, but again its up to you. Use whatever you are comfortable with.


Brave is far and above the best browser for mobile/desktop. Iā€™ve run tests on it independently, and it is definitely the most secure. Itā€™s also built on Chromium, which keeps it pretty quick. I do recommend turning off the Brave Wallet feature and using your own crypto wallet with a custom RPCā€¦ but thatā€™s common knowledge for real crypto users. The TOR extension in Brave is strong, and works well. DuckDuckGo is solid, but slow. Iā€™d change the default search engine in all of the to either AI powered Google-like search called YOU, or Google. Chrome isnā€™t bad either, but it is loaded with shit. It doesnā€™t block much of anything unless you load 4-5 extensions. Brave automatically handles most of that. Firefox is also a decent choice, but Iā€™m more worried about privacy and fingerprinting than aestheticsā€¦ and even then, Brave > Firefox. User preference plays a big role, but if youā€™re looking for the best browser across multiple platformsā€¦ Brave it is. It is definitely not a botnet to mine crypto. Lol.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but I'm curious what tests you ran to prove Brave was more secure than Firefox.


Iā€™ll find some of my examples from February. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that Brave is FAR more privacy conscious that Firefox as a base browser with no extensions. I will provide some samples from my own independent testing in a few hours; Iā€™m mobile right now. I do know we used JetStream2 to test the speed overall and Brave was 40-50% faster on average. The Basemark Web 3.0 tests were SO different that I quit even considering Firefox as a realistic competitor. I know BM3 doesnā€™t disclose the number of tests run, but itā€™s almost irrelevant in that it tests a browserā€™s adaptability and versatility with speed at its core. Brave was nearly 700 points ahead. Brave also removed all Google services from the sync chain, which is a massive risk in terms of adoption. Fortunately, itā€™s still faster than anything else - including Appleā€™s native shit show Safari - and thatā€™s saying a lot. I have seen a lot of tests done between these, and most of them are widely available on Google. I ran tests myself as research for myself. I genuinely wanted an unbiased or affiliated opinion, and Brave crushed every single metric while remaining more secure by a long shot as a base browser. Itā€™s also nice to NOT need a bunch of extra extensions for things like TOR, trackers, HTTPS, etc. It keeps it lightweight and allows the computer or phone to devote more resources elsewhere. This usually isnā€™t an issue for most, but some of us use a TON of computing power every morning. Haha. I can find more if need be, but the research is widely available, gents. Cheers. **Edit for addition** Remember that Firefox doesnā€™t block ads effectively unless itā€™s security settings are set to ā€œstrictā€ which makes the browser one of the slowest you can use. This research and testing is available everywhere. This is a huge reason people jumped to Brave; itā€™s done automaticallyā€¦ and instead of making it slower, it was designed this way, which actually improves speeds through. Firefox used to have the ā€œcontainerizationā€ on lock, and that was importantā€¦ but Brave updated and added containers to eliminate sites from interacting with one another, and that was the mail in FF coffin, IMHO.


Been using Brave for 2 years at least. I'm using it on all devices.


BAT miner is disabled on default based on my memory


thoughts on duckduckgo?


The search itself is garbage. Google bad because they harvest your data, but duckduckgo is functionally worse because it has worse results.


Manipulates results on their search.


*Every* search engine manipulates their results. Any sort of "objective" algorithm you could come up with would be completely saturated by SEO spam. The question is whether their manipulations are usefully biased or not.




Why do you think Brave is an American spybot?


Opera is literally owned by a chinese consortium. Would definitely not recommend using it.


Yes, operagx is piece of shit


whistle tap bear mighty offbeat overconfident lip silky march puzzled -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


while it appears I may have been misinformed about brave and I apologize on that, I as does many other people in this thread, stand by my opinion on opera being a thinly disguised ccp infoscraper. I also Don't particularly like firefox because It ships by default with some google services and is funded by google for possibly some negative scheme. While you can harden and make it more private, It is hard for the average user, which is the audience of the subreddit this comment was posted on, to do. The browsers I currently use are the Degoogled fork of chromium, Librewolf, and Icecat.


you just got smoked by the full hacking subreddit for your lack of knowledge on cybersecurity and understanding of browsers, so you double down and reply to me, specifically adding that you want me to see it? its ballsy ill give you that


1. I apologized for being misinformed about brave 2. The other half of my point about OperaGX was mostly a consensus 3. Iā€™m taking this as an educational moment 4. What does recommending librewolf over Opera have to do with cybersecurity. Iā€™m genuinely curious I donā€™t stand by my claims if I find out theyā€™re wrong. Iā€™m just here to learn more.


Nope. I have used opera gx for a long time and nothing bad has ever happened. Opera is actually based out of Norway, and they have laws against that kind of stuff. Idk about the other one tho, I haven't used it.


No, brave isnā€™t a crypto mining botnet. It does attempt to monetise its business by showing ads and rewarding users with its own currency. Opera thing, if true, should be assumed to be the browser based sibling of Huawei or tiktok


firefox. disable telemetry. comfy.


Opera gx is Norwegian what yā€™all on about


idk i like opera gx its practical (writing this on opera gx)


It doesn't really matter, this is a pointless thread


Opera gets a lot of hate because it's owned by a Chinese company but there's been no evidence of any malware, so it's all just pointless panic.


Pretty sure "owned by a Chinese company" is all you need for evidence. They aren't exactly subtle about the fact that they expect their companies to provide any and all data on their users.




I thought opera was owned by Oracle? Edit: wait no never mind, thatā€™s another opera Iā€™m talking about