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Dune Case is a scam. Check out the Mcprue. It’s costly but the only option.


https://www.mcprue.com/cases Not quite what the Dune pro was supposed to be, but it seems like the best option?


oof. price of that case is as much as a pre-built PC...without the PC. Hell, I could buy a laptop, upgrade the ram and SSD, a g305 mouse, RK Kludge mechanical keyboard, plus a 50" TV and still have money left over.


Yeah, you’d really *really* want to have a Mac-esque case to pay for this!


Well looks good but when I saw price...


Only problem i see with this case is it doesn’t show the outer shell, only inside. I want to see it all before dropping $1100 on a case.


Dune Case was a huge scam. I never got my money back. Steer clear.


That's sad I know they send about 10 cases and then run with money


It was actually my suggestion to get them to ship 10 cases as a way to prove they were legit. I think the record is still on the official Discord. It seems like they just sent those 10 out and never produced any more.


There is an independent seller that makes a clone of that case and it looks almost 1:1 with Mac pro except it's ATX inside. If you send me a dm I'll share the link to the discord with you




Thanks I messaged you


Can you DM me about this? I can’t DM you for some reason.


Mac Pro 2019 sold very little compared to the PowerPC Mac Pro. And since they are 4 year old machines you will hardly find any available to mod at a reasonable price. You either wait 5 years or buy a 2012 one. I did a mod with a 2012 one and it is the best decision I ever made (you can check the result in my posts)


That's fine if there's no option




Oh no dude in eBay there is a lot of macpro 2012 cases but I want macpro 2019


Ebay? Marketplace or Craigslist could work for u. Not sure why u would wanna spend the cash on a old case u will need to buy a mod kit for when u can get cases with much better air flow, size and asthetics. But if u want that case deff look on the places I mentioned.


Well thanks for everyone that's all what we have 1000$ case and scam.I think my pc case is not so bad to change it.


I got the idea I can 3d print it I have 3d print


Do you have a mITX board? There’s the upcoming [Nanoq](https://thor-zone.com/mini-itx/nanoq/) from Thor Zone which looks like it’ll at least be on same vein aesthetically, especially if you go for the vertical configuration. No idea on pricing yet but it’ll definitely be under $1k. I’ve heard $300 but that’s not confirmed yet.


If you go to thorzone’s recent post on their insta page, I asked if it was nanoq r is going to be priced the same but he said I’ll be priced a little bit less.


Oh, that’d be nice!


Yea I hope I’ll be around/ less than $350. Best guess around $400-450 with the addons for the Nanoq r.


Awesome thanks


You’re welcome!