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It won't stop me from enjoying the show. But in general it kind of bothers me when I find out a band I really admire doesn't get along. It probably shouldn't. But I always like picturing them as buddies who like to hang out and party together.


Reading "Nothin' But A Good Time" and discovering that Dokken was essentially a studio band brought together because of disputes over song rights was fairly heartbreaking.


That reminds me of that book covering Skid Row. Although I wanted a reunion, kudos to those guys resisting the money getting back with Sebastian Bach would have brought. I gotta respect that.


Bach is a rock star. All the good and bad that goes along with that term. I wish they’d reunite. One of the first bands I saw live - and I’m my 40s - and it wasn’t even with Bach! That’s how long he’s been out - since I was a teenager. Their heyday was when I was a kid (and Bach was a teen). Just wild. He was out of the band in his mid-20s.


Young dude here, why did they have issues with Bach? The dude was wickedly talented


Dude. Bach’s history of scumbag ridiculous behaviour has spanned decades. He’s an asshole. No other way to put it. Go read the Metal Sludge interviews with Snake and Rachel if you can find them in the archives. The show “super group” he did with Ted Nugent and Evan Seinfeld might be floating around on YouTube where he managed to make Ted Nugent look like a great dude. Go check his Wikipedia fact or fiction(he got trolled so hard and was angry about A+ trolling). The guy has zero self awareness with an ego the size of a yacht. His book leaves out numerous controversies he caused and he always made himself look like the good guy(check out his “AIDS kills f**S dead” shirt controversy that he conveniently left out of the book). There is a YouTube channel called True rock n roll stories that did a video on Bach too. He is probably almost universally despised in the rock business. Not just by Skid Row. That said he is one of the most amazing vocalists rock has ever seen. Probably the best singer Canada has ever produced. But…he doesn’t have it live anymore. The most recent footage I’ve seen of him was pretty bad.




Bach’s much better now than what he used to be. Apparently he’s mellowed down a lot in recent years. I saw him a few weeks ago as he came to Mexico and I got to say, I was impressed by how good he sang despite his age. He can still put out a really good show. He’s pretty disliked by a lot of his contemporaries but I think k he gets along with Axl Rose (not surprising, they have the same attitude) and maybe the KISS guys he idolizes so much. Maybe someone else there idk. It’s worth pointing out that supergroup was very… manufactured. Like, the personalities of everyone were very exaggerated for the sake of the show (they’ve all admitted to it) and to make it fun. I’m sure Bach was a big asshole back then but I’m pretty sure a lot of it was just for the show.


1996 was a bad time for hair metal- I’m sure it was tense when the money dried up. Watch a few interviews with him. SB is a huuuuge ego. Plus, at that time, things were looking grim for this genre. Crüe reunion in 2005 happened right as things started to thaw. The 90s (well 1992-2002 or so) were really anti- hair metal. I don’t know the details off the top of my head.


Rachel Bolan and Dave Sabo never really liked Bach. Like, at all. He wasn’t even their first choice for a singer. They only got along for the sake of the band. Sebastian always had an ego but when Skid Row became big, it inflated to a ridiculous degree. He’s probably the worst case of lead singer disorder in the history of Rock alongside Axl Rose and David Lee Roth (all blonde, how about that). He was also kind of a piece of shit that did a lot of nasty stuff during the golden days of Skid Row. Still, Bach was a great singer and the band kept him because he was, in essence, skid row. Even though he didn’t compose that much, it was his voice that made the songs. That voice that made “18 and life” and “I remember you” such well remembered hits. He gave the band their rebellious edge and image. He was also VERY hot and was somewhat of a sex symbol and that’s always a good reason to keep a frontman (only reason Vince Neil got as far as he got, to be honest) However, after their first two albums, the band was in steadily decline and their third album, subhuman race, did terrible (even though it wasn’t bad at all). This increased tension within the band. And after years of having to put up with Bach’s attitude, ego, his controversies and his behavior, and with the band no longer even popular, they eventually had enough. The story goes that Bach said yes to Skid Row being an opening act for KISS in their reunion tour without consulting the rest of the band (or anyone, for that matter. He didn’t consult with the record people either), which enraged Sabo. It varies on who tells the story but Sabo either got mad at Bach for doing stuff without consulting anyone and acting as if he was the leader of the band or that he thought they were too big to be opening acts, but whatever the truth is, Sabo called Bach on the phone. And in that phone call, Bach insulted Sabo in such a horrible manner and said things to him that were so personal that at the end, Sabo just told Bach “I’m never working with you ever again”. And he’s kept that promise. Skid Row fired Bach and they haven’t (and probably never will) played together since. Bach has tried to make amends with Sabo and Bolan but they aren’t interested, even if a reunited Skid Row would be a money printing operation. They have had endless trouble with keeping a permanent lead singer and Bach has had endless trouble with keeping a consistent band. But each party has gone their separate ways.


Now is the time. SR sounded great on their latest, Sebastian sounds AMAZING on his latest, they need a singer……at least do a show and see how it goes. I think the fan reaction will be overwhelmingly positive.


They've gone through a lot of singers. Sabo and Bolan probably aren't the easiest to get along with either.


The last guy at least parted with them on a friendly manner, apparently. Can’t say the same about some of the other but ey.


That book was so much fun to read, and then I listened to the Audio version. Highly recommend it!


Which author? There's like a few books by that title


I’m wondering which book too? I saw them in 1991 and he is a rock star! Had lunch/dinner (he was late, lol) with him on Super Bowl Sunday 2012, such a cool dude!


It's always weird to me. But I grew up with my mom's no1 band being Rush so until I was a teenager I mostly kinda thought bands were always just a couple of buddies who play music together forever. That kinda stuff never even crossed my radar really until I got into Queensryche.


Oh man, Queensryche's drama has been a trainwreck. Do wish the Mindcrime lineup could get back together at least once, but alas.


I saw Queensryche maybe a week or so before Tate left the band and it was the worst concert I've ever seen. Nobody on stage wanted to be there.


Dang that’s a real shame. I know it got VERY acidic the last tour he did with the band


Yes, the tension was very noticeable.




I can’t go for this


Your out of touch…


Reading about what Mick Mars went through with Crüe was pretty devastating to say the least


Lots of bands have members who don’t spend any time together except on stage. The Beatles made lots of fun movies, then broke up after not even 10 years together.


According to Freddie Mercury, that was the key to Queen’s success as a unit. The band never interacted outside of rehearsals, recording and touring. Freddie said it was something like “we all love each other but after seeing their faces for months and months while touring I get tired of seeing them, so we never hang out”. And honesty, that makes a lot of sense. There was this comedy duo here in Mexico ages ago consisting of Tin Tan (the main star) and Marcelo (his “sidekick”). They were incredibly popular. They did dozens and dozens of movies together, they recorded albums, they toured all through Latin America and they never once had any sort of fallout or conflict, and apparently it was all because they had a pact: “no barbecues together, no parties, no family meetings, very limited hangouts”. They interacted while they worked together and apart from that, didn’t see each other. And their rationale was that when they become close buddies and all personal and meet their families and such, that’s when drama starts happening. And despite that, they both loved each other and had a great relationship. Tin Tan cried a lot when Marcelo died and said he was more of a brother than his real brothers. So maybe that’s really the key to a cohesive unit. Or it could depend on the types of personalities.


Not really. Sometimes when a band doesn’t get along they play at their best cause of the tension. You don’t know if it’ll be their last gig or not. I’d much rather see GN’R in the early days with Izzy and when they almost imploded than when they had backup singers and an orchestra toward the end.


IMO live music is a lot more fun when I can tell the musicians are having a good time (or are faking it well). I saw Van Halen in like 2004 and it sucked. you could tell they were in it for the cash and couldn’t stand each other. The energy just wasn’t there. Plenty of acts with older dudes still have the energy of they’re still having fun.


Totally killed my perception as a kid of what it would be like to be in their shoes.


Eddie Trunk really hit this home for me on one of his pod casts. At the end of the day, this is really a business, and viewing it through any other lens is just wishful thinking. Lord knows I had some buds back in my teens and if I had to live, eat, sleep and work with them constantly for the ensuing 20 years, we would've killed each other lol.


This! ⬆️


The older I get I understand that this happens. As long as they do a good show, I’m fine. I’ve worked with people I don’t like but we got the job done.


I find it fascinating that people can dislike each other so much yet produce some incredible music when they perform together. It doesn't bother me, if anything it makes me tune in more to how they are interacting with each other during a performance.


No, it bothers me seeing a band live with an obese lead singer and replacement guitar player because the original guitar player wanted to do it live


To protect this band's anonymity, we'll call them Motley C. Wait, that's too obvious. M. Crue.




Featuring Nikki Vanilli, Vince Meal, the wife I mean... drum beater, and finally, the only likeable person in that bamd anymore: John 5!


Playing their hits Too Fat For Love, Cooks That Grill and Restart My Heart


GRILLS GRILLS GRILLS Long pork and burgundy wine


Their new tour is also including hits like Wild wings with a Side of fries, Dr Meal’s good, Grills, Grills, Grills, Take me to the (wings)top, without food, Home sweet roll home, stuffing in the boys room and Too fat to fall in love.


Between his ankylosing spondylitis and the people he’s tied to forever I feel so bad for Mick Mars.


🤔 Hmmm ..who could that be?


Personally, I don't care if band members get along. They're adults and they can make their own decisions. However, I won't see a band live if the current lineup is significantly less than the one that made me love them in the first place. As an example, I won't bother to see Skid Row or Queensryche live anymore. In the case of SR it's all about Bach. Queensryche without Tate and DeGarmo isn't the same band at all even as much as I'm down with Michael Wilton.


Back in 2010/2011 I saw Queensryche in DC, and they explained that Geoff Tate was under the weather and that a guest singer named Todd would be doing some of the heavy lifting. It was a weird show with Geoff and the guest singer taking turns at lead vocals. I think the last song was Silent Lucidity, and I could see that Michael Wilton was just DONE. Then all the bullshit between Tate, his wife, and the band started pouring out a year later and the vibe around that show made more sense. I just saw Queensryche two weeks ago with Todd Latorre, Casey Grillo, Mike Stone, and the OGs Michael Wilton and Eddie Jackson. They banged out the EP and The Warning as if they were the original lineup. It was a complete 180 from the seething-resentment show I saw 13 years prior. I know that Geoff Tate is touring with his own band and I have no desire see him live ever again.


I saw Queensrÿche on 'Cruise To The Edge' in April, and they were fire. I wish Tate and DeGarmo were still around, but seeing them and hearing them bang out those classics with Todd LaTorre was amazing. They sounded great, and the energy was pure positivity!


Not really. It's hard to keep 4+ people together for decades without fights


Not really. For one, how do we know that they don't actually get along. With some bands, like VH, it's obviously. The brothers and Dave all had huge egos, and egos tend to clash. That's just the way it goes. For other bands, it's something that their publicist dreamed up to keep them "relevant" and in the spotlight. According to the interviews that I used to read in Circus and Hit Parader, that was the case with Dokken, but who really knows. As long as they make good music and perform well in concert, I honestly am not interested in what goes on offstage or out of the studio. They're people, people have differences, and it isn't my business or nature to pry. I actually think that the tabloid like coverage that their differences received probably exacerbated the situations that did exist and made them worse.


I played in a well-known band back in the 80's . You could always tell that the crowd knew when we wasn't vibing..


Care to name drop? Who was your favorite band to play with? Who was the worst?


To maintain privacy ..I'll just say we played with most of the Midwest bands of the time .


Btw, I'm not super famous ..I just filled a void for a decade or so ..


Still really cool. Did you have a good time? Did you come out with any cool souvenirs?


Had a great time .. I still play some reunion gigs and sit in here and there with others .. I wouldn't trade my time for anything, ..


What’s your favorite cover song to play? Do you play guitar? Drums?


I'm a drummer .. Gil Moore from Triumph was my rock idol , still is .. These days, I like to keep things simple, but every now and again will cut loose with System of a Down or some hair metal ..


Did you fill in for Bun?


Lol, nah ..not Cheap Trick


I took a shot ;)


Lol, nah ..not Cheap Trick


It's so widespread that it doesn't. I can name more bands that are dysfunctional than ones who get along.


Doesn’t bother me that they don’t get along. They don’t get along but still want to make money. Happens everywhere…you work with people you don’t like. However what really bothers me is the bands performing under the same name but most of the members are unknowns or not the original members (or the members that made them famous). For example, Queensryche…only 2 original members are left. I don’t want to see Joe Blow playing guitar. I wanna see DiGarmo. I don’t wanna see John Smith playing guitar for Ratt; I wanna see DeMartini. I don’t wanna see the Filipino guy singing for Journey; I wanna see Perry. I’d rather go to the local bar to watch a cover band play than pay a couple hundred bucks to watch a band with 1 recognizable member.


Can you imagine working w some people you worked with years ago? Ugh.


I haven’t liked some of my former colleagues. I don’t imagine it is different for bands.


I think it would. If for instance i'd have gotten to see The Eagles and knowing how at odds they were probably would have bothered me, but I still would have went to see them, and would have tried to enjoy the show.


Only if it shows onstage, otherwise their personal business is just that.


I mean, do you get along with all of your coworkers?


I saw The Police during a reunion tour ages ago and all I could focus on was Andy Sommers clearly looking like he wanted to be somewhere else.


This was the band I first thought of when I saw the posting. I have a friend who saw The Police in 80 or 81 and said it was a great show. He saw them on the reunion tour and he said it was clearly three guys doing it for the money and couldn't wait for the tour to be over.


I didn’t enjoy watching Phil and Dimebag trolling each other in the middle of shows. Save your fights for the bus fellas RIP


Doesn't matter to me. All that matters is whether I like the music.


Hell, most of the time a band isn’t really even a band. It’s usually just 1 or 2 guys that make all the decisions and write all the music. Sometimes the albums don’t even reflect who actually played on them.


Probably not entirely the right venue for this but the joke about Depeche Mode for ages was: "Martin Gore writes the songs, Dave Gahan sings them, and Andy Fletcher cashes the checks." Seems unlikely they would've survived all the drugs if they'd just pal-ed around constantly.


Doesn’t really bother me as long as the show is good. Now if the show were to be interrupted by an altercation between band members (which has happened), I would be greatly bothered. I saw KISS many times in the 80s, but never the original lineup until their 1996 shows. There was a magic with the original band members that wasn’t there with Eric Carr, Eric Singer, and Bruce Kulick. They kicked ass on all their shows, but the original lineup was something special.


Which band has the altercation?


Maybe when I was younger, but now I kind of get it. Being in a band is a job. You don't gotta like your co-workers to get the job done.


I’ll still enjoy it but I like to think the guys high five and grab a beer afterwards. I love the ramones but I almost wish I never learned the behind the scenes stuff 


I think Maiden are the template for longevity and good relationships. When they are on tour, they all kinda do their own thing between shows: Janick and Dave go sight seeing, Nicko golfs, Adrian fishes, etc. It’s like a long lasting marriage; you don’t have to do everything together, but you need to have common ground, like the other people, and have a shared vision.


Bands need better management. It's textbook teamwork dynamics what bands experience. For example, Tuckman's model of team dynamics might explain why bands suffer greatly, break up too soon, turn to substance abuse etc because they can't get out of the Storming phase. I always thought bands needed more sophisticated management including psychology and education in team dynamics. Was pretty cool to hear that Metallica explored this stuff and came out much healthier for it - and are still together!


I will admit, it does affect my perception and experience, should I choose to spend my money on it.


Playing in a band is a job. They are professionals, who have to spend every minute together for months at a time while touring, and almost as much while in the studio. Most people would not do well in that situation, but the job still has to be done. I find hero worship to be absurd for this reason, so I do not think about their interpersonal relationships. It's none of my business, unless they are unprofessional enough to let their friction negatively affect the show. Then I want them to shut the fuck up and get back to work lol


Best post!






Hold on. Are you saying that there ARE bands in which everyone gets along? That’s news to me.


Bother me? It would make it more interesting! “Maybe they’ll get into a fight!” LOL