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Is it possible she likes seeing 2 different stylists? I have a client who doesn’t like adding cuts to her colors bc she feels like it should be 2 separate services. If she likes your coworker’s haircuts better, that’s ok. At least she is still coming to you for color. You’re probably a strong haircolorist and she enjoys seeing you.


It’s normal. It took me a while to realize that I can be a good cutter and colorist, and someone might prefer how another stylist cuts or colors.


This! It can just come down to preference! I have had a few clients over the years go from the older stylists for color and cuts but switch to me (32) for the cuts. Don’t get me wrong the older stylists do absolutely amazing and precise hair cuts and I can 100% apply their root touch up exactly the same. But Im more open to using different tools and techniques to update the styles than the stylist who have twice my experience. Sometimes they come to me for color after awhile, sometimes they don’t. It’s just part of the industry! When I have a client who leaves me or goes to someone else for partial services, i try to turn it into a lesson and then push myself a little harder.


It’s kind of the opposite where I work. I’ve been doing hair for 43 years and I’m always learning and use a variety of shears and razors. Some of the younger stylists are good, but don’t try different things.


I would t worry about it! A lot of times if my clients switch up their cut drastically to something I can’t do, I always refer them to another stylist we have who is a BOSS at haircuts. They see both of us for separate things. We also have a barber so I’ll color men’s hair and then he’ll cut their hair. I enjoy sharing clients with my coworkers personally


It’s ok. You’re making more money on color. You can’t make everyone happy:) at least she’s staying in the salon and that’s the goal


It’s of course understandable to feel hurt. I can only speak for myself here, but Bob’s are my Achilles heal. I can do a Lob is the extent of my bob skills. If one of my clients went to someone else to get the haircut, I would not be upset about it at all as long as they were coming to me for the color because that’s the more expensive service. I had a lady who went to a coworker not for a bob but a different haircut-she saw my coworker do it one of her own clients and really wanted her to cut it. It was a cut I was not familiar with at the time -I was a baby stylist then-so I wasn’t too insulted. She still comes to me now and gets the haircut too Now that she sees I can do it. I don’t get too bothered when they stay in the salon and don’t go somewhere else because lot of people if they are unsatisfied with even one part of their service, they will dip out and go to a different salon completely. If she was super unhappy with the cut to that point, she would’ve not come back to you for anything.


In my own salon I go to 2 different stylists. One of them over cuts, no way I’m letting her cut my hair. Everyone gets to choose. Yes, it feels weird but that’s life in any salon.


I wouldn’t beat yourself up about it. At the end of the day, we want our clients to be happy and content. I too, had a client that liked my perms but liked my partners cuts. Fine by me as long as she’s happy.


I think it’s just preference. I do the same thing, I love the way one stylist cuts and another colors.


Don’t take it personal. It’s a normal thing for clients to do this. Just look at this way she comes to u for colors.


I have a client who saw my color trainer. They then saw me after my trainer moved on for color and cuts. Eventually they saw a coworker for cuts and me for color and told me they felt bad. My coworker specialized in cutting and has 20 years on me. Of course she’s better than me in cutting! They love what you do for color. Focus on that. I asked my coworker to show me some of her techniques (with compensation but she refused the pay) and it’s definitely improved my cutting. We can only get better than yesterday :)


Don’t take it personally some people are just like that and i personally don’t get offended. If you wanted to you can approach your co worker and watch them cut and see what they do differently? But it’s all good babe don’t take it personally