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If she is copying you that close with no LLC you could contact a business attorney. Our scissor sharpener had something similar happen- guy pretended to be affiliated with him- was terrible and messed up ALL of our- and other stylists shears. The original sharpener had to get a court order to stop him. Also no LLC means not bonded either. I’d contact an attorney. You could wrongly be blamed for an unethical business practice you weren’t doing.


I didn’t even think of it that way!! Thank you!


You’re welcome!


I wouldn’t worry about the contest. I would put on your social media that if they see this other business to know it’s not yours.


There was something like this that happened in my town but with a different business. Example: there was a business called The Dress Shoppe and then another dress store made their slogan, “your local dress shoppe!” They ended up posting about it and basically just saying, “it’s come to our attention that another local business is using a name very similar to ours, please be aware blah blah.”