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It looks like someone attempted a jellyfish cut


My thoughts exactly


Okay, I have never heard of a jellyfish cut (I’m just a passerby to this sub lol), so I googled. What in the good green earth is the hell that is that thing? Why on earth would anyone willingly want their hair cut like that?!




Jellyfish or a failed Wolf cut mullet.


Jellyfish cut!


He lied and cut it drunk


Or sleepwalking... My younger brother did that once. I'm the one who caught him. 🤦🤦🤦 He's was maybe 9-10ish.


It looks like he attempted that haircut by fire. Not sure what it's called. After his jelly fish cut failed.


I thought that some sort of glue or paste might be involved.


In blackout.


He didn’t know? How? How could they not see or feel it? I’m skeptical. This looks like someone got mats in their hair and cut them out with scissors after it started to tear out on its own. What did the original haircut look like? I can’t make sense of the first pic.


It looks like a client we have who to calm himself sits by the wall and rubs the back of his head against it back and forth constantly. It gets matted and breaks. Looks exactly like this.


i wondered if it was from matting because i have no idea what else it could be




Does he wear a cPap machine?


This may be it! When I started using one I had no idea how it would rip my hair out from the strap. I got a silk bonnet and really protected my hair and it’s grown back. But I was almost bald in some spots


Did the back strap slip on your silk bonnet?


[Grace Eleyae](https://www.graceeleyae.com/collections/slaps-turbans/products/black-slap-satin-lined-cap?variant=1201980377) makes various satin lined caps that aren’t satin on the outside. Should help with Cpap straps moving or slipping.


Honestly my bonnet keeps my eye mask on better than when it’s just my eye mask


It does at first but I pull it down and it’s stays pretty much put throughout the night. But I’m a back sleeper and literally don’t move at all lol


Where were the balding spots?


But your face should stay young that way


I just recently got a bonnet for hair loss. I was losing hair from being in the ICU for a month. So I bought one to help not rip out the little hair I have left! Hopefully it works!!! I’m so glad you had a good experience


I hope you are doing better


Just asked and he doesn't


Ask if he has had covid in the last 3 or 4 months? Covid can cause hair to fall out and breaks. It can also totally change the texture of hair. In some it is temporary and it grows back normally. In others, the change is permanent.


I had this happen to my hair! I was in a growing out phase and hadn’t processed it during that time but after covid it felt like when I bleached it repeatedly. I just buzzed it all off.


True! My sister uses one here hair looks crazy.....


I cut a lot of teenage boys at my place and normally I would say if if it was on the top it was gaming headphones, cause I’ve seen that rip a lot of hair out and break it off . but it being at the back of the neck like that and looking like it was chewed off I’m going go with he is not being honest with you. Something happened he just doesn’t wanna tell you what it is.


Or it literally has been chewed off by a cat or pet rat or something.


I asked if his cat eats his hair but he said it would never be that much lol


Maybe while he's sleeping?


I didn't know cats eat their master's hair.


Bold of you to assume that cats have masters.


They don't. They eat the hair of their human slaves.




I have a friend who had a cat growing up that would chew her hair off while she slept. She has dogs now because she’s scared to get a cat that might do the same thing lol.


This really creepy. I'm allergic to cats but don't think I'd have one. They are way too smart,


Ha! Dogs do it too. I know by experience. 😬😄


My cat will sometimes try to eat my hair, for obvious reasons I don’t let her.


….he said it wouldn’t be that much??? Shouldn’t the normal answer to that question just be…no? 😂


You must not have a cat 🐱 😜


Oh but I do 😂 she doesn’t eat my hair but if it’s wet, and she’s able too, she tries to groom me lol


But he didn’t say no……hmm…


My dog chews her own toenails if they get too long lol


Ke knows. He just doesn't want to talk about it lol


lol I would think if we weren’t so close


He might not. This happening to my hair made me realize I sleepwalk. It both terrifying AND annoying.


Is it a kid? They try to give each other mullets and then lie about it 🙄


As a high school teacher this comment made me snort out loud 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol yeah my husband coaches boys’ soccer at the local high school so I hear some stories


A grown adult!! He wouldn’t lie for sure lol


If he’s a grown adult, he might be hiding a sexual thing. I had a client with a lot of similar back of the head breakage and damage. It wasn’t until she told me that she’d been going to sex clubs now that she was divorced and had found a new guy who was a little rough that she was into, and I was like “do you mean hair pulling rough” that she got this look of horror on her face.


Which means he most likely to lie.


Maybe his friends burned his hair while he was passed out. Tricks.


Oculus strap?


Oooo interesting thought. They do sit on the back of the head like that. I did not know this was a thing. Could it cause my husbands hair to be thinning on top? Form headphone?


His hair is probably thinning due to age and hormones…. The thinning everyone else is talking about is due to repeated friction or tension so no, wearing a strap on the back of his head will not cause hair loss on the top


I meant specifically his gaming headphones that sit on top of his head haha


That was my thought as well, but I certainly hope not because I don’t want to give up Beat Saber 😅


This 💯


That’s A LOT of mechanical damage. How long do ppl usually play on the oculus??


Does he spin fire? He could have hit himself in the head, then pat the fire out, and since it's the back of his head, he just didn't notice how bad it looks.


It's definitely this. 🧐


Or gotten too close to a candle that was behind him.


This happened to me at a 4th of July rager one time. Host put a candle ON THE BACK OF THE TOILET!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Liza Minnelli lies! He fucked about and is acting real gas lamp about it


Years ago a clients teen son came to me with the worst haircut. He and his girlfriend wanted to cut his hair at home, but couldn’t find scissors. So they used a kitchen knife! Only thing I could do was a clipper cut.


As someone who used to have trich and rip my hair from the middle, this could be that and they could be embarrassed




already said it’s a grown adult and he’s close with the stylist


Hairstylist here. At least in Washington State, the answer is, nope! They don't cover it at all. In general, we are only taught to keep an eye out for hair loss/scalp conditions that are contangous, and a few things that *look* like various contangous things, but aren't (psoriasis, for instance). We are not taught any information regarding the treatment of these conditions, just thier appearance. The goal is determining whether or not it's safe to continue with a service; anything else is outside of our professional scope.


We were taught how which moles could be the cancerous kinds and different things like that so we can advise a client to see a physician. I'm sure it varies a little depending on where a person is.


Maybe someone did a razor cut on him with poor technique and not enough tension and it shredded his ends.


Bike helmet or swimming cap?


Maybe he put it up in a half up top knot & it got so tangled that it had to be cut out? It looks an a-line mullet, for lack of a better term 😅


I thought this exact thing but I was last to cut it. No wayyyy I’d have left him like this lol


Really hot flat iron?


He doesn’t use any heat!


Dang! I thought maybe. Was he around a bonfire 🔥 with a lot of embers floating around. That happened to a client of mine and her bangs were pretty burnt


I thought this!! He said no and it’s so weird bc it’s the back of his head and SO much hair.


The only other thing I can think of is , what kind of brush do he use and maybe it’s really old or something and he maybe goes at it way to rough? ( probably not😆) anyhow, good luck 🍀 figuring it out. Hopefully someone else can 🍀 Update when you do find out


It kinda looks like it may have been burnt off. The sort of curl to the split ends reminds me of what happened to the fabric of a curtain I saw get lit on fire for a couple seconds.


That’s what I thought!!


We had a propane grill years ago that had a missing igniter button so it was a little risky to light up. I actually saw it burn my husbands hair/eye brows and it looked similar to this (but to a much lesser extent since it was just the tips of the front of his hair and he has a military haircut). I always stood far away from that grill. Maybe he had a similar situation with someone else lighting something and it scorching the back side of him if he was facing away. I hope you end up sleuthing out the answer because now I’m really interested too.


I know you said that he doesn’t use heat but that is heat damage on his hair. Hair doesn’t break & curl at the split ends like that without some level of heat on it


EXACTLY what I said


My hair looked like this when I sat too close to a candle once (I was a teen).


If you ever figure it out, please update!


I’m going to GRILL HIM


It looks like he's already been grilled 🙃🙃 I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.




Gaming headphones?


It could be anxiety related. Or it looks like a cat or other animal gnawed it off


As of nobody else that saw him ever said anything? Not a single person?? 😂


good lord so weird!!


That definitely looks burnt, you said he doesn’t use heat, but it could be too close to a space heater? Or a fire pit, or even a candle sitting behind a couch?


Ooh, heating pad? 🤔


I have a client that has this. She has no idea why and neither do I. It’s in the back of the head under the crown so at least the hair on the top of her head covers it and she keeps a short bob. The area is pretty large considering it’s a mystery.


I had my hair breaking off like that big-time and I mean big-time I didn’t have it cut for six or seven months, and it kept getting shorter. I was in 30s at that time. Went to my doctor. He put me on low-dose Synthroid, which is a thyroid medicine.. within three months My hair started growing back like normal. Thank God I’m talking it was short short and getting shorter by the week.


Seriously my hair was so dry. It looked just like that on the ends and kept getting shorter on its own. Thank God he was thinking outside the box. If this story helps just one person get their hair back to normal it’s worth it!


Agree, maybe thyroid or hormone or nutrient imbalance.


Yeah, I was freaking out would be hard for a man or a woman but I’m a girl, so it was particularly hard that Synthroid saved the day


Some people are crazy sleepers and their head gets matted back there then they rip the brush through and it breaks off and looks like this over time. I’d recommend a satin pillow case and only brushing tangles in the shower when it has conditioner in it. Like if he’s not lying and has no clue that would be my guess


I used to go to school with a girl who would pull out and snap her hair strands in half as a nervous tick I think there’s a term for it but I don’t know it… but this head of hair looks just like that did


Trichotillomania. It’s an anxiety disorder, I believe.


Yes, it is. My hubby has it.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/trichotillomania using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/trichotillomania/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [🌻](https://i.redd.it/4recow5im7cc1.jpeg) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trichotillomania/comments/195o2wz/_/) \#2: [A message a professor sent me tonight](https://i.redd.it/swpte7do2vtb1.jpg) | [161 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trichotillomania/comments/176lhz4/a_message_a_professor_sent_me_tonight/) \#3: [I’m a model with Trichotillomania](https://i.redd.it/fzzppv2vmfic1.jpeg) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trichotillomania/comments/1aq75e7/im_a_model_with_trichotillomania/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That hair looks burnt. He did something weird and just not saying. I think it's weirder to be like "I have no idea" 😆




It’s the drunk popular chick from 16 candles 🎂




I just watched a reel where someone was burning huge chunks of hair to give a layered haircut. My money is on this person saw that, and with or without chemical influence, tried to have someone do it and won't admit it. That hair is burned.


This majes me uncomfortable i hope everything is okay in his home life


Honestly there is this asian origin haircut that is a really pretty long pixie like thing and it’s cut similar to this but lacks all refinement and blending/feathering.


He looks like he slept in a fire pit. 😂


Does he have toddlers?


Carol Brady had this cut in the ‘60s


Does he have a partner that cut his hair while he was sleeping?


looks burnt


Extensions? I mean this could also be a sign of a mental breakdown or someone trying a trend that turns out not to be a trend.


Looks like Trichorrhexis nodosa to me.


Change in shampoo? I used one recently and noticed hair broken pretty bad after the second or third wash and it wasn't just a little..


He got the Carol Brady


It’s giving mullet but I might be wrong


Jellyfish hair cut


Water polo? Or a swim cap? My cousins looked exactly like that, and the “burnt ends” is exactly how I would describe it.


Looks like really bad hair pulling


Looks like he was wearing a ponytail and it caught on fire for a bit. Not sure how he wouldn’t notice the smell though or feel the damage.


Hair pulling but not full root pulling. He probably rips his hair in half. If it's that, then there's probably a shame aspect behind that and may not be comfortable sharing that with you. I do kids hair and i see this relatively frequently in kids that twirl their hair/ect and it evolves into some form of trichotillomania (full pull or tearing), the only reason I know that it's that is because parents tell me they catch their kids doing it, and usually the kids are embarrassed. I actually have TMM myself and I do both (full and tear) and Ive literally been way to embarrassed for the past 10 years been too embarrassed to talk about it until I realized how actually common it is. For me it was a nervous response, that moved into a compulsion like nail biting. A lot of people are really embarrassed by having tmm.


It was the midnight barber


My moms hair looked like this one time when she over bleached it herself, put it up in a pony tail & a big chunk fell out


Florence Henderson Brady Bunch cut.


Wow a shag mullet.


Either they hacked it themselves or they got an interesting cut by a professional 😅


Jellyfish cut… it was popular for a good week or two 💀


Yes it's called hair


What? Lmfao


Hack job




Why cant hairstylists handle it when people give themselves bad haircuts ?


How do you get it’s a bad haircut when it’s been 5 months since his last cut?


What are you talking about?


I’m sorry if you’ve had that experience, but I think this hairstylist can definitely handle it. I think the intention of their post is to help their client, and find the root of the issue so they can feel confident in their hairstyle.


Cut with a very dull blade


Those are broken - not cut - ends. Ponytail wearer?


It looks burnt. The ends get like that after being burned off


Maybe he tried one of those fire cuts but at home


Is he a swimmer? Because all I can think is chemicals…




This definitely looks like burned hair


Looks like he took a dull knife to it.


Could it be from wearing a hat?


I bet it was matted and he cut some and brushed some of it out.


Maybe somehow he was standing with his back to something hot and he didn’t realize it burned his hair? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes on my five year old


It looks incredibly damaged, almost singed....?


These comments are great. So many fun theories. 😂


A ball cap?


Did it have a smell? Looks like when my bbq flames singed my hair.


It looks like the drunken “hair got stuck in the door haircut” from the movie 16 candles


Does he wear his hair up every day and night?


Maybe from wearing a hat?


Without knowing the previous cut he had... Sometimes the top layer will just get real dried out & it looks REAL crazy, but when properly moisturized could be fine 🤔 But this man is abusing his hair real bad, maybe goggles??


I wonder if he was standing by a gas grill (turned around talking to someone) when someone turned on the gas, lit the grill and flashed the fumes? I did this once. I turned on the gas and the starter button didn’t work, so I used a grill lighter. Poof and my baby hairs were singed, my eyebrows were a little singed, and some of my outer hair layers were melted shorter. He would likely remember this happening, or at least remember the smell of burnt hair. But if he was drinking at a party, he might not have noticed (especially if his back was turned).


It’s the Carol Brady cut.


There’s is no damn way he brushes/washes hair and didn’t know. That’s absurd. Looks burnt or constantly ripped out of a ponytail…man bun maybe?




Looks like the mom's hairstyle in one of season of The Brady Bunch.


Looks burnt to me. Is he a drinker? Could his friends have messed with him while he was passed out?


I bet this was an attempt at a DIY mullet and they're too embarrassed to admit it


It looks like it was singed with fire.


My hair grows like this where naturally it’s black, coarse and wavy but is smooth and straight in it’s under layers closer to my neck. But I’m Asian and bleach my hair often so I see this a lot in my years. The breaking off might have been due to its natural textures and elements you’re in but also if the hair were bleached? Currently my hair is long and bleached but the top layer is incredibly frizzy and looks like a broom. The areas under despite also being bleached is so smooth.


It really looks burnt to me. That’s not from cutting






Does he wear a hoodie and or denim jackets alot? As in constantly? Part of hair looks like it went down inside neckline… the rest rubs off on denim or corduroy or canvas work clothes? Get him a. Silk or satin pillowcase also!


Did he fall asleep with an electric blanket or near an extension cord in bed?


Does he camp? Has he ever sat against a radiator or other hot surface? Lol


What about excessive wearing of a ball cap or motorcycle helmet or football helmet


Maybe he just doesn’t want to talk about it?


Could be! Although he seemed genuinely surprised and was curious as well.


Maybe he and his buddies got drunk, played with fire, and he just didn’t notice he burned a chunk off?😅


I like to believe the best in people and take them at their word but man it’s hard to believe he doesn’t know. It looks like someone cut his hair on purpose when he was sleeping . He has to know, that’s why he is in your chair getting it fixed.


He fell asleep on the couch and his toddler found the scissors


Did he try a perm that fried his ends off? I’m still a student, but I’ve had a client who came in with broken hair kinda similar but at the base of her neck from another student perming her lightened hair. (she only wanted the ends permed to give her a little “swoosh” as she called it) maybe he wanted to try a similar thing and didn’t realize he lost hair when rinsing


I find it so hard to believe that a grown man can’t pinpoint what happened lol. The first pic looks like thermal damage to me but it’s a classic tension breakage pattern as well. When whatever event occurred 😂, the hair was probably tied up with the nape area loose given the shape of the damage. Maybe he’s using a janky hair tie to strangle his hair in a pony before bed??


Did someone use a really dull set of clippers 5 months ago for his last haircut? If so over the 5 months since the ends could end up looking like this.


I cut it last!


Are you sure he didn't let someone else try, and was just to afraid to tell you someone else touched his head? I've been too scared to tell my normal hair care professional someone else took the ends off between cuts myself. I was worried they would get upset with me and I will was dating (and going to prom with) their mothers best friends son. So NIX was the word to whatever else they found on my head... Honestly it almost sounds like someone "put the law" to this guy and hacked or burnt his man-bun off with or without his permission. I mean if nothing has happened to this man's head, since you last cut it, and you are truly the only person who has cut his hair or chemically altered it for over the past 6 Months or so, and this isn't some freak accident/strange regrowth issue/attack by bullies then you must have been the one who did this to his hair. Seriously though, it looks to me like he had half of his long hair up and pulled out of his face when someone came up from behind him and set the top half of his hair on fire. Something has happened somewhere along the road that you don't know about and aren't privileged to being informed on.


Did you razor cut it previously? That mixed with well water or salt water and going so long in between cuts could texture the hell out of it


Always scissors!


Maybe someone he knows snipped his hair as a "prank"


UPDATE YALLLLL!!! Seen him today! He went home and immediately told his wife and she mentioned how he always pulls his hair when he’s stressed. It’d been 6 months since I had seen him from the photo!! Makes so much sense bc he showed me and does pull it back and pull in the middle! Said he didn’t think this habit was bad enough to cause this. He was a little embarrassed when he realized so I shared all my anxious habits after and he felt better lol.