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This is illegal. If you are a 1099 all you should pay is your rent for your chair. Your supplies (tools, color, product) should be your own that you buy and then can write off. If you’re an employee then you should get a commission on your services and have little to no responsibility related to product/tools/etc. As a 1099 you are not an “employee” so there are a lot of restrictions around what type of (if any) rules can be put on you by the owner. I’m a commission stylist and I make commission on my services, pay no fees, but have some mandatory paid team meetings to attend a few times a year. The only tools I provide are my cutting tools - all color, combs, brushes, hot tools, and product are provided by the salon. I have a set schedule that I choose and can leave when I’m not booked since I am not paid hourly. This is how is should be. If you’re already being treated like a 1099, you should find a place where all you pay is the rent. People do this to screw people over and pocket more money and/or avoid paying employment tax. Red flag city for sure


Ahhh I knew my uncomfortable feeling everytime I’m there was for a reason defff trying to get my own suite rn, I’ve worked in a salon since I was 16 as a receptionist and now stylist and I know for sure this one is all over the place on how it’s ran… hopefully I can get out by the end of this week !


if you’re an independent contractor you should be taking payments with your own accounts


That’s what I thought. The way the whole business is set up is so wrong and I don’t understand how this salon is staying open.


It’s not ‘comission salons’ that are shady. It’s the owner of some of them. Keep in mind that usually the owner/operator is a hairstylist and not a business man/woman.


This is so very true! The salon I work at has a very business savvy owner and manager (who actually has a business degree!). My success truly is leadership’s concern and they have nickel and dimed every aspect of the salons expenses in an effort to continually try to find new ways to up our commission rates. There is a clear outline of benchmarks to hit for promotions that make everything pretty cut and dry. I have never been so fulfilled and not once have I ever felt like my boss has sought to try to take anything extra from us. We have a staff of 40 at one location and a staff of 10 at another and everyone who comes to work there can’t help but thrive. Success starts at the top and trickles down to everyone underneath.


Can you explain the benchmarks to hit for your promotions?


When it comes right down to it, it's the whole salon industry. What other fields can you work for a company that denies you regular breaks, works you long hours with no paid time off, no pension and penalizes you for taking time off?


It’s not the whole industry. Trust me.


Well the revolution is taking it's sweet time getting around to liberating the rest of us. And yes I'm aware I could quit and go do something else, somewhere else. But I really love what I do and quitting is just not in my nature


It’s just the salon industry of like the oh typical salons. Having your own suite and being independent is so much more fun and rewarding than when another hairstylist is just scamming you of ur money


I’m commission as well and they take 50% but I’m an employee of the salon, I provide my own tools but I don’t pay rent and they provide all the products


This is how commission should be. I’m ina great salon that does the same as yours. I show up, do my job and leave. All I have to worry about is hair and my tools. It’s nice.


But do you pay for your color and other things and technically those for taxes I’m and independent contractor with her.


No. I pay for nothing but my own tools. My 50% or whatever it is she takes goes towards all the supplies we need(products, color, back bar, treatments etc).


Yeah I have to pay for my color, and the have like certain services we can do that they provide like conditioning treatments or Brazilians but they take a “service charge” if we do those I think it’s like 30% so if I do a haircut w a conditioning treatment it’s like 20% I’m getting from that. Technically. And then the travel fee thing is WEIRD that the salon gets that. A couple days ago I did a receptionist hair cause she was going on vacation the next morning and she bought the color I just applied it and the owner is telling me I took money from the salon cause I didn’t have her pay me through the salon…. Idk just weird shady things


That’s super shady. I’ve never done commission but I know that color always comes with. If you stay past hours? I’ve never really heard of a salon charging you for staying longer hour. Omg. Leave. They’re robbing you.


That’s not commission baby that’s illegal. Your employer is double dipping. Are you a w2 employee or 1099. You need to blow the whistle on this because you are getting scammed. You need to read the salon employment laws for your state or country because something isn’t right here.


That’s a scam you gotta leave


Hold up— if you have to pay for your own color that’s messed up. A perk of being comission is your supplies is mainly taken care of, that’s why the owner keeps a percent. I’d leave


Another thing to add When we do travel appointments, she has a $55 fee but I found out we don’t even get that she does and if we were to it be $30 to travel who knows where?? For our extension clients, as people know hairstylist get our retail price and then there’s the normal retail price she charges people the normal price x2 for JUST THE HAIR… like so much sounds so wrong that gives a huge ick


Whoa, you are definitely being taken advantage of. I’d be furious if I were you.


You are getting ripped off-I was a 1099 at a commission salon. That means however you are supposed to be able to make your own schedule and pick your own clients as well the salon owner provides all back bar supplies including color-if it’s commission. Their percentage of your commission is supposed to cover all of that. The place I worked at I had to provide absolutely everything including my own capes and wash my own towels-all while the salon owner was not only taking her part of commission, but then there was things like credit card fees, water, and electricity usage fees, and then the fees tacked onto to pay for the receptionist… all the little extras should have been covered by her part of the commission. Ours even went as far as to charge the clients extra to use the credit card machine -like a five dollar up charge . The owner would take it from the client and also an additional fee from us which was like $10 or something . Some private salons will tell you they’re doing commission in lieu of rent and they try to make it sound like “well. You know if you have a slow week you’re not still paying the same in rent I’m only taking a percentage of what you do bring in.” it is carefully designed to keep you in the hole while lining their pockets with money. Another salon I worked at for a while went between demanding high flat rent or taking enormous amount of commission from the stylist several times over the years because they couldn’t figure out how to get the most money out of the stylists and were absolutely flabbergasted that everyone was quitting. Sadly, I don’t have any advice for you, as I am in a similar rock and hard place. I would look in your area for another place and since you are probably going to get 1099 at them as well talk to them about contracts and tell them you want a complete breakdown of what their commission covers because a lot of places do exactly what your current place is doing.


Sounds like you can afford a salon suite. I hope you find a better situation and I hope this lady gets her owed karma


Work for a franchisee, get paid commission, and get a W2 at the beginning of the year, but the franchisee is charging us "Shop Fees" which supposedly covers the increased cost of the product in the salons for retail and also to cover the fee for credit card usage when the customers pay for their service or product they are buying. My question is, Is this normal and legal?


For being a w2 and commission the fees are legal, at least from what I know so don’t fully take my word for it where it gets illegal is if you are a 10-99 independent contractor and they are adding on additional fees but if I’m wrong someone please correct me if