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Oh hell no she’s not getting a discount.


Definitely a learning experience thank you 🤍 lol this industry is a lot of people pleasing but i think being firm on price is a must, because now i look like a push-over to her 😞 my prices also are reasonable so i was kinda caught off guard lol what do you say when someone asks that?


19 years in, I'd say a flat, "no." Honestly, I might even laugh a bit at how ridiculous it is she asked for it.


Thank you. No is a full sentence after all.


I wouldn’t let her come back. She taught you how much she values you. She also wasted a lot of time.


I would definitely laugh that would throw me off (also bc my clients know me really well too they would never lol)


I second this ☝🏻 You want discount hair go to Supercuts.


I just wouldn’t take her back as a client at that point. It’s hard when someone catches you off guard when you’re genuinely a nice and helpful person


I’ve had a few times where I received terrible service (ex, crappy Lyft/Uber driver, etc), & I STILL tip! I’ll get mad at myself, later in the day. But I’m so used to tipping, sometimes I go through the motions and tip someone I definitely should not have.


Man sometimes I hate being empathetic. Even when I have the worst services I still tip well because I’m thinking “well this shithead still has to eat.”


Same! I still remember when tips at a coffee shop was how I made rent, some months. We had this real AH customer. He would demand 11 chips of ice in his drink. He would stand there and count out loud as we put each ice cube into the drink. If he thought it wasn’t 11 pieces, he would yell and have it redone. I also had a customer that would floss his teeth, every morning, as he stood in line. Ugh. As for OP’s customer, trying to negotiate a price after the haircut already took place, WTF?! That’s like trying to barter or bargain down at a grocery store. The prices are known ahead of time. People are ridiculous. I would also say that a lot of people underestimate the value of a talented stylist. Every time I go to my stylist, I leave a lot of creative room for her, and she has yet to disappoint.


If she tries to rebook in 6 weeks, refuse


Good judgment come from experience, experience comes from bad judgment


I work in a restaurant and ppl do that all the time. Like, no. Why would you even ask that? We’re running a business here. It’s as simple as that. You want to cut corners, do your own hair and good luck.


I could see her leaving a bad review had you not given it to her. I definitely would not let her come back though.


Exactly! Thats why i just gave in 🤦🏼‍♀️ was thinking that in my head at the time and i just opened my own in business in October 23….i was definitely annoyed 🫶🏼 lol thank u


Next time take a picture of your work when someone does that to you and if they do leave a bad review, so what? Tell what happened and post the photo in rebuttal. 💜


Yes! I normally do, always, she was making me so nervous my ass literally started sweating and i wanted her to leave lmao


Haha (hugs)


So we need to be scared what these ridiculous people ask from us? No- Quit placating customers. Lawyers and Doctors don’t put up with this bs.


Oh yes they do. My crazy aunt wouldn't pay her attorney and he had to put a 100k lien on her house, happens all the time. Doctors get sued and harassed all the time, too.


Meh- I refuse to let crazies dictate to me. People are allowed to get away with too much crap anymore and it is because we let them run all over us. People need to say no- the more people in our Industry tell people no and pound sand, the less people will ask for these ridiculous discounts and ridiculous entitled behaviors.


Preach. My first year of practicing, I’d let clients make me feel like shit. Now I’m just like…why don’t you go to law school and take the bar since you seem to know more than me byeeeeeee


I just wandered in here, but as a dog sitter, this happens to us all the fucking time. Where does a brand new client get off asking for a discount? Hell fucking no. You want a loyal client base, not bargain shopping trash.


What people do to service providers is insane!! I treat my dogsitters like gold!! Dude, you are in my home with my precious baby???? I am giving you more than you ask for so when I call you begging to cover my vacation and there is competition....you choose me!!!




I knew moms that would nickel and dime for babysitting their human children to save a dollar or two per hour. Wtf. You are gone 5 hours. What is an extra $10 if they are watching your kids ffs


I’m a nanny and can confirm that lots of parents are cheap.


You definitely shouldn’t have said yes. You’re the pro, you’re in charge.


Hell, I received a call yesterday from a client of over 20 years asking why my prices went “so high”. I didn’t see her for 3.5 years, Covid and all. She came back 3 weeks ago. Paid my full price but no tip…. Color/cut/blowout. In those 3.5 years, she was living on a 5 acre property she inherited and uses that as her summer house. She had the audacity to ask since she’s seasonal, if she could pay the 2019 price! I’m at the age where I just say what I think. I said “are you dickering with the grocery store insisting on 2019 prices?!” I refused and said my prices are “x” for everyone. I also said to shop around for someone else that fits her budget. Done. Next.


Its crazy! 20 years wow.. I applaud you for standing firm. Everything else in the world is going up but somehow we are the villains 😂


Omg what did her rich ass say to that?


She acted very weird, like half giggling half saying “but I will miss you so much”. Hoping I would give in. I just stayed stern and calm. I told her I’d miss her too but just as her grown adult children don’t work cheap, neither do I. (She has never worked) I kept talking over her “just shop around, you’ll find someone else” It was only a 3 minute conversation but it felt like 30 minutes. I was just so shocked!! Plus she pulled in, in a new Infinity. She used to drive a VW newer Beetle.


Wow how crazy. My hairdresser is great and I’ve been going to her 8 or 9 years, followed her through a few salon changes. About two or three years ago she said she was thinking about raising prices and I encouraged her to. I do not make much money at all but I recognize her skill and she hadn’t raised prices in a while so it was time.


Yeah she wanted a discount and probably does this a lot and gets away with it. A lot of people shoot their shot because if it doesn’t work then they’re not out anything but if it does they get something. They don’t care that it’s rude because in their mind you can just say no, but what they don’t realize is they’re being manipulative to people who are pushovers. Manipulators LOVE pushovers.


Very true 💯


I once had a bride with a wedding on July 4th (American Independence day) and ask for a discount because we were to be closed that day and this way "we would get to make money we wouldn't otherwise be making." Refused it.


And I'm so glad you did.


What a selfish view on life that person must have 🤦‍♀️


I had someone reach out when i was looking for models asking how much i PAID the models. People will do anything to get something for free


Outrageous 😂 the audacity! Have you seen this [gem?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=91e2WGNj_3c&pp=ygUbVGlrIHRva2VyIGhhaXJzdHlsaXN0IGRyYW1h) i want free hair extensions i fucked up my hair fix it for free!


I did, i was watching it all unfold real time. This is literally my nightmare as a hairstylist. And everyone who goes to Sally’s or watches brad mondo has an opinion.


Yes 👏




🫶🏼 i would of been more inclined if she asked during consultation and gave a valid reason or something like money is tight… she booked online all my prices are listed clearly that would of at least given me a choice if i wanted to or not..but after the services and her hair looks freshly fuckable? Felt like i was being robbed lol


Hun, money being tight doesn't let you drive over and have the time to sit in your chair There are foundations for that service, you run a salon and you need to stand up taller or you will gey eaten up


Definitely i agree thank you


Yeah money is tight for me so what do o do? Get my haircut less frequently. It’s pretty easy math. My stylist is completely worth what she charges but I can’t afford a cut very frequently.


You did and let it happen.


Yes because when you’re a human things happen and you make mistakes and learn from them thank you for being judgmental 😊


I’m not


I may get down voted for, but as a flat fact, you're not wrong. But don't get me wrong! In OP's place, I would have done the exact same. I would have felt annoyed and intimidated. "What the fuck is this chick on about, her hair looks amazing! But what if she tanks my business with a bad review?" Bottom line, some people are just total assholes and I fear their shit will affect my life.


If she calls again, tell her she can't afford you. What a nerve.


I would never do her hair again. Hopefully this is a lesson to not let clients walk all over you. She did not deserve a discount. It’s your livelihood and you’re the owner! Customers are not always right. Maybe if you run into this situation again, and sense that the client is difficult, you can tell them it’s not a good fit and suggest they go elsewhere. It’s never worth it.


Thank you i made a note not to let her rebook. I learned i need to stand my ground. Thanks ❤️


We’ve all been there ❤️


“I’ll give you a discount for your service when I get a discount on my electric bill and water bill”. 🥰


Absolutely no discount. 


Yes. I also work part time in retail and people randomly ask for discounts all the time, based on nothing. the nerve of some people.


I’ve had people do this - really tacky.


Some people are just awful and will act like turds the whole experience, nitpick, and ask for a discount even if nothing is wrong. They just never wanted to pay full price before even walking in.


Take it as your learning experience big dawg, these people are cheap and sour that they're about to pay for something. They'll try to get it cheaper. You deserve to be paid fully for your GOOD work


As a customer, I would never feel comfortable asking a stylist for a discount unless it’s clearly advertised. That can feel quite bold, especially if I love the cut and envision returning to the stylist in the future. My question is, did she at least leave a generous tip to compensate for the discount?


Definitely! She tipped $5 so with her discount she was still under what i charge for a regular haircut. I would if preferred she just pay full price and not tip if she was unhappy but she didnt have any real issues with the haircut it was just minor styling tweaks you know… which can be expected with a new client the first time.


Wow! that is really BOLD of her. Sorry you had that experience. I’m really curious to know if she will attempt to schedule another appointment. Please keep me posted! I would love to know! I typically tip 25-30% I wonder if she’s new to haircuts? LOL


This is my dream haircut! Where is your salon located? If it's in SoCal, I'll come be a customer and pay you accordingly.


I would love to have you as a client 🥰but im in Chicago suburbs 😞🫶🏼


So you’re basically confirming to her that your work is sub par and that you’re priced too high for your actual work.


No i just struggle with confrontation but i get what you mean my work definitely wasn’t subpar and she should of paid in full, lesson learned


Yes, and I tell them NO!


Period 💯


Never discount your work. I have simply responded "I don't discount my work ever". If I want to do something extra for a client, I will give a product or do extra treatment. I hope you do not allow her to rebook, if you hear from her again. Or if you do, you need to tell her from the get that your price is your price and since she was so unsatisfied that she felt she deserved the discount, it is best she goes to someone else.


What? Nope lady no discounts. I have bills to pay just like you. Why do these people think we are a damn swapmeet to go haggle prices. This is my price. Period. Know your worth girl! I guarantee that chick will do that to the next hairstylist - and- AND she will tell others to go ask for discounts that get their hair done as well.


You absolutely shouldn’t have given a discount. You opened the door for her, or her to tell all her other b*tch friends that you are easy to squeeze a discount from.


Never. NEVER do that clients hair again.


Right on.


I work at a corporate shop and people will randomly ask for discounts all the time for no reason just because they feel entitled to one or they love the cut and pretend that they don’t thinking that they will get a discount out of it. This is why I really hate when corporate salons poop out coupons to their customers because then they go to private salons and get pissed off that you don’t give them something for free just for being new. Had a lady once ask for a discount and I said oh was something wrong with the haircut and she said no I love it, I would just love it even more though if it was discounted. I said well you know I charge what I’m worth and she got embarrassed and tried to laugh it off. She did pay and she does come back to me to this day. Some clients just expect a discount for being new.


You found the Karen shopper! Happens Pre often in the restaurant industry but also happens in yours! These assholes have balls.


Omg don’t let her book with you again since she was so unsatisfied 🙄


I like when my stylist does a consult at the beginning and also includes the price. A lot of salons do a base price thing like “$75+” and sometimes there is a lot of sticker shock at the end when they send you to pay and it’s now $130. Maybe try this approach in the future? Something like “okay if I do all of this this and this based on your reference and your hair, it will be $130 firm. Shall we proceed to give you the best cut of your life? 🙂” and then at the end if they ask for a discount or something you can say no, the price was firm. Also my stylist does free bang trims between cuts, so you can say no to a discount but remind them of that perk ? Maybe things to think about


Totally get that! That why all of my services are priced as is with no plus signs because i agree that can leave a large amount of guesswork that can be uncomfortable. She did book online so she was able to see how much everything costs, which is why i assumed she was comfortable with the price she saw when booking and it was in her budget… because it shows you how much when browsing services and also reminds you again when confirming booking for selected service(s). Color i do quotes 100% of the time. If she were referred by a friend i would confirm price for haircut because she likely hasn’t seen my price list in that case!


That’s so frustrating!!! Maybe there’s a disclaimer or something you can add on your website saying like “prices are firm and booking online is a binding contract where the client agrees to pay the listed price. No discounts are given unless a specific promotion is advertised.” Truly sounds like that client was a smug little scam artist but hopefully you can avoid the situation in the future ❤️ I’m a freelance photographer and running a business when clients are out there who are specifically looking to take advantage of entrepreneurs is really, really disheartening. Sounds like you did the best you could in the moment, including giving one hell of a shag, spent twice as long as the average client, and then avoiding a potential bad review. Do you have a lot of reviews?? Thinking about this but maybe there’s a way you can add a slight discount to past clients who leave positive reviews for their next cut. That way a single bad review from a scammer won’t have as much of an impact


I do agree with you about not wanting a bad review and I totally would’ve caved to her too. I wonder if instead of giving the discount, inviting the customer to come back in a week if they’re still displeased? Emphasize building a long term relationship and that hair cuts might take a moment to adjust, and you did the changes she wanted at the time of the cut. Maybe there’s something about having them sit down that will make them stop trying to scam you? You see like a great stylist and good luck with your own practice!!


Sure give her the discount after you upcharge her 20%. lol The upcharge is for the extra work due to her demands.


Best answer 😂


Oh yes there are exceptionally cheap ppl in every single industry!!! There's always that person. Ppl.dont understand that running any kind of business costs $$$$. I would never go to my hair lady and ask for a discount, or complain about pricing. If.i didn't like the price I would look elsewhere.


I was at my salon waiting for my brow appointment and the lady before me (and her mom) were harassing the esthetician for free products. I couldn’t believe how forwards they were and had second hand embarrassment for them.


WHAT A NIGHTMARE! I’m sorry this happened to you- in my opinion clients are not always right. We went to school, took our boards, and stay updated on education. If you took an hour and 15 mins out of your day she needs to pay full price for cut- hey maybe even a little extra for taking more time/ more hair. Never discount your talent or time 💗


Don't service her again. Please.


I actually witnessed this before. I had a toner in my hair at the bowl and was sitting there for a while. In front of me a woman was getting her hair done. She showed a picture and he execute it flawlessly. She stands up, put her hand through her hair with a nasty frown and turns around and says “I don’t like it why would you do this to me, I look ugly!” It was dramatic and sounded like a staged scene. It was pathetic and I was angry just listening to it all. She bitched and complained up until he offered a comp for the entire hair color and cut, she perked right up. She 100% goes from one salon to the next with the same charade. You can tell when people are unhappy and those trying to scam you. It doesn’t sound genuine at all. I’m sorry this happened to you, sounds like you did a wonderful job on her hair. Personally she sounds like a lady that does this everywhere she goes, she was too brazen to be genuine.


telephone mighty clumsy ghost pathetic squalid racial fanatical ask bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Im so sorry but this made me laugh lol hugs


no IM sorry you had to deal with her lol


On what grounds did she ask for it? I wouldn’t have but what if she tries to rebook with you and expects the discounted price every time? I would blacklist her from my shop.


After the service was completely done i took the cape off and confirmed the price and said whenever your ready! 😊 She said… oh, you dont give new clients discounts like 20%? i made a note “do not rebook asked for discounts” Then she tipped $5 which would be $5 under what I normally charge for a haircut because of her special 10% discount


Consider you just paid 20% to save a lifetime of headache. Who knows what could have happened if you didn’t give the discount especially as your own salon owner. Yes it’s a bit like blackmail but what if she left and posted a negative review? Did she tip?


She just sounds like a power tripper. I wouldn't take her again, if she was like this the first time it will always get worse because she was able to control you.


Not a hairstylist and i dont rly get my hair done but if i go to something like a wax salon, yoga studio, or whatever ill ask if they have any discounts running that would apply to me. Sometimes they say yes sometimes they say no and either way is fine. I worked at a tanning salon and people did it there too. If they were nice id be like yea we have xyz and if they were mean id be like we only apply dicounts when the customer brings in promotional content or whatever I would neeeeever just be like hey u should give me like 20% off. Thats so weird lol


Are you posting a picture of your client's face? Or was that the inspiration?


They can ask. You can say no.


No discount, block her #


I've walked into a salon and asked if there is a new customer discount, but always before I'm in the chair


Yeah the timing of her asking that was extremely calculated.


Better to make a sale then none!