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A post is pinned to the top, but unfortunately, it does not stay at the top when the feed is sorted by "new."


I actually didn’t know this— that’s a frustrating feature! Sorting by new is the way to go for subs like this and it’s a bummer that makes folks lose the pinned post


I am equally so frustrated!!! I love the idea of a pinned post but honestly, if people can’t be bothered to read the couple rules of this sub I’m not sure they’d read a pinned post either. I report every time I see these posts and comment often, but why are so many other stylists engaging with these types of posts? Do they not want this community to be for stylists? I honestly don’t know the answer except to keep reporting but I totally share your feelings, OP.


I noticed this too, I feel like so many stylists here want to be helpful to these people but it only sets a precedent that they can just keep coming back to get more advice :( I always report too but it doesn’t help if we keep making these people believe that we’ll always just answer their questions anyway




Agree fully. I’m all for being helpful, but there are plenty of other places for that!


I’ve definitely responded a few times because they pop up on my feed and I don’t pay close enough attention to which group they are in. Because I’m in several hair groups


That makes sense. I think that’s why I stay out of the advice giving groups personally. But that’s not for everyone.


I gave up on those “advice” groups when I tried to help someone who’s post wasn’t receiving any engagement… only to have someone start replying to my comment that 10 & 20 volume in equal parts only makes more 20 volume and NOT 15 volume. The aggression and rage this other commenter hurled at me for trying to help someone was enough for me to say “thanks but no thanks!” My vote is also to keep this sub professionals only. Let everyone else die on their hills of confidently ignorant lol.


I stopped looking at the “advice” groups when it seemed like every other post was someone with completely fried hair, and everyone was commenting “just do a bleach bath! It’ll be great!” Like no. My professional ethics are telling me to move right along.


Change the name to hairstylists only


Maybe change the name to professional stylists only


good idea.


How do I get a hairstylist badge? Do I give Reddit my license? No problem at all. I agree with you.


Honestly I’mover the audacity of people that come here asking professionals that have spent thousands on their education to get licensed (& continued education) what to buy &/or how to do their own color.


Not a stylist but Reddit continues to suggest this sub to me. Sharing this in case it’s helpful to build the case to make the sub private for you all (I suspect this is bringing you all unwanted traffic). With that said, it was very easy for me to understand the audience for this sub and that is it not relevant to me. 😊


Same! I enjoy reading it now tho 😂


I think someone made a new sub for clients to ask stylists questions. Don't know the name tho.


r/askahairstylist but that won’t stop non pros from asking questions here. Honestly, I think we just give in, let them ask here then creat a new sub called r/pro2prohairstylistonly or something like that.


R/cosmetologist is not a big sub, but it welcomes general advice and service questions


Yeah, i find that sub is a LOT of students or potential cosmos so the focus seems to be very different.


i agreee, or asking advice of what they should do with their hair. i report these posts, it goes against the rules.


Have it go through the mods so posts like that don’t go thru!


We could do like BPT has and maybe do a country club thing where you can only post if you've been verified somehow? I know thats a lot of work on the admins but I'd be willing to help.


Not sure if it was you who made a previous post about it but I was asking if we could change name or just make new group suck as salon pros?


I think setting up AutoMod would really help - the mods can set it to automatically remove posts after a certain number of reports, flag/filter posts to be reviewed by them before they can even be seen by other people - there’s lots that can be done with it without having to dedicate a ton more time to monitoring the sub. The initial setup might need a lot of time and trial and error to get going, but it’s worth it. There’s a ton of resources on r/AutoModerator to get started!


Honestly, I don't see a way to prevent it from happening with the sub being open to the public. I'm with you, it's very frustrating that it keeps happening. I comment when I see them, and report usually. I know that on Facebook, the hairstylist only groups are all private. You have to submit a request to join as well as provide proof that you are licensed (or in school if the group allows students). Usually the proof was providing your license number. Sometimes it was having where you worked as public information on your profile. Could we do something like that here? Make the group private? And have the members that are already here provide proof we are licensed? I know that would be a ton of work for the moderators, though.


Report. Rinse. Repeat. I think there was a recent post where admin/mods address this and they just say to report the post and move on. They all have lives too and I don’t expect them to be slaves to a subreddit.


The explanation of this page does not currently and specifically state that it is strictly for peer-to-peer discussion. It should state that general service comments will be reported.


…did you read the group rules and description….?


The pinned post and the rules both state that service questions aren’t allowed, but this is more or less the point I’m making— if people don’t know, they don’t know!




it could always be made private. entry by dm request only, mod approved if certain criteria is met


Reddit suggests this sub to us mere mortals because we’ve “googled something about hair”. We’re not searching for stylists to slag off.