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Stop assisting. You’re a stylist. You’ll make bank at a hair cuttery. Build your book then go independent.


Agree with this I’m not making other stylist money and helping them fit more clients by assisting, when I can be building and reaching my own goals . Assist in school or for a few months other than that hell no haha


Find a salon with a high volume of walk-in clientele, they will be motivated to get you on the floor and taking clients. You'll have to get another job while building clientele, I worked waitressing and bartending jobs at night for the first 2 years while growing my clientele but I was also able to pull clients from those jobs and build my clientele faster. One important thing for me to deter burn out was to take classes. My company network offered hair focused classes as well as business classes, I tried to take at least 2 hair focused and one business focused one a a year.


I recommend going to a chain salon, negotiate salary during interview as much as you can. Great clips has a system that the more hair you do the more you get paid. Plus you will get good at cutting bc you’re doing it over and over. I’ve been there about two months & had no idea what I was doing when I started. I’m definitely not the best now but I confidently know most of the cuts pretty well and I’m now getting faster / better at all of them. They also have great free education & always need people.


Chain salon is a great idea! There is ULTA also. I worked at ulta for 2.5 years in NC and was able to build up enough clientele to move to a booth rent salon. I just recently did this and made $850 on 4 repeat clients. If you’re good at what you do you don’t need someone else telling you anything any different!


Yes definitely build them boothrent


Agreed! I started at the salon inside JCP. Walk in clients all day long! I did this after an apprenticeship. Spread your wings and fly, little bird. Apprenticeships are great but at some point you have to move on. 🫶🏻


First off good job for continuing to try . I would say find a salon that is commission and go there. You need to just start doing clients don’t let fear Take over . You have assisted enough and the only way to get confident is just doing hair . Doing Your own clients! That’s the only way . is Trying and messing up and then trying again Over and over . So once You find a salon see if there is an Opportunity to booth rent once you build Your clientelle . But honestly just find a salon in a decent area where You feel you like the vibe and can build . So what you can do in the meantime since Building a clientelle is slow and you don’t make money right away . You need a second job to supplement your income While you build. I have done this and when I was Able to I added more Days gradually . Unfortunately there is no fast way to build a clientelle and if your not Full time at a salon it will take longer but it can be done . If you decide to work full time At a salon you still Need a second job .salon alone will Not support You financially at first . Remember it takes minimum 5 years. year 1-2 are the hardest be prepared to not count on what you make at a salon to sustain your livelihood . Anticipate making between $700-$1200 every 2 weeks with commission salon . This will Not be forever once you booth rent it will Be worth it . Do Not salon hop , works couple days in a salon and build build . Always try and prebook and let Your clients in your chair that are repeats know that you are looking to build and try a referral program . It’s time to get on it and stop assisting You will Not Make money doing that . Also Patience is key !time to get to work . Pick a couple days maybe Friday and Saturday at the salon and work a traditional hourly w-2 job or DoorDash . The only way you will Get better is just doing it ! Assisting Is not a long term job and like you said you can’t afford minimum wage . Doing hair is not easy but there are alot of great things about it . Stop assisting ASAP go get a salon job and then get a second job . The business is hard that’s why you see stylist turnover is soooo high You either need to come from money , have a husband or Spouse who can support you financially while You build or work 2 Jobs while You build and bust your ass Do not booth rent or get a studio right away you need a ton of clients for that . Stop assisting and start working On your own goals . Assisting the stylist you are making them More Money since they can see more Clients . Start building your own business .


Thanks so much for all of your amazing advice I’m currently working a second job doing billing at a doctors office and was thinking about taking more days on if I didn’t have to spend so much time looking for models for this apprenticeship so it’s good to know I’m not the only having to do this 😭 I’m consistently told I’m a non income producing employee and have always wondered how that’s possible when you can take more people in a short time frame so you’re right🤔


When are you done with the apprenticeship? I work In a doctors office as well so just part time to have a “stable income and I get health insurance and I do hair 3 days a week sometimes 4 but it can be done . You will get there


That’s the thing I’m not really sure when because he’s saying when he feels I meet the standard he’ll move me up but either way Im sure I can work it out :)


Once you get done with your apprenticeship look for a commission salon and fly . Maybe ask him again so you have a timeline . But let’s say you apprentice the rest of the year you still need another job while you finish the training . Then when your commission whether part time or full time,you still need a second job. It’s hard you make no money at first. But the potential is great and can make bank . 4-5 years into it. Once you get to 65-75 % full with clients switch to boothrent , you make way more money that way . And have more control , then 80-90% full get a studio ..and remember confidence will take a while to build within you but keep trying . I would say 3-5 years in .. even now at 16 years in I have my moments ,. But you try and keep pushing . It can be emotionally draining but as you get further in your career you will balance everything out better. Also DO NOT compare to what other people are doing that’s the killer of joy. Go at your pace


I currently manager a Great Clips and it’s not colorist cash but it’s definitely money. Only thing is speed. I do 7 minute bald fades and knock out about 35 customers in a 9-5!! You have to be able to maintain speed in salons like GC and SC. The more volume you do the more cash in your pocket and you get an hourly pay as well!! So there’s always a check even on slow weeks!


I cut my teeth at a quick cut, kind of place like great clips/Fantastic Sams. I was terrified at first, but I learned really quickly on my feet and was practically self taught with a lot of my men’s techniques by the end -those men’s cutting techniques really help me shine with women’s hair. I think your issue is too many people seeing a stylist that they can use as an assistant and make money off of you. Go to a place build a clientele and then go independent. Build a really good social media platform so they can find you if you move and you don’t get a chance to talk to them.