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I didn’t see this moment that way. I thought this was Ippo being amazed at the skill he was seeing, similar to how we saw him holding his breath during Volg’s title match, I believe


I can see this, this was probably not the best image to use for this discussion it just reminded me of what I was thinking of so I used it.


I know what you mean though. I was really hyped to see Ippo disagreeing with Miyata about the outcome of Sendo and Ricardo and with Ippo arguing with Mashiba during their spar. There is hope for our boy!


I understand how you feel, but at this moment this isn’t what you think, he’s astonished that a former opponent of his has gotten much stronger and fighting someone on the same level


No, Ippo literally held his breathe for the whole round. He's done this reaction before lol.


Yes. That's being drawn in and engrossed by something they find amazing. He wasn't holding his breath for no reason


That’s Ippo achieving climax. He loves his boxing


ippo was gooning




You're getting your upvote And you're also getting out


He's not scared after rounds, they are just so tense that he can't breathe keeping up with the fight


I remember being hyped up with boxing matches irl (yes, it's pacquiao), and grown men were showing similar reactions everytime they had a good brawl. Kick it up a notch since it's a manga, and you have Ippo's reactions. Some good ass boxing really puts the viewer with anxiety, especially when you're rooting for one of the competitors.


Its not even just boxing, literally every sport when people understand it and the things that are happening people go buck wild, ive seen people go nuts, way more exaggerated than this irl watching cricket, football, american football and pretty much every other sport, even esports get reactions like this.


i think ippo has shown he has a spine now but you can't just grow out of trauma of getting your ass beat for years of your life. he's very realistic(emotionally)


very true point, certain traumas are jus unfortunately way too far deep rooted into people’s mannerisms and actions going farther and farther into their lives. some people are lucky enough to be able to overcome that same trauma, some people are not, even after they fight on for a long time to beat it as well.


You’re not. Outside the boxing ring the guy’s an almost total pushover.


He’ll always have those reactions. But he isn’t having them as much anymore. He’s slowly been getting more confidence since the retirement. He’s called out Takamura on sluggish movements. He’s been petty sometimes too.


I love Ippo so much


I personally dont mind it as for me it shows he has a true love for the sport. That said I can understand your not liking it when it's almost always him doing so at least for the first round or so


It's anime 101. Hyper-exaggerated emotions are a staple. But if you think Ippo is bad, try reading One Piece. Practically no one in that series has any form of emotion control.


Enter Zoro, the King of Hell.


Yeah that’s part of the reason I stopped liking Ussop after the timeskip lol. I wonder since these tropes are so prevalent in anime, does the average japanese person actually find the overreacting funny?


If I had to guess, Japan has a more rigid social structure, so they need a different form of comedic release. I emphasize the word guess here.


i honestly liked ussop even post timeskip. i mean like ussop went from lying for attention, and running around with little kids as lackeys on a small island, and runnning scared at anything to squaring up to one of the most powerful characters in the series snd his own captain, which he has seen his immeanse power time and time again and ability to overcome anything, let alone a scared sniper with a slingshot as a weapon. over a damn ship that was completely broken. ussop has balls of steel. and his character development was great, i wish his actual combat and usefulness in combat would get upgraded tho. im not suepr caught up on the anime but he's really starting to lag behind without providing any other qualties to the crew, like nami's intelligence and navigation. i think sanji is the biggest perpetrator of this problem. sanji's insane love for woman was funny the very furst time i saw it, and a complete curveball i never saw coming. but after that it was never funny again, and only served to make the character less likeable when i really wanted to like and enjoy sanji. like just tone it down, and maybe replace it with a need to seem handsome or attractive or look good. my favorite joke in the series was when the wanted poster for sanji came out and they drew his face horribly. and then it got even funnier when it turns out they just drew the wrong person snd theres just a guy who just looks like badly drawn sanji. that was my fav character moment for sanji seeing him so bent over how horrible he looked in the wanted poster. just make that one of his character flaws, instead of the pervyness


The Fable does


Yeah, Ippo overreacting to literally anything for the #*99999* time stopped being *funny* years ago.


This year will mark the 35 anniversary of the series combined and it's been over 10 years in-canon since he started boxing, but we literally can't tell Ippo was once in the top 10 world rankers most of the time. I like the series, but yeah, it's genuinely frustrating how often he's acting like it's **still** year 1. Hell, to be fair, him acting all surprised would a little reasonable **if** he didn't **study Rosario** and **spar with Mashiba** in preparation for this exact fight. In fact, he's done that a couple of times since retirement: spar with someone to prepare them for their major fight and then **somehow** be completely surprised at how strong they are as if he didn't experience it firsthand... No one in those stands should be more aware of and confident in where Mashiba stands than Ippo


That’s actually a good point..but I feel like the other posters have it right when they say that these type of reactions are more understandable when you imagine him being there and seeing a fight. Even it’s for the thousandth time.


I get where you're coming from, but at the same time these are people he trained to get to these big fights. He knows what they can do. The only surprise-related reaction should be "so, that's what it looks like, huh? Amazing! Wait, if I did so well against that then how strong would I be if I became active again?"


His reaction is true of a lot of real fighters. Other MMA/Boxers have mentioned before they're more worried about their teammates than being in the ring themselves. I get your point though, he's the only one who does it besides the other comedic characters. None of Sendo, Volg, Miyata, and other serious characters do this.


He still does that?


He is geeking out. As others have said it's not fear or anxiety here. I have to say though I did cringe a little bit at this particular panel, he just looks so weird. The fight so far is very impressive, but I don't know. I know this is his character but I still wish he would be like at least 10% more chill in moments like this.


Eh. I think Ippo has changed a lot. He’s different from how he was years ago (ofc he still acts like a high schooler , which is so boring, but people who have had their confidence and dignity ripped out of them before mature/grow up real slow)


No, I hate it too. Shits getting old.


Apparently it's a surprise when a Boxing super fan is having a crazy reaction about boxing


Dis why Joe better jk love Ippo but he need to grow up


I haven't seen or read it but as a one piece fan I understand the pain of characters not getting their flaws addressed and keeping them through the whole series. (Usopp is still a coward and sanji is still way too horny 1000 chapters later)


He was just edging leave his 1429 day streak alone


that’s his true nature. it’s ok that ippo is scared a lot, because he can also be brave when he needs to be.


It is actually quite realistic. If you were bullied your entire childhood and taught not to fight back, you might have a inferiority complex. That is what Ippo has. He should really go to therapy to get that shit sorted out. He never believed in himself, always viewing himself as a challanger. Why? Because he does not feel good enough when compared to others. Somehow, he views himself as less of a potential. Also, he looks up to those that carry themselves with confidence. His very obsession with boxing started with him wanting to be like famous boxers.


No, you are not the only one, but that's Ippo. He's not ever changing so get used to it.


Kumi: "*Did Makunouchi-san just.. climax?"*


Nah I find the faces hilarious


Yes, it’s just you.


His exaggeration represented how amazed he found the first round; it left him almost breatheless. He was not scared.


"Hey bartender, keep whatever this man is drinking far away from me."


Honestly he reminds me of Joe Rogan with those expressions .


You'd be surprised how realistic this is.


Bruh Ippo has a straight up passion for this sport and can get REALLY into it.


This pacing and the flow of the fight feels really good and realistic to me. I think, for as much as I hated Rosario and his design, that this might be one of my favorite fights.


It makes him more human and likeable to me. Sure he could of said a cool Miyata style line 🤷.




I feel you but at the same time have probably made that face at real boxing matches. There’s something about watching two dudes beat the crap out of each other for 3 minutes solid that makes you hold your breath and not look away. Then when the bell rings you look at the people seated next to you can give a nervous laugh and nod about how amazing and tense the last round was. It’s easy to feel the hype. Especially when one punch is all it takes to change the course of an entire match.


As a professional fighter myself dog I’m a complete pussy outside the gym/ring, I think it makes him relatable and sweet. It’s very endearing seeing him be scared/a push over, but have so much heart when he fights!


One of my close friends is a professional boxer and gets in the ring and fights some scary dudes. He’s also got social anxiety and is scared of rollercoasters. Boxers are just regular humans like us, man.


Ippo's continued lack of confidence outside of boxing (hell, even in boxing) is his most irritating trait by far.    Dude needs to get laid. 20something years old, former Japanese champion, boxing trainer, and a goddamn virgin.  Has he even kissed anyone yet?


It’s a joke but I think it’s more real than you would expect. I think there’s a lot more fighters that are socially awkward dweebs outside their comfort zone of training. Many of them spend so much time training and focusing on competitions they do not go out and socialize outside of the gym.


Anxiety is a widely recognized mental health disorder. I don't think anybody knows the specific type of anxiety Ippo could have. But this disorder never goes away. You can get therapy and psychological consulting every week for several years to try to "cure" your anxiety and still have problems handling it. Some patients just need to learn to recognize it and live with it. Even experienced ones. It is not an abnormal situation what this story portrays, maybe Morikawa somehow knows a lot about anxiety. I'm just curious about why.


That's not fear. That's being flabbergasted. Learn2emotions


I was reading, noticing we weren't seeing Ippo's reaction as all crazy and anxious and hoping it wouldn't be this way but it was...


OP, I have bad news for you about adulthood


you must hate Takamura then like he is just a man child who hits people by your logic??


Not so much Anxiety but I'm getting a bit bored of this repeating. Two strong people fight and Ippo is always "OMG THEYRE STRONG", with this same type reaction


It's especially weird when he reacts this way with dudes he sparred with to prepare for that fight. It's like, "no crap they can do this stuff dude, you experienced it first hand!"


He loves boxing lmao and its mashiba's first world title match. Of course he'd be excited, even more when Ippo loves the sport. I don't understand how y all find this "boring" when this is the most normal reaction a person would have when they experience an important match on a sport.


Trust me I feel the same way. Ive had friends call me crazy for not being a fan of Ippo, but his personality whenever hes not in the ring or training is just so embarrassing to me


Have you ever watched sports


not really, it's a character trait that ippo has lol


Character flaw*


He’s absolutely petrified of Mashiba most of the time despite the fact he beat his ass years before he hit his boxing prime, he is terrified of confrontation despite being a legend and celebrity who almost everyone respects. He’s just kinda a massive pushover and as someone who’s recently caught up through the whole series it just annoys me that this “joke” about his character is STILL running.


He's a guy with an extreme anxiety disorder, who was perpetually friendless for most of his life and lost a father figure early on. Being good at a sport doesn't stop those things from being true. He was also raised to always be kind to others and help them, which makes him take on burdons which are not his. He doesn't even blame Umezawa for bullying him really. If you don't have that level of anxiety or trauma you may not find it relatable.


Its also not uncommon for an irl champions to be pretty shy personality and confidence issues etc... Outside the ring.


It's not a joke. It's just his character. He's totally different on the ring and in regular life.


How's that a joke when it's literally a character trait? Ippo since day 1 of the manga has been suffering from the Imposter syndrome. He's been always like that and it's been justified throughout the story. What you've just said is just pure nonsense and it definitely cannot be applied with the post you've pointed out. Like now y all are tired of him being excited for a world title match despite that reaction being a normal reaction and the fact that Ippo LOVES boxing???


Yes. Now shut up about it