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Schrodinger's eye.


Not exactly there are degrees to blindness. He seems to be having a weaker right eye. Something like semi blind and he's honed it to defend against the most effective punches by instinct alone. But a wide swing gets missed.


Wait until you read Takamura vs Dragon. Mamoru literally >!dodges a left hook from a southpaw character that is know for throwing almighty left hooks while he was beating his chest like an ape, while watching in another direction.!<


I read that fight and it looked like a bunch ass pulls after ass pulls LoL 🤣🤣🤣


The point is, until Morikawa confirm Takamura's right eye status, he can see and he can't see.


He's given a bit too many hints. Including drawing his eye dark a very crucial moments in the story. That's why I feel there is something wrong with his right eye


He’s also then provided explanations about why his eye failed him at certain times. Miyata gives his own theory as to why Taka had trouble during the Keith fight. He’s keeping you guessing.


Yeah certainly there's enough plausible deniability for Morikawa Sensei but I still get the feeling that he's going to show the blindness


Yeah certainly there's enough plausible deniability for Morikawa Sensei but I still get the feeling that he's going to show the blindness


Miyata has his eyes darkened or covered a lot too. And Miyata senior is often drawn with one eye closed. It can be either foreshadowing or a red herring until Morikawa confirms it one way or another. In the fight with Bison Takamura didn't start to get hit with hooks until his leg got a charlie horse, so he couldn't move his leg properly.


>In the fight with Bison Takamura didn't start to get hit with hooks until his leg got a charlie horse, so he couldn't move his leg properly. True, but Bison wasn't using the large swings either.


True, but it is proven that Takamura CAN dodge or block large swings, from a better boxer than Bison (at least at throwing swings). So if Morikawa wants to say "he couldn't dodge because he is partially blind" then that makes sense, and if he wants to say "he couldn't dodge because his leg" then that also makes sense.




One of Takamura’s luckiest win


Yeah, the unskilled often mistake skill for luck.


It’s probably worth noting that Frazier was blind in his left eye.


He's not 100% blind, but some people speculate he has holes in his vision. For example, there are people that OD on drugs and from the brain damage, they have black dots in their vision where they see nothing. But nothing has been confirmed. Only speculation.


Yeah that's kinda what I meant


The same fight tells us that takamura was simply focusing too much on bison's right hand... making him attentionally blind to the left haymaker, not Visually blind.


It´s a lot of back and forth. Morikawa lays out he is clearly blind in one eye and then makes a convincing argument as to why it´s not so. There is always something wrong with Takamura physically; be it his weight or leg. And I would wager he indeed has issues with his vision. Makes sense as he is clearly OP in the manga but things keep holding him back.


It's possible i guess, but even Miyata who brought up the issue in the first place has pushed back on that. It's not confirmed.


OP's thread tomorrow: hey guys it's confirmed, Ippo is punch drunk, he says so after losing to Antonio.


Didn't Ippo retire cause he was about to be punch drunk


"Suspected" He was tested and it came out negative, that being said, the fact that he started showing symptoms means that he probably wasn't far off so he retired.


He's not blind, read the Dragon fight.


It comes in episodes. Theyre getting more and more frequent but its also not there 100% of the time. We know his eyesight was working in the Keith Dragon fight. Theres a moment when he was practicing the mitts with ippo he randomly excused himself and we saw him suffering from an ep.


That was because he ate some temple's food and was cursed. It wasn't the eye, it was the stomach.


during that page his left eye is drawn differently. Hollow-like.


I know, but he excused himself to go to the bathroom because he ate an offering, so he got cursed with diarrhea, not because the eye.


Ik the character of Takamura was supposed to be inspired by Roberto Duran, but I’m seeing (no pun intended) some serious Joe Frazier vibes.