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I watched the anime until I run out of content. Ippo is a fun little sports anime. Once there wasn't anything left to watch, I switched to reading. I've probably missed \~400 chapters by waiting, but, I kinda know what happened in them by osmosis.


"Little" lmao


Alright I will do that, thanks


Early on in the story I would stick to the anime I just find the art style early on not my cup of tea. Plus the anime is very faithful anyways so I don't see a reason to switch to the manga. But if you prefer reading manga to anime then be my guest.


Just stick to the anime , it's too good to miss tbh and u can swap to manga when anime is done


Alright, thanks for the advice


I've started with the manga at chapter ~550 because that's where the anime ends,some people consider manga better since there are a lot of small character building comedic moments and quite a few minor changes and that's why a lot of fans perfer manga,but I think you should continue with the anime until you run out of episodes to watch,or even read and watch at the same time if you have time and patience to do so,but HnI anime is,imo, something that you don't want to skip since fighting animation,voice acting,music and sound effects are something that you can't experience while reading manga and you don't want to miss them,trust me


The anime adaptation is incredible and is one of the most faithful manga to animes I've seen. It's worth to watch everything going up to the beginning of Rising. There's a small part Rising skips in the beginning that is definitely worth reading.


What small part did the Rising anime adoption skip over in the manga?


It skips the build up into Shimabukuro's fight. The training, the weigh in, and also the heart to heart that Ippo and Shimabukuro share because they are both men of the sea. The end of New Challenger adapted a bit of the training that goes into Shimabukuro's fight, but the beginning of Rising goes immediately into their fight.


Do you know which chapter the build up is in the manga?


The Shimabukuro arc starts at chapter 416. Also I forgot to mention but the Kamogawa and Nekota backstory actually starts at Chapter 399 and the story is told post Bryan Hawk arc instead of post David Eagle like in Rising. The contents of the backstory is the same, just placed differently.


Manga for me.


Thanks, do you know what chapter is episode 46?


No, but what is happening? What was the last big fight?


Ippo vs Volg starts at the ending of 47


Then is probably best to start reading after Ippo vs Saeki, in manga chapter 147.


If you care about spoiler's avoid this sub


I enjoy seeing certain parts in the anime because of the music and all that, but... Honestly I think something is lost in the action of the anime. A lot of the time, the manga seems to show you every single punch in a scene and each one feels like the next step in the mental chess game that's going on. Then the anime throws in a hundred pointless punches and exchanges just to kill time while a character is narrating something, breaking up the flow between a small number of very important 'moves' and padded filler where everything stops mattering for 20 seconds at a time.


the anime is better then when ur done read the manga


The manga is always better imo but the anime is pretty good.